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my daughter's life was already too múch wasted o keep mè lóng a préfoner. ,However,“ con. inued he, though you refufe to fubmit to he nephew, I hope you have no objections lay your cafe before the uncle, whó hás he firft character in the kingdom for every ing that is juft and good I would advìfe où to fend him à letter by the pòft, íntimatg all his nephew's ill ufage, and my life rit, that in three days you fháll have án nfwer." I thánk'd him for the hint, and ftantly fét about complying; bút I wanted aper, and unluckily all our money had been id out that morning in provílions; however è fupplied mè.

For the three enfùing days 'I was in à state f anxiety, to know what reception mỳ létter ight meet with; bút in the inean tìme was requently folicited by my wife to fubmit to ay conditions ráther than remain hère, ánd very hour received repeated accounts of the ecline of my daughter's health. The third ay and the fourth arrived, but I received no niwer to my loster: the complaints óf à ftràner against à favourite nephew, were no way hely to fucceed; fò that thefe hopes foon vánhed like all my former. My mind, howéer, ftill fupported itfélf, though confinement ad bád air began to make à vifible alteration I my health, and my arm that hád fúffered the fire, grew wórfe. My children, howver fát by me, and while I was stretched on y ftraw, read to me by túrns, ór líftened nd wept át my inftructions. But my daugher's health declined fáfter thán mìne; every effage from her contributed to encrease my pprehenfions and pain. The fifth morning

áfter I had written the letter which was fent to Sir William Thornhill, 'I was alarmed with án account that fhe was fpeechlefs. Now it was, that confinement was truly painful to mè; my foul was búrfting fróm íts prílon to be near the pillow of my child, to comfort, to streng then hér, to receive hér láft wifhes, and teach hér foul the way to heaven. Another accÓL

came. She was expiring, ánd yét 'I wa debarred the small comfort of weeping by her My fellow prifoner, fóme time after, cam with the láft account. He både mè be patient. She was dead! The next morning he retur ned, and found me with my two little ones, nów my only compánions, who were ùfing all their innocent efforts to comfort me. Ther entreated to read to mè, ánd både me not to crỳ, fór I was now too old to weep. is not my fifter án àngel, nów, Papá," cried the éldeft,,,ánd why then are you forry for her? I wish I were án àngel out of this fright ful place, if my Papá were with me." "Yes," ádded my youngest dárling, „Heaven, where my fifter is, is a finer place than this, and there are none bút good people there, and thé people hère áre véry bád."


Mr. Jenkinfon interruptet their harmless prattle, by obferving thát nów my daughter was no more, 'I fhould fèrioufly think of the rést of mỳ fámily, and attempt to save my own life, which was every day declining, fór want of necessaries and wholesome àir. He ádded, thad it was now incumbent ón mè tó fácrifice ány pride or reféntment of my own, to the welfare of thofe who depended on me for fupport; ánd that I was nów, both by reason and justice, obliged to try to reconcile my landlord.

„Heaven be praifed," replied I,,,there is no pride left me now, 'I fhould deteft my own heart if I faw either pride or reféntment. úrking there. 'On the contrary, ás mỳ oppréffor has been ónce my parífhioner, I hope one day to prefént hím úp án unpolluted foul At the eternal tribùnal. No, Sír, I have no reféntment now, and thòngh he has taken from me what I held dearer than all his tréa fures, though he has wrúng my heart, for 'I ám fick almost to fainting, very lick, my fellow prifoner, yet thát fhall never infpire me with vengeance. I am now willing to approve his marriage, and if this fubmiffion cán do hím ány pleafure, lét hím know, thát if I have done hím ány ínjury, I am forry for it." M'r. Jenkinson took pen and ink, and wrote down my fubmiffion nearly as I have expréft ít, to which I figned my name. My fón was employed to carry the letter to Mr. Thornhill, who was then át hís fèat ín the country. He went, and in about fix hours returned with à vérbal ánfwer. He hád fome difficulty, hè fáid, to get à fight of his landlord, ás the fervants were infolent and fufpicious; bút hè accidentally faw hím ás hè was going out upón business, preparing for hís márriage, which was to be in three days. Hè contínued to infórm ús, that he ftépt úp in the humbleft mánner, and delivered the letter, which, when Mr. Thornhill hád réad, hè fáid that all fubmiffion was nów too late ánd unnéceffary; thát hè hád heard of our application to his uncle, hích mét with the contémpt ít deférved; ánd ás fór the réft, that áll fùture applications fhould be directed to his atórney, not to him. Hè obférved, howe

ver, that as he hád à véry goud opinion f the difcretion of the two young ladies, they might have been the most agreeable intercéffors.

„Well, Sír," fáid I to my fellow prifoner, ,,you now difcóver the temper of the man the oppreffes mè. Hè cán át ónce bè facètions and cruel; bút lét hím ùfe mè ás hè will, 'I fháll foon hè free, in fpite of all his bolts to refträ me. I am nów drawing towards an abòde the looks brighter ás I approach it: this expect tion cheers my afflictions, and though I leav án hélplefs family of orphans behind me, ye they will not be utterly forfaken; fóme friend perhaps, will be found to affift them for the fake of their poor father, and fóme mày char itably reliève them for the fake of their hea venly Father."

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Júft ás I fpòke, my wife, whom I had nót feen that day before, appeared with looks of terror, and making efforts, but unable to fpeak. Why, my love," cried I, wh will you thús encréafe my afflictions by your own, what though nò fubmiffions cán túrn our fevère máfter, though he has doomed mè tỷ die in this place óf wretchednefs, and though we have loft à dárling child, yet still you will find comfort in your other children when I fhall be no more." We have indeed lóft," returned fhè, „,à dárling child. My Sophia, my deareft, is góne, fnátched fróm ús, cár ried off by rúffians!"

,,Hów, Mádam," cried my fellow prífoner, ,,Mifs Sophia cárried óff by villains, fùre ít cánnot be ?"

She could only ánfwer with a fixed look ánd à flood of tears. Bút óne of the prífoners, wives, who was préfent, and came in with her,

zave ús à more diftinct account: fhè informed is thát ás my wife, my daughter, and herfélf, vére taking à walk together on the great road little way out of the village, à pòst - chaise nd pair u) drove up to them and inftantly stópt. Jpón which a well dreft mán, bút not M'r. Thornhill, ftepping out, cláfped my daughter ound the waift, and forcing hér ín, bìd the oftilion drive ón, fo that they were out of ight in à moment.

,,Now," cried I,,,the fúm óf my míferies s made up, nor is it in the power of any hing on earth to give me another ping. What! ót one left! not to leave me one! the mónfer! the child that was next my heart! fhè ád the beauty of an angel, and almoft the vildom óf án àngel. But fupport that woman, ór lét hér fall. Not to leave me one!"

Alás my hú band,“ Cáid my wife, ,you feèm o want comfort even more than I. 'Our liftréffes are great; but I could bear this and nore, if I saw you bút easy. They may take way my children and all the world, if they dave me but you."

My Son, who was préfent, endeavoured móderate our grief; hè både ús take cómort, fór he hoped that we might ftill háve eafon to be thankful. ,,My child," cried ,,,look round the world, and fee if there eány happiness left mè nów. 'is not every ày of comfort fhút out; while all our bright rofpects only lie beyond the grave!" - My ear father," returned hè, I hope there is ill fómething that will give you an interval f fatisfaction; fór I have à létter from my

a) a poft-chaife and pair, eine;Poftchaife mit zwei Pferden.

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