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,,What! my friends," crìed I, ,,ánd ís this the way you love me! 'Is this the manner you obey the inftructions I have given you from the pulpit! Thús to fly in the face of júftice, and bring down rùin ón yourfélves and mẻ! Which is your ringleader? Shew me thé mán thát hás thús feduced you. 'As fùre ás hè líves hè fháll feel my reféntment. Alás! my dear deluded flock, return back to the duty you owe to God, to your country, and to me. Thall yet perhaps one day fee you in greater felicity here, and contribute to make your lives more happy. Bút lét ít át least be my comfort when I pen my fold f) for immortality thát nót óne hère shall be wanting.


They now feèmed all repentance, and mélting into tears, came one after the other to bid me farewell. 'I fhook each tenderly by the hand, and leaving them my bleffing, proceeded forward without meeting ány farther interruption. Some hours before night we reèached the town, or rather village; fór ít confifted bút óf à few mean houses, háving loft áll íts former ópulence, and retaining nò márks óf íts ancient fuperiority bút the gaol.

Upón entering, wè pút úp át án ínn, whére wè hád súch refreshments ás could mòft réadily' bé procured, and I fúpped with my family with my ùfual chèarfulness. 'After seeing them properly accommodated for thát nìght, I next attended the fhériff's g) ófficers to the prífon,

f) to pen a fold, eine Heerde Schaafe in die Hürden einfchliessen.

g) Sheriff. In ganz England ernennt der König jährlich, in jeder Graffchaft, Westmoreland und Middlesex ausgenommen, eine vornehme Gerichtsperson, welche den

which had formerly been built for the purpo fes óf war, and confifted of one large apárt ment, ftrongly grated, and paved with ftone, common to both felons and débtors át cértain. hours in the four and twenty. Befides this évery prífoner hád à féparate cell, where he was locked in for the night.

I expected upón y entrance to find nothing but lamentations, and various founds of mífery; bút it was very different. The pr foners feemed all employed ín óne cómmo defign, thát óf forgetting thought in merriment ór clámour. I was h) apprized of the ufual perquifite required upón thèle occafions, and immediately complied with the demand, though the little money I hád was very near being all exhaufted. This was immédiately fént away fór liquor, and the whole prífon was foon filled with riot, laughter, and prophaneness. ,,Hów," cried I to myself, fháll men very wicked bè chèarful, ánd fháll I be me


Namen High Sheriff führt. Das Anfehen und die Ge walt cines folchen Mannes find grofs. Vermöge feines Antes mufs er dahin fehen, dass alle Königliche Be fehle und die, welche von dem Gericht der Königlichen Bank kommen, in der Graffchaft, die unter feiner Gerichtsbarkeit fteht, gehörig ausgerichtet werden. Er muss die Furys bei den gerichtlichen Verhören zusam menfordern, und alle zuerkannte, fowohl Leibes- als Lebensftrafen vollziehen lassen. Er hält auch ein eignes Gericht, darin er entweder felbft, oder fein Unterfheriff, Klagen anhoret und darüber entfcheidet. Einige Städte, dahin London vorzüglich gehoret, ernennen ihre eige nen Sheriffs. (S. Wendeborn's Zustand u. fw. von Grossbritannien, zweiter Theil, S.10.) h) Es ift in England Sitte, den Gefangenen beim Eintritt ins Gefängniss etwas zahlen zu laffen, wovon fich die übrigen Gefangenen gütlich thun.

ancholy! I feel only the fame confinement with them, and I think I have more reason to be happy."

With fuch reflections I laboured to become hearful; bút chèarfulnefs was never yét produced by effort, which is itfélf painful.


I was fitting therefore ín à corner of the gaol, in à pénfive pòfture, one of my fellow príloners came úp, and fitting by mè, entered into converfàtion. 'It was my cónftant rule in life néver to avoid the converfation óf ány mán who feemed to defire it: fór íf good, I might prófit by his inftrúction; if bád, he might be affifted by mine. I found this to be a knowing mán, óf ftrống unétered fénfe; bút a thể rough knowledge of the world, ás ít ís called, ór, more properly fpeaking, óf human nature ón the wrong fide. Hè áfked me if I had taken care to provide myfélf with à béd, which wás à circumftance I had never once atténded to.

That's unfortunate," cried he,,,ás you áre allowed here nothing bút ftraw; and your apártment is very large and còld. However you feem to be fomething of à gentleman, ánd ás I have been óne myfélf in my time, párt of my bed- cloaths are heartily át your férvice."

I thanked hím, profeffing inỳ furprize át finding fúch humánity in à gàol ín misfortunes; ádding, tó lét hím feè that 'I wás à fchólar. .Thát the fage ancient feemed to underftánd the value of cómpany ín affliction, whén hè Láid, Ton kofmon aire, ei dos ton etairon i); ánd in fáct," contínued 'I,,,what is the world if it affords only folitude?"

1) τον κόσμον αιρε ει δος τον έταιρον, nimm mir die Welt, wenn du mir den Freund laffeft.

,,You talk of the world, Sír," returned m féllow prifoner, „the world is in its dotage, and yét the cofmogony or creation of the world has puzzled the philofophers of every àge. What è médley of opinions have they not broached upo the creation of the world. Sanconiàthon, Manetha, Berofus, and Océllus Lucanus have all attempted it in vain. The latter has these words, Anarchon ara kai atelulaton to pan, which implies k).“ ,I áfk párdon, Sír," crìed 'I,,,fór interrupting fò múch learning; bút I think I have heard all this before. Háve I nót hád the pleafure óf once fecing you át Welbridge fair, and is nót your naine Ephraim Jenkinfon?" At this demand he only fighed. I fuppife you mili recollect," refùmed 'I, „óne Doctor Prímrole, from whom you bought à hórfe."

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Hè nów át ónce recóllécted me; for the gloominefs of the place and the approaching night had prevénted his diftinguifhing my features before. ,,Yes, Sir," returned Mr. Jénkinfor,,,I remember you perfectly well; I bought an horfe, but forgot to pay, for him. fór Your neighbour Flámborough is the only pro fecùtor I ám ány wày afraid of at the next affices 1): fór hè intends to fwear m) pófitively.

k) Siehe oben Seite 96.

1) Affizes nennt man diejenigen Königlichen Landgerichte, welche auf dem platten Lande von Englaud jährlich zweimal, in der Fastenzeit und im Sommer (daher lent and fummer affizes), von den zwölf Königlichen Richtern in den Diftrikten, welche fie unter fich ver theilt haben, gehalten werden. In London and Middlefex finden diefe Criminalgerichte alle fechs Wochen Statt.

m) Die Klage wird nämlich nicht eher als gültig angenom men, bevor der Kläger diefelbe nicht befchworen hat.

against me ás à coìner "). I am heartily fórry, Sir, I ever deceived you, or indeed ány mán for you fee," contínued he, fhowing his fhackles, what my tricks háve brought me to.“

Well, Sír," replied I, your kindness ín offering me affiftance, when you could expect nò return, shall be repaid with my endeavours tó fóften ór totally fupprefs M'r. Flámborough's évidence, and I will lend mỳ fón tó hím fór that púrpose the first opportunity; nór do I ín the leaft doubt bút he will comply with my requéft, ánd ás to my own évidence, you need be under nò unèafinefs about that."

,,Well, Sír," crìed hè, ,,áll the return 'I cán make fháll be yours. You shall have more thán hálf my bed clòaths to nìght, and 'I'll take care to ftánd your friend in the prífon; where I think I háve fóme ínfluence."

'I thanked hím, ánd could not avoid being furprised át thé préfent youthful change in his áfpect; fór át thể tìme I hád feen hím befòre he appeared at least fixty.,,Sír," answered hè, you áre little acquainted with the world; 'I hád át thát tìme fálfe hair; ánd have learnt the art of counterfeiting every age from féventeen to féventy. 'Ah, Sír, hád 'I bút beftòwed hálf the pains ín leárning à trade, that I háve ín leárning to bè à fcoundrel, I might háve beến à rích mán át thís dày. Bút rògue ás 'I

n) Nirgends, verfichert Wendeborn, giebt es mehr falfche Münzer, als in England. Es vergeht faft keine fechswöchentliche Exekution zu Tyburn, dabei nicht falfche Münzer fich unter den hinzurichtenden Miffethätern befinden follten. Derfelbe Schriftsteller meint, dafs der gröfste Theil der in England gangbaren Silberand Kupfermünze nachgemacht fey.

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