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,,In à lúmp!" cried the other, I hope w mày gét ít ány way, and that I am refólve we will this very night, ór óut fhè trámps bág ánd baggage m)." - ,,Confider, my dear cried the hulband, ,,fhè ís à gentlewoman") ánd deférves mòre refpéct." ,,As for th mátter óf thát," returned the hoftes, ,,gent ór fímple, out fhè fháll pack with à fálfarara Gentry may be good things where they take but for my párt I never faw much good them at the fign of the Harrow P)." — Th faying, fhè rán úp à narrow flight of stain that went from the kitchen to a room ove head, and I foon perceived by the loudness her voice, and the bitterness óf hér reproaches thát no money was to, bè hád fróm hér lódger 'I could hear hér remónstrances véry diftinctly 'Out I fày, páck out this moment, thóu ínfamous ftrumpet, ór 'I'll give thee


márk thou won't be the better for these three

mónths. What! you trumpery, to cóme and take úp án honeft hóufe, without crófs ór coin

m) bag and baggage, mit Sack und Pack.

n) gentlewoman. So wie nach der S. 17. mitgetheilte Bemerkung gentleman oft blos eine höflichere Bend nung für Mann ist, fo bezeichnet gentlewoman nicktä anders als Frau oder Frauenzimmer.

o) faffarara ift der korrumpirte Anfang eines Writ, d. einer gerichtlichen Vollmacht. Es giebt deren mehrer Arten. Hier ift eine folche gemeint, welche die Be fugnifs ertheilt, einen andern aus feinem Haufe entfernen. Diefe Writs werden oft nach den latein fchen Anfangsbuchstaben benannt; vielleicht fangt fi der hier gemeinte mit den Worten: certiora facimus an, woraus és der Wirthinn faffarara zu machen belicht.

p) in the fign of the harrow, im Zeichen der Eg (Name des Wirthshanses ),


to bléfs yourfélf with; cóme alóng 'I fày." O déar Mádam," cried the stranger,,,píty mé, píty à poor abandoned creature fór óne night, and death will foon dỏ thẻ réft." - ‘'I inftantly knew the voice of my poor rùined child Olivia. I flew to her refcùe, while thé woman was dragging hér alóng by the hair, And I caught the dear forlórn wretch in my. Welcome, ány way welcome, my leareft lóft óne, my treasure, to your poor ld father's bofom. Though the vícious forake thee, there is yét óne in the world that will never forfake thee; though thóu hádft tén houfand crimes to ánfwer fór, he will forgét thém áll." ,,'O my own dèar," fór mínutes fhe could nò mòre ,,my own dèareft good Papá! Could àngels be kinder! Hów do I deférve fò múch! The villain, I hate hím and myfélf, to bè à reproach to fuch goodness. You can't forgive me. I know you cannot." "Yes, my child, fróm my heart I do forgive thee! Only repent, and we both shall yet be happy. Wè fháll feè mány pleasant days yét, my Olivia!" ,,'Ah! néver, Sír, néver. The réft of my wrétched life múlt bé ínfamy abroad ánd fhame át hòme. Bút, alás! Papá, you look múch paler than you used to do. lúch à thíng ás I ám give you fò mích unea hefs? Sure you have too múch wildom to take the mileries of my guilt upón yourself.



Our wildom, young woman," replied 'I. Ah why fò còld à name, Papá?" cried fhe. This is the first time you ever called me by fo cold à name.",,I áík párdon, my darling, returned 'I,,,bút 'I was going to obférve, thát wildom makes but à flow defence agáinft trouble, though át lást à fùre óne."

The landlady now returned to know i we did not chufe à more genteel apartment, to which affenting, wè wère fhown à room where we could convérfe more freely. After we hád talked ourselves into fome degree of tran quillity, I could not avoid defiring fome ac count of the gradations thát léd tó hér préfent wretched fituation. ,,Thát villain, Sr," faid fhè, „fróm thẻ firft day of our meeting Imade mè honourable, though private, propòfals."

Villain indeed," crìed I; „ánd yét ít í fóme méafure furprizes me, hów à pérfon M'r. Burchell's good fénfe and feèming honour could be guilty of fúch deliberate balenefs, and thús ftep into à fámily to undó ít.“.

,,My dear Papá," returned my daughter, ,,you labour under à strange mistake, Mr. Bur chell never attempted to deceive me. Inftead of that, he took every opportunity of privately admónishing me against the artifices of Mr. Thornhill, who I now find was even worle than he reprefented him.",,M'r. Thórnhill,“ interrupted I,,,cán ít be?" "Yes, Sir," retúrned The,,,ít was M'r. Thornhill who feduced ne, who employed the two ladies, ás hè cal led them, but whó, ín fáct, were abandoned women of the town, without breeding ór píty, to decoy s úp tó London. Their ártifices, you may remember would have certainly fucceeded, bút fór Mr. Burchell's letter, who directed thole reproaches át them, which we all ap plied to ourfélves. Hów he came to have fo múch ínfluence ás to defeat their intentions, ftill remains a fecret tỏ mè; bút I ám convin ced he wás éver óur warmeft fincereft friend."

,,You amaze mè, my dear," cried 'I;,,bút nów I find my firft fufpicions of M'r. Thórn


hill's bafenefs were too well grounded: bút hè cán triumph in fecùrity; fór he is rich and wè áre poor. Bút tell me, my child, fùre it was no fmáll temptation that could thús obliterate all the impreffions of fúch án education, and lo vírtuous à difpofítion as thìne?"

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,,Indeed, Sír," replied fhè, „hè òwes áll his triumph to the defire 'I hád of making hím, and not myfélf, happy. I knew that the céremony of our marriage, which was privately performed by a pòpifh priest, was no way binding, and that I hád nothing to trúft to bút hís honour. ,What," interrupted I, „ánd yére you indeed married by à prièft, and in Orders?"- „Indeed, Sír, we were," replied hè, though we were both fworn to conceal is name." ,,Why then, my child, cóme ó my arms agáin, and now you áre à thóufand imes more welcome thán before; for you áre ów his wife to all intents and púrpofes; nór tán áll the laws of men, tho' written upón tables óf ádamant, léffen the force of thát fàcred connexion."

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„Alás, Papá,“ replied fhè, you are bút little acquainted with his villanies: hè hás been márried already, by the fàme prièft, to fix ór éight wives mòre, whóm, like mè, hè hás deceived and abandoned."

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,,Hás hè fò?" cried I,,,then wè múlt háng the prièt, ánd you Cháll inform againft hím to- morrow." ,,Bút Sír," returned fhè, will thát be right, when I ám fworn to fècre,,My dear," replied 'I,,,if you have måde fúch à prómife, I cannot, nór will 'I témpt you to break it. 'Even though ít mày. henefit the públic, yoù múft nót infórm against hím. 'In all human inftitùions à fmáller èvil



is allowed to procùre à greater good; ás ín pólitics, à próvince may be given away to fe cùre à kíngdom; ín médicine, à límb mày be lópt óff, to preférve the body. Bút ín religion the law is written, and infléxible, never to do èvil. And this law, my child, is right: fr otherwife, if we commit à finaller evil, to procure à greater good, certain guilt would be thús incurred, ín expectation of contingent ad vántage. And though the advantage fhould certainly follow, yet the interval between com million and advántage, which is allowed to be guilty, may be that in which we are called away to answer for the things wè háve dóne, ánd the volume óf hùman áctions is clòfed for éver. Bút 'I interrupt you, my dear, gò ón."

The very next morning," contínued fhe I found what little expectations 'I was to have from his fincerity. Thát very morning the in troduced me to two unhappy women more, whom, like me, hè hád deceived, but who lived in conténted proftitùtion. 'I loved him too ténderly to bear fúch rìvals in his affections, ánd ftròve to forget my infamy ín à tùmu of pleasures. With this view, I dánced, drel fed, and talked; bút ftill was unhappy. The gentlemen whỏ vílited there told me every moment of the power of my charms, and this ònly contributed to encrèafe mỳ mélancholy, ás I had thrown all their power quite away. Thús each day I grew more pénfive, and hef mòre infolent, tíll át láft the mónfter hád the affùrance to offer me to à young Báronet q) hís acquaintance. Need I defcribe, Sír, how hís ingrátitude stúng mè. Mỳ ánfwer to this

9)Man fehe die Anmerkung zum dritten Kapitel S. 23. 24

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