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,,'In this honourable pòft, however, I was n3t without a rival. A captain of marínes, who was formed for the place by nature, oppofed me in my patron's affections. His mother had been laundrefs to à mán óf quality, and thus he early acquired à talte fór pímping and pedigree. 'As this génleman made it the ftúdy of his life to be acquainted with lórds, though he was difmiffed fróm féveral fór his ftupidity; yet he found mány óf them who wére ás dúll ás himfélf, thát permitted his affiduities. 'As flattery was his trade, he práctifed it with the cafieft addrefs imáginable; bút ít came aukward ánd fuff from me,

ás évery day my patron's defìre of flattery encreased, fo every hour being better acquainted with his defects, I became more unwilling to give it. Thús I was once more fairly going to give up the field h) to the captain, when my friend found occafion for my affiftance. This was nothing less thán to fight à dùel for hím, with à gentleman whofe filter it was preténded he had ùfed ill. I readily complied with his request, and though I see you áre difpleafed at my conduct, yet ás ít wás à debt indifpenfably due to friendship, I could not refùfe. I undertook the affair, difármed my antagonist, and foon after had the pleasure of finding that the lady was only a woman of the town i) and the fellow hér búlly k) ánd à fhár

h) I was once more fairly going to give up the field, ich war mehr als einmal nahe daran, den Platz zu


i) a woman of the town, liederliche Weibsperson.

k) bully, einer, der fich liederlicher Perfonen des andern Gefchlechts annimmt.

per. This pièce óf férvice was repaid with the warmelt profeffions of gratitude; bút ás mỳ friend was to leave town ín à fe days, hè knew no other method of ferving me, but by recommending me to his uncle Sir William Thornhill, and another nobleman óf great disnction, who enjoyed à pòft under the government. When he was gone, my firft care was cárry hís recommendatory létter tó hís úncle, mán whofe character 1) fór évery vírtue was nivérfal, yét júlt. 'I was received by his ervants with the most hófpitable fmìles; for he looks of the domeftics ever tranfmít their náfter's benevolence. Being fhown into à gránd pártment, where Sír William foon came tó ne, I delivered my meffage and letter, which he read, ánd after pauling fóme mínutes, Pray, Sír, cried hè, infórm me what you have done fór mỳ kínfmann, to deférve this warm recommendation? Bút I fuppòfe, Sír, Iguéfs your mérits, you have fought for him; ind fò you would expect à reward from me, for being the inftrument of his vices. 'I wish, ncerely wifh, thát mỳ prelent refifal mày bé lóme punishment for your guilt: bút still mòre, that it may be fome inducement to your repénThe fevérity of this rebuke 'I bòre patiently, becaufe, I knew it was júft. My whole expectations nów, therefore, lày ín my etter to the great mán. 'As the doors of the obility) áre almost ever befét with beggars, all ready to thrúft in fóme fly pétition, 'I found


1) character, Ruf,

m) Es ift oben in einer Anmerkung zum eilften Kapitel (S. 74) bereits gefagt werden, wer in England zu den eigentlichen Noblemen oder zur Nobility gehört.

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ít nó èay matter to gain admittance. How éver, áfter bribing the férvants with hálf my worldly fortune, I was át láft fhòwn into a Spacious apartment, my letter being previoufly fent úp for his lordfhip's infpection. Dùring

thís ánxious ínterval 'I hád full time to look round me. 'Every thing was gránd, and of happy contrivance: the paintings, the fúrni ture, the gildings pétrified me with awe, and raifed my idea of the owner. Ah, thought I to myself, how very great must the poffeffor of all there things bè, whò cárries in his head the business of the state, and whose house dif plays half the wealth of à kíngdom: fùre his gènius múft bè unfathomable! During these awful reflections 'I heard á stép cóme heavily forward. Ah, this is the great mán himfel No, it was only à chambermaid. Another foot was heard foon áfter. This must be He! Nó, ít was only the great mán's válet dé chám bre. 'At láft his lordship actually made his appearance. 'Are you, crìed hè, the bearer of this hère létter? I answered with à bów I leárn by this, contínued hè, ás hów thatBút júft at thát inftant à férvant delivered hm à cárd, and without taking farther notice, he went out of the room, and left me to digeft my own happiness át léifure. 'I faw no more {f hím, tíll told by a footman thát his lord fhip was going to his coach át thẻ door. Down I immediately followed, and joined my voice to that of three or four more, who came, like me, to petition fór fàvours. His lordship, however, went too fáft fór ús, ánd was gain ing his cháriot door with large ftrides, when I hállowed out to know if I was to have any

reply. He was by this time gót ín, ánd mút

tered án ánswer, hálf óf which only 'I heard, the other half was lóft in the rattling of his cháriot wheels. I ftood fór fóme time with my neck stretched out, in the posture of one that was liftening to catch the glòrious founds, till looking round me, I found myfélf alone at his lordfhip's gate."

'As I was

,,My patience," contínued mỳ fón, „wás nów quite exhausted: ftúng with the thousand indignities I hád met with, 'I was willing to cast myself away, and only wanted the gulph to receive mè. I regarded myself ás óne of thofe vile things that nature defigned fhould be tròwn by into hér lúmber room, there to périfh in obfcurity. 'I hád ftíll, however, hálf à guínea léft, ánd of thát 'I thought fór. tune herself should not deprive me: bút ín órder to bè fure of this, I was refólved to gò in ftantly and fpénd it while I hád ít, and then trúft to occurrences fór the réft. going along with this refolùtion, it happened that Mr. Crifpe's óffice feemed invitingly open to give me a welcome recéption. In this office Mr. Crifpe n) kindly offers all his majesty's fúbjects à génerous prómife of 30 1. à year, for which promise all they give in retúrn ís their liberty for life, and permiffion to lét hím tranfport them to América ás flaves. 'I was happy át finding à plàce where I could lofe my fears in desperation, and entered this céll, fór ít hád the appearance of óne, with the devotion óf à monaftic. Hère I found à

n) Mr. Crifpe (heifst es in einer Anmerkung zu der bereits angeführten, in Paris erfchienenen Ausgabe des Vicar), a noted recruiter for the English army, particularly for foreign fervice. Alfo ein Mensch, der Werbegefchäffte für die Englifche Armee betrieb.

number of poor creatures, áll ín circumstances like myfélf, expecting the arrival of Mr. Crifpe, reprefénting à true epitome of English impa tience. Each untráetable foul át vàriance with fórtune, wreaked her injuries on their. own hearts: bút Mr. Crifpe át láft came down, ánd all our murmurs were húshed. Hè déign ed to regárd me with án àir óf peculiar approbation, and indeed he was the firft mán whó fór à month páft talked to me with fmiles. 'After à few questions, hè found 'I was fit for every thing in the world. Hè paufed à while upón the propereft means of providing fór mè, ánd flapping his forehead, ás íf hè hád found ít, affired mè, thất there was át thật tìme án émbaffy tálked óf fróm the fynod óf Pénn fylvania) to the Chickafaw 'Indians p),


o) Penfylvanien, eine, zu der Zeit, wo Goldsmith diefes fchrieb, den Engländern gehorige nordamerikanische Provinz; gegenwartig macht fie, wie bekannt, einen Theil des nordamerikanifchen Freiftaats aus. Was unter fynod of Penfylvania gemeint feyn mag, ist mir nicht ganz deutlich; vielleicht foll darunter die Ver fammlung der Pflanzer verftanden werden, die fonft den Namen allize führt, oder Goldfmith meint die geiftliche Synode der Presbyterianer, welche fich gegenwärtig jährlich zu Philadelphia verfammelt, wo auch zu einer andern Zeit jedes Jahr die Abgeordneten der vier Synoden, welche diefes Bekenntnifs in den Vereinten Staaten hat, eine Generalversammlung halten; in diefem Falle ware also an eine geiftliche, in jenem an eine politische Miffion, zu denken.

P) Chickafaw Indians, ein nordamerikanischer Völker Stamm, der im Jahr 1732 den Franzofen den Missisippiflufs ftreitig machte, nach vielen blutigen Gefechten Meifter deffelben blieb, und so die Franzojen an der Commanikation zwifchen Canada und Louisiana hinderte. Noch vor kurzem (den 24ften October 1801) Schiafs der nordamerikanische Freistaat einen Vertrag mit diefen

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