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greatnefs fháll direct. 'In fúch à ftate, therefore, all that the middle order hás left, ís to preférve the prerogative and privileges of the one príncipal governor with the most facred circumfpection. Fór he divides the power of the rích, and calls ff the great from falling with tenfold weight on the middle order placed beneath them. The middle órder may be compared to à town of which the opulent áre forming the fiège, and which the governor from without ís haftening the relief. While the befiègers áre ín dréad óf án énemy over thém, ít is bút nátural to offer the townfinen the mòft Spècious térms; to flatter them with funds, and amule them with privileges; but if they once defeat the governor from behind, the walls of the town will bè bút à fmáll defence to its inhábitants. What they may then expéct, may be seen by túrning our eyes to Hólland, ór Vénice, where the laws govern the poor, and the rích govern the law. I am thén fór, and would die fór, mónarchy, facred monarchy; fór íf there be any thing fàcred amóngft men, ít mút bè the anointed Sóver. eign of his people, and every diminution of hís power in war, ór ín peace, ís án infríngement upon the real liberties of the fúbject. The founds of liberty, patriotifm, ánd Brítons, háve already done much, it is to be hoped that the true fons óf freedom will prevent their éver doing more. I háve known mány óf those preténded champions fór liberty in my tìme, yét do I nót remember óne that was nót ín hís heárt ánd ín hís fámily à tyrant."




My warmth I found hád lengthened this hárangue beyond the rules of good breeding: bút the impatience of my entertainer, who

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often stròve to interúpt ít, could be restrained nò lónger. ,,What," cried hè, „thén 'I have been all this while entertaining à Jefuit d) in párfon's cloaths; bút by all the coal mines of Córnwall, óut hè fháll páck, if my name be Wilkinfon." 'I nów found 'I had gone too fár ánd áfked párdon for the warmth with which I hád spoken. ,,Párdon," returned hè ín i fùry: I think fúch prínciples demánd tén thousand párdons. What, giye úp liberty, property, ánd, ás the Gazetteer fáys, le down to be fáddled with wooden fhoes e)! Sír, I infift upón your marching out of this house immediately, to prevent wórfe cónfequences. Sir, I infift upón ít." I was going to repeat my remóntrances; bút júft then we heard i footman's ráp f) át the door, and the two la dies cried out,,,'As fùre ás déathi thére ís óur

d) a Jefuit, ein Jefuit, eigentlich ein Mitglied des 134 von dem Spanischen Edelmann Ignatius Lojola geftifte ten, und vom Pabft Clemens XIV. im Jahre 1773 aufgehobenen berüchtigten Ordens. In unferer Stelle ift es nur eine Schimpfliche Benennung, mit welcher der arme Dr. Primrose wegen feiner geäusserten politischen Ketzereien belegt wird.

e) wooden fhoes, hölzerne Schuhe, das, was der Fran zofe fabots nennt, Holfchen. Der Sinn der Redens

art: fich niederlegen, um fich mit hölzernen Schuhen fatteln oder beladen zu lassen,“ ist mir nicht recht deutlich, wenn anders nicht das Gehäffige vorzüglich in den Holfchen liegt, eine Befchuhung, die wie bekannt in einigen Gegenden Frankreichs gemein ist, in England aber fehr gehässig ist.

f) Durch die Anzahl der Schläge mit dem Thorringe an eine Hausthür, so wie durch die verhältnifsmässige Stärke, womit man anpocht, giebt man in England gewiffermassen en erkennen, in welchem bürgerlichen Verhältniffe man mit dem Befitzer des Hauses steht.

máfter ánd míftrefs cóme home." It feèms my entertainer was all this while only the bútler, whd, in his málter's ábfence, hád à mind tó cút à figure, and be fór à while the gentleman himfelf; and, to fay the truth, he talked pólitics ás wéll ás mòft country gentleman do. But nothing could nów exceed my confùlion upón fèeing the gentleman, and his lady, enter, nór was their furprize, át finding fúch company and good cheer, lefs thán burs. Gentlemen," cried the real máfter óf the hóufe, to me and my compánion,,,my wife ánd I are your mòft húmble férvants; bút 'T proteft this is fò unexpected à favour, that wè almòft fínk under the obligation." However unexpected our cómpany might be to them, theirs, I am fùre, was ftill more fò tó ús, ánd I was ftrúck dumb with the apprehenfions of my own abfurdity, when, whom fhould E néxt feè énter the room bút mỳ dèar miss Ara,

Ein abfatzweifes, geliudes Pochen lässt die Bedienten vermuthen, dafs der Anklopfende unter dem Range ihrer Herrschaft fey. Ein Bedienter kündigt feinen Herrn oder feine Gebieterin durch einen starken Schlag mit dem Thorringe an; kommt die Herrschaft vor ihrem eignen Haufe an, fo werden diefem Schlage noch einige Züge mit der, zu den Domeftiken in das Souterrain gehenden Klingel hinzugefügt. Einer, der unter die Benennung eines Gentleman fällt, thut drei oder mehrere Schlage, die zwischen der Schüchternen Berührung und dem Lärmen des Bedienten das Mittel halten; man nennt diefes a gentleman's rap. Hieraus erklären fich übrigens auch die Worte: a footman's rap, in unferer Stelle. Man fehe über diefe Sitte des Herrn von Archenholz England und Italien, S. 403; vorzüglich aber auch den Auffatz über die Thürfignale, der fich in der Schrift: London und Paris, Theil 7. S. 13., befindet, und aus welcher vorstehende Notiz entlehnt ift.


bella Wilmot, who was formerly defigned t be márried to my fón George; but whofe match was broken off, ás already related. 'As fo ás fhe faw me, she flew to my arms wit the útmoft joy. ,,My dear fir," cried fhè ,,to what happy áccident ís ít that wè òwe l unexpected à vifit? I am fore my uncle and aunt will be ín ráptures when they find they have the good Dr. Prímrose for their gueft." Upón hearing my name, the old gentleman ánd lady véry politely stept up, and welcomed me with anòft córdial hofpitálity. Nor could they forbear fmiling upón being informed of the nature of my préfent vífit; and the unfortunate bútler, whom they át firft feèmed difpòfed to turn away, was, át mỳ interceffion, gíven.


M'r. 'Arnold and hís lady, to whom the houfe belonged nów, infifted upón háving the pléafure of my stay fór fóme days, and ás their nièce, my charming, pùpil, whofe mind, ín fóme measure, hád been formed under my own inftructions, joined in their entreaties, complied. Thát night I was Thòwn to a mag níficent chamber, and the next morning early, Míls Wilmot defired to walk with inè ín the gárden, which was décorated in the módern mánner. 'After fóme time fpént ín pointing out the beauties of the place, fhe enquired, with feeming unconcern, when last I hád héard from my fón George.,,Alás! Mádam," cried I,,,hè hás now been near three years ábfent, without ever writing to his friends ór mè. Where he is 'I know nót; perhaps I fháll never feè hím ór háppiness more. No my dear mádam, wè fháll never more fee fuch pleading hours ás wére ónce fpént bỳ óur fìre

fide at Wakefield. My little family are now difperfing very iáft, and poverty has brough t only want, but ínfamy upón ús." The good natured girl lét fall à tear át thís account; ut as I faw her poffeffed of too much fenfiality, I forbòre à mòre minùte detail of our ferings. 'It was, however, fóme confola ion to me to find thát tìme hád made nà lteration in hér affections, ánd thát Thà hát ejected feveral matches thát bád been made er fince our leaving hér párt of the country. the led me round all the extenfive improvements if the place, pointing to the several walks ánd rbours, and at the fame time cátching fróm wery object à hint fór fóme new question élative to my fón, 'In this mánner wè spent the forenoon, till the béll g) fúmmoned ús ín to dinner, where we found the manager h) óf the ftrolling company that I mentioned before. who was come to difpòfe of tickets for the Fair Pénitent i), which was to be ácted that evening, the párt of Horatio k) by a young entleman who hád néver appeared ón ány Itage. Hè feemed to be very warm in the praises of the new performer, and avérred, that he never faw any whó bíd fù fair fór éxcellence. 'Acting, hè obférved, was not nór

g) bell, die Glocke, durch welche den im Garten oder fonft in der Gegend des Gebaudes befindlichen Gäften das Zeichen gegeben wird, zur Tafel zu kommen,

h) manager, Direktor des Schauspiels.

i) the Fair Penitent, eine vorzüglich Schöne Tragödie von Rowe, die auch noch jetzt auf den Londoner Bühnen aufgeführt wird.

k) Horatio, eine Rolle aus dem Fair Penitent.

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