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'A kind and gentle heárt hè hád, Tó cómfort friends and fòes; Thẻ naked évery dày hè clác,

When he put on his cloaths.

’And in thát tówn a dóg was found, 'As, mány dogs there bè,

Both múngrel, puppy, whelp, and hound, 'And curs of low degree.

This dog and mán át first were friends;
But when a pique begán,

The dog, to gain fóme private ends,
Wént mád ánd bít thẻ mán.

Around from all the neighbouring streets,
The wondering neighbours rán,
'And fwore the dóg hád lóft his wits,
To bìte fò good à mán.

The wound it fèem'd bòth fòre ánd fád,
Tó évery chriftian eye;

'And while they fwòre the dóg wás mád,
They fwòre the man would die.

Bút foon a wónder came to light,
Thát fhow'd' the rogues they lied,
Thé mán recóver'd óf the bite,
The dog it was that dỳ'd.

"A véry good boy, Bíll, upón my word, ánd án élegy that may truly be called trágical. Cóme, my children; here's Bill's health, ánd mày hè óne dày bè à bífhop u).“

u) Die höchften geistlichen Würden in England find die der Erzbischöfe und Bifchöfe. Die beiden Erzbifchöfe find die von Canterbury und York; der Bi Schöfe giebt es fünf und zwanzig, welche mit Aus

,,With all my heart," cried my wife; „ánd if hè bút preaches as well as hè fíngs, I maki no doubt of him. The most of his family, by er the mother's fide, could fing à good fong: h was à cómmon faying in our country, that thin family of the Blénkinfops could never lad Straight before them, n'r the Húginfons blow but à cándle; that there were none of the Grógrams but could fing à song, ór óf the Márjorams but could tell à ftory." - „How éver that be," cried 'I,,,the most vulgar ballad of them all génerally pleases mè bétter than the fine modern òdes, and things that pétrify ús ín á single stánza); productions that we át once deteft and praise. Put the glafs to your brother, Moles. The great fault of thefe elegiafts ís, that they are in despair for griefs that give the fénible part of mankind very little pain. A lady lifes hér múff, her fan ór hér láp dóg, and fò the filly pòet rúns home to verify the dififter."

,,Thát may be the mòde," cried Mòfes, ín,,fublimer compofitions; bút the Ranelagh fóngs y) thát cóme down to ús áre perfectly

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Schlufs des Bifchofs von Sodor und Man (weil dieser feine Würde nicht, wie die andern, vom Könige, fondern von dem Grafen von Derby hat) Sitz im Öberhause haben. Die Englischen Bifchofe find übrigens keine officirende Geiftliche, fondern Aufseher über die Geiftlichen und die geiftlichen Angelegenheiten der ihnen

anvertrauten Dioces

x) Stanza, Strophe, d. i. eine Periode von etlichen Verfen, die allen folgenden Perioden in Anfehung des Sylbenmasses und der Versart zur Norm dient.

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y) Ranelagh. Eine Befchreibung diefes, eine Englische Meile von London entfernten, und im Dorfe Chelsea belegenen Beluftigungsortes findet man in Archenholz

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famíliar, ánd áll cáft in the fame mold: Collin meets Dolly, and they hold a dialogue together; he gives hér à fairing z) to put in hér hair, and fhè prefénts him with à nofegay; and then they go together to church, where they give good advice to young nymphs and wains to get márried ás fáft as they can."

,,And very good advice too," cried I; and I am told there is nót à plàce in the world where advice cán be given with fò múch ropriety as there; fór, ás ít perfuades ús to hérry, ít álfo fúrnishes us with a wife; ánd rely thát múlt bé án éxcellent márket, my oy, where we are told what we want, ánd upplied with it when wanting."

,,Yes, Sír," retúrned Mòfes, - „ánd 'I know but of two fúch márkets fór wives in Europe, Ranelagh in England, ánd Fóntaràbia ín Spain a). The Spánifh márket ís òpen ónce

England und Italien, S. 517 m. f.; desgleichen in Wendeborn's Zuftand u. f. w von Grossbritannien, Theit II. S. 222. Ranelagh fongs heissen in unfrer Stelle vermuthlich Gefänge, die in Ranelagh zuerst gespielt oder gefungen werden, und die fich dann weiter über England fortpflanzen, wie etwan bei uns die Musik zu den Tänzen in den Redouten

2) fairing, ein Jahrmarktsgeschenk.

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1) Fontarabia ift eine kleine Spanische Stadt, welche am Einfluffe des Bidassoa in das Biscayifche Meer, nahe an der Franzofifchen Gränze liegt. Sie ist befeftigt und hat einen Hafen. Dafs diefer Ort ein Weibermarkt genannt wird, foll fich vielleicht blos auf den Zufammenfluss von Menschen beziehen, der zur Zeit des grofsen Markts Statt findet, welcher an diefem Orte gehalten wird. Doch dies fcheint uns unwahrscheinlich, und wir glauben vielmehr, dafs Goldfinith auf irgend einen andern, uns aber leider unbekannten Umfiend, anfpielet.

à year, bút óur English wives áre faleable évery night,"

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,,You are right, my boy," cried his móther,,Old England b) is the only plàce ín thẻ world fór húfbands to get wives." ,,And fór wives to manage their húfbands," interrúpted `I. ,It is a proverb abroad, thát if a bridge were built acrófs the fea, all the ladies of the Continent would come over to take pattern from óurs; fór there are nò fúch wi ves in Europe ás óur own. Bút lét ús háve óne bóttle more, Deborah, my life, and Mo fes, give us a good fong. What thanks do we not owe to heaven for thús beltowing tran quillity, health, and cómpetence. 'I think myfélf happier now than the greatest mónarch upón éarth. Hè hás no fúch fire-fide, nór fuch pleafant faces about it. Yes, Deborah, we are now growing old; but the evening of our life is likely to be happy. We are def cénded fróm áncestors that knew no ftain, ánd we shall leave à good and virtuous race of children behind ús. While we live they will be our fupport and our pléafure hère, ánd when we die they will tranfmít our honour untainted to poftérity. Cónie, my fón, wè wait fór à fóng: lét ús háve à chorus. Bút where is my darling Olivia? Thát little chér. ub's voice is always fwèeteft in thé cóncert.",,Juft ás I fpòke, Dick came rúnning ín, O Papá, Papá, fhe is gone from ús, fhè is gone from ús, my fifter Lívy ís góne fróm ús for ever." Góne, child!" - ,,Yes, fhè is góne off with two gentlemen ín à pòft chaife,

b) Old England bedeutet das wirkliche England. New England pflegte man fonft das Englische Amerika zu


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ánd one of thém kíffed hér, ánd fáid he would die for her; and fhe cried very much, and was for cóming back; bút hè perfuaded her again, and fhe went into the chaife, and fáid, O what will my poor Papá do when he knows Tám undone! .Nów then, cried 'I, m hildren, gò ánd be míferable; fór wè fháil ever enjoy one hour mòre." ,,'And O may heaven's everlasting fùry light upón hím ánd is! Thús to rób mè of my child! 'And fùre will, fór taking back my fweet innocent hát I was leading up to heaven. Súch finerity ás my child wás pófféft óff! Bút áll our arthly happiness is nów òver! Gò, my children, gò, and bè míferable and infamous; fór my heart is broken within me!" ,,Father," cried my fón, is this your fortitude?" Fortitude, child! Yes, hè fháll fèe I háve fortitude! Bring me my pistols. 'I'll purfùe the traitor. While he is on earth I'll purfùe him. Old ás I am, he shall find I cán fting him yet. The villain! The perfidious villain.

,,I hád by this time reached down my pístols, when my poor wife, whofe paffions were not fò ftróng ás mine, caught mè ín hér árms." ,,My deareft, dèareft hufband," cried The, the bible is the only weapon that is fit for your old hands nów. Open thát, mỳ lúa ve, and read óur ánguifh into patience, fór Thè hás vilely deceived ús." ,,Indeed, Sír," refùmed my fón, áfter à pause, your rage is too violent and unbecoming. You fhould be my mother's comforter, and you encrèafe hér pain. It ill fuited you and your réverend cháracter thús to cúrfe your greatest enemy: you fhould not have cúrft hím, villain ás hè ís."I did nót cúrfe hím, child, díd I?"

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