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báfhfulness, and fómetimes to his fèar óf of fending his uncle. 'An occurrence, however, which happened foon áfter, put it beyond a doubt, that he defigned to become one of our amily; my wife even regárded ít ás án ábfote promife.

My wife and daughters happening to return vifit to neighbour Flamborough's, found that mily had lately got their pictures drawn by linner who travelled the country, and took keneffes for fifteen fhillings à head. 'As this amily and óurs hád lóng à fórt óf rivalry in oint of taste, our fpírit took the alarm át is ftolen márch upón ús, and notwithstanding I could fay, and I fáid múch, it was efolved that we fhould have our pictures dóne 00. Háving, therefore, engaged the límner, for what could I do? our next deliberation was to fhew the fuperiority of our taste ín the attitudes. 'As for our neighbour's family, here were féven óf them, and they were rawn with féven óranges, à thing quite out ftalte, nò variety in life, nò compofition n the world. We defired to have fomething n a brighter ftyle, and áfter mány debates, t length came to án unánimous refolution of being drawn together, ín óne large histórical family pièce. This would be cheaper, fínce ne frame would férve fór áll, and it would be infinitely more genteel; fór áll fámilies óf any taste were nów drawn in the fame manner. As we did not immédiately recollect án hiftórical fúbject to hít ús, we were contented each with being drawn ás independent histórical figures. My wife defired to be represented ánd the painter was defìred not to be too frugal óf his diamonds in her stómacher

ás Vénus,

ánd hair. Hér two little ónes were to bè és Cupids by her fide, while I, ín mỳ gown) ánd bánd n), was to present her with my books on the Whiftònian controverfy. Olivia would! bè drawn ás án 'Amazon, fitting upon à bánk óf flowers, dréft ín à green Joseph ), ríchl laced with gold, and a whip in her hand. Sophia was to be à fhepherdefs, with ás máy Theep as the painter could put ín fór nothing ánd Mofes was to be dreft out with án hat ánd white feather. 'Our talte fò múch pleafed the 'Squire, that he infifted on being put ás óne of the family in the character of 'Alex ander the great, át Olivia's fèet. This was confidered by ús áll ás án indication of his defire to be introduced into the family, nor could wè refùfe hís request. The painter was therefore fét tó wórk, ánd as he wrought with affiduity and expedítion, ín léfs thán four days the whole was compleated. The pièce was large, and it must be owned he did not spare hís colours; for which my wife gave him great encomiums. We were all perfectly fa tisfied with his performance, bút án unfortu nate círcumftance hád not occurred tíll the picture was finished, whích nów ftrúck us with difmay. 'It was fò very large thát wè

m) gown, ein Stück des Ornats eines Geistlichen von der bifchöflichen Kirche. Man denke fich darunter ei nen, aus leichtem fchwarzen Zeuge verfertigten Prieftermantel, welcher über die übrige Kleidung geworfen wird.

n) band, Päffchen, wie unfere Geiftliche fie tragen, ny etwas kleiner.

o) a Jofeph, cine Art Kleid, deffen sich die Damen beim Reiten bedienen.

hád no place in the house to fix it. Hów wẻ all came to disregárd fò matèrial à point is inconceivable; bút certain ít ís, wè hád been all greatly remiss. The picture, therefore, inftead of gratifying our vanity, as we hoped, wè eaned, ín à mòft mortifying manner, against the kitchen wall, where the canvas was stretched and painted, múch too large to bè gót hro' ány of the doors, and the jéft óf áll our eigbours. One compared ít tó Róbinfon Crube's longboat P), too large to be removed; nother thought ít mòre refémbled à réel q) hà bóttle; fóme wondered how it could be ót out, bút ftíll màre were amazed how it ver gót ín.

Bút though it excited the rídicule of fóme, t effectually raised mòre malícious fuggeftions án mány. The Squires pòrtrait being found united with ours, was án hónour too great to escape énvy. Scándalous whispers began to circulate át our expence, and our tranquillity was contínually diftúrbed by pérfons who came ás friends to tell us what was fáid óf ús bỷ énemies. Thele reports we always refented with becoming spírit; bút scándal éver improves by oppofition.

We once again therefore entered ínto à

p) Robinson Crusoe höhlte fich bekanntlich aus dem Stamme eines grofsen Baumes mit vieler Mühe ein Boot aus, und

konnte es nachher nicht von der Stelle bewegen.

q) Man kennt die gläfernen Flaschen, in weichen fich bald Chriftus am Kreuze, bald, wie hier, ein Haspel oder andere Gegenstande befinden, die, da fie grofser als die Oeffnung des Gefäßses find, nicht ganz, fondern in ihren Theilen durchgebracht, und hiernächst erft wieder zu Einem Ganzen zufammengesetzt werden müffen.

confultation upón óbviating the malice of our énemies, and át láft came to à refolution which hád too múch cúnning to give me entire fátis fáction. 'It was this ás our príncipal object was to difcóver the honour of M'r. Thornhill's addréffes, my wife undertook to found him, by pretending to afk his advice in the choice of an húfband fór hér éldeft daughter. 'If this was not found fufficient to induce him to à declaration, it was then refolved tó térrify hím with à rival. To this láft ftép, however, I would by no means give my confent, till Onvia gave me mòft folemn affùrances that The would marry the perfon provided to rival hím upón this occafion, if he did not prevent it, by taking her himself. Such was the scheme laid, which though I did not ftrénuoufly op pòfe; 'I did not entirely approve.

The next time, therefore, thát M'r. Thórnhill came to fèe ús, my girls took care to be but of the wày, ín órder to give their mammá án opportunity of putting her scheme in execution; hút they only retired to the next room, from whence they could over-hear the whole converfation: My wife ártfully introduced it, by obférving, that one of the Mifs Flámboroughs was like to have à véry good match of it in M'r. Spánker. To this the Squire affénting, fhe procèded to remárk, that they who hád warm fortunes were always fùre of getting good húfbands; „Bút heaven help," contínued The,,,the girls thát háve none. What fignifies beauty, Mr. Thornhill? ór what fignifies all the vírtue, and all the qualifications in the world, in this age of félf-intereft? It is not, what is fhe? but whát hás fhè? is all the ery."


„Mádam," returned he,,,I highly approve the juftice, ás well as the novelty, of your remárks, and if I were à kíng, ít fhould be Otherwife. 'It Should then, indeed, be fine times with the girls without fortunes: óur two young ladies fhould be the first fór whom I would provide."

,,'Ah, Sír!" returned my wife, „yoù áre leafed to be facètious: bút I wifh I wére à ueen, and then I know where my éldeft laughter fhould look fór án húfband. Bút nów, hát you have put it into my head, seriously, fr. Thornhill, cán't you recoménd mè à roper húfband fór her? fhè is nów nineteen ears old, well grown and well educated, nd, in my húmble opinion, does not want r parts."



„Mádam," replied hè, „,if I were tỏ chufe, I would find out à pérfon pofféffed of every accomplishment that can make an angel happy, 'One with prúdence, fórune, talte, nd fincerity; fúch, mádam, would be, ín my opinion, the proper húfband." "Ay, Sir," aid the,,,but do you know óf ány fúch pér,,Nò, mádam," returned hè, „ít ís mpóffible to know ány pérfon that deserves to è hér húfband: fhe's too great à treasure fór ne mán's poffeffion: fhe's a goddess. Upon ny fòul. I fpeak what I think, fhe's án ingel." ,,Ah," Mr. Thórnhill, you only latter my poor girl: „bút we have been thinkng of marrying her to one of your tenants, whofe móther is lately dead, and who wants mánager: you know whỏm 'I mean, fármer Williams; à warm mán, M'r. Thornhill, able to give her good bread; and who hás féveral times made her propòfals:" (which wás ác



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