Critical Studies and Fragments

Duckworth and Company, 1912 - 362 páginas

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Página 275 - L'unité de croyance, c'est-à-dire le fanatisme, ne renaîtrait dans le monde qu'avec l'ignorance et la crédulité des anciens jours. Mieux vaut un peuple immoral qu'un peuple fanatique ; car les masses immorales ne sont pas gênantes, tandis que les masses fanatiques abêtissent le monde, , et un monde condamné à la bêtise n'a plus de raison pour que je m'y intéresse; j'aime autant le voir mourir. Supposons les orangers atteints d'une maladie dont on ne puisse les guérir qu'en les empêchant...
Página 81 - Even such is Time, which takes in trust Our youth, our joys, and all we have, And pays us but with age and dust ; Who in the dark and silent grave, When we have wandered all our ways, Shuts up the story of our days : And from which earth, and grave, and dust, The Lord shall raise me up, I trust.
Página 203 - Master great sums in my hands, which, not applicable to any present use, must either lye dead in the Bk, or be employ'd by me. I lend this to the Government in 1761. A peace is thought certain. I am not in the least consulted, but my very bad opinion of Mr Pitt makes me think it will not be concluded : I sell out, & gain greatly. In 1762, I lend again; a peace comes, in which again I am not consulted, & I again gain greatly.
Página 79 - ... green colours be kept almost entirely out of these masses, and be used only to support and set off these warm colours; and for this purpose, a small proportion of cold colours will be sufficient. Let this conduct be reversed; let the light be cold, and the surrounding colours warm, as we often see in the works of the Roman and Florentine painters, and it will be out of the power of art, even in the hands of Rubens or Titian, to make a picture splendid and harmonious.
Página 173 - ... she said with a sigh, by Smee, the Royal Academician. Mrs. Crawley now lives in a small but very pretty little house in Belgravia, and is conspicuous for her numerous charities, which always get into the newspapers, and her unaffected piety. Many of the most exalted and spotless of her own sex visit her, and are of opinion that she is a most injured woman.
Página 20 - ... can he do? or what evil can he prevent? That he cannot help the needy is evident, he has nothing to spare. But, perhaps, his advice or admonition may be useful. His poverty will destroy his influence: many more can find that he is poor, than that he is wise; and few will reverence the understanding that is of so little advantage to its owner.
Página 174 - She took the style and title of Lady Crawley for some time after Sir Pitt's death in 1832; but it turned out that Colonel Crawley, Governor of Coventry Island, had died of fever three months before his brother, whereupon Mrs. Rawdon was obliged to lay down the title which she had prematurely assumed. The late Jos. Sedley, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service, left her two lakhs of rupees, on the interest of which the widow lives in the practices of piety and benevolence before mentioned. She has lost...
Página 79 - It ought, in my opinion, to be indispensably observed, that the masses of light in a picture be always of a warm mellow colour, yellow, red, or a yellowish- white ; and that the blue, the grey, or the green colours be kept almost entirely out of these masses, and be used only to support and set off these warm colours ; and for this purpose, a small portion of cold colours will be sufficient.
Página 171 - Gopperfield in this same airy nest) have set me to work with great vigor, and I can hardly believe that I am ever a Manager, and ever go about with a painted face in gaslight. ' When I first had the happiness of seeing you in the room where we have since held so many Councils, you gratified me very much by your affectionate remembrance of Copperfield. I am having him put into a decent suit of morocco, and when he comes home in his new dress shall entreat you to give him a place on your shelves for...

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