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t is much lighter. When, too, Mr. Gell calls the since it is a work "which gives him a faithful de postilion "Menzilgi," he mistakes him for his bet- scription of the remains of cities, the very existence ters: Serrugees are postilions; Menzilgis are post- of which was doubtful, as they perished before the masters-Our traveller was fortunate in his Turks, era of authentic history." The subjoined quotation who are hired to walk by the side of the baggage- is a good specimen of the author's minuteness of horses. They "are certain," he says, "of perform-research as a topographer; and we trust that the ing their engagement without grumbling." We credit which must accrue to him from the present apprehend that this is by no means certain:-but performance will ensure the completion of his ItinMr. Gell is perfectly right in preferring a Turk to a erary:

Greek for this purpose; and in his general recom

mendation to take a Janissary on the tour: who, "The inaccuracies of the maps of Anacharsis are in many respects very we may add, should be suffered to act as he pleases, glaring. The situation of Phlius is marked by Strabo as surrounded by the since nothing is to be done by gentle means, or even observed, that Palius, the ruins of which still exist near Agios Giorgios, lies territories of Sicyon, Argos, Cleone, and Stymphalus. Mr. Hawkins by offers of money, at the places of accommodation. in a direct line between Cleone and Stymphalus, and another from Beyon A courier, to be sent on before to the place at which to Argos; so that Strabo was correct in saying that it lay between those four the traveller intends to sleep, is indispensable to towns; yet we see Phlins, in the map of Argolis by M. Barbie du Bocage, comfort: but no tourist should be misled by the placed ten miles to the north of Stymphalus, contradicting both history and author's advice to suffer the Greeks to gratify their fact. D'Anville is guilty of the same error. "M. du Bocage places a town named Phlius, and by him Phlionte, on

curiosity, in permitting them to remain for some the point of land which forms the port of Drepano: there are not at present time about him on his arrival at an inn. They any ruins there. The maps of D'Anville are generally more correct than should be removed as soon as possible; for, as to any others where ancient geography is concerned. A mistake occurs on the the remark that "no stranger would think of in-subject of Tiryns, and a place named by him Vathia, but of which nothing truding when a room is preoccupied," our inform-can be understood. It is possible that Vathi, or the profound valley, may be ants were not so well convinced of that fact. a name sometimes used for the valley of Barbitsa, and that the place named by D'Anville Claustra may be the outlet of that valley called Kleisoura which has a corresponding signification.

Though we have made the above exceptions to the accuracy of Mr. Gell's information, we are most ready to do justice to the general utility of his Greek name, and again as Tirynthus. The mistake between the islands o "The city of Tiryns is also placed in two different positions, once by ita directions, and can certainly concede the praise Spheria and Calaura has been noticed in page 135. The Pontinus, which which he is desirous of obtaining,-namely, "of D'Anville represents as a river, and the Erasinus are equally ill placed in his having facilitated the researches of future travel- map. There was a place called Creopolis, somewhere toward Cynouria; lers, by affording that local information which it was but its situation is not easily fixed. The ports called Bucephalium and before impossible to obtain." This book, indeed, is Pireus seem to have been nothing more than little bays in the country absolutely necessary to any person who wishes to between Corinth and Epidaurus. The town called Athena, in Cynouria, by explore the Morea advantageously; and we hope Pausanias, is called Anthena by Thucydides, book 5. 41.

the accond is, that the Aroanius, which falls into the Erymanthus at Psophis,

that Mr. Gell will continue his Itinerary over that those which have been published since his time; indeed the mistakes of that "In general, the map of D'Anville will be found more accurate than and every other part of Greece. He allows that his geographer are in general such as could not be avoided without visiting the volume is only calculated to become a book of country. Two errors of D'Anville may be mentioned, lest the opportunity reference, and not of general entertainment:" but of publishing the itinerary of Arcadia should never occur. The first is, that we do not see any reason against the compatibility the rivers Malatas and Mylaon, near Methydrium, are represented as runof both objects in a survey of the most celebrated ning toward the south, whereas they flow northwards to the Ladon; and country of the ancient world. To that country, we represented as flowing from the lake of Phencos; a mistake which arises trust, the attention, not only of our travellers, but from the ignorance of the ancients themselves who have written on the of our legislators, will hereafter be directed. The subject. The fact is that the Ladon receives the waters of the lakes of greatest caution will, indeed, be required, as we Orchomenos and Phoneos; but the Aroanius rises at a spot not two hours have premised, in touching on so delicate a subject distant from Psophis." as the amelioration of the possessions of an ally: but the field for the exercise of political sagacity is In furtherance of our principal object in this criwide and inviting in this portion of the globe; and tique, we have only to add a wish that some of our Mr. Gell, and all other writers who interest us, Grecian tourists, among the fresh articles of inforhowever remotely, in its extraordinary capabilities, mation concerning Greece which they have lately deserve well of the British empire. We shall con- imported, would turn their minds to the language clude by an extract from the author's work, which, of the country. So strikingly similar to the ancient even if it fails of exciting that general interest Greek is the modern Romaic as a written language. which we hope most earnestly it may attract, to- and so dissimilar in sound, that even a few general wards its important subject, cannot, as he justly rules concerning pronunciation would be of most observes, "be entirely uninteresting to the scholar;"lextensive use.







So much for your present pursuits. Iin our senates. The whole present system, with will now resume the subject of my last. How I regard to that sex, is a remnant of the chivalrous wish you were upon the spot; your taste for the barbarism of our ancestors; I look upon them as ridiculous would be fully gratified; and if you felt grown-up children, but, like a foolish mamma, an inclined for more serious amusement, there is no always the slave of some only one. With a con"lack of argument." Within this last week our tempt for the race, I am ever attached to the indguests have been doubled in number, some of them vidual, in spite of myself. You know that, though my old acquaintance. Our host you already know not rude, I am inattentive; any thing but a “besa -absurd as ever, but rather duller, and I should garçon.' I would not hand a woman out of her conceive, troublesome to such of his very good carriage, but I would leap into a river after her. friends as find his house more agreeable than its However, I grant you that, as they must walk owner. I confine myself to observation, and do oftener out of chariots than into the Thames, you not find him at all in the way, though Veramore gentlemen servitors, Cortejos and Cicisbei, have a and Asply are of a different opinion. The former, in particular, imparts to me many pathetic com plaints of the want of opportunities (nothing else being wanting to the success of the said Veramore) created by the fractious and but ill-concealed jealousy of poor Bramblebear, whose Penelope seems to have as many suitors as her namesake, and for aught I can see to the contrary, with as much prospect of carrying their point. In the mean time, I look on and laugh, or rather I should laugh were you present to share in it; sackcloth and sorrow are excellent wear for soliloquy; but for a laugh there should be two, but not many more, except at the first night of a modern tragedy.

better chance of being agreeable and useful; you might, very probably, do both; but as you can't swim, and I can, I recommend you to invite me to your first water-party.

Bramblebear's Lady Penelope puzzles me. She is very beautiful, but not one of my beauties. You know I admire a different complexion, but the fizure is perfect. She is accomplished, if her mother and music-master may be believed; amiable, if a soft voice and a sweet smile could make her so; young, even by the register of her baptism; plus and chaste, and doting on her husband, according to Bramblebear's observation; equally loving, set of her husband, though rather less pious, and father You are very much mistaken in the design you thing, according to Veramore's; and if mine hath impute to myself; I have none here or elsewhere. any discernment, she detests the one, despises the I am sick of old intrigues, and too indolent to en- other, and loves-herself. That she dislikes Bran gage in new ones. Besides, I am, that is, I used blebear is evident; poor soul, I can't blame her; to be, apt to find my heart gone at the very time she has found him out to be mighty weak and htt when you fastidious gentlemen begin to recover tempered; she has also discovered that she married yours. I agree with you that the world, as well as too early to know what she liked, and that there are yourself, are of a different opinion. I shall never many likeable people who would have been less be at the trouble to undeceive either; my follies discordant and more creditable partners. Still, she have seldom been of my own seeking. "Rebellion conducts herself well, and in point of good humor, came in my way, and I found it." This may appear to admiration. A good deal of religion, (not enthu as coxcombical a speech as Veramore could make, siasm, for that leads the contrary way,) a prying yet you partly know its truth. You talk to me too husband who never leaves her, and, as I think, a of my character," and yet it is one which you and very temperate pulse, will keep her out of scrapes. fifty others have been struggling these seven years I am glad of it, first, because, though Bramblebear to obtain for yourselves. I wish you had it, you is bad, I don't think Veramore much better; and would make so much better, that is, worse use of it; next, because Bramblebear is ridiculous enough relieve me, and gratify an ambition which is un- already, and it would be thrown away upon him to worthy of a man of sense. It has always appeared make him more so; thirdly, it would be a pity, be to me extraordinary that you should value women cause nobody would pity him; and, fourthly, (as so highly, and yet love them so little. The height Scrub says,) he would then become a melancholy of your gratification ceases with its accomplishment; and sentimental harlequin, instead of a merry, fretyou bow, and you sigh, and you worship,-and ful pantaloon, and I like the pantomime better as it abandon. For my part I regard them as a very is now cast. More in my next. beautiful, but inferior animal. I think them as Yours, truly, much out of place at our tables as they would be



DEBATE ON THE FRAME-WORK BILL, IN THE HOUSE These machines were to them an advantage, inas


THE order of the day for the second reading this bill being read,

LORD BYRON rose, and (for the first time) dressed their lordships, as follows:



much as they superseded the necessity of employing a number of workmen, who were left in consequence to starve. By the adoption of one species of frame in particular, one man performed the work of many, and the superfluous laborers were thrown out of employment. Yet it is to be observed, that the work thus executed was inferior in quality; not MY LORDS-The subject now submitted to your marketable at home, and merely hurried over with lordships for the first time, though new to the a view to exportation. It was called, in the cant of House, is by no means new to the country. I the trade, by the name of "Spider work." The believe it had occupied the serious thoughts of all rejected workmen, in the blindness of their ignodescriptions of persons, long before its introduction rance, instead of rejoicing at these improvements to the notice of that legislature, whose interference in arts so beneficial to mankind, conceived themalone could be of real service. As a person in some selves to be sacrificed to improvements in mechandegree connected with the suffering county, though ism. In the foolishness of their hearts they ima stranger not only to this House in general, but to agined, that the maintenance and well-doing of the almost every individual whose attention I presume industrious poor were objects of greater consequence to solicit, I must claim some portion of your lordships' indulgence whilst I offer a few observations on a question in which I confess myself deeply interested.

than the enrichment of a few individuals by any improvement, in the implements of trade, which threw the workmen out of employment, and rendered the laborer unworthy of his hire. And it To enter into any detail of the riots would be must be confessed that although the adoption of superfluous: the House is already aware that every the enlarged machinery, in that state of our comoutrage short of actual bloodshed has been perpe-merce which the country once boasted, might have trated, and that the proprietors of the frames ob- been beneficial to the master without being detrinoxious to the rioters, and all persons supposed to mental to the servant; yet, in the present situation be connected with them, have been liable to insult of our manufactures, rotting in warehouses, withand violence. During the short time I recently out a prospect of exportation, with the demand for passed in Nottinghamshire, not twelve hours elapsed work and workmen equally diminished, frames of without some fresh act of violence; and on the day this description tend materially to aggravate the I left the county, I was informed that forty frames distress and discontent of the disappointed sufferhad been broken the preceding evening, as usual, ers. But the real cause of these distresses and conwithout resistence and without detection. sequent disturbances lies deeper. When we are

Such was then the state of that county, and such told that these men are leagued together not only I have reason to believe it to be at this moment. for the destruction of their own comfort, but of their But whilst these outrages must be admitted to exist very means of subsistence, can we forget that it is to an alarming extent, it cannot be denied that they the bitter policy, the destructive warfare of the last. have arisen from circumstances of the most unpar- eighteen years, which has destroyed their comfort, alleled distress. The perseverance of these misera- your comfort, all men's comfort? That policy which, ble men in their proceedings, tends to prove that originating with "great statesmen now no more," has nothing but absolute want could have driven a survived the dead to become a curse on the living, large, and once honest and industrious, body of the unto the third and fourth generation! These men people, into the commission of excesses so hazard- never destroyed their looms till they were become ous to themselves, their families, and the commu- useless, worse than useless; till they were become nity. At the time to which I allude, the town and actual impediments to their exertions in obtaining county were burdened with large detachments of their daily bread. Can you, then, wonder that in the military; the police was in motion, the magis- times like these, when bankruptcy, convicted fraud, trates assembled; yet all the movements, civil and and imputed felony are found in a station not far military, had led to-nothing. Not a single in- beneath that of your lordships, the lowest, though stance had occurred of the apprehension of any real once most useful portion of the people, should fordelinquent actually taken in the fact, against whom get their duty in their distresses, and become only there existed legal evidence sufficient for conviction. less guilty than one of their representatives? But But the police, however useless, were by no means while the exalted offender can find means to baffle idle: several notorious delinquents had been de- the law, new capital punishments must be devised, tected; men, liable to conviction, on the clearest new snares of death must be spread for the wretched evidence, of the capital crime of poverty; men who mechanic, who is famished into guilt. These men had been nefariously guilty of lawfully begetting were willing to dig, but the spade was in other several children, whom, thanks to the times! they hands: they were not ashamed to beg, but there were unable to maintain. Considerable injury had was none to relieve them: their own means of sub been done to the proprietors of the improved frames. sistence were cut off, all other employments pre

occupied, and their excesses, however to be deplored mob too often speaks the sentiments of the people. and condemned, can hardly be subject of surprise. And here I must remark, with what alacrity you are It has been stated that the persons in the tem- accustomed to fly to the succor of your distressed porary possession of frames connive at their de-allies, leaving the distressed of your own country to struction; if this be proved upon inquiry, it were the care of Providence, or-the parish. When the necessary that such material accessaries to the Portuguese suffered under the retreat of the French, crime should be principals in the punishment. every arm was stretched out, every hand was opened, But I did hope, that any measure proposed by his from the rich man's largess to the widow's mite, majesty's government, for your lordship's decision, was bestowed to enable them to rebuild their would have had conciliation for its basis; or, if lages and replenish their granaries. And at this ro that were hopeless, that some previous inquiry, ment, when thousands of misguided but most un some deliberation would have been deemed requi- fortunate fellow-countrymen are struggling with the site; not that we should have been called at once extremes of hardships and hunger, as your charity without examination, and without cause, to pass began abroad, it should end at home. A much less sentences by wholesale, and sign death-warrants sum, a tithe of the bounty bestowed on Portugal, blindfold. But admitting that these men had no even if those men (which I cannot almit without cause of complaint; that the grievances of them inquiry) could not have been restored to their em and their employers were alike groundless; that ployments, would have rendered unnecessary the they deserve the worst; what inefficiency, what im- tender mercies of the bayonet and the gibbet. Bat becility has been evinced in the method chosen to doubtless our friends have too many foreign claims reduce them! Why were the military called out to to admit a prospect of domestic relief; though be made a mockery of, if they were to be called out never did such objects demand it. I have traversed at all? As far as the difference of seasons would the seat of war in the Peninsula, I have been in permit, they have merely parodied the summer cam- some of the most oppressed provinces of Turkey, paign of Major Sturgeon; and, indeed, the whole but never under the most despotic of infidel govern proceedings, civil and military, seemed on the model ments did I behold such squalid wretchedness as I of those of the Mayor and corporation of Garratt. have seen since my return in the very heart of a -Such marchings and countermarchings! from Christian country. And what are your remedies? Nottingham to Bullwell, from Bullwell to Banford, After months of inaction, and months of action from Banford to Mansfield! and when at length the worse than inactivity, at length comes forth the detachments arrived at their destinations, in all grand specific, the never-failing nostrum of all state "the pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious physicians, from the days of Draco to the present war," they came just in time to witness the mischief time. After feeling the pulse and shaking the head which had been done, and ascertain the escape of over the patient, prescribing the usual course of the perpetrators, to collect the "spolia opima" in warm water and bleeding, the warm water of your the fragments of broken frames, and return to their maukish police, and the lancets of your military, quarters amidst the derision of old women, and the these convulsions must terminate in death, the sure hootings of children. Now, though in a free coun- consummation of the prescriptions of all political try, it were to be wished that our military should Sangrados. Setting aside the palpable injustice, never be too formidable, at least to ourselves, I can- and the certain inefficiency of the bill, are there at not see the policy of placing them in situations capital punishments sufficient in your statutes? Is where they can only be made ridiculous. As the there not blood enough upon your penal code, that sword is the worst argument that can be used, so more must be poured forth to ascend to Heaven and should it be the last. In this instance it has been testify against you? How will you carry the t:ll the first; but providentially as yet only in the scab-into effect? Can you commit a whole county to bard. The present measure will, indeed, pluck it their own prison? Will you erect a gibbet in every from the sheath; yet had proper meetings been field, and hang up men like scarecrows? or willy held in the earlier stages of these riots,-had the proceed (as you must, to bring this measure inte grievances of these men and their masters (for they effect) by decimation? place the country under also had their grievances) been fairly weighed and martial law? depopulate and lay waste all around justly examined, I do think that means might have you? and restore Sherwood Forest as an acceptable been devised to restore these workmen to their avo- gift to the crown, in its former condition of a real cations, and tranquillity to the country. At present chase and an asylum for outlaws? Are these the the country suffers from the double infliction of an remedies for a starving and desperate populace? idle military, and a starving population. In what Will the famished wretch who has braved your bay state of apathy have we been plunged so long, that onets, be appalled by your gibbets? When death's now for the first time the House has been officially a relief, and the only relief it appears that you al apprized of these disturbances! All this has been afford him, will he be dragooned into tranquillity? transacting within one hundred and thirty miles of Will that which could not be effected by your grea London, and yet we, "good easy men, have deemed adiers be accomplished by your executioners? If full surely our greatness was a-ripening," and have you proceed by the forms of law, where is your evisat down to enjoy our foreign triumphs in the midst dence? Those who have refused to impeach their of domestic calamity. But all the cities you have accomplices, when transportation only was the pu taken, all the armies which have retreated before ishment, will hardly be tempted to witness against your leaders, are but paltry subjects of self-congrat- them when death is the penalty. With all due de ulation, if your land divides against itself, and your ference to the noble lords opposite, I think a little dragoons and your executioners must be let loose investigation, some previous inquiry, would induce against your fellow-citizens.-You call these men a even them to change their purpose. That most fa mob, desperate, dangerous, and ignorant; and seem vorite state measure, so marvellously efficacious in to think that the only way to quiet the "Bellua many and recent instances, temporizing, would not multorum capitum" is to lop off a few of its super-be without its advantages in this. When a proposal fluous heads. But even a mob may be better re- is made to emancipate or relieve, you hesitate, you duced to reason by a mixture of conciliation and deliberate for years, you temporize and tamper with firmness, than by additional irritation and redoubled the minds of men; but a death-bill must be passed penalties. Are we aware of our obligations to a off hand, without a thought of the consequences. mob? It is the mob that labor in your fields, and Sure I am, from what I have heard, and from what serve in your houses,-that man your navy, and re- I have seen, that to pass the Bill under all the excruit your army, that have enabled you to defy all isting circumstances, without inquiry, without de the world, and can also defy you when neglect and liberation, would only be to add injustice to irritation, calamity have driven them to despair. You may and barbarity to neglect. The framers of such call the people a mob; but do not forget, that a Bill must be content to inherit the honors of that

Athenian lawgiver whose edicts were said to belened the force of the remark. It is indeed time written not in ink, but in blood. But suppose it that we should leave off these petty cavils on frivpast; suppose one of these men, as I have seen olous points, these Lilliputian sophistries whether them,-meagre with famine, sullen with despair, our eggs are best broken at the broad or narrow careless of a life which your lordships are perhaps end."

about to value at something less than the price of a

The opponents of the Catholics may be divided stocking-frame-suppose this man, surrounded by into two classes; those who assert that the Cathothe children for whom he is unable to procure bread lics have too much already, and those who allege at the hazard of his existence, about to be torn for that the lower orders, at least, have nothing more ever from a family which he lately supported in to require. We are told by the former, that the peaceful industry, and which it is not his fault that Catholics never will be contented: by the latter, he can no longer so support-suppose this man, and that they are already too happy. The last paradox there are ten thousand such from whom you may is sufficiently refuted by the present, as by all past select your victims, dragged into court, to be tried petitions; it might as well be said, that the negroes for this new offence, by this new law; still, there did not desire to be emancipated-but this is an unare two things wanting to convict and condemn fortunate comparison, for you have already delivered him; and these are, in my opinion,-twelve Butch- them out of the house of bondage without any petiers for a Jury, and a Jeffries for a Judge!

APRIL 21, 1812.

It had indeed been better

"Non tempore tali

Cogere concillium cum muros obsidit hostis."

Can the church

tion on their part, but many from their taskmasters to a contrary effect; and for myself, when I consider this, I pity the Catholic peasantry for not having the good fortune to be born black. But the Catholics are contented, or at least ought to be, as we are told: I shall therefore proceed to touch on a few of those circumstances which so marvellously conMY LORDS-The question before the House has tribute to their exceeding contentment. They are been so frequently, fully, and ably discussed, and not allowed the free exercise of their religion in the never perhaps more ably than on this night, that it regular army; the Catholic soldier cannot absent would be difficult to adduce new arguments for or himself from the service of the Protestant clergyagainst it. But with each discussion difficulties man, and, unless he is quartered in Ireland, or in have been removed, objections have been canvassed Spain, where can he find eligible opportunities of and refuted, and some of the former opponents of attending his own? The permission of Catholic Catholic Emancipation have at length conceded to chaplains to the Irish militia regiments was conthe expediency of relieving the petitioners. In con- ceded as a special favor, and not till after years of ceding thus much, however, a new objection is remonstrance, although an act, passed in 1793, started; it is not the time, say they, or it is an im- established it as a right. But are the Catholics proper time, or there is time enough yet. In some properly protected in Ireland? degree I concur with those who say it is not the time purchase a rood of land whereon to erect a chapel ? exactly; that time is passed; better had it been for No; all the places of worship are built on leases of the country, that the Catholics possessed at this trust or sufferance from the laity, easily broken and moment their proportion of our privileges, that their often betrayed. The moment any irregular wish, nobles held their due weight in our councils, than any casual caprice of the benevolent landlord meets that we should be assembled to discuss their claims. with oppostion, the doors are barred against the congregation. This has happened continually, but in no instance more glaringly, than at the town of Newtown Barry in the county of Wexford. The Catholics, enjoying no regular chapel, as a temporary expedient, hired two barns, which, being thrown The enemy is without, and distress within. It is into one, served for public worship. At this time too late to cavil on doctrinal points, when we must there was quartered opposite to the spot an officer, unite in defence of things more important than the whose mind appears to have been deeply imbued mere ceremonies of religion. It is indeed singular, with those prejudices which the Protestant petithat we are called together to deliberate, not on the tions, now on the table, prove to have been fortuGod we adore, for in that we are agreed; not about nately eradicated from the more rational portion of the king we obey, for to him we are loyal; but how the people; and when the Catholics were assembled far a difference in the ceremonials of worship, how on the Sabbath as usual, in peace and good-will for believing not too little, but too much, (the worst towards men, for the worship of their God and yours, that can be imputed to the Catholics,) how far they found the chapel door closed, and were told too much devotion to their God, may incapacitate that if they did not immediately retire, (and they our fellow-subjects from effectually serving their were told this by a yeoman officer and a magistrate,) king. the riot act should be read, and the assembly dis Much has been said, within and without doors, of persed at the point of the bayonet! This was com Church and State, and although those venerable plained of to the middle-man of government, the words have been often prostituted to the most despi- secretary at the Castle in 1806, and the answer was. cable of party purposes, we cannot hear them too (in lieu of redress,) that he would cause a letter to often; all, I presume, are the advocates of Church be written to the colonel, to prevent, if possible, the and State, the Church of Christ, and the State of recurrence of similar disturbances. Upon this fact, Great Britain; but not a state of exclusion and no very great stress need be laid; but it tends to despotism; not an intolerant church; not a church prove that while the Catholic church has not power militant, which renders itself liable to the very ob- to purchase land for its chapels to stand upon, the jection urged against the Romish communion, and laws for its protection are of no avail. In the mean in a greater degree, for the Catholic merely with- time, the Catholics are at the mercy of every "peltholds its spiritual benediction, (and even that is ing, petty officer," who may choose to play his "fandoubtful,) but our church, or rather our churchmen, tastic tricks before high heaven," to insult his God, not only refuse to the Catholic their spiritual grace, and injure his fellow-creatures. but all temporal blessings whatsoever. It was an Every schoolboy, any footboy, (such have held observation of the great Lord Peterborough, made commissions in our service,) any footboy who can within these walls, or within the walls where the exchange his shoulder-knot for an epaulet, may perLords then assembled, that he was for a "parlia- form all this and more against the Catholic, by vir mentary king and a parliamentary constitution, but tue of that very authority delegated to him by his not a parliamentary God, and a parliamentary re- sovereign, for the express purpose of defending his igion.” The interval of a century has not weak-fellow-subjects to the last drop of his blood, without

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