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The book was handed to the prelate, who indulged | himself in a hearty laugh at the ignorance and superstition of the family who had possession of it. All his arguments could not convince them, that the much-dreaded book had not been concerned, some how or other, in the firing of their chimney. Their fears were not so easily to be allayed; they abso lutely refused to keep the unintelligible Horace; and the prelate was forced to accept of it, as a token of their respect.

Some cynical reader is here endeavouring to con viace himself that he is hoaxed; and that, bad I reaily seen these times and personages, I should have been more particular in my description of

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No doubt he thinks it very strange, that mention a bishop, without saying one word about his carriage or equipage. Carriage, forsooth, courteous reader! In those days (the glorious days of good Queen Bess" I am speaking of) the bishops were not whirled about in carriages and four. Her Majesty was used to go in state to the House of Commons (1 should rather say that she went for stufe to the House of Commons, as about its deci. sions she cared not a pin; she had them completely under her thumb;) seated on a nag behind her chamberlain, whom, for the sake of security, she might chip round the waist and as for peers and prelates, they must either ride on horseback, or " go strumping through the mud "

Your fellow-creatures, Mr. Editor, are so puffed up with pride and vain conceit, that if I were to hint the possibility of a grub's being possessed of reasoning faculties, and powers of speech; if I were to assert that it can either read or write; the sneer of contempt would soon bewrinkle, or the stare of surprise would distort, the countenances of my readers. I shall therefore continue my history, without attempting the gigantic labour of converting the obstinate, or of convincing the ignorant; and, as I have stated my sentiments thus freely, and shall (if permitted) continue to do so, I make little doubt that the next bookworm or other insect that my readers may catch, will, if found by one of the vulgar, be trodden to death; if by one of the literati, as you term self conceited fops, as if in reveuge, be impaled, and leftto starve with a pin run through his body, to adorn a collection of mangled insects! "Such havoc dost thou make, foul monster, man!" Whatever the consequences may be, I shall continue to write just as I think; and it strikes me at the present moment, that after all their boasted knowledge, the lords of the creation' are sadly ignorant as to the habits and the nature of A BOOKWORM.

against the property or lives of his countrymen, was of a bookworm, a grub too insignificant for notice, the cause of his imprisonment. As this age was which may be killed by merely a squeeze of the very remarkable for mildness in theological mat-fore-finger and thumb, writing a history of its adters, I could not have believed this report, but that ventures, is too absurd (in the present enlightened shortly after he was led out to execution! And it age) to deserve a moment's attention. really (bad as my opinion is of the lords of the creation') puzzles me to conceive, that they were so very cruel as to condemn a man to death upon such pretences. Whatever his crime was, it is not for me to say; but I will venture to assert, that he was a much better man than his enemies. Poor Hooper! would that thou hadst been born, not a man, but a bookworm! thou wouldest then have risen to honors and prosperity; for with us, virtue is the only, and the sufficient introduction to power, greatness, and esteem! Hooper whilst in prison did not give way to melancholy; he often amused himself with read. ing; and one day suddenly opening Horace's works, he caught me dining off the 22d Ode, 1st book, which was a favourite piece with him. He did not in a passion put an end to my existence; but admired for some time the beauty of my person; and then, gently removing me, laid me in an old and use less work, upon which I might feed to my heart's content. Some time after the much-lamented death (by me at least) of this worthy character, I crawled into an old edition of Virgil, where I lay snugly concealed for a length of time; but nothing of importance There are, I fear, a set of men and women now- occurred to me. How I was transported to Oxford a-days who are continually ranting and canting I need not inform you: I have ever regretted that about the "good old times." Now, Sir, should any before I got there, the feuds between the Greeks and of your readers, or of your readers' friends, be Trojaus; between the Greek students and those who troubled with this disorder, I will undertake to pre-judge the knowledge of the Greek tongue (the sure scribe for them. If a female be affected, let her be sign of a heretic) were unfortunately over; so that placed on a footing with her grandmother's grand- I did not enjoy the pleasure of seeing the lords of mother. Let her food be water pottage and butter-the creation' cudgeling each other, black and blue; mik for breakfast: as for tea and coffee, let them a sight which would have been fully as gratifying to aver again be mentioned to her. For dinner, give a bookworm, as the fighting of cocks and dogs, or a slice of bacon; no sauces; no French cooking; the killing of a hare, is to the vulgar; or the impaling no mauling of wholesome food to suit a vitiated ap-of my cousin german the spider, or of the beetle, petite. Should not this be sufficien', let her dress is to the learned of your race. be reformed a little. There was formerly a piece During the reign of James the First, I was not of female vanity called, I think, a stomacher, which may be made use of with great success, to conceal those charms which are not exactly concentrated in❘ the face; the ankles, too, may be concealed by a little alteration in the length of the gown. [The ladies formerly showed their faces only, as samples of their beauty.] If in one week after the use of these mendicaments the invalid do not show great signs of convalescence, her case is hopeless; her virtue and her modesty are equal to those of her ancestors; and I must give her up in despair.



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much disturbed; but that of his son Charles was more boisterous. You have perhaps heard of the Sortes Virgilianæ. During the troubles which happened about this time between the King and the Parliament (the Cavaliers and the Roundheads) the King coming to Oxford, had a mind to explore bis fate, by the means of these famous Sortes. I now found that my situation was rather perilous. The book was taken down from its shelf, wiped c'ean, and with a dreadful bang, to drive the dust from between the leaves, several of my companions were As to the male grumblers, I scarcely know what killed my good luck, however, still preserved me. to say about them. I had some thoughts of recom With an aching heart and trembling limbs (do not mending a well starched beard, of about half a ya d be surprised to hear that so contemptible an animal in length, and a ruffle for the neck, as much in has both heart and limbs) I awaited the event. I diameter. To one of those characters, however, secured for myself a nest in the binding, in which who live in the constant practice of so far denying could at once be out of danger and could yet see all themselves as to be screwed up in a pair of stays; or that passed. The attendants of the King looked as who restrain the idle glances of a lascivious eye, by grave, and appeared to feel as much anxiety as to firmly fixing the head in one unalterable position; the result, as they afterwards did upon what you such punishments would be made but light of will perhaps think more serious occasions. There was formerly a custom of repeating a prayer monarch advanced, and laid a trembling hand upon night and morning, as well as before and after meals, the book, which for some time he hesitated to open. which seems to be now nearly obsolete. I should His face was wrinkled by care; but the traces of a think this good old custom might be enforced with mild, and, notwithstanding existing prejudices, every prospect of success;-but I am rambling will add, an amiable disposition were visible; and from my story. The experience of old age is but he seemed to have no manner of doubt as to the vetoo generally accompanied by its much hated garru- racity of the information he should obtain. After lity; a malady by no means peculiar to bookworms much hesitation he opened the work and read aloud It was not very probable that a character so vir- the passage that first caught his eye. The exact tuous, so very different from the mass of his fellow-sentence I have forgotten; but the palcuess of the men, as was Hooper, should long be suffered to monarch's countenance; the quivering of his lips; remain in quiet. In a very short time after I got the glances which his courtiers interchanged, assured into his possession he found himself in a dungeon, me that he had found but too faithful an omen of whither I accompanied him, which, as I learnt, was his future miseries! very extraordinary, as it was not allowed to prisoners always to have books. What his crime was I was never able to learn; I did indeed hear it said, that his refusing to pray in a white garment; to wear the habiliments of a bishop; and not any crime

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I must once more be permitted to interrupt the thread of my narrative, to remark, that I have no doubt some one or other, if not one and all, of your readers will protest against my proceeding any fur ther. They will perhaps affirm, that the very idea

From my apartments in a volume of Sermons,
Gallery of the Lyceum Library.

PS. I was grievously offended at your suffering my last to remain unpublished a whole week !— Repent.



It will perhaps not be uninteresting to inform our readers, that they have at present an opportunity of viewing one of the oldest and most perfect mummies in the kingdom, which has been examined by some of the first connoisseurs in Paris and London, who, from the hierogliphics on the outer case, have pronounced it to be the body of the Princess of Memphis, who lived in the reign of Sesostris, King of Egypt, A. M. 2523; 1491 years before Christ; being upwards of three thousand years old. This mummy was amongst the first that was brought to Europe: it formerly composed a part of the magnificent museum belonging to the celebrated Cardinal Mazarine, minister to Louis XIV.; at whose death the museum being left to a distant relation, it was by him sold to Monsieur COURCIUS, the uncle of the present proprietor Madame Tussaud, and well known as being one of the first modelers of his day. When it first arrived in London, it was examined by several of the committee of the British Museum, who were em

powered to purchase it for that institution, for which purpose they offered the sum of eight hundred pounds; but the proprietor knowing that it was the only perfect mummy that ever traveled in England, declined parting with it; since which, it has been examined by the gentlemen of Cambridge, who universally allowed it to be superior to any they had in their museums.

As the Egyptiaa mode of embalming their illustrious dead may not be generally known to our numerous readers, we trust the following will not be uninteresting. When a person died, the body was carried to the artificers, whose trade it was to make coffins. They took the measure of the body, and made a coffin for it, proportionate to its stature, the dead person's quality> and the price the people were willing to pay. The upper part of the coffin represented the person who

"She dances such a way!
No Sun upon an Easter-day
Is half so fine a sight."

was to be shut up in it, whether man or woman. If a | tries, in which they were encouraged by their husbands.
person of condition, this was distinguished by the These women, in their expostulation upon his rebuke, tell
figure which was represented on the corner of the him, "Did we make her cakes to worship her?" Jer.
coffin. There were generally added, paintings and xliv. 18, vii. 18. Small loaves of bread, peculiar in
embellishments, suitable to the quality of the person. their form, being long and sharp at both ends, are called
When the body was brought home again, they agreed Buns; and we now only retain the name and form of
with the embalmers at what rate they would have it the Buns; the sacred uses are no more. The Cross
embalmed; for the prices were different. The highest Buns, and Saffron Cakes in Passion Week, being for-
was a talent of silver, estimated at £258 6s, 8d. or, as merly unleavened, had a retrospect to the unleavened
others say, about £300: twenty minae was a mode- bread of the Jews, in the same manner as Lamb at
rate one: and the lowest price was a very small sum. Easter, to the Pascal Lamb. It was, and still is, the
They immediately sent for a designer, who marked the popular belief in many parts of England, that if the
body, on the left side, together with the length of the sun shine on Easter-day it shines on Whitsunday also
incision, as it lay extended at the place where it should A singular custom formerly prevailed among the vulgar'
be opened. A dissector, with a very sharp Ethiopian of rising early on Easter-day, and walking into the fields
stone, having made the incision, burried away as fast as to see the sun dance, which, as ancient tradition asserts,
he could, because the relations of the person deceased it always does on that day. This is alluded to in an old
took up stones and pursued him, with an intention to ballad, of 1667:
stone him, as a wicked wretch. The embalmers,
who were looked upon as sacred persons, now entered
to perform their office: they drew all the brains of
the dead person through the nostrils, with a hooked
piece of iron, provided particularly for this purpose,
and filled the skull with astringent drugs; they like-
wise drew all the bowels, except the heart and kidneys,
through the aperture made in the side; the intestines
were washed in wine made from the palm tree, and in
other strong and binding drugs. The whole body was
annointed with oil of cedar, after having been filled
with myrrh, cinnamon, and other spices, for about
thirty days, so that it was preserved entire, not only
without putrefaction, but a good scent with it. After
this, the body was put into salt for forty days: where-
fore, when Moses says that forty days were employed
in embalming Jacob, we are to understand him as
meaning the forty days of his continuing in salt of nitre,
without including the thirty days past in performing
the other ceremonies above mentioned; so that, in the
whole, they mourned seventy days in Egypt, as Moses
likewise observes. Afterwards the body was taken
out of the salt, washed, wrapped in linen swaddling
bands, dipped in myrrh, and rubbed with certain gums,
which the Egyptians used instead of glue. Then, the
body was restored to the relations, who put it in a
coffin, and kept it in their house, or in a tomb made
particularly for the purpose.


under the command of Colonell Sir John Seaton, that noble and religious Knight, espe ially of his taking in the towne of Preston, in that county, which was thus: Upon Munday, the tenth of February, 16453, (should be 1642-3) Sir John Seaton, Major-General of the Parliaments forces in Lancashire, marched from Mannell Holland, Captain Booth, Serjeant-Major Birch, chester, attended with Serjeant-Major Sparrow, Coloand with them three foot companies, and as many from Boulton: all these came to Blackburn upon the Tuesday night following, and thence they marched burn Hundred, under the command of Nowel, of along, and with them four or five companies of BlackMearkley, and some other Captains, who all the marched towards Preston, together with neer about two thousand club-men. Their march that night was tedious unto them, especially to many who had marched the day and night before; but yet, to accommodate them therein, the Lord gave them a fair night to travell in, such as had not been in many before; this they justly took for a mercy of God unto them. So thus being now come to Preston that Wednesday night, the next morning they prepared, most courageously, and set upon the towne, which was well fortified with brick walls, both outer and inner. Our men (betespecially the three companies from Manchester) asscited the town with admirable resolution. Captain Booth was the first man who bravely scaled the walls; and being up, Bad his men either follow him or give him up; which words put such spirit into his soldiers, that they, forgetting any care of their lives and safety, followed him close, and much brave strife there was twixt Captain Booths and Colonell Hollands compa nies, which of them should first have entrance: but Captain Booth, as I said, got the precedence therein. The garrison fought it stoutly, and kept their inner workes with push of pike; and the breach, also, they bravely defended with their swords for awhile. The Major-Generall, Sir John Seaton, behaved himself most bravely at the end of the Church-street, where an entry was also made, and our men beat them most resolutely from their centries, and from the steeple.

"Thus they continued figh ring for the space of very neer two hours, and by that time our men, with invin cible courage, became masters of the town, There

TO THE "BRIEF JOURNAL OF THE SIEGE were divers slain on their side in the assault; and if


Which appeared in three Numbers of our
Volume; see pages 145, 153, and 169.


[Continued from pages 341 and 347 of our present volume.]

(7.) I must beg the reader to go back to the paragraph wherein his Lordship, unhappily called to crush the thriving sedition in Cheshire, withdrew his horse into that county." I should have left Halsall The mummy above mentioned has been exposed to to speak for himself on this subject, had I not observed, the air for nearly fifty years, during which it has re-in Mr. Ormerod's Cheshire, that "Lord Derby, after ceived very little injury. The wood of which the coffin is made, is cedar, which resists time better than any other; and is now as perfect as possible, considering the immense time it has been made.



doubtful conflict with the Parliament Commissioners, at Chowbent (Dec. 2, 1642) marched through Leigh, &c." into Cheshire. Now, on the 16th Dec. 1642, the array and the Roundheads had a battle upon Houghton Common, which lasted upwards of three hours. In the midst of this, the magazine of the Presbyterians blowing up, they sounded a parley, and surrendered their arms and liberties; three Captains and one hun dred and sixty soldiers being taken. "The first and foulest blow God gave us in this kind in the country, The Manchester people, immediately upon this, fall to an humbling blow and lasting warning."-(See Angier.) their usual fasts, and being assoilzied, march forth; upon which Lord Derby leaves a projected attack upon Cholmondley, and with him proceeds to Cheshire, to Bolton; and hastening to Warrington, there joins Lord surprise the militia under the command of Mr. Mainwaring, of Kermincham. The design was frustrated. wall skilled in the art of war, and had been sent down Seaton, who commanded the Presbyterians, was a man from London to reside in Manchester, and direct the efforts of a rude but zealous yeomanry. His first measure on the offensive was the attack upon Preston, (Jehovah-Jireh.) The club-men here mentioned, are which I proceed to describe in the words of Vicars, the undisciplined peasantry, and not of that description of neutral associators who some years afterwards made their appearance in Wiltshire.

The Good Friday bun is derived from the sacred cakes which were offered at the Arkite Temple, stiled boun, and is constantly marked with the form of the cross. The offerings, which people in ancient times used to present to the Gods, were generally purchased at the entrance of the temple; especially every species of consecrated bread, which was denominated accordingly. One species of sacred bread was called Boun, from the Greek. This, according to Hesychius, was a kind of cake with a representation of two horns, and was made of fine flour and honey. It is very singular to remark, that most of the vulgar customs and ceremonies, which now prevail in many parts of England and elsewhere, were borrowed from the ancients. The Prophet Jeremiah notices this kind of offering, when he is speaking of the Jewish tain information by letters out of Lancashire, of the women at Pathros, in Egypt, and of their base idola-happy successe of the Parliaments forces in those parts,

"About the 10th of February also, came most cer

men must have been singled out (of set purpose) for could scarcely have picked out fitter men (if they the slaughter, yea, the Manchesterians themselves would any) for the sword, than those which were slaine in the fight; namely, the Major (Mayor) of Presten, by name Mr. Adam Morte (a man resolute even to desperatenesse in the cause he stood for, who had oftentimes been heard to say, and swear too, he would fire the towne ere he would give it up, and begin with his own house,) who fighting most desperately, and having killed one of the Colonels men in the fight with push of pike, instantly after lost his own life icr it, together with his son also, a bold and desperate young malignant. Sir Gilbert Houghtons brother, a Captain of their horse, and a desperate papist, was also slaine. Serjeant Major Purvey (iately come out ef Ireland, having been a rebell there in that barbarous massacre) a wicked wretch and desperate papist." Doctor Westley, a physitian and desperate papist, together with two or three Lieutenants, and some others of quality were likewise slain. Very many were mor tally wounded; Sir Gilbert Houghton, himself, escaped by flight to Wigham, Wigan?) Captain Farring and Captain Preston were taken prisoners, and old Mr. Anderton, of Clayton, (their great Popish co George Talbot, (Sir John Talbots son) Mr. Richard mander) was also taken prisoner, together with Mr. Fleetwood, Mr. Blundell, Mr. Abbot, Mr. Mansley, two Thomas Haughtons, Captain Haughton (Sir Ga John Hilton, and above two hundred others of mean berts nephew) all men of quality, Ralph Shorrock, condition; but Mr. Townley, of Townley, very hardly escaped by flight.

Mrs. Townley, wives to the prime malignants of the "The Lady Haughton, the Lady Girlington, and county, were also taken as prizes."-Vicars' Jehora Jireh, p. 269.

This style of writing can only be excused by remember the times, and the author, Vicars, whose sources of inspirin are given in Hudibras.

vation, inscribed L E G. XX. was found lately near s A Roman padlock made of iron, in excellent preser site of the Roman altar, at Boughton, near Chester.

Natural History.

Natural Curiosity. The Lady Balcarras East Indiaman, lately arrived from Madras, has brought home a serpent alive, twenty-eight feet in length, and fourteen inches in diameter. It may be approached with perfect safety, and is said not to be venomous. Its food is a live fowl once a month!

Singular Fact.-As James Johnson, peatman, was lately leveling moss on the estate of Sir Robert Grier son, of Rockall, about three miles from Dumfries, he turned up the body of a pretty large adder, which he had fairly decapitated before he was aware. This circumstance exciting a suspicion that there were more adders near the same spot, he dug a little deeper, when, at about eight inches below the surface, he lighted upon a whole encampment of those noxious animals. In particular, he took out no fewer than 40 adders, which he placed in a box, and exhibited as a natural curiosity. Nineteen of these appeared to be full grown, and measured from 18 inches to two feet; but in a short time they had all died excepting two, although these were sufficiently vivacious, and placed themselves in an attitude of defence the moment they were molested. But what is still more surprising, in the same hole there were fo md 10 toads, and an amazing number of small brown lizards, of the species well known in Scotland by the name of the Ask. This last is quite a novel fact, although its authenticity can be established beyond the possibility of doubt. In this country it is no uncommon thing to dig up adders, even of a larger size than any of those mentioned above; but we never heard of such a number being found in one hole, and in such strange company. The adder, the toad, and the ask, are all coid-blooded reptiles, which become torpid when exposed to a low temperature: but their habits in other respects are widely different; and how they happened to gather themselves to the same spot, and outsleep the winter, apparently in such good fellowship, is a point which we leave to be solved by the proficients in natural history. It has been remarked by some of these karned men, that so long as reptiles of this kind are enfined to a degree of heat inferior to 40 degrees, they will remain dormant and healthy, for an unlimited

him, he fears not to pronounce it most alluring. Of evil. The candles have, I verily believe, occupied, the heavens and the sea, though we ought to wonder in turn, every corner of the apartment, but they are that we know so much, we are sure to lament that we inveterate-they still run. So that calmly resiguing know no more; whilst mineralogy and botany present themselves to fate, my old ladies were obliged to little inviting to the learner, and appear a mere muster-hateful exuberance as quickly as it appeared. This contented themselves with sedulously scraping off the roll of names.

But the study I am now recommending teems with delight. The ornithologist listens with greater satisfaction to the notes of the feathered choir, than he who is unacquainted with these denizens of air; and his pleasures are easily procured, since he can scarcely take a ramble that will not afford him amusement. If

was their only resource, until last night when they had a notable housewife to tea, who on hearing of the unfortunate propensity, promised an immediate remedy. This promise lighted up the hard features of the old ladies into a long forgotten smile, and excited some interest in me as an expeperiment Well, the candles were produced, and as usual they ran, when Mrs. Notable, with unexampled cruelty, he stroll along the beach, the numerous tribes of sea seizing a pin, inflicted a dreadful wound through birds arrest his notice; the gull is plying her unwearied the very body of the pale innocent. Whatever was wing, the lapwing circles around his head, and the wild- the cause, the effect certainly was that the candle duck buffets against the wave. Should he prefer the ceased to run until it had burnt down to the wound, lone and shady lane, there the hedge-sparrow and yellow-when it was repeated about an inch lower. I shall hammer precede his path, the timid white-throat endea-be happy to have an explanation of this phenomevours to evade his sight, and the goldfinch salutes him and beg leave to remain, non, as I must call it, from any of your readers, with her song; or does he range the park or forest, Yours truly, there his attention is occupied in observing the rook and the heron constructing their nests on trees that have sheltered their race for years.

Nor is ornithology less suited to the closet, or want-
ing in valuable authors. It was this study which the
learned and pious Willoughby enriched with a work
that has rendered the path comparatively smooth to
his numerous followers, of whom Pennant has been
the most successful among our countrymen, and the
illustrious Buffon among those who have appeared in
other lands. I remain, Mr. Editor,
Yours, &c.


time. Spalanzani kept frogs, lizards, and snakes in I have a high opinion of your talents, and an un-
this state, in an ice-house, three years and a half, and feigned admiration of the wonderful' extent and
they readily revived when restored to a warm atmos-diversity of your editorial jurisdiction, seeing that
phere. This wonderful peculiarity may help to explain it extends from the preservation of sinking mariners
the anomaly of living toads being so often found alive
n the heart of solid rocks, and of trees which had re- (page 150) down to the preservation of antiquated
ained them in their cavities, till every vestige of a eggs; and from the flounce of a robe, or the position
revice had grown up around them.-Dumfries Courier. of a feather, up to the prediction of an eclipse, (73)





or the announcement of a comet.




SIR,-The extract given in your last Kaleidoscope from Valerius, respecting the barbarities of the gladiatorial arena, reminds me of a passage in Forsyth's Italy, a transcription of which accompanies this note. beg leave just to remark on Forsyth's attempt to controvert the principle, that the truly brave are never cruel. In the early and bravest ages of Roman history, we did not hear of the bloody combats of the amphitheatre, which only sprung up in the days of degene- . racy, when tyranny and luxury, combining their baneful energies, equally enervated the body and the mind; making the effeminate Roman look with a species of fearful delight on scenes of blood which would have been fearlessly participated in by his more hardy ancestor.



"Every nation has undergone its revolution of vices; and, as cruelty is not the present vice of ours, we can all humanely execrate the purpose of amphitheatres, now Finding your attention directed to such a number that they lie in ruins. Moralists may tell us, that the of objects, I am tempted to think, that my petty No!" Here sat the conquerors of the world, cooly truly brave are never cruel; but this monument says, miseries may not be totally beneath your notice; to enjoy the tortures and death of men who had never more particularly so as you have admitted the offended them. Two aqueducts were scarcely sufficient complaints of bashful lovers (73) and dwarf gal- to wash off the human blood which a few hours' sport lants (143.) You must know, my dear Kali, that shed in these imperial shanibles. Twice in one day I am unfortunately domiciliated with two elderly came the senators and matrons of Rome to the but ladies, whose charms having been most unaccount-chery: a virgin always gave the signal for slaughter; ably overlooked by our sex, their undivided attention and when glutted with bloodshed, those ladies sat down, can be (and to my sorrow is) directed to the minutiae in the wet and steaming arena, to a luxurious supper." SIR,-Among the many and various recreations pe- of what is called good housewifery. To instance ullar to the country, the study of Natural History some of my manifold grievances: however cold the feservedly holds the highest rank. Men, immersed day and however bad the fire, I dare not stir it under the pleasures or business of a town, little know the the penalty of being tormented by the infernal music produced by sweeping up the hearth, as the least delights that nature affords; they may read or dis-particle of cinder is not permitted to appear out of course of her charms, and on some Sunday afternoon nay take a cursory view of them, but how inferior re their sensations to those felt by her votory, to whom every object is interesting, for whom she dresses merself in a thousand forms, and is pleasing in all! No study can be more engaging or more instructive ban this; the mind, however, feeling its inability to ttain all the knowledge at which it aims, most commonly selects some one particular branch of it, which eems more easy and inviting than the rest, and to that adheres until its desires are satisfied.

due bounds, even for a moment. Again, if after
dinner the least drop of wine escape from the
glass to the table, I am to be annoyed by at least
twenty minutes hard rubbing. But the most fre-
quent source of altercation is the candles; in the
first place, they must be posited according to some
law unknown to me, but fixed as those of the Medes
and Persians, although it would most frequently be
more convenient to have them together. Again,
my poor candles are eternally blamed and tortured
for an inveterate propensity they have to shed the
tallow from their summits infanciful wreaths, form-
column. This appears to me a very tasteful orna-
ment, although the "source of woes innumerable"
to my venerable Tabithas, who have really amused
me by the variety of their expedients to remedy this

It was thus ornithology became the favourite amuse-ing an elegant opposite to the flutings of an Ionic

ment of the writer, who is about to devote the remainder of his paper to its recommendation and praise. And though, perhaps, partiality may somewhat sway

SIR,-It may concern your fair readers to be acquainted with the following remarkable note, taken from manuscript in the Harleian Library, which appeared in British Magazine for May, 1819; and if you deem it worth insertion it is at your service.


Liverpool, May 10, 1821.


"By the civil law, whatsoever is given ex sponsatalia largitate betwixt them that are promised in marriage, hath a condition (for the most part silent) that it may be had again, if marriage ensues not. But if the man should have had a kiss for his money, he should lose one half of that which he gave. Yet with the woman it is otherwise: for, kissing or not kissing, whatsoever she gave she may ask and have it again; however, this extends only to gloves, rings, bracelets, and such like smallwares."



SIR,-Ought not a parent to bestow the same indulgence, the same encouragement, and the same correction on one child as on another? Your answer, I think, will be in the affirmative. Every reflecting man will acknowledge how necessary it is to maintain a strict impartiality of conduct towards children of one family; and yet there are those, who, forgetful, or otherwise regardless of the duty imposed upon them as parents, suffer their affections to be biased in such a manner as is altogether incompatible with nature. It is with no trifling regret that I say, several instances of this unwarrantable conduct have come within my observation. I have seen men, or to speak more truly, I ought rather to say, beings aspiring to the title of men, and professing to have good sense, in the presence of their own children, enter into the most extravagant comparisons of their persons and properties. One has been smiled upon, dandled on the knee with the greatest fondness, and called a pet and a dear, held up to company as a paragon of beauty, and as a consummate pattern of all sublunary excellence; whilst another, less fortunate, has had to encounter the discouraging frown, the harsh unqualified language of disgust, and has been ordered to retreat from the presence of its natural guardian, without any other reason being assigned than that of dislike! And why this dislike? Because, in the opinion of its loving parent, it was not so eminently gifted with personal qualifications, with benignity of disposition, or sprightliness of intellect. Most noble, most emphatic reasons! How becoming the province of a parent!

Characters like these ought ever to remember, that they were the voluntary propagators of all those imperfections of which they complain; and, therefore, ought rather to commiserate, than indulge in reproach. For my own part I conceive anything but good consequences to be the result of such conduct. By caressing one and neglecting the other, we may expect the neglected to become jealous and revengeful: instead of brotherly love, we may expect envy and malignity; and in the place of filial attachment, we must look for hatred and revolt, with a train of other diabolical feelings equally baneful in their effects. Whilst, on the other hand, the child caressed and encouraged in all its propensities, whether good or bad, will be apt to fancy itself incapable of doing wrong; and the probable consequence will be, that it may be led to commit crimes, of which, hereafter, it will have the greatest occasion to repent: and be assured, Mr. Editor, when that repentance is effected, the too indulgent parent will not escape the reproach of his unfortunate child.

But supposing this picture to be too highly coloured, without doubt this is not the way to ensure reverence and esteem. To accomplish such a purpose, it is abso lutely necessary that a parent should point out the course children should pursue; that he should correct them when wrong, and encourage them: when right,and this ought to be done without regard to beauty or deformity, or in more comprehensive words, without prejudice or spleen. I have written these brief remarks in the hope of arresting the attention of that part of your readers who are entrusted with the care of children. They will, at least, serve to remind the parent of his duty; and if they should happen to come within the reach of those against whom they are directed, my wish is, that they may be applied in such a manner as to produce a speedy reformation. You will


oblige by assigning this paper a corner in your next Kaleidoscope.

The subject will doubtless be a sufficient apology for the intrusion. Yours, &c.


P. Z.

At Mr. Paris's Rooms, Hardman-street.

The ability to read well we conceive to be one of the most agreeable and useful accomplishments of either sex. Many of the acquirements of young persons in polite life may be of a more dazzling kind; and we hope we can fully estimate the beauties of a good painting, and the witchery of good music; but there are seasons when the former cannot be gazed upon, and when the latter cannot with propriety be enjoyed. Not so the charms of reading and conversation: under whatever circumstances leisure may afford the opportunity, these are available to the employment of the mind, and the pleasure of the heart. Whether in the moments of hilarity, or of sober inquiry; in the cheerfulness of the merry evening, or the seriousness of the sabbath; in the hours of triumphant joy, or of deep and mournful sadness; the well-chosen and well-read pages of the satirist or the philosopher; the dramatist or the moralist; the poet or the evangelist, will elevate the mind, and respectively excite, moderate, or console the feelings of the sentimental, the giddy, or the afflicted.

The stage is generally, and indeed very properly, considered the school of correct pronunciation, and the best standard of elocutory perfection; but the regular theatre is not always open, and may be, that only the principal performers are quite correct in the sound and the sense, the accent and the emphasis, of the author. We know, too, that there are thousands of families whom taste or religious opinions, prevent from attending dramatic representations. On these accounts we conceive the readings and recitations of Mr. Putnam to be particularly worthy of notice. Numbers of the best educated persons have some faults of dialect, arising either from provincialism or unchecked error in tuition. It is one of Mr. Putnam's objects to correct these by private instruction, and he cannot better prove his qualification for the task, and for the formation of an elegant style in his pupils, than by public readings and recitations in which the pleasing results of his attention to these points are fully and perfectly developed.

As the subject is not very amusing, we shall only take one sentence of his letter indiscriminately, which is as follows:-" You mention, that the anecdote of Corporation Oratory was again (1) put in at the request of the Toxteth Park Corporation. Whether you state this ironically or not is indifferent; but surely the tase of your realers ought to be gratified before your own or any (2) corporate body."

(1) A critic ought to quote correctly: we did not say that the anecdote about Corporation Oratory was *put in; our phrase was "recorded."

(2) In the last sentence which we have quoted, there is a grammatical slip for which a critic can make no excuse. Instead of "your own or any other corporate body," the sentence should have been "Your own, er that of any corporate body"-“cum multis aliis.” The mode in which CANDIDUs notices our spelling the word traveler, which he attributes to carelessness or something worse, shows that he has paid no attention to the discussion which has been going on upon that very subject; and we shall for the present take leave of CANDIDUS, by calling his attention to the following note to another correspondent; after adding, that if we have done injustice to his motives, or givea him any unnecessary uneasiness, we crave his pardon. ORTHOGRAPHICAL INNOVATIONS.-Our Correspondent BENVOLIO does not do us justice in supposing that we have made our minds up about spelling with the single / such words as traveler, &c. to the exclusion of any remonstrance or reasoning on the subject. On the contrary, we have before informed him, that we never relished the innovation; neither are we yet reconciled to its appearance. We must say, however, that spelling ought not to be matter of feeling; and we are forced to confess that the reasoning in defence of the single l, is much more cogent than that advanced in favour of retaining the two liquids. The letter of BENVOLIO shall appear, together with that of an opponent, A, B, C. The reason we decline giving them this week, is that we wish to diversify our columns as much as possible; and not to introduce too many subjects of a grave nature into the same publication. The letters on Orthography may be useful; but they happen not to be very entertaining.

ORMSKIRK ANECDOTES.-An Ormskirk Correspon

We have said thus much on the utility of Mr. Putnams labour's; but we must not leave unnoticed nor uncommended the amusement to be derived from his readings. His selections are such as to form a sumptuous "feast of reason." In his dissertations on men and manners, he instructs, reprehends, and eulogizes, with effectual gravity; in his advice to ladies, in his humorous narratives, and poetical effusions of wit and genius, he stirs up the laughter of his auditors in despite of all re- A sistance: while, in the simple but affecting story of distress, he draws forth the involuntary sigh; and, contrasting the reality of our situation with the sombre picture of fancied woe, makes us feel, indeed, what Montgomery has attempted to describe the extatic “ joy of grief!"


To Correspondents.

dent's communication is of too local a nature to interest our readers in general; and his object as regards his immediate neighbours, may perhaps be answered by our statement that it relates to a young Dandy Esculapius converted to a Footman in livery; a metamorphose of which our Correspondent highly approves, as the latter calling is better adapted than the former, for the capacity of the party. We hope the object of REPROVER will be accomplished by this hint, although we are ourselves of course ignorant of the allusion and its application.

CONSTANT READER suggests that it would be agreeable to himself, and he doubts not to our readers in general, if we were to announce in each number of the Kaleidoscope, what articles the public might expect to find in the succeeding number. We have no objection to such announcement, except this, that it is not always practicable to ascertain precisely the contents of our next publication. Independently of original communications which are received during the week, there are many reasons which constantly influence us to make changes in our preconcerted arrangement.

The journal supplied by S is somewhat too vulgar for the taste of our readers.

A second letter we have before us from CANDIDUS in-
clines us to think more favourably of his motives,
but has effected no change in the estimate we have
formed of his critical talents. A critic ought to be
competent to do more than merely state, "that such
a composition is dull, another ridiculous, and a third
destitute of merit," &c. &c. It is his duty to assign
some reason for his thus pronouncing judgment. The
tone adopted through his letter very ill assimilated
with his assumed name, CANDIDUS; and the impres-
sion on our minds was, that he and we had, on some
former occasion, chanced to differ in opinion about
the merits of some of his own poetry. Whether this
be the case or not, we shall in compliance with his
own request, proceed to point out a few of his literary NAUTICUS in our next.-VERITAS is received.
slips; which may serve to show that, as we before
ventured to hint, he does not belong to the privileged
class to which the poet alludes, in the line,

We have further to notice X. L. D.-AN OLD COR.

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"And censure freely, who have written well.”

The Continuation of Walks in Derbyshire in our next. Want of room necessarily excludes the present publicacation of several intended articles, amongst which are the letter on British Coins-PHILO-RABELAIS INCONNU.

Printed, published, and sold by E. SMITH and Co. 54, Lord-street, Liverpool.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


This familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature Criticism, Men and Manners, Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Natura History, Monthly Diary, Fashions, &c. &c.; forming a handsome Annual Volume, with an Index and Title-page.-Regular supplies are forwarded to the following

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The Philanthropist.

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TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1821.

strument of averting. The statement made by your worthy Sheriff early in this evening has but too much truth in it. Let any one reflect, who has traversed the streets of COUNSELLOR PHILLIPS, this immense metropolis, how many he has





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temple of chastity and beauty, the fairest, the purest, and the loveliest, in which vestal spirits nursed the flame of Heaven. Such are the blessings this charity may confer such are the calamities it may be the inmet, even in his daily progress, who seem to strument of averting. Many a breaking have been apprenticed from their very in- heart will bless it upon earth-many a soul fancy to crime-the peach down of inno-redeemed will hallow it hereafter; the Mr. PHILLIPS, having been called upon cence scarcely faded from their cheeks, wounded soldier will think upon his orphan by the Royal Chairman, the Duke of Sus- the mysteries of crime familiar to their and bless it ere he dies, and the last tear sex, rose amidst general cheering. He felt, memories! Unfortunate wretches, whom which dims the eye of virtuous misfortune, he said, after the call which had been so the very cradle seems to have heaved into will be illumined and exhaled by the ray unexpectedly, and indeed unnecessarily a frightful and almost miraculous maturity of of its consolation. Happy are they to whom

made on him, that it was quite impossible vice! And yet perhaps, though now the heirs fortune gives this luxury of benevolence! not to say a few words in obedience to it. of shame, the foundlings of the scaffold, they happy and proud and glorious is the coun"The call, however," continued Mr. Phil- might have crowned manhood's virtue with try, in which inclination thus anticipates ips, "has been most unnecessary, for it is the reverence of age, had they been taught ability; in which charity at the same time mpossible, in my mind, to add any thing to lisp even religion's alphabet. But, alas! makes a people noble, and gives the noble o the lucid statements of the Royal Perso- their heads were pillowed on a parent's a durable popularity; in which the merage who fills the chair-statements most grave, and there was no light to guide them chants have been said to be Princes, and loquently made and powerfully aided, if in the desert of their orphanage! Let any in which we see to-night that the Princes, id they wanted, by the influence of his man reflect on his hours of relaxation, how amid the pageantries of rank, require no xample. However, Sir, on such a subject, mirth has been clouded, and amusement monitor to remind them of humanity. This, silence would be almost criminal. It is overcast, by the melancholy spectacles he in my mind, is the peculiar glory of our atterly impossible to peruse the records of has been compelled to witness! How the country; and if I wished to-morrow to his noble institution without being filled shadow of what once was health and youth diplay her to the foreigner, I would not turn with admiration at its benevolence. To and loveliness, has flitted athwart him, like a him to her crowded harbours, to her garshelter those who are without a home-to spectre risen from the tomb of Virtue! How den landscape, to her proad metropolis, to cherish those who are without a parent-his spirit has been bowed down-how his her countless marts of opulence and cemto protect the innocence which can have heart has been afflicted, as he saw before merce. I would not unfurl for him her known no crime-to rescue misfortune from him the gaudy ruin of life's noblest orna- trophied flag, or unrol even the immortal the temptations which surround it-to sub-ment, woman; in her purity the world's pa- charters of our liberties. No; but I would stitute education for ignorance, morality ragon, in her depravity its shame and degra- lead him to institutions such as this; I for vice, and religion for infidelity-these dation-the bane or the blessing of civilized would show him the Monarch's brother, are its objects, and they are objects of society-the charm of man's existence or enlisting the people in the service of philanwhich every creed and every party and its curse-without any modification, either thropy. I would show him her missionaries every "human form that wears a heart" almost an angel, or a fiend! And yet, that at the tropic and the pole; her Samaritan must unite in the admiration. Its positive hapless outcast, if her infancy had known benevolence, pouring its oil upon the wounds advantages are too obvious to be overlook- a moral guardian, might have been the cen- of the sufferer; her hereditary Howards, ed, and yet perhaps they are not manifested tre of her domestic paradise, diffusing light Buxtons, and her Frys, holding their forso clearly in the benefits conferred as in and joy and luxury around it the lover's tunes, but as the trustees of misery; her the evils which it may have been the in-happiness, the infant's guide-the living sun-like charity that knows no horizon,

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