Imágenes de página

The Power of Sound. 1880.


Phantasms of the Living. (With F. W. H. Myers and F. Podmore.) 1886.
Tertium Quid: chapters on various disputed questions. 2 vols. 1887.
Cp. F. W. H. Myers, in Proc. of Soc. for Psychical Res., vol. v, p. 359.

The Philosophical System of Rosmini-Serbati. 1882.

Aristotle and ancient Educational ideals. 1892.
The Education of the Greek People. 1895.

Rousseau and Education according to Nature. 1898.
A History of Education. 1900.

The Education of the Wage-Earners, ed. C. M. Bakewell. Boston, Mass.,


The Philosophy of Goethe's Faust, ed. C. M. Bakewell. Boston, Mass., 1906.

Cp. W. Knight, Memorials of Thomas Davidson. 1907.


From Kant to Hegel. 1882.

Philosophy as Criticism of Categories, in Essays in Phil. Criticism. 1883. Scottish Philosophy: a comparison of the Scottish and German Answers to Hume. 1885.

Hegelianism and Personality. 1887.

Man's Place in the Cosmos and other essays. 1897. 2nd ed. 1907.
The Philosophical Radicals and other essays. 1907.

The Idea of God in the light of Modern Philosophy. (Gifford Lectures.)



The Rationality of History, in Essays in Phil. Criticism. 1883.

Darwinism and Politics. 1889.

Principles of State-Interference. 1891.

Darwin and Hegel, with other philosophical studies. 1894.

Natural Rights. 1895.

Studies in Social and Political Ethics. 1902.

Philosophical Studies. Ed. by R. Latta. 1905.


Logic as the Science of Knowledge, in Essays in Phil. Criticism. 1883.

Knowledge and Reality. 1885.

Logic, or the Morphology of Knowledge. 1888. 2nd ed. 1911.

History of Aesthetic. 1892.

The Psychology of the Moral Self. 1897.
The Philosophical Theory of the State.
The Principle of Individuality and Value.
The Value and Destiny of the Individual.

1899. 3rd ed. 1920.

(Gifford Lectures.) 1912. (Gifford Lectures.) 1913.

Abercrombie, J., 358


Adamson, R., 6 n., 128 n., 296 f., 368

Alcuin of York, 1

Alexander S., 372

Alison, Archibald, 356

Allen, Grant, 369

[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Anthony, 15, 17
Bacon, Francis, 6, 9, 12 f., 14-34,

35 f., 48 f., 57, 69 f., 102, 110,
211, 269, 298, 324; Advancement
of Learning, 14 f., 21 f., 25, 32 f.;
Essays, 17, 32; De Augmentis
Scientiarum, 17, 21 f., 24, 27, 32 f.;
New Atlantis, 17, 20, 70 f., 102;
Novum Organum, 17, 23-31, 34;
Sylva Sylvarum, 17, 21
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 15 f.
Bacon, Roger, 1, 5 f.
Bagehot, W., 278, 366
Bailey, Samuel, 357

Bain, A., 238, 261 f., 293 f., 362
Baldwin, W., 14, 323
Balfour, A. J., 370
Balguy, John, 158, 347

Barckley, R., 14, 328

Barratt, Alfred, 367

Baur, F. C., 148

Baxter, Andrew, 348

Baynes, T. S., 243 n., 244, 362

Beattie, James, 203, 352

Beaumont, Joseph, 336

Beccaria, Marchese de, 162 n., 220,

224 n., 229

Beesly, E. S., 370

Bellarmine, R. F. R., 73
Bentham, George, 358

Bentham, Jeremy, 158, 162, 186, 200,
207, 211-231, 236 f., 240, 242,
250-2, 257, 353
Bentham, Samuel, 212
Bentley, R., 149, 155, 340
Berkeley, George, 44, 57 f., 95, 104,

132-143, 161, 176, 195, 197, 204,
211, 242, 284, 287, 293 f., 296,
300, 344; Alcipbron, 135, 137, 141;
Common-place Book, 133, 137, 142;
Hylas, 133, 141; New Theory of
Vision, 133, 137-9; Principles of
Human Knowledge, 133, 139-142;
Siris, 136, 142
Blackstone, Sir W.,
Blair, Hugh, 170


Blount, Charles, 144 f., 337
Boehme, Jacob, 102
Bold, Samuel, 129, 342
Bolingbroke, Lord, 144, 152, 350
Boole, George, 244, 361
Bosanquet, B., 292, 371
Bowring, Sir J., 216

Boyle, Robert, 56, 118 n., 335
Bradley, F. H., 291 f., 368
Bradwardine, Thomas, I
Bramhall, John, 52, 57, 73 f., 333
Brandenburg, Elector of, 106
Bridges, J. H., 263, 364

Brooke, Lord, 42–4, 99, 332

Broughton, John, 129, 343

Brown, Thomas, 209 f., 242, 244, 247,

[blocks in formation]

1 The Index contains the personal names which occur in the text or notes
and the names in the bibliography which are printed in capitals.

[blocks in formation]

Lever, Ralph, 14, 323

Lewes, G. H., 273-5, 360
Limborch, Philip van, 107

Locke, J., 37, 40, 72 f., 104-132,
136-9, 143, 145 f., 149 f., 155 f.,
158 n., 159 f., 171 f., 174, 197, 199,
201, 204 f., 211, 221, 242, 253 f.,
284, 293, 299-301, 338; Conduct of
the Understanding, 109, 127; Epis-
tola de Tolerantia, 107 f., 124-6;
Essay concerning Human Under-
standing, 104, 106-121, 136, 139,
146; Letters to the Bishop of
Worcester, 108; Reasonableness of
Christianity, 109, 126 f., 145 f.;
Some Considerations of Interest and
Money, 109, 123 f.; Some Thoughts
concerning Education, 109, 127;
Two Treatises of Government, 106,

[blocks in formation]

Menger, A., 236 n.

Mersenne, Marin, 50-52

Merz, J. T., 301 n.
Middleton, C., 153

Mill, James, 195, 209, 215 f., 235-8,
240, 249, 262, 358

Mill, J. S., 216, 220, 228, 238-40, 242,
248-64, 277-80, 288, 299 f., 358
Milner, John, 343

Milton, John, 34, 72, 78, 125, 337
Mirabeau, Comte de, 214
Molyneux, William, 109, 119, 137, 340
Monboddo, Lord, 353
Montesquieu, E. L. de S., 183
More, Henry, 74-6, 78–89, 93, 95, 97,
99 f., 130, 211, 300, 332
More, Sir Thomas, 43, 69 f., 323
Morell, J. D., 361

Morgan, Thomas, 144, 152, 347
Moschus, 90
Moses, 67, 90
Muirhead, J. H., 373
Müller, F. Max, 369

Mullinger, J. B., 11 n., 12 n.

Napier, John, 31

Napier, M., 237

Nettleship, R. L., 373

Newcastle, Marquis of, 51 f.

Newman, J. H., 265 f., 361

Newton, Sir Isaac, 109, 137, 153,
155 f., 195, 299
Nietzsche, F. W., 300

Nieuwentyt, 201

Norris, John, 109, 129–131, 143, 300,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Salisbury, John of, I

Sanderson, John, 8 f., 324

Sanderson, R., 44, 329

Schelling, F. W., 243, 246, 252
Schiller, F. C. S., 373
Scott, R. F., 9 n.

Selden, John, 45 f., 328
Sergeant, John, 127–9, 342
Seth, James, 373

Shaftesbury, first Earl of, 105 f.
Shaftesbury, third Earl of, 106, 144,

152, 159-161, 163 f., 188, 300, 345
Sherlock, W., 129, 150, 343
Sidgwick, H., 223 n., 279-282, 367
Sidney, Sir Philip, 10

Simcox, Edith, 369

Smith, Adam, 123, 166, 170, 184,
186-194, 204, 208, 235, 259 f.,
351; Moral Sentiments, 186-9;-
Wealth of Nations, 187-194

Smith, John, 75, 78, 96-99, 335
Smith, W. H., 359

Sophia, Electress of Hanover, 146

Sophia Charlotte, Queen of Prussia,


Spalding, W., 364

Spedding, J., 18, 31 n.

Spencer, Herbert, 267-272, 274, 277,

281, 288, 299 f., 360

Spinoza, B., 156 f., 296, 298
Stanley, T., 46, 334

Stephen, Sir J. F., 259, 367

Stephen, Sir L., 276-7, 369

Steuart, Sir James, 189 f., 352

Stewart, Dugald, 161, 187 m., 207-9,
253, 356

Stillingfleet, Edward, 108 f., 127, 342
Stirling, J. H., 241, 286-8, 365
Stout, G. F., 373

Strabo, 90

Stubbe, Henry, 335

Sully, James, 368

Taylor, Isaac, 358

Taylor, Jeremy, 44 f., 124, 335

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