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Meinong, Ueber Gegenstände höherer Ordnung First Hague Conference. 1899 (article). 1899

South African War. 1899-1902

Royce, The World and the Individual. 1900

Death of Queen Victoria. 1901

S. E. P.


In the following bibliography the names of writers are arranged chronologically, the date of each writer being determined by the date of publication of the earliest work whose title appears in the list. The list does not profess to be exhaustive. It does not include medieval writers; it has been found necessary to apply a more rigorous principle of selection as recent times are approached; articles in journals are omitted; and writers whose important works are subsequent to 1900 are not mentioned. Following upon the list of his books, in certain cases references are given to critical estimates of the writer's work.

The views of the more important writers mentioned are summarised or discussed in the leading histories of modern philosophy. There are also two books which deal with English philosophy as a whole: J. Seth's English Philosophers and Schools of Philosophy, 1912; and T. M. Forsyth's English Philosophy, 1910.

The following deal with periods in the history of English philosophy: C. de Rémusat, Histoire de la philosophie en Angleterre depuis Bacon jusqu'à Locke, 1875; J. Tulloch, Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the Seventeenth Century, 2nd ed., 1874; J. Leland, View of the Principal Deistical Writers, 1754-6; G. V. Lechler, Geschichte des englischen Deismus, 1841; A. S. Farrar, Critical History of Free Thought, 1862; J. Hunt, Religious Thought in England, 1870-2; L. Stephen, English Thought in the Eighteenth Century, 1876; G. Lyon, L'idéalisme en Angleterre au XVIIIe siècle, 1888; J. McCosh, The Scottish Philosophy, 1875; A. S. Pringle Pattison, Scottish Philosophy, 1885; J. Bonar, Philosophy and Political Economy, 1893; L. Stephen, The English Utilitarians, 1900; E. Halévy, Formation du Radicalisme philosophique, 1901-4; E. Albee, History of English Utilitarianism, 1902; J. T. Merz, History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century (especially vols. III, IV), 1896-1914; A. W. Benn, English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century, 1906; D. Masson, Recent British Philosophy, 1865; G. Dawes Hicks, in UeberwegHeinze, Geschichte der Philosophie, 10th ed., part IV, §§ 54–62, 1910; H. Höffding, Die englische Philosophie unserer Zeit (German transl.), 1889.

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Libellvs vere avrevs nec minvs salvtaris qvam festiuus, de optimo reip. statu. deque noua Insula Vtopia. (Louvain, 1516; rptd, Paris, 1518; 2nd ed., Basle, 1518.)

A fruteful and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the newe yle called Utopia...translated into Englyshe by Ralphe Robynson. 1551.


Treatise of moral Phylosophie, contayning the Sayinges of the Wyse. 1547. THOMAS WILSON

The Rule of Reason, conteining the arte of logique. 1552.

The Arte of Rhetorique. 1553.


Arte of Reason rightly termed Witcraft. 1573.


Theoria analytica, Viam ad Monarchiam Scientiarum demonstrans, totius Philosophiae et reliquarum Scientiarum, necnon primorum postremorumque Philosophorum mysteria arcanaque dogmata enucleans. 1579. De duplici methodo libri duo, unicam P. Rami methodum refutantes. 1580.

Everardi Digbei Cantabrigiensis admonitioni Francisci Mildapetti... responsio. 1580.

De Arte Natandi. 1587. [Believed to be the earliest treatise on swimming published in England; transl. C. Middleton, 1595.]

Ĉp. J. Freudenthal, Beiträge zur Geschichte der englischen Philosophie (two articles) in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. iv, 1891.


Francisci Mildapetti Navarreni ad Everardum Digbeium Anglum Admonitio de unica P. Rami Methodo rejectis ceteris retinenda. 1580. Pro Mildapetti de unica methodo defensione contra Diplodophilum, commentatio Gulielmi Tempelli, e Regio Collegio Cantabrigiensis. Huc accessit nonnullarum e physicis et ethicis quaestionum explicatio,

una cum epistola de Rami dialectica ad Joannem Piscatorem Argentinensem. 1581. Frankfort, 1584.

P. Rami Dialecticae libri duo, scholiis G. Tempelli Cantabrigiensis illustrati. Cambridge, 1584. Frankfort, 1591, 1595.

Jacobi Martini Scoti Dunkeldensis philosophiae professoris publici, in Academia Taurinensi, de prima simplicium et concretorum corporum generatione disputatio. Cambridge, 1584. Frankfort, 1591, 1595. (Martin's book was first published at Turin, 1577-)

Cp. J. Freudenthal, Beiträge zur Geschichte der englischen Philosophie in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. v, 1892.


Summa veterum interpretum in universam Dialecticam Aristotelis. 1584. Oxford, 1592. Frankfort, 1593.

Speculum moralium questionum in universam ethicen Aristotelis. Oxford, 1585. Frankfort, 1589.

Sphaera civitatis. Oxford, 1588.

Reflexus speculi moralis. Oxford, 1596.

Thesaurus Oeconomicae. Oxford, 1597.

Lapis philosophicus. Oxford, 1599. London, 1612.

Ancilla philosophiae. Oxford, 1599.


Institutionum dialecticarum libri quatuor. Antwerp, 1589. Oxford, 1594, 1602.


Armilla aurea. 1590. Eng. transl. 1600.

The Whole Treatise of the Cases of Conscience. 1608.


Philosophical Works

i. Parts of the Instauratio Magna

Instauratio magna. 1620. (After two pages beginning Franciscus de Verulamio sic cogitavit,' an epistle dedicated to the king, preface, distributio operis, and a page announcing 'deest pars prima instaurationis, quae complectitur partitiones scientiarum,' there follows a second title-page: Pars Secunda Operis, quae dicitur Novum Organum, sive Indicia Vera de interpretatione naturae. The same volume also contains: Parasceve ad Historiam Naturalem et Experimentalem.) Opera. Tomus primus. Qui continet De Augmentis Scientiarum libros IX. 1623. (The second title is: de Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum libri 1x.)

1 In enumerating Bacon's separate works, Spedding's arrangement (instead of chronological order) has been followed.

Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis ad condendam philosophiam: sive Phaenomena Universi: quae est Instaurationis Magnae pars tertia. 1622. (This volume contains Historia Ventorum, also titles and ' aditus' to five other Historiae, namely, Densi et Rari, Gravis et Levis, Sympathiae et Antipathiae Rerum, Sulphuris Mercurii et Salis, Vitae et Mortis.)

Historia Vitae et Mortis. Sive Titulus Secundus in Historia Naturali et Experimentali ad condendam philosophiam: quae est Instaurationis Magnae pars tertia. 1623.

Historia Densi et Rari (1658)1.

Sylva Sylvarum: or A Natural History. In ten centuries. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount St Alban. Published after the author's death by William Rawley. 1627.

Scala intellectus, sive Filum Labyrinthi (1653) (a preface intended for the fourth part of the Instauratio).

Prodromi, sive Anticipationes Philosophiae Secundae (1653) (a preface intended for the fifth part of the Instauratio).

ii. Works connected with the Instauratio, but not intended
to be included in it.

Cogitationes de natura rerum (1653).

De Fluxu et Refluxu Maris (1653).

De Principiis atque Originibus secundum Fabulas Cupidinis et Coeli (1653). New Atlantis: a work unfinished. (First published by Rawley at the end of the volume containing Sylva Sylvarum in 1627. Ed. G. C. M. Smith, Cambridge, 1900.)

iii. Works originally designed for parts of the Instauratio

but superseded or abandoned.

Cogitationes de Scientia Humana. (A series of fragments of uncertain date, first published by Spedding (Bacon's Works, vol. 11), who supplied the title.)

Valerius Terminus of the Interpretation of Nature; with the annotations of Hermes Stella (1734).

The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon of the Proficience and Advancement

of Learning Divine and Humane. 1605.

Filum Labyrinthi, sive Formula Inquisitionis (1734) (little else than an English version of the Cogitata et Visa).

De Interpretatione Naturae Prooemium (1653).

Temporis Partus Masculus sive Instauratio Magna Imperii Humani in Universum (1653).

Partis Instaurationis Secundae Delineatio et Argumentum, et Redargutio philosophiarum (1653, in part)..

1 Writings published for the first time in posthumous collections have the date of the collection given in parentheses. Titles will be found under 'Editions.'

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