Imágenes de página

D. Imo vero indignum, Chremes, jam facinus faxo ex me audias. Nescio quis senex modo venit: ellum, confidens, catus : 15 Cum faciem videas, videtur esse quantivis preti.

Tristis severitas inest in vultu, atque in verbis fides.

S. Quidnam apportas? D. Nil equidem, nisi quod illum audivi dicere.

S. Quid ait tandem ?

D. Glycerium se scire civem esse
Atticam. S. Hem,

Dromo, Dromo. D. Quid est? S. Dromo. D. Audi. S.
Verbum si addideris. Dromo.

20 D. Audi, obsecro. DR. Quid vis? S. Sublimem hunc intro rape, quantum potes.

DR. Quem? S. Davum. D. Quamobrem ? S. Quia lubet. rape, inquam. D. Quid feci? S. Rape.

ter quid illum hic (apud Glycerium) esse censes?"-For what purpose, think you, is he there? why, don't you know he is quarrelling with her? and persons cannot quarrel if they be not together. This is spoken to Simo, in ridicule of his having said (iii. 3. 20.) iræ sunt," &c., which Chremes all along discredited. He designates Glycerium's house by hic, as he is standing near the door.

13. Imo vero] ¶ Davus gladly breaks off the subject here; conceiving that a few questions more such as "Cur igitur hic?" might readily nonplus him, as he has fabricated. Chremes,] He speaks to Chremes, as the person, either, who is to be deterred from the puptials; or, who is not interrupting him; or, whom he designs as his intercessor. Davus here represents that Pamphilus had entered the house, because a suit from Crito was threatening him, to compel him to marry Glycerium. D. Davus, to soften Simo's mind, irritated by the sarcasm of Chremes, attempts, as it were, to refute the opinion of the latter; for he says "Immo vero," i. e. "non cum illa litigat, sed, &c. Z. The words of Davus do not appear to imply any spirit of contradiction against Chremes. "Immo vero ” marks transition to a new subject.

14. Nescio quis] Wisely said. For, if Davus seemed to know him, he might be deemed a partial and doubtful witness. D. ellum,] The ancients used to write ille, ellus, and ollus. But it can be an adverb, qu. en or ecce, illum. D. confidens,] Here for constans. D. 1 Of confident deportment, arising from consciousness of integrity; whence, a person "calculated to command deference and credit." catus:] Callidus, doctus, ardens; from xaís, whence Cato.

For such talents are attended with a fiery vigour. D. ¶ Davus makes a favourable representation of Crito, that his statements, to come, may be the more readily believed.

15. videtur] T Hoogeveen renders this, ὅτε βλέπεις εἰς πρόσωπον αὐτοῦ βούλεταί τι siva. i. e. "he appears to think himself a person of some consequence." quantivis] Quamvis implies contempt; quantivis, praise. D.

16. Tristis severitas] Often the grave and sedate are called tristes, since they are usually indisposed for joke and hilarity. Ř. D.

"Oderunt hilarem tristes, tristemque jocosi." in verbis fides] See i. 1. 7.

17. Quidnam apportas ?] ¶ Might we be fanciful, and explain "what do you carry— what burthen are you conveying to our ears?" nisi quod] Ti. e. nisi apporto id quod. Nisi is not to be confounded with the preposition præter.

18. tandem ?] f He is irritated and impatient. scire] ¶ Is perfectly acquainted with her as such-is positive on the matter.

19. IAMBIC TETRAMETERS.-Quid est?] Scil. quod vis. verbum si addideris.] For Davus is saying, in the presence of Chremes, every thing which is opposed to the nuptials. D.

20. Sublimem] So raised, that he may not be able to touch the ground with his feet. Ad. iii. 2. 18. "sublimem medium arriperem." R. D. "Hoisted up;" from sublimen (according to some qu. superum limen) the lintel of a door case. quantum potes.] i. e. celerrimè; for slaves show themselves slow to punish their fellows, hoping, by delay, to gain the indulgence of the angry masters. D. Or, tantum, quantum potes, sublimem.

21. Quem ?] Pretending not to understand; to cause delay. Scil, quem rapiam ?

D. Si quidquam invenies me mentitum, occidito. S. Nihil audio.

Ego jam te commotum reddam. D. Tamen etsi hoc verum

est. S. Tamen

Cura asservandum vinctum: atque audi'n'? quadrupedem constringito.

25 Age nunc jaм; ego pol hodie, si vivo, tibi

Ostendam, herum quid sit pericli fallere;

Et illi, patrem. C. Ah, ne sævi tantopere. S. O Chreme,
Pietatem gnati! nonne te miseret mei?

Tantum laborem capere ob talem filium?

30 Age, Pamphile: exi, Pamphile: ecquid te pudet?

Quia lubet.] Scil. mihi. rape, inquam.] Addressed to Dromo. D. inquam.] With this word the ancients either renewed a subject interrupted; or repeated an expression to give it emphasis. R. D.

22. Nihil audio.] I am deaf to any entreaty you can make.

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23. A TROCHAIC TETRAMETER CATALECTIC. -Commotum] Citum, celerem. D. Mad. Dacier considers this explanation unworthy of Donatus, when commotum reddere here means dianivy, or, verberibus cædere. Z. ¶Donatus, probably, understood "commotum reddere as addressed to Dromo, slow in executing the order "Rape." On the idiom see v. 1. 14. Commotum reddum.] i. e. I will cause that you shall not be "animo otioso," as Davus had said, line 1. So Heaut. iv. 4. 8. "dormiunt, pol ego istos commovebo." R. D. Adopt the interpretation given above from Zeunius. hoc] ¶ Scil. “Glycerium se scire (ait) civem esse Atticam." S. Tamen] ¶ Sarcastically echoing Davus' word. Al. verum est ? S. Tamen. Cura, i. e. "Tamen (etsi hoc verum est) te commotum reddam." See ii. 1. 14.

24. Cura asservandum vinctum:] ¶ Cura eum utpote asservandum vinctum (in vinculis);""Take charge of him as a person to be kept bound;" put for, Cura ut asservetur vinctus. quadrupedem] In such a manner, that, like a beast, he may rest on all fours, with head sunk to the ground by a weight of logs; a punishment called in Attica nuqwops. R. D. This practice towards slaves was derived to the Romans from the Greeks, who took it from the Hebrews; so Matt. xxii. 13.

dhσavres auτoũ Todas naì xrīgas. Da. Some explain this, as if Simo became appeased, and ordered, not Davus, but some beast in his stead to be fettered. Hence (they say) to Pamphilus complaining below, v. 4. 52. Simo answers haud ita jussi." E. Has he put quadrupes for a slave, a fugitive? So, Virg. Æn. vii. 500. "Saucius at quadrupes nota intra tecta refugit." D. ¶ The last two interpretations are specious.

25. IAMBIC TRIMETERS.-Age nunc jam ;] ¶ Denoting his determination and inflexibility. hodie] ¶ Before the day is at an end. si vivo,] As surely as I am alive. tibi] T With emphasis, as opposed to illi, line 27.


27. Et illi, patrem.] ¶i. e. "Et illi (Pamphilo) ostendam, patrem quid sit pericli fallere." Patrem is opposed to "herum." savi] Plaut. Bacchid. iii. 3. 4. "Leniter qui sæviunt, sapiunt magis." Servius on Æn. vi. 544. “ ne sævi, magna sacerdos.” L.

28. Pietatem] Ellipsis of vides or something similar; and in irony for impietatem. D. te miseret mei?] T The genitive mei depends on a substantive couched under miseret; qu. te misericordia capit mei. See note i. 1. 20. Scil. me,

F 2

29. Tantum laborem capere]

to be implied from the preceding mei. R. D. T This line is an example of the elliptical use of the infinitive in indignation. Compare v. 3. 8. The instances in Terence are frequent.

30. ecquid te pudet ?] ¶ Ecquid is adverbial" An secundum quid te pudet (pudor capit) ?" Does shame at all possess you ?Are you aught abashed ? exi,] Scil. ex Glycerii ædibus.



QUIS me vult? perii, pater est. S. Quid ais, omnium-?
C. Ah,

Rem potius ipsam dic, ac mitte male loqui.

S. Quasi quidquam in hunc jam gravius dici possiet.
Ai'n' tandem? civis Glycerium est? P. Ita prædicant.
5 S. Ita prædicant? O ingentem confidentiam!
Num cogitat quid dicat? num facti piget?
Num ejus color pudoris signum usquam indicat?
Adeone impotenti esse animo, ut præter civium
Morem, atque legem, et svi voluntatem patris,

10 Tamen hanc habere studeat cum summo probro?

P. Me miserum! S. Hem! modone id demum sensti, Pamphile?
Olim istuc, olim, cum ita animum induxti tuum,

PAMPHILUS, coming out, is severely reproved by his father; but at length obtains leave to introduce Crito.

1. IAMBIC TRIMETERS.-Quis] T He hears the voice of Simo (last line) calling him. ais,] This is spoken in a manner indicating approaching rant (male loqui) which Chremes perceiving, endeavours to divert, by bringing him to the point (Rem-ipsam) namely, to ask whether what Davus had just said about Glycerium be true. omnium ?] Scil, nequissimus; aposiopesis. R. D.


2. mitte] ¶ In the sense of omitte. male loqui.] i. e. male dicere. Phorm. ii. 3. 25. Pergin' hero absenti male loqui ?" R. D. ¶ Meaning the same with graviter dicere; as we may gather from next line. 3. Quasi] Referring to Chremes interrupting him. hunc] ¶ A person so incorrigible. jam] Now, when he is seen coming out from the very house which is the theatre of his extravagancies. gravius] ¶ Scil. æquo, justo; i. e. nimium grave. See i. 1. 25.

4. tandem?] ¶ Impatient of interruption to his torrent of indignation; and requiring an explicit ready answer. Simo is now very much heated, as he sees total miscarriage threatening his darling project of marrying Pamphilus to Philumena. civis Glycerium est? This is the Rem-ipsam, to which he comes, as Chremes prompted.

5. Ita prædicant?] The rage of disappointment was at its height in Simo; and he was but waiting for a word to lay hold on, to

give it full vent. confidentiam!] ¶ Assurance, effrontery, "perfricta frons." The word is as frequently taken in a good sense; so v. 2. 14. "confidens."

6. cogitat] As is usual to the angry, he changes from the second to the third person. D. facti piget?] ¶ Scil. eum; see v. 2. 28. facti] ¶ Of the deed, significantly; meaning the intrigue.

7. usquam] An adverb of place; "any where;" i. e. "in any of his features," or "under any circumstances."

8. Adeone] See iv. 2.6. impotenti] One who cannot moderate the affections of his mind. Heaut. ii. 3. 130. R. D. àxgárns.

9. legem,] The law passed by Pericles, forbidding intermarriage with foreigners. A person, neither of whose parents was Athenian, was considered aros. ANON.


10. probro ?] A general name for any base action; but peculiarly applied to dishonourable intrigue. R. D.

11. Me miserum !] ¶ See iv. 1. 22. modone id demum sensti,] ¶ "Have you just now at last opened your eyes to it ?" Comp. iii. 1. 12.

12. Olim istuc, olim,] He uses repetition, to add strength to his words. Virg. Æn. ii. 602. "divum inclementia, divum, Has evertit opes." D. istuc] ¶ This word is repeated line 14. where its connexion appears. ita] Ti. e. to such a degree, so firmly; or, hoc, i. e. hoc in animum duxti, scilicet "quod cuperes efficiendum esse."-I prefer the


Quod cuperes, aliquo pacto efficiendum tibi :
Eodem die istuc verbum vere in te accidit.
15 Sed quid ego? cur me excrucio? cur me macero ?
Cur meam senectutem hujus sollicito amentia?
An ut pro hujus peccatis ego supplicium sufferam ?
Imo habeat, valeat, vivat cum illa. P. Mi pater.
S. Quid, mi pater? quasi tu hujus indigeas patris.
20 Domus, uxor, liberi inventi, invito patre.

Adducti, qui illam civem hinc dicant. viceris.
P. Pater, licetne pauca? S. Quid dices mihi?

C. Tamen, Simo, audi. S. Ego audiam? quid ego audiam, Chreme? C. At tandem dicat sine. S. Age, dicat: sino. 25 P. Ego me amare hanc fateor; si id peccare est, fateor id quoque.

Tibi, pater, me dedo. quidvis oneris impone, impera.

Vis me uxorem ducere? hanc vi' amittere? ut potero, feram.
Hoc modo te obsecro, ut ne credas a me allegatum hunc senem.

former. Compare the parallel, iii. 3. 40. and note. tuum] Prose writers, in this phrase, omit meum, tuum, suum. R. D.

13. aliquo pacto] ¶ By some means; be the means good or bad.

14. istuc verbum] ¶ Scil. "miserum " (11.) i. e. "wretchedness befell you." Some interpret accidit, by convenit, i. e. "the word wretched became applicable to you."

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15. Sed quid, &c.] Bentley reads: "Sed quid ego me autem excrucio.' macero ?] ¶ iv. 2. 2.

17. An ut] Ti. e. An meam senectutem sollicito ut, &c.

19. hujus] Pointing to himself. Virg. En. ix. 205. "Est hic, est animus lucis contemtor." D. indigeas] ¶ You have no need of a virtuous father; for, being irreclaimable, you are beyond the observance of his example or advice.

20. liberi] Maliciously, where there is but one. inventi,] i. e. non geniti; as he had said, "hoc ego scio, neminem peperisse hic." D. Or, perhaps, he now begins to suspect that the infant seen was really Glycerium's; see, then, iii. 3. 39.

21. Adducti,] ¶ Scil. quidam sunt. He alludes to the stranger (Crito) of whom he had just heard from Davus. Observe his malice here also in using the plural number. hinc] See v. 1. 14. viceris.] A word of reluctant concession in anger. Cæs. B. G. v. 30. "vincite si ita vultis." R. D. T" Prevail,' have matters your own way-I care not. The subjunctive for the imperative; see iv. 2. 21.

Or, "you may possibly have prevailed," but do not flatter yourself; then, see iv. 1. 16, 17. 22. licetne pauca ?] ¶ Scil. licetne mihi pauca verba loqui ?

23. Tamen,] Although tamen is usually subjoined to another word; it is however often put first, when something is to be supplied. R. D. However inexcusable he may be; although he may have nothing to say for himself, yet, &c.

24. At tandem] Read At tamen, as iv. 28. B. dicat: sino.] ¶ Or, omit the colon; dicat sino, scil. ut dicat sino. The permission is scarcely extorted from him.

25. AN IAMBIC TETRAMETER.—hanc] ¶ He avoids to mention a name which might be offensive to Simo's ears. fateor id] ¶ Scil. me peccavisse.

26. TROCHAIC TETRAMETERS CATALECTIC. -me dedo.] ¶ Surrendering, like the conquered, at discretion. oneris] He follows up the metaphor, in saying, "ut potero, feram.' ." D.

27. hanc] Glycerium; whom he must lose, if he marries another. The reading in Z. is: " hanc vis amittere," for which Faernus reads "hanc vis mittere." For, as B. observes, a wife already led home, amittitur, but one not yet taken, mittitur. tero,] This confession, made in the presence of Chremes, is well calculated to deter him from the marriage. D. feram.] ¶ Scil. onus feram uxorem ducendi et hanc amittendi.

ut po

28. ut ne] Ne for non; as below, 31. senem.] Critonem,

Sine me expurgem, atque illum huc coram adducam. S. Ad

ducas! P. Sine, pater.

30 C. Æquum postulat; da veniam. P. Sine te hoc exorem. S. Sino.

Quidvis cupio, dum ne ab hoc me falli comperiar, Chreme.
C. Pro peccato magno paulum supplicii satis est patri.



MITTE orare. una harum quævis causa me, ut faciam, moneț:
Vel tu, vel quod verum est, vel quod ipsi cupio Glycerio.
CH. Andrium ego Critonem video? certe is est. CR. Salvus
sis, Chreme.

CH. Quid tu Athenas insolens? CR. Evenit. sed hicine est


5 CH. Hic. S. Men' quæris? eho, tu Glycerium hinc cviem esse ais?

CR. Tu negas? S. Itane huc paratus advenis? CR. Qua de

re? S. Rogas?

Tune impune hæc facias? tune hic homines adolescentulos,

29. expurgem atque—adducam] ¶ i. e. ut expurgem atque ut adducam. huc coram] Huc is essential, for coram means merely in (not into) the presence of.

30. da veniam] ¶ Grant him the indulgence. hoc] Scil. ut me expurgem et Critonem adducam. exorem.] See iii. 4. 13.

31. comperiar,] A deponent verb; i. e. comperiam. G.

32. paulum] Adverbs are often used as nouns, so paululum and satis. E. satis est] Satisfacit.

Crito is brought out and unravels the mystery.

1. TROCHAIC TETRAMETERS CATALECTIC.Mitte orare.] T Spoken to Pamphilus, who is conducting him out of Glycerium's house to meet Chremes and Simo, and has been entreating of him to exert himself to set matters right: to which entreaty lines 1, 2 are the reply. faciam.] ¶ Scil. divulge the matter, set affairs right.

2. Vel-vel-vel.] ¶ These are three reasons, any one of which (harum quævis) determines Crito to comply. cupio.] i. e. faveo.

Cæsar, B. G. i. 18. joins cupere and favere ; where see annotators, R. D.

3. Andrium.] ¶ The poet wisely represents Crito as an old acquaintance of Chremes: to make his influence and importance the greater for bringing about the happy issue to the crisis.

4. Quid tu Athenas insolens] ¶i.e.“propter quid tu Athenas advenisti insolens ;" i. e. "non solitus" huc commeare. This is the primary meaning of insolens. Hor. Od. i. 5. 7. "et aspera Nigris æquora ventis Emirabitur insolens:" and Sall. Cat. "insolens malarum artium." Evenit] ¶ The penultima is here long. "It has so fallen out." Crito answers thus, in order to evade further inquiries, and to come to the main point: as he does at once, in asking to be introduced to Simo.

5. Hic] ¶ Scil. est ille. Men' quæris] ¶ Any thing but a polite salutation: Simo treats him as a suborned impostor. hinc] see v. 1. 14.

6. paratus] Tadductus." v. 3. 21. Ready with your part, having been previously instructed how to act it.

7. Tune] You, who are an utter stranger, and have no pretext for interfering, facias.]

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