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That we ought to offer up our felves, and all that is ours, to GOD; and to Pray for all Men.

The Voice of the DISCIPLE.


I. Hine, O Lord, are all things that are in Heaven, and that are in Earth. I defire to offer up my felf unto thee, as a voluntary Oblation, and to remain thine for ever. O Lord, in the fimplicity of my heart, I offer my felf unto thee this day, a Sacrifice of perpetual praife, and eternally devoted to thy fervice, and to the obedience of thy holy Will. Accept me, together with this holy Oblation of thy own precious Body, which I this day offer unto thee in presence of the Angels, invifibly here affifting; to the end it may avail to my Salvation, and to the Salvation of all thy people.

II. Lord, I offer unto thee all my fins and tranfgreffions, which I have committed before thee, and thy holy Angels, from the day I was first capable of finning, even to this very hour, upon thy propitiatory Al

tar; to the end thou wouldst burn and confume all equally with the fire of thy love, and wipe out all the ftains and fpots whatfoever of my fins, and cleanse my conscience perfectly from every offence, and reftore unto me thy favour, which I have forfeited by finning, by granting me a full remiffion of all, and mercifully receiving me to a Kifs of Peace in token of thy perfect forgivenefs and reconcilement.

III. What else can I do for my fins, but humbly confefs and lament them, and inceffantly implore thy merciful forgiveness ? Lord, I implore it, hear me favourably, who lie proftrate here before thee, O my GoD. All my fins are exceeding offenfive to me, 'I will never commit them more, but do grieve, and will grieve for them, as long as I live; being ready to teftify my repentance by the amendment of my Life, and to make fatisfaction to the utmost of my power. Forgive me, O GOD, forgive me my fins, for thy holy Name's fake: Save my foul, which thou haft redeemed with thy own most precious Blood. Behold, I commit my felf to thy Mercy, I refign my felf into thy hands. Deal with me according to thy Goodnefs, not according to my fins and iniquities.

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IV. I offer thee alfo whatever in me is good; a poor imperfect Oblation, I confefs; but I offer it to this end, that thou mayst purify and fanctify it; that thou mayft accept it graciously, and render it pleafing in thy fight, and add daily new degrees of perfection to it; and bring alfo at last this poor flothful unprofitable Servant of thine, to a bleffed and praife-worthy End.

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V. I likewife offer unto thee all the pious defires of the devout, the neceffities of my Parents, Friends, Brethren, Sifters, and all that are dear unto me, and that have done good either to my felf or others for the love of thy Name: And that have defired and begged my Prayers for them and all theirs: That they may all receive the help of thy Grace, the refreshings of thy confolation, protection from dangers, and deliverance from pains; and that being rescued and guarded from all evil, they may with joyful and thankful hearts, extol and magnify thy excellent Goodness.

a In the Original; And that have defired and begg'd Prayers and Maffes to be faid by me in behalf of themfelves, and all theirs, whether they are still living in the Flesh, or are now departed this Life.

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VI. I offer thee alfo my Prayers, and Peace offerings, particularly for those, that have offended me in any refpect whatsoever, that have grieved or afflicted me, that have defamed or reviled me, or done me any confiderable damage or injury. And likewife for all that I my felf have at any time grieved, defpighted, ill-treated, reviled, fcandalized, by word or deed, knowingly or ignorantly, with, or without defign; intreating thee to forgive all of us our fins, and all our offences against one another. Take, Lord, from our hearts all jealoufie, indignation, anger, all difpofition to ftrife and debate, and whatfoever elfe may any way hurt Charity, or tend to abate Brotherly Love. Have mercy, have mercy, Lord, on all that crave thy Mercy; give Grace to thofe that want it; and caufe us to be fuch manner of persons in our life and conversation, that we may be worthy the enjoyment of thy Grace, and proceed in all Godliness and Virtue to the attainment of Life Eternal. Amen.



That the Holy Communion is not lightly. to be forborn.




HOU oughteft frequently to have recourse to the Fountain of Grace, and Divine Mercy, to the Fountain of Goodness, and of all Purity; to the end thou mayst be cured of thy paffions and vices, and be render'd more strong and vigilant against all the temptations and deceits of the Devil. The Enemy well know ing the mighty advantage and fovereign power of the Holy Communion, ufes all means, and takes all occafions, to difcou rage, as much as ever he can, and to hinder the faithful and devout Chriftian from receiving it.

II. For fome perfons when they are difpofing and fitting themselves to receive the Holy Communion, are then most attack'd with the evil fuggeftions and illufions of Satan. That wicked Spirit (as it is writ

In the Original; To the end thou mayft merit to be cured.

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