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V. Courage, my Brethren, let us proceed together; Jefus will be with us: For Jefus fake we received this Crofs: For Jefus fake let us perfevere in the Crofs. He will be our helper, who is our guide, and forerunner. Behold, our King marches before us, who will fight for us. Let us follow manfully; let none be afraid of terrors: Let us be prepared to die gallantly in the Field; and not ftain our honour, by flying from the Crofs.


That a Man fhould not be too much dejected, when he makes Slips, or is guilty of Some Failures.



ION, humility and patience in adverfity are more pleafing to me, than much confolation and devotion in profperity. Why art thou difquieted upon the account of fome flight fault that is alledg'd against thee? Had it been a greater matter, thou oughtest not to be much disturbed at it. But now let it pafs: This is nothing new: It is not the first disparage


ment of this kind, nor is it like to be the laft, if thou live long. Thou art courageous enough, as long as nothing happens cross to thee: Thou giveft good counfel also, and canft ftrengthen others with thy advice: But when an unexpected tribulation comes home to thy own door, thou faileft in counfel, and strength. Mark thy own extreme frailty, which thou haft frequent experience of in flight accidents: It is notwithstanding intended for thy good, when thofe and the like rencounters happen unto thee.

II. Banish it out of thy thoughts, the beft, thou canft; and if it hath touched thee, let it not deject thee however, nor hang long upon thee: Bear it patiently at leaft, if thou canst not joyfully. Tho' it be pain to thee to hear it, and thou feel indignation rifing up within thee, yet check it forthwith, and fuffer not any paffionate indecent expression to come out of thy mouth, which may give offence to thy weaker brethren. For the ftorm that is raised fhall foon be laid again, and thy inward grief fhall be fweetned by the return of Grace. As I live, faith the Lord, I am ready to affift thee, and to give thee more than ordinary confolation; if thou put thy trust in me, and devoutly call upon me.

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III. Be more patient, and arm thy felf for greater fufferings. Imagine not that all is loft, because thou findeft thy felf often afflicted, and violently tempted. Thou art Man, and not Gop: Thou art Flesh, and not an Angel. How fhouldst thou be able to perfevere always in the fame state of vir tue, when this was wanting to an Angel in Heaven, and to the first Man in Paradife? I am he who gracioufly raife up thofe that mourn, and promote fuch as are fenfible of their own weakness, to a participation of my Divinity.


IV. Lord, bleffed be thy word, Sweet above Honey, and the Honey-comb unto my mouth. What could I do amidst fo many tribulations and anguifhes, didft not thou fortifie my Spirit with thy holy fayings? So long as I arrive at last at the Haven of Salvation, what matter is it, what or how much I fuffer? Grant me a good End; grant me a happy paffage out of this world. Be mindful of me, O my GoD, and conduct me the directest way into thy Kingdom. Amen.



Against prying into high Myfteries, and examining the fecret Judgments of GOD.




ON, beware of difputing about high Matters, and about the fecret Judgments of GOD: Why one Man is fo for faken, and another lo highly favoured of GOD: Why this perfon allo is fo much af flicted, and that fo remarkably exalted. Thofe are things beyond the utmost reach of human understanding: Nor is any reafon, or difputation fufficient to fearch out the divine counfels. When the Enemy therefore fuggefteth these things unto thee, or fome curious people inquire the reafon of them, anfwer that of the Prophet: Righte ous art thou, O Lord, and just are thy Judgments. And that: The Judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. My Judgments are to be feared, not to be difcuffed; because they are incomprehenfible to the understanding of Man,

* Plal. cxix. 137

b Pfal. xix. 9

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II. Forbear

II. Forbear alfo inquiring, or difputing of the merits of the Saints, which of them is holier than another, or which is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Such questions oftentimes ingender ftrife, and unprofitable contentions; they also cherish pride, and vain glory: From whence fpring envies and diffenfions, whilft one, in the pride of his own heart, contends for the preference of this Saint; another, for the pre-eminence of that. But to defire to know, and to enquire after fuch things, turns to no good account, but rather difpleases the Saints: Because I am not a GOD of diffenfion, but of peace; which peace confifteth more in true humility, than in felf-exal


III. Some Men are carried away with 4 greater zeal of love and affection for one. Saint than for another: But fuch affection hath more in it of Man, than of GOD. It is I who created all the Saints: I gave them grace: I conferred upon them glory. I knew the merits of each one in particular: I prevented them with the blessings of my goodness I foreknew my Beloved Ones before time was; I chose them out of the

1 Cor. xiv. 33.

d Pfal. xxi. 3.


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