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" That weight of wood, with leathern coat o'erlaid, Those ample clasps of solid metal made, The close-press'd leaves... "
Waverley Or 'Tis Sixty Years Since - Página 124
de Walter Scott - 1898 - 484 páginas
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George Crabbe - 1807 - 294 páginas
...First let us view the Form, the Size, the Dress ; For, these the Manners, nay the Mind exprcs§ 142 That Weight of Wood, with leathern Coat o'erlaid, Those ample Clasps, of solid Metal made ; The close-prest Leaves, unclos'd for many an age, The dull red Edging of the well-fill'd Page; On the broad...
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George Crabbe - 1808 - 276 páginas
...crowd. Fir,st let us view the Form, the Size, the Dress ; For, these the Manners, nay the Mind express : That weight of wood, with leathern coat o'erlaid, Those ample clasps, of solid metal made ; The close-prest leaves, unclos'd for many an age, The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page ; On the...
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George Crabbe - 1808 - 280 páginas
...crowd. First let us view the Form, the Size, the Dress ; For, these the Manners; nay the Mind express : That weight of wood, with leathern coat o'erlaid, Those ample clasps, of solid metal made ; The close-prest leaves, unclos'd for many an age, The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page ; On the...
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George Crabbe - 1808 - 280 páginas
...crowd. First let us view the Form, the Size, the Dress ; For, these the Manners) nay the Mind express : That weight of wood, with leathern coat o'erlaid, Those ample clasps, of solid metal made ; The close-prest leaves, unclos'd for many an age, The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page ; On the...
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George Crabbe - 1808 - 274 páginas
...crowd. First let us view the Form, the Size, the Dress ; For, these the Manners> nay the Mind express : That weight of wood, with leathern coat o'erlaid, Those ample clasps, of solid metal made ; ' The close-prest leaves, unclos'd for many an age, The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page ; Oh the...
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Poems, Volumen 2

George Crabbe - 1812 - 240 páginas
...us view the form, the size, the dress; For, these the manners, nay the mind express; That weight ot wood, with leathern coat o'erlaid ; Those ample clasps, of solid metal made; The close-prest leaves, unclos'd for many an age; The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page; On the broad...
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Guy Mannering: Or, The Astrologer, Volumen 1

Walter Scott - 1815 - 322 páginas
...memoirs, he tossed indignantly aside, with the implied cenlure of " psha," or " frivolous ;" but the greater and bulkier part of the collection bore a...clasps of solid metal made, The close-press'd leaves -unclosed for many aji age, The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page, On the broad hack the stubborn...
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Guy Mannering, Or, The Astrologer, Volumen 1

Walter Scott - 1815 - 416 páginas
...memoirs, he tossed indignantly aside, with the implied censure of " psha," or " frivolous;" but the greater and bulkier part of the collection bore a...shelves with volumes which displayed the antique and o 2 venerable attributes so happily described by a modern poet; That weight of wood, with leathern...
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Guy Mannering, Or, The Astrologer, Volumen 1

Walter Scott - 1815 - 354 páginas
...old and deeplylearned cast, had loaded his shelves with volumes which displayed the antique and o 2 venerable attributes so happily described' by a modern...o'erlaid, Those ample clasps of solid metal made, The close press'd leaves unclosed for many an age, The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page, On the...
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The works of George Crabbe, Volumen 1

George Crabbe - 1816 - 306 páginas
...crowd. First, let us view the form, the size, the dress; For, these the manners, nay the mind express; That weight of wood, with leathern coat o'erlaid ; Those ample clasps, of solid metal made ; The close-prest leaves, unclos'd for many an age ; The dull red edging of the well-fill'd page ; On the...
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