Imágenes de página

France classics in lycées, 738; co-education, 392;

correspondance inter scolaire, 16; degrees for
women, 692; home speech, 16; Latin and
Greek study, 89; League of Nations, 392; Paris
residential scholarships, 29; women teachers
of boys, 692; University of Aix-Marseilles, 784.
Free placers, secondary schools, 666.

French at the General School Examination, 800.

Garnsey, E. R., B.A., Recent Developments in
Australia [A.], 749.
Geography-correlated with other subjects, 667;

experiment in teaching at Ruabon, 666; Mr.
Young, modern tendencies in teaching, 671.
Geography, The Teaching of [British Association
Report], by W. H. Barker [A.], 448.
Geology in the service of man, 586.

Geometry in Schools, The Teaching of, by W.
Parkinson [A.], 165.

Geometry teaching, reports on, 145.
Germany-Advisory Councils for Young People,

394; Basedow's bicentenary, 16; corporal
punishment, 16; educational advancement,
549; educational changes, 29, 30; Esperanto
classes, 454 ; holiday courses, 454; inter-
national history congress, 476; news items, 89;
reconciliation difficulties, 746; schools and the
League of Nations, 746; Union of Radical
School Reformers, 228.

Girls on the Continent, English [C.], 546.
Graduate work, 34.

Grants, and teachers' salaries, 215; distribution of
educational, 666.

Governing bodies, power of, 356.

Government returns, excessive cost, 540.

Green, G. H., Publicity and Education [A.], 540.
Gymnastic Mistress, The (H. Drummond) [C.], 462.

Habits in study, 741.

Hand-writing, 218; Shakespeare's, 228.

Hardy, E. A., B.A., D.Paed., Recent Advances in
Canada [A.], 377.

Hart, Dr. I. B., London's New M.Sc. Degree [A.], 602.
Health, The Practice of [A.], 439.

Health and Knowledge, The Syllabus for Girls'
(M. L. Lardelli, F.R.Hist.S.) [C.], 460.

Health and physique, 586.

Hearnshaw, Prof. F. J. C., M.A., LI,.D., World
Education: Some General Movements [A.], 27.
Hereford Cathedral School, 783.

High School Newspaper, by J. Adams A.], 686.
Historical Research, Institute of, 219.
History-discussion on teaching, 36; or Scottish

Leaving Certificate, 150; local research, 10;
the teaching of, 217.

History-Teaching Congress in Berlin, International
[A.], 782.

Holiday in England, A Plea for a (W. Ripman)
[C.], 462.

Holidays abroad, 320.

Home work, 277.

[blocks in formation]

Infinitive, the split, S.P.E. Tract, No. XV., 13.
Inspection, Welsh schools, 471, 734, 753.
Inspection of Private Schools (H. J. Millar, B.A.)
[C.], 156.

Inspectors, inspection of, 358.
Insurance, juvenile, 532.

Intellectual Co-operation, Committee of, 228.
International Language, teaching Danish and Esper-
anto, 284.

International University Information Office, 295.
Ireland-geography teaching, 228; Intermediate

Education Commission report 38; teachers
and public meetings, 99; FREE STATE agricul-
tural and technical instruction, 690; chaos in
schools expected, financial position, 386;
College of Science, 594: Dublin University,
Trinity College, 754; Compulsory Irish for
Intermediate Certificate, 555; education, 40,
226; education estimates, 594; educational
policy, 150; grants to secondary schools, 554;
Interim grant, 555; Intermediate Education,
Commissioners' pamphlet on Mathematics, 84,
Intermediate examination results, 690;
Irish Agriculture and Technical Instruction
Officers' Organization, 100; Irish compulsory,
226; juvenile unemployment, 388; mathe-
matics teaching, 297; National Teachers'
Congress, 388; National University, 151, 226;
Royal College of Science, 150; scheme of full-

time trade scholarships, 670; Scholarships,
Dublin College of Science, 388; scholarships to
secondary schools and universities, 754; school
regulations modified, 690; secondary educa-
tion, 226; and salaries, 473; teachers' salaries
and grants to education, 594; teachers' salarics,
tenure, and registration, 150, 226; teaching of
Irish, 754, 817; Technical education, 473; North,
Belfast education, 100; Education Act, 100,
240; education estimates, 297, 388; educa-
tional programme, 1924-5, 589; local adminis-
tration, 297; new schools, 754; religious
instruction in elementary schools, 297; school
classification, 40; secondary education, 473;
teachers' appointments, 297; Ulster Education
Bill, 388.

Italian language, teaching in English schools, 476.
Italy, International Congress on Philosophy, 241;

mathematics repudiated, 18; Montessori tri-
bute, 538; National Teaching Exhibition, 698;
Naples University, 18, 538; primary education,
89; singing, 164.

Johnson as Educationist, Dr., by T. I,. Humber-
stone [A.), 31.

Juvenile unemployment insurance, 357.

Kahn, Mr. Otto H., influence in Europe, 82.
Kelvin, Lord, 532.

Kent Education Committee, pamphlets on indus-
tries, 219; report, 1922-3, 100; vocational
guidance pamphlets, 668.

King, H C., Common Examination for Entrance to
Public Schools [A.], 646.

Laboratories for Bio-chemistry, 382.

Labour Government university representatives, 149.
Latin Teaching in Secondary Schools, 88.
Latin Verse Composition, by Rev. Dr. J. A. Nairn
[A.], 673.

Lawrie, A. P., Industrial Education [A.], 146.
Law, neglect of study, 282.

League of Nations-pamphlets on intellectual life,

etc., 691, 800; prize essay, 319; protection of
scientific property, 394; Summer schools, 476.
League of Nations in Educational Matters, The
Vigorous Policy of The [A.], 764.

Lectures Byron, 533; Caldecott Community, 230;
L.C.C. courses for teachers, 83; London School
of Economics, 154; office appliances, 12, 91;
People's League of Health, 650; science, 152;
teachers', at College of Preceptors, 784.
Lectures, Free Public, 44, 130, 200, 260, 300, 402,
722, 784, 826.

LEEDS UNIVERSITY, Agriculture Department, 284.
Legal cases, school contracts, 356.

Lennard, E. A., B.Sc., The Teaching of Mothercraft

in a Secondary School [A.], 538.
Librarianship, French School of, 480.

Libraries, developments in Denmark and England,
218; educational activities, 30.

Libraries and national education, public, 758.
Library Scheme, A Rural [A.], 234.
Library work, Cambridgeshire, 692.
Lip-Reading, by V. T. Salmon [A.], 742.

Local Education Authorities, 81, 398; and pro-
vincial councils, 356; constitution, 86; in
national system, 123; teachers' salaries and
special area rates, 398.
Logic and grammar, 281.
London-Education Committee's survey, 10; In-

ternational Poster Exhibition, 784; Associated
Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the
Royal College of Music, 165, 392, 652; Batter-
sea Polytechnic 698; Birkbeck College Cen-
tenary, 295; College of Preceptors and A.C.P.,
240; Day School of Commerce, City of London
College, 319; National Gallery, Mond bequest,
783; National Training School of Cookery, 228;
Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 692; Poly-
technic School of Speech Training and Dramatic
Art, 388 Royal College of Arts, 784; Royal
Veterinary College, research institute, 471;
School of Economics, 230; South Kensington
Imperial Institute, 298; Streatham co-educa-
tional day school, 783; Sunday School Choir,
388; Tobias Matthay Pianoforte School, 652;
Westminster City School, schoolboy production,
13; University Correspondence College, 55.
London County Council--activities of, 692; Educa-
tion Officers' report, 143; educational expen-
diture, 398; handbooks on, 482; lectures for
teachers, 691; Mr. G. H. Gater succeeds Sir
Robert Blair, 18; school fees, secondary, 443;
annual report, 798; Guide to continued educa-
tion, 798.

LONDON UNIVERSITY—ad eundem degrees, 98; Ap-
pointments Board, 553; Brown Institution,
148; candidates for by-election, 596, 667, 688,
752; constitution and departmental committee
for statutory commission, 591; Departmental
Committee, 688, 752; election to Chairmanship
of Convocation, 752; external students, 688;
internal and external degrees, 668; King's
College, Scientific Novelties Exhibition, 29;
M.Sc. degree, 474; medical education and
statistics, 552; new Graduates' Society, 382;
Phonetics Department and speech defects, 230;
policy of Senate, 752; Presentation Day, 382;
senatorial election, 688; social life and ath-
letics, 222; site, 142, 356, 382; South Ken-
sington Imperial College, graduate scholarships,
34; Union Society, 471: University College,
552; Assembly of Faculties, 480; autumn
courses, 696; centenary, 652; educational

conferences, 9; engineering laboratories, 471;
scholarships, 230.

London University Site Question, The, by T. LI.
Humberstone [A.], 297.

London University Guide and University Corre-
spondence College Calendar, 784.
Longmans, Green & Co., Messrs., 758.
Lucas, A. G., M.A., A Bible Week (A.], 219.
Lunn, Alderman Sir G., presentation, 674.

M.Sc. Degree, London's New, I. B. Hart [A.], 602.
McCrobin, Miss G., The Headmistresses' Conference
(A.), 446.

MacDonald, Mr. Ramsay, at Cardiff, 224; on
Scottish education, 226.

Maidenhead, St. Piran's School science buildings, 539.
Maintenance allowances of scholars, 666.
Manchester High School for Girls, 232, 542.
Marlowe, Christopher, 392.

Masque of Empire, Mrs. St. Loe Strachey, 333.
Mathematics, Irish Free State Intermediate Educa-
tion Commissioners' suggestions, 84; teaching
in preparatory schools, 357.

Mathematics in Preparatory Schools, by W. Parkin-
son [A.), 366.

Medical students, decrease, 380, 552.

Memorials, Sir W. Raleigh and Prof. W. P. Ker, 222.
Metric System, 154, 540.

Military training, secondary schools, 442.

Modern languages, defects in teaching, 85; study
of, 278.

Montessori method, quarterly publication, 320;

didactic material, 698.

Moral instruction, direct, 668.

Mothercraft in a Secondary School, The Teaching of,
by E. A. Lennard, B.Sc. [A.], 538.
Mumford, A. A., B.Sc., M.D., Hygiene in a Public
School [A.], 755.

Music, Bach mass, 90; in adult education, 145; in
education, 119; in Welsh schools, 149.

Nairn, Rev. Dr. J. A., Classics and English in Public
School and University Scholarships [A.], 643;
Cicero or Livy? [A.], 358; Latin Verse Com-
position [A.], 673.

National Alliance of Employers and Employees,
education of adult workers, 280.
National Home-Reading Union, 239.
National Union of Teachers, presidential address,
355; secretary, 91.
Nature Study Union, School, 800.
Naval history, bibliography of, 443.
New South Wales, nature study, 89.
New Zealand, education report
"retardates," 241.



Nicholson, H., M.A., Modern Language Scholarships

at the Universities [A.], 644.
Nicholson, J. H., M.A., Japan [A.], 683.
Nigeria, education and its products, 454; size and
education, 299.

North of England Education Conference, 119.
Northumberland, organization experiment, 398.
Norton, J. K., Education Week in America [A.], 283.
Obituary-Alford, Canon J. G., C.B.E., 91; Beli,
Mr. G., 142; Buchanan, Sir W., 368; Burke,
Miss K. A., 542; Clark, Mr. G., M.A.,
B.Sc., 596; Cole, Prof. G., F.R.S., 368; Douton,
Rev. G. W., 805; Darroch, Prof. A., 744;
Devonshire, Mr. J. H., 20; Dill, Sir S., 458;
Dogherty, Mr. J. E., 142; Edwards, Mr. J. M.,
M.A., 288; Fearon, Dr. W. A., 368; Field, Mr,
W. G., 286; Godfrey, Prof. C., 286; Howard.
Miss M. A., 744; Jackson, Sir C., K.B.E., 674;
Knox, Miss E., 232; Leakey, Miss E., 91;
Lendesdorf, Mr. C., 676; Leslie, Mr. F. J., 674 ;
Macfadyen, Prof. W. A., 801; Minusen, M. B.,
232; Montgomery, Mr. J., 20; Pearce, Mr.
Charles E., 805; Russell-Wells, Sir S., 542;
Shaw, Major D. P., 744; Smith, Mr. A. L., 284;
Sturge, Miss E. H., 154; Tanner, Mr. R., 674;
Walmsley, Dr. R. M., 456, 542; Ward, Sir A. W.,
460; Wertheimer, Dr. J., 594; Withiel, Mrs.,
534; Woodhouse, Mrs., 86.

Oldham, R., The International Conference of Uni-
versity Women at Christiania [A.], 650.
Onlooker. (See Personal Paragraphs.)
"Osdoms," 30.

Overpressure and Examinations [A.], 277.
Overseas settlement, training for, 587.
Oxford Union Society, 214.

OXFORD UNIVERSITY, Balliol College, 470; and
Labour movement, 380; Indian students, 471;
Mr. J. Wells' review of the year, 752; Rhodes
Scholars, 470; St. Hugh's College, 293; scholar-
ships, 319, 600; Queen's College, travelling
fellowships, 98.

Oxford University Press, 215; library, 539.
Oxford, Wolsey Hall correspondence courses, 232.

Parents' National Education Union, conference, 124 ;

report, 783, 854.

Paul, A., Mrs. Woodhouse: An Appreciation [O.], 86.
Parkinson, W., Mathematics in Preparatory Schools
[A.], 366; Mathematics in Scholarship Examina-
tions [A.], 645: The Teaching of Geometry in
Schools A.], 165.

Peace settlements of 1815 and 1919, 10.
Pensions, teachers', 123.
Personal Paragraphs, 18, 81, 154, 232, 284, 368, 456,
542, 594, 674, 744, 805.

Phillips, J. E., M.A., B.Sc., Modern Views on Formal
Training (A.), 740.

Phonetics, The Trevelyan Family and (H. Drum.
mond) [C.], 290.

Physics, 124.

Play production, educative value, 319.
Plymouth Education Committee, a university
college, 398.

Poetry, profession of, 217.

Poetry League, Empire, schools competition, 319.
Poland, international educational congress, 454.
Posters, travel exhibition, 478; use in education, 12;
competition, 852.

Prideaux, P. H., Salary Scales in Secondary Schools
[A.), 14.

Prize Awards, Hygiene, 541.

Prize Awards-Translation: "Der Arbeitsmann "
(R. Dehmel), 482; extract from Don Luis
Montoto, 398; extract from "Florentiner
Bildhauer der Renaissance" (W. Bode), 764;
extract from "Les Croix de Bois " (R. Dorgelès),
566; extract from "Memoires d'une Jeune
Fille" (Bazin), 106; extract from Paul de
Reul's "L'Oeuvre de Swinburne," 256; extract
from Renan's "L'Art du Moyen Age," 176;
extract from Schleiermacher, 40; extract from
Speech by Gabriele d'Annunzio, 630;
Feuille" (A. V. Arnault), 299; La Salle à
Manger (F. Jammes), 700; "La Possession du
Monde" (Georges Duhamel), 826.
Frize Competition, evil effects of alcohol, 392.
Psychological tests, industrial, 282.
Psychology and vital problems, 587.

Public school boys in industry and overseas, 120.
Public Schools, criticism of, 669.

Publicity, and London University Site question, 356.
Publicity and Education, by G. H. Green [A.], 540.

Rebora, P., Educational Reforms in Italy [A.], 609.
Record Card, Manchester Grammar School, 756.
Religion in Schools (C. Marshall) [C.], 91.
Religious teaching, common, 534; in schools, 667.
Rendcomb college experiment, 669.
Research, bibliographical aids, 692; science team,

589; scientific, 738; University and Empire
resources and industries, 354.

Research in Education (S. Isaacs) [C.], 24.
Reviews, 56, 101, 167, 241, 320, 417, 503, 555, 612,
711, 775, 839.

Richards, S. A., M.A., The New Curriculum in
French Secondary Schools [A.], 87.

Roedean School, Brighton, 232.
Rotten, Dr. F., Germany [A.], 549.
Rural Industries Intelligence Bureau, 532.
Russia, compulsory education, 89; labour schools
and communist propaganda, 394.

St. Hugh's College, Oxford, Some Aspects of the
Controversy at A Graduate Member of
St. Hugh's) [C.], 546; (A.M.A.H. Rogers) [C.],
600; (The Editors) [C.], 746.

Salaries, teachers', 530; art teachers', 126; Burn-
ham Report, 120, 121, 736; Burnham Scale,
398, 735; 5% abatement, 144, 735; Welsh, 98.
Salary Scales in Secondary Schools, by P. H.
Prideaux [A.), 14.

Salmon, V. T., Lip-Reading [A.], 742.

Schmid, Prof. M. C., Reforms in Austria [A.], 161.
Scholastic properties, under-insured, 240.

Science, The Teaching of Elementary, by E. C.
Abbott [A.] 359; (J. White) [C.], 544.
Science Teaching, Mr. C. M. Stuart on modern
developments in, 672; schools, 83, 589; work-
shop practice, 123.

Scholarship, claims of, 120.

Scholarship Awards (long list), 647; Stowe and
Merchant Taylors' Schools, 692.
Scholarship Awards, Geography and, by C. B.
Fawcett, B.Litt., M.Sc. [A.), 644.
Scholarship Examinations, Mathematics in, by
W. Parkinson [A.], 645.
Scholarships, Agricultural, 230, 680; Faraday, 165;

Henry P. Davison Fund, 482; modern languages,
278; Paris residential, 392; Royal Drawing
Society, 650; Reading University College, 392;
Royal Free Hospital, 240; State, 144; Univer-
sity College, London, 230; Welsh secondary
schools, 295.
Scholarships, Classics and English in Public School
and University, by Dr. J. A. Nairn [A.], 643.
Scholarships, School and University [A.], 643.
Scholarships, State, by R. F. Cholmeley [A.], 645.
Scholarships at the Universities, Modern Language,
by H. Nicholson, M.A. [A.], 644.

School children, bigger and healthier, 143; special,

School system, schemes for unification, 354.

Schools, bureaucratic control, 738; Church, 667;
grouping, 282; infant, 218; preparatory de-
partments, 121.

Schoolboy, A Preparatory (An Experienced Secondary
School Teacher) [C.], 22.


Schoolmaster's reward, the, 30.
Scotland-administrative changes, 226; agricultural
education, 754; Anti-Catholic movement, 689;
Ayrshire free secondary education, 38;
vassing teachers' appointments, 38; Circular 67
Care of Necessitous Children, 282; Education
Superannuation Bill, 382; Educational In-
stitute, 36, 542, 689, 753, 817; research, 296;
university entrance, French post-qualifying
course and parliamentary representation, 554;
classes reduced, 689; continuation schools, 588;
denominational schools, 472; Dundee Training
College, 592; election questions, 36; Glasgow
Educational Exhibition, 472; grant disposal,
689; last Intermediate Examination, 296;
lower Day School and Leaving certificates, 149;
mathematics for leaving certificate, 441, 472;

National Advisory Council, 382; necessitous
children and Circular, 61, 226; new school
certificate, 38; raising school age, 592; religious
difficulty, 689; religious tests for teachers, 296;
report of Committee of Council on Education,
1923-4, 588; St. Andrew's Professor of Educa-
tion, 592: sex differentiation in training
teachers, 296; special Government grant, 753;
teachers' Special Certificate, 226; teachers'
superannuation, 226; teachers' training, 592;
training college curriculum revision, 99, 224;
transferred schools, 296; university degrees,
383; university entrance, 224, 472, 817; univer-
sities attacked by Labour, 689; women
graduate teachers' employment, 99.
Scott, Dr., address at Science and Labour Conference,

Secondary schools, and vocationalism, 740; free,
736, 739: development, 666; selection of
primary scholars for, 739; training for overseas
life, 12.

Sleep, schoolboys', 277.

Shakespeare, annual lecture of British Academy, 357.
Social Service, National Council of, 669, 854.
Societies, Charity Organization, 55; Oversea Settle-
ment of British Women, 239.
South Africa, problem of higher education, 299.
South Africa, Economy in Education in [A.], 33.
Spain, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89, 228, 746;
domestic education, 164; Spanish Societies in
England, 746.

Spanish Literature (E. A. Peers) [C.], 372.
Speech-Training in its Relation to Health, by
W. M. Ward [A.], 589; (E. Fogerty) [C.], 678.
Spelling reform, 98, 737.

Spelling Society, Simplified, 239, 356.
Sport for all, 281.

Stores department, Kent schools, 100.
Strachey, Mrs. St. Loe, A Masque of Empire, 333.
Summer Schools and Vacation Courses-394, 402,

480; Biblical Study, 691; Bingley Vacation
Course, 758; French, 476; Glastonbury, 690;
Italian, 538; League of Nations, 476; Modern
Languages, 402; Old Testament Study, 758;
Reform of Latin Teaching, 758; Save the
Children Fund, 230; Spanish, 319; Training of
Teachers, Oxford, 691.

Swanley Horticultural College, 476.
Switzerland, adult education, 668; holiday course,
454; parental co-operation, 454; Pestalozzi,
241, 538, 692; sport and the soul, 694.

Teachers emoluments, 146; family allowances, 737;
interchange within the Empire, 357; members of
Parliament, 36; non-professional university,
531; supplementary, 355; supply and the
Board of Education's policy, 441; training, 119,
230; university training, 82; unqualified, 121.
Teaching appliances, dexterito, 476.
Tests for scholarships and promotions, 672.
The Chinese Student. Vol. 111, 680.

[blocks in formation]

Type-writing teaching to gramophone, 282.
Unemployment, League of Nations' report, 669.
United States-advancement of education, 237;
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching, 694; children's work on farms and
child labour, 454; education and prohibition,
694; education criticized, 694; Educational
Review's appeal, 538; fellowship for graduates,
34; fellowships in French, 164; French more
studied, 18; home life, 18; illiteracy, 240;
Johns Hopkins University, 240; Michigan
University, fellowships for British graduates,
148; moral instruction. Boston school, 668;
National Education Week, 18; peace plan,
prize for, 240; public experimental school, 444;
public school finance studies, 165; special
honours" system, 164; thrift week, 164;
Woodrow Wilson, 299; work and study alter-
nate, 89.
Universities-Australian, 752; National Union of
Students, 688; academic freedom in, 586;
Principal Barker on academic freedom in, 670;
science teachers, 553; staffing of British, 531.
Universities and schools, relationship, 736.
Universities and Schools, 33, 98, 148, 222, 295, 380,
470, 552, 591, 687, 752, 816.
University Bulletin, 34.

University Colleges, restricted admission, 34; right
size, 14.

University Country Club, 55.
University elections, 13, 33.
University extension, 98; History of Art diploma, 12.
University faculty organization, 553.
University settlements, 380.

University students. British and American, 148
University and School Holidays and Functions, time-
table, 126, 304, 760.

University Women at Christiania, The International
Conference of, by R. Oldham (A.], 650.
University Women, International Federation of, 319,

Uppingham School, 480.

Vacation Courses, Medieval History, 240; teachers',
474. (See Summer Schools.)

Varia, 55, 81, 105, 239, 284, 388, 480, 541, 650, 696,
783, 819.
Vocational guidance, 218, 668.
Volkschule, 29.

Wales-appointments dispute, 553: art and music
study, 386, Bangor Normal College, grants, 296;
Brecon County School, 592; Cardiff schools, 296;
Cardigan County School dispute, 734; Church
schools, 735; Denbighshire's school fees, 149;
Dolgelly County School orchestra, 553; ele-
mentary schools' dual control, 735; Federation
of Education Committees, 472; Glamorgan
Education Authority's schemes, 98, 385; free
education, 688; Guild of Graduates, 149;
Intermediate schools, 34, inspectorate, 471, 734,
753, 816; Montgomeryshire's penny rate, 149;
music in schools, 98; National Council of Edu-
cation, 529, 753; National School of Medicine,
98; new secondary schools, 224, 386; religious
instruction, 753; report of Board of Education,
472; scholarships, 295; secondary education,
441, 734; free Cardiff schools, 98; teachers and
Welsh language, 149; University Court, 36, 553;
591; University Colleges, 817; University of
Wales and finance, 224, 688; Welsh County
Schools Association, 816.

Central Welsh Board, 441, 592; and Inspection,
386, 529, 553, 734, 753; examinations, 753;
finance, 34, 224, 529, 753; new schedules,
36; work of, 295.

Ward, W. M., Speech-Training in its Relation to
Health [A.], 589.

[blocks in formation]

Architecture, The Pleasures of (C. and A. Williams-
Ellis), 557.
Architecture in Western Asia, Chaldaean, Hittite,
Assyrian, Persian, Early (E. Bell), 504.
Art, The Necessity of (C. Brock), 214.
Design, Essentials of (C. De Garmo and I. L.
Winslow), 712.

Drawing, Applied (H. H. Brown), 243.
Drawing, The "Individual "' (F. E. Sharp), 102.
Horniman Museum, 322.

National Gallery, The Making of the, 1824-1924 (Sir
C. Holmes and C. H. C. Baker), 322, 612.
Old Masters and Modern Art. The National Gallery:
Italian Schools (Sir C. Holmes), 57.
Pictures, A Wanderer among (E. V. Lucas), 840.
Reynolds, Discourses of Sir Joshua, P.R.A., 320.


Atlas, Cassell's Up-to-date, 714.
Atlas, Philips' Visual Contour, 324, 420.

Atlas, W. and A. K. Johnston's Effective School, 324.
Atlas of British and World History (W. and A. K.
Johnston), 559.

Atlas of the British Empire, Philips', 508.
Atlases, Philips' Comparative Series of Wall (edited
by J. F. Unstead and E. G. R. Taylor), 64.
Europe Illustrating Territorial Changes since 1914,
New Hand-Map of (edited by G. Philip), 616.
Europe to Illustrate Territorial Changes since 1914
(edited by G. Philip), 245.
Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, 1789-1922 (C. G.
Robertson and J. G. Bartholomew), 245.
Map of Central and Southern Europe, Philips' Com-
parative Wall (edited by G. Philip), 421.
Maps, Exercises on Ordnance (Selected by C. H. Cox),

South Wales, map of, 245.


Andrews of Ackworth, Frederick (I. H. Wallis), 504.
Austen, Jane : A French Appreciation (Dr. L.
Villard), 242.

Avebury (Sir John Lubbock), The Life-Work of,
1834-1913 (Hon. Mrs. A. G. Duff), 613.
Baxter, Rev. Richard, A Life of (Dr. F. J. Powicke),

Byron: The Last Journey, April, 1823-April, 1824
(H. Nicholson), 241.

France, Anatole (J. L. May), 503.
Franklin, written by himself, Life of Benjamin
(edited by J. Bigelow), 557.
Lascelles, Brian Piers: A Memoir (edited by Sir
A. F. Hort), 504.

Napoleon (E. Faure), 777.

Napoleon, The Diplomacy of (R. B. Mowat), 612.
Story of a Great Schoolmaster, The: Sanderson of
Oundle (H. G. Wells), 102, 167.

The Trefoil: Wellington College, Lincoln and Truro
(A. C. Benson), 58.
Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797) (M. Linford), 777.


Anonymi Gesta Francorum et Aliorum Hierosoly-
mitanorum (B. A. Lees), 777.
Aristotle (W. D. Ross), 101.
Carneades on

"Injustice" (Eupolis Jr.), 13.
Catullus and his Influence (K. P. Harrington), 504.
Cicero, The Advocate (edited by C. Cookson), 102.
Cicero and His Influence (J. C. Rolfe), 58.
Classical Studies, The Year's Work in, 1922-3, 102.
Euripedes and His Influence (F. L. Lucas), 504.
Greek Civilization and Character (A. J. Toynbee), 775.
Greek Historical Thought (A. J. Toynbee), 775.
Greek Life and Thought (La Rue van Hook), 102, 243.
Greek Literary Criticism (J. D. Denniston), 775.
Hellenic Heritage, Our (H. R. James), 613.
Herodotus (T. R. Glover), 777.

Herodotus, The Shorter, Books I-V (selected by
P. H. B. Lyon), 712.

Homeric Dialect, Lexicon of (R. J. Cunliffe), 613.
Language and Philology (R. G. Kent), 504.
Latin Unseens, Junior (Dr. J. M. Milne), 102.

M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutions Oratoriae Liber I
(edited by F. H. Colson), 503.

M. Tulli Ciceronis. De Provinciis Consularibus.
Oratio ad Senatum (edited by H. E. Butler and
M. Carey), 322.

Mathematics (D. E. Smith), 58.

Ovid. The Lover's Handbook (F. A. Wright), 101.
Petrarchae, Francisci. Epistolae Selectae (edited by
A. F. Johnson), 168.

Plato's Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates and Crito
(edited by J. Burnet), 613.

Roman Politics (F. F. Abbott), 58.

Rome, the Writers of (J. W. Duff), 243.

Selections from Latin Fathers (P. E. Hebert), 777.
Suetonius. History of Twelve Caesars (P. Holland,)

T. Macci Plavti. Captivi (Prof. W. M. Lindsay), 840.
Tacitus, The Shorter (Annals XI-XVI) (edited by

[blocks in formation]

Economics and Ethics: A Treatise on Wealth and
Life (J. A. Marriott), 58.

Economics, The Principles of Business (Dr. J.
Stephenson), 614.

Economics for Business Men (W. J. Weston), 168.
Economics for Helen (H. Belloc), 322.

Family, The Disinherited (E. F. Rathbone), 322.
Getting our Living (Fiennes and Pilkington), 505.
Monetary Reform, A Tract on (J. M. Keynes), 322.
Oil Trusts and Anglo-American Relations, The
(E. H. Davenport and S. R. Cooke), 168.
Political Economy, Palgrave's Dictionary of (edited
by H. Higgs), 102.

Political Economy, Principles of (C. Gide), 243.
Pupil to Practitioner (C. H. Temple), 778.
Rural Economics, Elements of (T. N. Carver), 778.
Unemployment Inevitable, Is? 12.


Adolescent Problem, The (E. White), 505.
Adult Education, The Guildhouse, a Co-operative
Centre for (Lord E. Percy), 713.

Bedales A Pioneer School (J. H. Bradley), 102.
Birkbeck College, History of (C. D. Burns), 323.
Boys, Talks to High School (J. M. Holmes), 560.
Christ's Hospital: A Retrospect (E. Blunden), 102;
(The Reviewer) [C.), 158.

Curriculum, How to Organize (C. A. McMurry), 419.
Dalton Plan, Individual Work and (A. J. Lynch), 505.
Dalton Plan in Australia, The (F. Shann), 778.
Education, A Survey of the History of (H. Wode-
house), 614.

Education: Being the Report presented to the Con-
ference on Christian Politics, Economics, and
Citizenship, 777.

Education, Essays in the Politics of (F. Clarke), 614.
Education, Motion Pictures in (D. C. Ellis and
L. Thornborough), 614.

Education, Source Book in the Philosophy of
(W. H. Kilpatrick), 168.

Education, Twenty-five Years of American (edited by
I. L. Kandel), 557.

Education, Wider Aspects of (J. H. Whitehouse and
G. P. Gooch), 419.

Education has the Most Worth, What? (Dr. C. F.
Thwing), 713.

Education of Women, The (G. Fiennes and L. G.
Pilkington), 322.

Educational Measurements, An Introduction to the

Theory of (W. S. Monroe), 58.

Educational Sociology (D. Snedden), 60.

Fitting the School to the Child (E. A. Irwin and
L. A. Marks), 713.

Home and Community Life: Curriculum Studies for
the Elementary School (G. Hartman), 58.
Joyous Wayfarers: An Account of some Modern
Ideals in Education (C. W. Bailey), 243.
Lifting Mist (A. Harrison), 615.

Mind in the Making, The (J. H. Robinson), 60.
Parent, Teacher, and School (M. E. Moore), 419.
Play in Childhood, Spontaneous and Supervised
(A. C. Sies), 557.

School Organization (S. E. Bray), 505.

School for John and Mary (Elizabeth Banks), 841.
Teaching: ItsNature and Varieties (B. Dumville),841.
Towards Freedom: The Howard Plan of Individual
Time-Tables (Dr. M. O'B. Harris), 58.
Training of Teachers in England and Wales (I.. J. E.
Jones), 242.

Youth and the Race (edited by Sir J. Marchant), 419.

African Pets, Our (F. C. Parry), 558.
American Literature, A Child's Story of (A. Tassin
and A. B. Maurice), 615.
American Literature, A Short History of (edited by
W. P. Trent and others), 420.
Anna Karénina (Count Tolstoy), 506.
Autobiography, John Stuart Mill, 841.
Bacon, Essays and Other Writings of Francis (edited
by Dr. R. Wilson), 505.

Bandello. Tragical Tales (G. Fenton), 841.
Bibliography of English Language and Literature,
1922 (edited by Dr. A. C. Panes), 60.
Borrow, Selections with Essays by R. Ford and
others, 615.

Canadian Prose and Verse, A Book of (edited by
E. K. and E. H. Broadus), 417.
Cenotaph (T. Moult), 60.

Chalmers, Anne, Letters and Journals of, 842.
Chambers's Stepping-Stones to Literature.

Bk. II.

Stories from Many Lands, 506.
Childhood in Verse and Prose (S. Miles), 103.
Children of Other Lands (M. Entwistle), 558.
Child's House, The (M. MacMurchy), 60.
Composition, My Class in: A Teacher's Diary
(J. Bezard), 244.

Criticism, Adventures in (Sir A. Quiller-Couch), 713.
Dictionary, The New English, 215.
Elizabethans (A. H. Bullen), 506.

English, An Intermediate Course in Modern (C. J.
Brown and H. S. Walker), 244.

English, Constructive (edited by H. A. Treble), 243.
English, Modern, Books I and II (P. Klapper and
A. London), 558.

English Country (E. L. G. Watson), 244.
English for Home Students (F. J. Adkins), 60.
English Grammar, An Elementary Middle (J. and
E. M. Wright), 420.

English Literature from A.D. 670 to A.D. 1832 (S. A.
Brooke), 841.

English Literature, A History of (E. Albert), 323.
English Literature, A History of (edited by
J. Buchan), 60.

English Literature, Short Guide to the Reading of
(G. Boas), 615.

English Literature: The Rudiments of its Art and
Craft (E. V. Downs), 62.

English Literature: With Illustrations from Poetry

and Prose (Dr. G. E. Hodgson), 60.
English Satires, 841.

English Studies, The Year's Work in, 1922 (edited
by Sir S. Lee and F. S. Boas), 420.
Essays and Studies by Members of the English
Association. Vol. IX (collected by the late
W. P. Ker), 420.

Essays by Divers Hands, Vol. IV (ed. E. Gosse), 614.
Essay in English, The Literary (Dr. M. Eleanore), 244.
Essays of Matthew Arnold, Selected (edited by
H. G. Rawlinson), 614.

Essay Writing, A Companion in (F. H. C. Brock), 558.
Fairy Bubbles, The (G. Vaughan), 103.
Friendship, The Way of (L. E. Cox and E. E.
Whimster), 558.

From Goethe to Byron (Dr. W. Rose), 506.
Gone Native (" Asterisk "'), 506.

Grammar, Senior (Lawson and Elijah), 506.
Grammars, The National, 506.
Grammar and Composition, Lessons and Exercises in
(Dr. R. Lawson and J. W. Elijah), 506.
Harbottle (J. Hargrave), 506.
Hard Times (C. Dickens), 713.
Hereward the Wake (C. Kingsley), 244.
Heroes of the World (A. Mee), 506.
Journal of the Plague Year, A (D. Defoe), 103.
King Henry V (W. Shakespeare), 244.
King John (W. Shakespeare), 244.
King Richard II (W. Shakespeare), 244.
Land and Sea Tales: For Scouts and Guides
(R. Kipling), 169.

Latin Authors, Pages from (selected by E. H.
Blakeney), 505.

"Laurie's Kensington Series."'

An Easy English
Grammar for Young Children, 505.
Layamon's Brut: Selections (ed. Dr. J. Hall), 505.
Le Morte d'Arthur (Sir T. Malory), 60.

Literature, The Methodical Study of (F. Boillot), 778.
Literary Criticism, A Primer of (G. E. Hollingworth),

Literary History, Problems and Methods of (A.
Moritz), 419.

Literary Psychology, The Handling of Words and
Other Studies in (V. Lee), 62.

Literature, The Threshold of (A. F. Chappell), 419.
Martin Chuzzlewit (C. Dickens), 841.
Men of the Pen (F. A. Ginever), 169.
Microcosm, The, 30.

[blocks in formation]

Prose, The Way of, Book I (J. Drinkwater), 558.
Readers, The New Beacon. Books V and VI

(J. H. Fassett), 244.
Reading, On the Art of (Sir A. Quiller-Couch), 713.
Reading, The Teaching of (H. G. Wheat), 169.
Reading books (Clear Type Press), 562.
Romantic Theory in the Eighteenth Century, Studies
in the Genesis of (J. G. Robertson), 169.
Scott Book, The (edited by W. P. Borland), 615.
Shakespeare's King Richard the Third (edited by
Dr. R. Wilson), 505.

Shakespearean Investigation, A Sketch of Recent,
1893-1923 (C. H. Herford), 56.

Side Walk Studies (A. Dobson), 713.

Spenser, Tales Retold from: The Knights of the
Faerie Queen (M. Sturt and E. C. Oakden), 505.
Summer. The Incoming of (H. Williamson), 505.
The Cornfield and other Sketches of Rural England
(A. R. Williams), 506.

The Dream (H. G. Wells), 506.

The Early Herdsmen (K. E. Dopp), 244.
The Enchanted Uncle (C. Tunstall), 169.
The Epic of the Beast (ed. W. S. Stallybrass), 713.
The Forerunner: The Romance of Leonardo da

Vinci (D. Merejkowski), 506.
The Forest Giant (A. le Corbeau), 505.
The Glory of the Island (A. Mee), 506.
The Golden Bowl (H. James), 103.
The Hundred Days (M. Pemberton), 244.
The Lone Swallows (H. Williamson), 505.
The Passionate Year (J. Hilton), 169.
The Philosopher's Stone (J. A. Larsen), 615.
The Rover (J. Conrad), 244.`

The Scrap Heap (G. Waife), 778.

The Sea-Gull and the Sphinx (R. Young), 169.
The Story of the Island (A. Mee), 506.
The Tragic Comedians (G. Meredith), 841.
The Wonderful Journey (A. Mee), 506.
"The World's Library of Best Books," 756.
Theatre, The Twentieth-Century (F. Vernon), 714.
Under the White Cockade (H. Sutcliffe), 244.
Unscientific Essays (Prof. F. W. Jones), 842.
When all the World was Young (R. B. Morgan), 244.
When the Bough Breaks and Other Stories,
(N. Mitchison), 506.

White Jacket, or the World in a Man-of-War
(H. Melville), 615.

Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century (Dr. M. A.
Bald), 62.
Words, Their Spelling, etc.,



Africa (E. Lewin), 779.

Africa, Australia, and the Islands of the Pacific (N. B.
Allen), 779.

Africa in Pictures (H. C. Barnard), 103.

Air Pictures, Philips', 843.

Atlas, Oxford Advanced, 843.

Australasia, Human (Dr. C. F. Thwing), 103.
Bathy-Orographical Large Wall Map of the World,

Britannia's Growth and Greatness (A. J. Berry), 615.
British Empire and its problems (Unstead), 843.
British Empire, A Regional Survey of the (T. S. Muir),

British Empire, Human Geography of the, 240.
British Isles, A Regional Survey of the (J. H.
Birrell), 510.

British Isles, The (W F. Morris), 714.
Cambridgeshire, Human Geography of (J. Jones), 843,
Canada (compiled by J. W. Glover), 508.
"Citizen of the World" Geographies, The. The
British Isles of To-day (Dr. J. F. Unsted). 421.
Climate, Evolution of (Dr. G. C. Simpson), 82.
Commercial Geography, Elementary (Dr. H. R. Mill
and F. Allen), 716.

Commercial Geography of the British Isles (A. J.
Herbertson), 714.

Commercial Geography of the World (Herbertson),


Corsica, the Scented Isle (D. Archer), 508.
Eastern Road (Buxton), 843.

Economic Geography (J. McFarlane), 64.

Economic Geography of the British Empire, An

(C. B. Thurston), 508.

Eskimos, My Life with the (V. Stefansson), 714.
Europe, A Regional Survey of (T. S. Muir), 323.
Europe, The Children of (R. J. Finch), 616.
Europe and its People (Bryson), 842.

French and Italian Rivieras, The (H. L. Waters), 245.
Geographies, Junior Regional, Book III (W. H.
Barker and L. Brooks), 508.

Geography and World Power (J. Fairgrieve), 843.
Geography, Elementary Imperial (Capt. D. H. Cole),


Geography, The Junior Scientific--(Book III (E. W.
Heaton), 559.

Geography, The Pupils' Class-Book of: Africa
(E. J. S. Lay), 323.

Geography, The Way of, I and II (edited by T. W. F.
Parkinson), 508.

Geography, Visual (A. Nightingale), 615.

Geography, Practice, Nelson's (edited by Dr. J.
Gunn), 508, 714.

Geography, Nelson's Intermediate, 842
Globes, slate surface, 388.

How Men Live, 779.

Indian Problems in Religion, Education, Politics
(Right Rev. H. Whitehead), 776.

Isle of Wight (T. Varley), 716.

Lea and Roding Valleys, The (A. R. Hatley), 64.
London, My Lady (T. E. Jackson), 714.
London on the Thames (H. Ormsby), 170.
London's Highways, Through (Jerrold), 843.

Map Projection, A Little Book on (W. Garnett), 779.
Mediterranean (O. J. R. Howarth), 843.

Mediterranean Lands (Dr. Newbigin), 843.

North America (L. L. R. Jones and Dr. P. W. Bryan),

Paris for Everyman, 245.

Peeps at Industries. Vegetable Oils, 245.
Peoples and Places.

Book II (G. Guest), 323;
Book III. The World's Markets (G. Guest), 716.
Pictures, A. & C. Black's World-Wide Geography
(R. Finch), 170.

Political Geography, Problems in the New World
(Dr. I. Bowman), 716.

Posters, to illustrate geography lessons, 430.
Regional Surveys, An Introduction to (S. Branford
and A. Farquharson), 714.

Rivers and Lakes (M. A. C. Hinton), 843.

Roman Empire, Trade Routes and Commerce of
(Charlesworth), 842.

Spain, A Pilgrim in (A. F. G. Bell), 616.
Thames Basin, The (M. Michaelis), 64.

The Home of Man. Part VI. Africa (W. C. Brown
and W. Anderson), 716.

Towns, The Story of the English: Newcastle-upon-
Tyne (F. J. C. Hearnshaw), 170.
World and its Workers, The (H. Pickles), 421.
World, The (G. O. Turner), 323.

Yorkshire, The East Riding of (B. Hobson), 716.


American Revolution, Sources and Documents Illus-
trating the (edited by S. E. Morrison), 64.
Ancient History (H. T. C. Weatherhead), 844.
Ancient World, The (J. A. Brendon), 510.

Battles of Modern Times, The Decisive (Lieut.-Col.
F. E. Whitton), 421.

Behind and Before (W. E. Heitland), 421.

Britain in the Modern World (C. J. B. Gaskoin), 421.
British Empire, Historical Atlas of, 844.
British History, 1660-1714 (Birley), 844.

Chivalry, A Knight's Life in the Days of (W. C.
Meller), 716.

Chronological Notes of Two Centuries, 1714-1914
(W. H. Fairbairns), 559.

Coup d'Etat, The Secret (edited by the Earl of
Kerry), 711.

Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants, A (J. Brutus),

Democracy (W. H. Mallock), 324.

Dreams of the Past (A. R. Williams), 716.
Earth, A History of the (Finnemore), 844.
England under Henry III (M. A. Hennings), 421.
English History, Illustrations of, 104.
Etruria and Rome (R. A. L. Fell), 616.
European History (Webster), 843.

European History, Modern (J. S. Hoyland), 843.
European Impressions (O. H. Kahn), 82.

Everyday Life in Prehistoric Times (M. and C. H. B.
Quennell), 510.

Excavation in the Land of the Pharaohs, A Century
of (J. Baikie), 503.

Federal and Unified Constitutions (edited by A. P.
Newton), 64.

French Revolution, A Short History of the (I. H.
Humphrys), 421.

French Revolution in English History, The (P. A.
Brown), 245.

George III and the American Revolution: The
Beginnings (F. A. Murnby), 170.

Germany, The Present State of (J. H. Morgan), 245.
Greece, The Achievement of (W. C. Greene), 711.
Hakluyt, Richard (F. Watson), 779.

Historical Diagrams (R. Jones), 844.
History, How to Read (W. W. Davies), 324.

History, Modern (C. J. H. Hayes and P. T. Moon), 64.
History, Modern European: A General Sketch
(1492-1924) (W. F. Reddaway), 616.

History, Reference Studies in Medieval (J. W.
Thompson), 559.

History, The “Individual " (E. S. Marriott), 324.
History, its Place in Education (J. J. Findlay), 64.
History Exercise Books, The Kingsway Series of
Books I-IV, 324.

History of Civilization in Medieval England, 1066-
1500, A Sketch of the (R. T. Davies), 716.
History of Modern Europe (C. A. Fyffe), 559.
History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages, A
(C. Oman), 556.

History of the British Commonwealth, A Short.
Parts I to VI (R. Muir), 421.
History Practice, Nelson's. Part IV, 324.
Human Nature in Politics (G. Wallas), 510.
Imperialism, Studies in Mid-Victorian (C. A. Bodel-
sen), 716.

Jerusalem: a Historical Sketch (Dr. L. Cust), 510.
Knowledge, The First Days of (F. A. Kummer), 421.
Legacy of the Ancient World (W. G. de Burgh), 504.
Making of the Western Mind, The (F. M. Stawell and
F. S. Marvin), 104.

Mediaeval England (edited by H. W. C. Davis), 167.
Medieval People (Dr. E. Power), 779.

Middle Ages, The Waning of (J. Huizinga), 616.
Myths and Legends of India (J. M. Maifie), 779.
Normandy and Brittany, Things seen in (Holland),

New Zealand, Glimpses of Old, 510.

Queen Elizabeth (1533-1603) (G. John), 779.
Richard the Lion Heart (K. Norgate), 510.
Scottish History, In Byways of (L. A. Barbé), 844.
Social Life in Stuart England (M. Coate), 421.
Social Science, Elements of (H. P. Fairchild), 779.
South Africa, Select Documents Relating to the
Unification of (edited by A. P. Newton), 559.
The Story of Wadhurst (Mrs. R. Davids), 716.
Tudor Economic Documents. Vol. I (edited by
R. H. Tawney and Dr. E. Power), 716, 843.
World-History, A Guide to (A. R. Cowan), 245.


Algebra, A General Text-book of Elementary
(Dr. E. H. Chapman), 246.
Algebra, The Psychology of (E. L. Thorndike), 171.
Algebra for Juniors, Common sense (F. F. Potter and
J. W. Rogers), 780.

Arithmetic, A Preparatory (C. Pendlebury), 559.
Arithmetic, The Pupil's Class-Book of. Book IV
(E. J. S. Lay), 718.

Arithmetic, The Teaching of (N. J. Lennes), 559.
Arithmetic and Mensuration, Revision (Dr. T. Thomas
and J. J. P. Kent), 559.

Arithmetic and Elements of Commerce (S. Carter), 66.
Arithmetical Examples for Juniors, Unconventional
(R. S. Williamson), 66.

Calculus and Probability for Actuarial Students
(A. Henry), 56.

Conics, Analytical (D. M. Y. Sommerville), 171.
Curvograph, 102.

Elementary Mathematical Problem Papers. Answers
to above (Rev. E. M. Radford), 780.
Geometrical Drawing and its Practical Application
(A. E. Holbrow), 512.

Geometry, A Shorter School. Part I (H. S. Hall and
F. H. Stevens), 559, 844.

Geometry for Teachers of Young Children, 66.
Hydrodynamics (H. Lamb), 510.

Life Contingencies (E. F. Spurgeon), 56.
Mathematical Analysis, Practical, 170.
Mathematics, A Companion to Elementary School
(F. C. Boon), 422, 512.

Mathematics, History of. Vol. I (D. E. Smith), 556.
Mathematics, Note as to [Education (Scotland)], 422.
Mechanics via the Calculus (P. W. Norris and W. S.
Legge), 104.

Mensuration for Middle Forms (H. W. Carter), 780.
Orders of Infinity (G. H. Hardy), 618.

Relativity, The Principle of (H. A. Lorentz), 246.
Statics, Elementary Experimental (McMullen), 844.
Statistical Method (Prof. T. L. Kelley), 66.
Surveying for Schools and Scouts (W. A. Richardson),

Trigonometry, First Ideas of (B. A. Howard), 618.
Vector Analysis, Advanced (C. E. Weatherburn), 324.


Books, publishers' autumn announcements, 696, 784.

Birkbeck College Centenary Lectures, 846.
Cabinet-Making, Practical (H. G. Phillips), 422.
Cambridge Cameos (Sir A. E. Shipley), 560.
Careers and Vocational Training, 618.

Child Care, International Year Book of (Fuller), 846.
Clothing Selection, Principles of (H. G. Buttrick), 780.
Crystallography, Elementary (Dr. J. W. Evans and
G. M. Davies), 556.

Crystals, The Natural History of (Dr. A. E. H.
Tutton), 556.

Defeat (G. Moss), 246.

Education Authorities' Directory, The, 1924-5, 512.
Floreat An Eton Anthology (E. Parker), 167.
Food, Right (C. C. Froude), 324.

Gift Books for Children, 57.

Gold, Almighty (J. J. Connington), 324.

Handbook to the Universities and Colleges of
Cambridge, Students', 618.

Gymnastics, A Manual of Corrective (L. C. Lippitt),

Housecraft, Practical Courses in (edited by E. E.
Jardine), 324 )

Inns of Court, The Story of our (Rt. Hon. Sir D. B.
Barton and others), 718.

Lady Margaret Hall, 422.

League of Nations Stories (Dalton), 844.
League News for the Young, 541.

Logarithms and Science Tables, Bell's Card of, 422.
Myths of Pre-Columbian America (D. A. Mac-
kenzie), 417.

Norwegian Literature, Chapters in (I. Grendahl and
O. Raknes), 417.

Paul, Son of Kish (L. I. Henry), 246.
Plays, 240.

Practical Instruction for the Senior School (H.Turner),


Public Schools Year Book, The, 512.
Queen's Doll's House, The Book of, 154.
Schools, 1924, 618.

The Day-Boy (R. Gurner), 171.

The Devil's Own (R. Parrish), 512.

The Footpath Way (H. M. Rideout), 512.
The Driver (G. Garrett), 325.

The Microcosm, 388.

Tutankh-aten (L. Eckenstein), 246.

Typewriting, Rational (Mrs. Smith-Clough), 171.

University of London and its Colleges (Wilson), 776.
Whitby Lore and Legend (edited by P. S. Jeffrey), 66.
Yearbook of the Universities of the Empire, The, 1924
(edited by W. H. Dawson), 418.


Auto-Education Guides II. A B C of Language
Teaching [Italian] (Dr. J. White), 248.

De L'Action à la Rédaction par la Parole (L. C. de
Glehn and L. Chouville), 325.

Dictionary, French-English and English-French
(J. O. Kettridge), 780.

Français dans une Université Anglaise Quelques
Heures dé (F. Boillot), 618.

French, First Steps in "B" Version (W. Ripman),

French Authors, Seven Short Stories by (edited by
H. J. Chaytor), 171.

French Comedies of the XVIIIth Century (translated
by R. Aldington), 171.

French Grammar Made Clear (E. Dimnet), 718.
German, An Introduction to the Historical Study of
New High (A. Kirk), 780.

Grammar, The Philosophy of (O. Jespersen), 711.
Italian, Colloquial (A. L. Hayward), 560.

La Estrella de Sevilla (edited by Dr. H. Thomas), 248.
La Verdad Sospechosa (Juan Ruiz de Alarcón), 248.
La Vida de Francisco Pizarro (M. J. Quintana), 248.
La Vida de Lazarilla de Tormes (edited by E. A.
Peers), 248.

La Vida es Sueño (Calderón), 248.

Le Rayon de Soleil et D'Autres Contes (R. Boylesve),

Les Auteurs Francais Contemporains (M. Potel), 781.
Lettres de Mon Moulin (A. Daudet), 560.
Rousseau, Extraits de J.-J. (ed. H. E. Berthou), 780.
Spanish Book, Dent's First (F. R. Robert), 66.
Spanish Prose Reader (edited by H. C. L. Balshaw
and R. M. Macandrew), 66.

Vocabulaire Français Pratique (H. J. B. Wanstall
and A. Noblet), 171.

Weh' Dem, Der Lügt (F. Grillparzer), 325.

[blocks in formation]

Anthology, A Private (N. G. Royde-Smith), 720.
Aristocracy, The (Rev. Dr. E. E. Bradford), 68.
Butterflies of Taiwan and Other Fantasies, The
(J. B. M. McGovern), 720.

Beyond the Horizon and Gold: Two Plays
(E. O'Neill), 561.

A Child's Book of Verses
(W. Thorley), 172.
Corvey Abbey (" Dreizehnlinden) (F. W. Weber), 250.
Drama, Tendencies of Mod. English (A.E. Morgan), 514.
Drama in Europe in Theory and Practice, The
(E. F. Jourdain), 326.

Echoes (Sir D. MacAlister), 250.

Enjoying the Business (Williams), 848.

Little Masterpieces from the Anthology (H. Mac-
naghten), 514.

Mrs. Hodges (M. Macnamara), 172.

Nursery Rhymes and Tales (H. Bott), 326.


A Neglected Complex and its Relation to Freudian

Psychology (W. R. Bousfield), 781.

Behaviour, Education of (Saxby), 848.

Child's Mind and the Common Branches, The

(Dr. D. W. la Rue), 624.

Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching (E. M.

Paulu), 781.

Education, Early Childhood (L. H. Pickett and

D. Boren), 622.

Examiner, The New (Dr. P. B. Ballard), 68.

Experiment with

a Project Curriculum, An

(E. Collings), 622.

Fear Complexes, Our (E. H. Williams and E. B.

Hoag), 423.

Intelligence, Measuring (H. C. Hines), 514.

Intelligence, The Nature of (L. L. Thurstone), 624.

International Congress of Psychology, VIIth, 624.

Laughter, The Nature of (J. C. Gregory), 328.

Measuring Devices in Composition, Spelling, and

Arithmetic (Dr. W. Boyd), 514.

Medicine, Magic, and Religion (Dr. Rivers), 514.

Mental Tests and the Classroom Teacher (Dr. V. E.

Dickson), 514.

Mind as a Force (Dr. C. F. Harford), 321.

Personality and Social Adjustment (Prof. E. R.

Groves), 821.

Psycho-Analysis Analysed (Dr. P. McBride), 321.

Psychology, Applied (B. C. Ewer), 328.

Psychology, The British Journal of, VII. Quickness

and Intelligence (Dr. E. Bernstein), 328.

Psychology, The Practice and Theory of Individual

(A. Adler), 321.

Psychology for Educators, An Outline of (A. J. D.

Lothian), 68.

Psychology for Students of Education, 250.

Psychology of Education (D. Kennedy-Fraser), 250.

Reflective Thinking, An Introduction to (L. Buer-

meyer and others), 423.

Self-Organization for Business Men (M. Dainow), 423.

Skill in Work and Play (T. H. Pear), 848.

Soul of Your Child, The (H. Lhotzky), 720.

Talents and Defects, Special (Hollingworth), 624.

Tests, Improving Schools by Standardized (S. S.

Brooks), 514.

Unadjusted School Child, Psychology of the

(Morgan), 848.

Vocational Psychology, Fundamentals of (C. H.
Griffiths), 720.

Bible for Youth, The (Rev. R. C. Gillie and Rev. J.

Reid), 720.

Bible Reading, Reality in (Dr. F. Ballard), 562.

Catechism, The Church (E. B. Redlich), 562.

Christ, Concerning (A. H. McNeile), 328.

Christ, The Greater (A. D. Belden), 562.

Church Reform, English, 1815-1840 (Dr. W. L.

Mathieson), 424.

Genesis, New Light on (Rev. M. Morris), 782.

Genesis, The Book of (H. C. O. Lanchester), 328.

Greek Religious Thought (F. M. Cornford), 424.

Hymns of the Kingdom (ed. Sir W. Davies), 424.

James Gow, Litt.D., Selected Addresses (R. M.

Barrington-Ward), 626.

Jesus Christ, His Life and Teaching (E. E. R. Mum-

ford), 70.

Lessons for the Little Ones (E. D. Scott), 782.

Lessons on the Holy Communion Service (Rev. Canon

A. B. Bater), 70.

Lessons on the Way, Vol. III (Dr. P. Dearmer), 328.

Magic and Religion, The Origin of (W. J. Perry), 424.

New Testament, The: An American Translation

(E. J. Goodspeed), 250.

New Testament Teaching in the Light of St. Paul's

(A. H. McNeile), 328.

New Testament To-day, Problems of the (R. H.

Malden), 424.

Old Testament, Lessons from the (edited by Rev. Dr.

M. G. Glazebrook), 424.

Old Testament and After, The (C. G. Montefiore), 424.

Old Testament, A Short Introduction to the Litera-

ture of the (Rev. Canon G. H. Box), 424.

Pentateuchal Criticism (Dr. D. C. Simpson), 781.

Pharisees, The (R. T. Herford), 328.

Prayer Book Dictionary, 848.

Religion, the Chief Thing in the World, Questions and

Answers upon (Rev. O. Rhodes), 516.

Religion, The Scientific Approach to, 698.

Religious Education in Connecticut, History of

(Stewart), 848.

Religious Instruction. Suggested Syllabus of, 70.

Religious Life in Ancient Egypt (F. Petrie), 562.

Songs of Sorrow and Praise: Studies in the Hebrew

Psalter (Rev. D. Cameron), 562.

Scouting and Religion (Rev. C. A. Guy), 328.

The Master Builders (S. B. Macy), 782.

The Parables and Similes of the Rabbis (Rabbi A

Feldman), 782.

The Times of St. Dunstan (Dr. J. A. Robinson), 70.


Aeronautical Science, Elementary (I. B. Hart and
W. Laidler), 174.

Analysis, Elementary, Qualitative and Volumetric
(Caldwell), 850.

Animal Kingdom, The (Dr. J. S. Thomson), 252.
Animal Studies (J. A. Todd), 564.
Anthropology (A. L. Kroeber), 246.

Atom and the Bohr Theory of its Structure (H. A.
Kramers and H. Holst), 102.

Atoms and Electrons (J. W. N. Sullivan), 252.
Architectural Building Construction (W. R. Jaggard
and P. E. Drury), 428.

Biological Forms, Manual of (G. A. Baitsell), 252.

Biology, Elements of (A. G. Tansley), 518.

Biology, Everyday (J. A. Thompson), 252.

Biology, Outlines of Evolutionary (A. Dendy), 426.

Biology and Human Welfare (J. E. Peabody and

A. E. Hunt), 720.

Botany, General (E. N. Transeau), 564.

Botany, General, A Text-book (Smith and others),

[blocks in formation]

Faraday, Michael (Randall), 850.

Geology, A Popular (W. Platt), 564.

Geology of the Metalliferous Deposits, The (Dr. R. H.

Rastall), 428.

Grasses, First Book of (A. Chase), 70.

Greek Biology and Medicine (H. O. Taylor), 426.

Heat (W. S. Franklin and B. MacNutt), 252.

Heat (Smith), 850.

Heat and Heat Engines, Worked Problems in

(Stewart), 850.

Life of Wayside and Woodland (T. A. Coward), 252.

Light and Sound (Franklin and MacNutt), 628.

Little Nurseries in the Fields (M. H. Crawford), 516.

Machine Construction and Drawing, A First Course

(T. M. Naylor and W. Tattersall), 174.

Mammals, Chats on British (Dr. J. J. Simpson), 782.

Matter and Change: An Introduction to Physical

and Chemical Science (W. C. D. Whetham), 720.

Mechanics (W. S. Franklin and B. MacNutt), 252.

Metal Work for Agricultural Colleges and Secondary

Schools (E. T. Morrison), 174.

Moon-Element, The (Dr. E. E. F. D'Albe), 330.

Nature Study, A "Three-Term" Course in Plant

Life. (A. Monteith), 252.

Nature-World of London, The. I. Trees and

Plants (W. Johnson), 564.

Oil Engines (A. L. Bird), 252.

Organic Chemistry. An Introduction to the Study

of the Compounds of Carbon (I. Remsen), 330.

Organic Chemistry, Systematic (W. M. Cumming), 176.

Petrology for Students (Dr. A. Harker), 70.

Physics, A Dictionary of Applied, Vol. IV (edited by

Sir R. Glazebrook), 426.

Physics. Vol. I. Mechanics, Heat and Heat Engines.

(W. J. R. Calvert), 174.

Physiology during the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and

Eighteenth Centuries, Lectures on the History

of (Sir M. Foster), 426.

Physiology for Girls (M. A. Johnstone), 252.

Plant Ecology, Practical (A. G. Tansley), 70.

Plant Names (Dr. T. S. Lindsay), 426.

Plant Studies (J. A. Todd), 424.

Plants and Problems of Evolution, Extinct (Dr. D. H.

Scott), 330.

Pond Life: A Story of a Strange World, 426.

Postcards, pictorial (Natural History Museum), 564.

Qualitative Analysis, Notes on (Dr. H. J. H. Fenton,

Citizen, The Model (H. O. Newland, revised by
T. H. Donald), 510.

Citizenship (W. H. Hadow), 242.

Social Life and Institutions (J. K. Hart).

Youth, 30.

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