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variation, the refrain runs on through the stories of Belgium, Italy, Japan, Spain, Holland, Montenegro, China, Lithuania, and Denmark, culminating in "Do you think you could manage to love Germany just a little for their sakes?" (the Passion Play peasants). The stories are good in themselves (though there is more fighting than the League would tolerate, and an occasional lapse into sentimentality) but we cannot help doubting the effectiveness of any such stereotyped appeal to "love." Also we would suggest the omission, in a new edition, of certain Sunday School passages, and the substitution of some more convincing alternative than "cricket and football fields"! for the boys who followed Garibaldi.

An International Year Book of Child Care and Protection: Being a Record of State and Voluntary Effort for the Welfare of the Child, including Education, the Care of the Delinquent and Destitute Child, and Conditions of Juvenile Employment throughout the World. Compiled, from Official Sources, by E. FULLER. (7s. 6d. net. Longmans.)

There must be few questions concerning public work in relation to the children of any country that cannot be answered by reference to this book which is a masterly summary of the position as regards the life and health, the education and nurture of the world's children." Tables at the end of the volume sum up the conditions in the three hundred and fifty or more areas with which the letterpress deals. At a glance can be seen the existence or non-existence of child welfare organizations, whether state or voluntary or both, of compulsory education, of medical inspection, and of juvenile courts. Records of the birth-rate, the infant mortality rate, and the minimum age for employment insistently bring before the reader all that remains to be done. The compiler is to be congratulated on the preparation of an interesting volume. It will be invaluable to social workers of all kinds and the study of it should do much to foster that competition in care and kindliness which is one of the most hopeful features of our times.

Birkbeck College Centenary Lectures: A Course of Lectures Given at the College in Connexion with the Celebration of the Centenary. (5s. net. University of London Press.)

We have already noticed the short history of Birkbeck College, written by Dr. Delisle Burns in connexion with the centenary celebrations of that institution. The present volume is in a sense a companion to its predecessor, but it obviously appeals to a still wider public, since it comprises considered statements of a century's progress in philosophy, economics, education, physical science, biology, and historical studies in each case by a very high authority. Such a conspectus of progress cannot fail to be interesting to the general reader.

Some Modern Books for the Teacher and Parent: A Classified and Annotated Catalogue of Some Recent Additions to the Coventry Public Libraries, including Books for Boys and Girls. By C. NEWELL. (IS. Coventry: Public Libraries Committee.)

National Council of Social Service (Incorporated). Fourth Annual Report. For the Year 1923. (6d. National Council of Social Service.)

Talks on Town Planning. By H. V. LANCHESTER. (4s. 6d. net. Cape.)

Travellers and Travelling in the Middle Ages. By E. L. GUILFORD. (2s. net. The Sheldon Press.)

The Worker and his Work: Human Relations in an Industrial Age. A Speech by the Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop of Liverpool delivered at the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the British Commercial Gas Association, held in Liverpool, September 29 to October 1, 1924. (British Commercial Gas Association.)

A Handbook of Housing: How to Meet the Problem. With Contributions by Four Ex-Ministers of Health, the DirectorGeneral of Housing, the Former Director of the Building Research Board. By B. S. TOWNROE. (6s. net. Methuen.) Pitman's Shorthand and Typewriting Year Book and Diary for, 1925. Edited by H. Downs. Thirty-fourth Annual Issue. (Is. 6d. net. Pitman.)

Reformatory Reform. By I. G. BRIGGS. (75, 6d. net. Longmans.)

First Magic Letter and Number Cards. By E. F. GILL. Arranged by JESSIE MACKINDER. (3d. per set. Gill.)

The Site of the Globe Playhouse, Southwark. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. (6s. net. Hodder & Stoughton, by arrangement with the London County Council.)

Public Speaking for Business Men. By S. F. WICKS. (6s. net. Methuen.)

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The Teaching of Interpretation in Song: a Guide for Teachers and Students. By D. FREER. (25. 6d. net. Evans.)

When the singing lesson is over, students are only too apt to forget much of what they have been told. The advice contained in this little book-the result of over twenty years' experience of teaching singing-will prove a useful reminder of those important factors which no artist can afford to neglect.




The best reviewers of the new issues of the "Oxford Choral Songs would be the people who sing them. Those learned folk who talk about tonality and key-centres will certainly not chose these part-songs as illustrations of their discourses. The fashion is to write in the ancient modes, so some of them sound as if they have been recently excavated, albeit they bear the name of a modern composer. Others sound like nothing on earth," so must be considered "heavenly." We will not attempt to particularize, but give a selected list : Unison." Holly Song." HERBERT HOWELLS.

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Clown's Song." NORMAN F. DEMUTH. Two Part." Sing Ivy." Herbert HOWELLS.

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Swedish May Song." HERBERT HOWELLS.
First in the Garden." HERBERT HOWELLS.

Three Part." The Song and the Bird." W. WHITTAKER.
Four Part.-" Robin Hood Borne on his Bier." E. J. INVERAN.
The Full Heart." PETER WARLOCK.

It is unkind to call this last "Four Part," as all the parts are divided, and on top there is a Soprano solo (in the chorus). The twelve Morley Rounds from the works of the pupils of Gustav Holst are interesting and effective, and the same applies to three two-part songs arranged from traditional tunes and airs by Gerrard Williams, "All in a Garden Green," A Shepherd kept Sheep," "Arise Fair Maid."

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The Friar's Tune Book. By EMILY DAYMOND. (IS. 6d. Deane.)

A Collection of Descants to Well-known Hymns. By B. JOHNSON and A. E. BAKER. (6d.) The Yule Log: Unison Song. Words Translated from the French by H. W. LONGFELLOW. Music by C. WOOD. (3d.) The Song of the Imp: Unison Song. Words from "Grimm's Tales." Music by C. MACPHERSON. (4d.) The Blacksmith: Unison Song. Music by G. T. BALL. The Chase: A Song for Treble Voices. Words by W. ROWLEY. Music by B. HARWOOD. Chimes : Two-Part Song. Words by ALICE MEYNELL. Music by A. PALMER. (3d. each.) Morning: Two-Part Song. Words by CHRISTINA ROSSETTI. Music by EMILY DAYMOND. (4d.) The Wind: Three-Part Song. Words by A. A. PROCTER. Music by E. T. SWEETING. (6d.) Lady May: Three-Part Song. Words by H. CHAPPELL. Music by C. V. STANFORD. On Music. Words by T. MoOORE. Music by C. V. Stanford. (4d. each.) When the Green Woods Laugh: Two-Part Song. Words by W. BLAKE. Music by D. W. STEWART. To Welcome in the Year: Three-Part Song. Words by W. BLAKE. Music by C. WOOD. Some One: Unison Song. Words by W. DE LA MARE. Music by W. H. HARRIS. (3d. each.) The West Wind: Unison Song. Poem by J. MASEFIELD. Music by H. S. MIDDLETON. (4d.) Wee be Souldiers Three: ThreePart Song for Male Voices. Words and Tune, in part, from THOMAS RAVENSCROFT'S "Deuteromalia (1609). Music by J. MARK. (6d. Deane.)

Ode to "Loreto" for Solo Voice and Three-Part Female Choir. With Accompaniment of Piano (and Strings ad lib.). Specially Composed for the Loreto Convents by Dr. A. MISTOWSKI. (Is. net. Chester.)

A Survey of Contemporary Music. By C. GRAY. (7s. 6d. net. Milford: Oxford University Press.)

Who Would be a Merman Bold? An Accompanied Part-Song for Three Female Voices. Words from TENNYSON. Music by Dr. A. MISTOWSKI. (4d. net. Chester.)

(Continued on page 848.)




Landmarks in the History of Registration

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1846. College of Preceptors founded with the express purpose of raising the character of the Teaching Profession." (One of the means by which this object was to be attained was to be the institution of a Register of Teachers.)

1869. Mr. Forster introduced Bill in Parliament " to provide for the Registry of Teachers." 1879. Sir Lyon Playfair's Bill for Registration of Teachers.

1881. Sir John Lubbock introduced third Bill for the Registration of Teachers.

1890. Mr. A. H. Dyke Acland again proposed Parliamentary measures for establishing a Register. (This marked the real beginning of the legislation and discussion that resulted in the setting up of the present Teachers Council.)

1896. Sir John Gorst's Bill to establish a Teachers Registration Council. 1900.

Consultative Committee appointed to frame Conditions of Registration.

1902. Two-column Register, which failed because it attempted to distinguish between the

various classes of teachers.

1907. Authority for new Council, representative of the Teaching Profession, to form and

keep a single column Register.

1912. Present Teachers Council composed wholly of teachers, constituted by Order in Council. The 44 members to be elected by 53 Appointing Bodies representing every type of teaching work.

1914. Conditions of Registration issued and Official Register inaugurated.





The OFFICIAL REGISTER OF TEACHERS is open to all who can fulfil the prescribed conditions. Those who cannot at present satisfy the full conditions should apply for PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION or for admission to the LIST OF ASSOCIATE TEACHERS.

All teachers who seek to improve the status of their profession should co-operate with their colleagues on the Council by becoming Registered without delay (if they have not already done this), and by doing all that they can to encourage young teachers to qualify for Registration. It cannot be urged too strongly that the future of the Teaching profession rests mainly with teachers themselves. A united effort now will establish the work on a sound basis for the future, and will bring teaching definitely into line with the other learned professions.

Particulars may be obtained from:

The Secretary,

Teachers Registration Council,
47 Bedford Square,
London, W.C. 1.

The Elements of Staff Notation: A Simple and Direct Method of Learning or Teaching Staff Notation, with a Supplementary Section containing Graded Exercises in Sight-Reading. By P. EDMONDS. (5s. net. Pitman.)


Speculum Mentis, or The Map of Knowledge.

By R. G. COLLINGWOOD. (12s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) Unless we are greatly mistaken, Mr. Collingwood's book is destined to take rank as one of the most brilliant and suggestive philosophic efforts of our time. It is "the outcome of a longgrowing conviction that the only philosophy that can be of real use to anybody at the present time is a critical review of the chief forms of human experience, a new Treatise of Human Nature philosophically conceived." And it is the writer's strong belief (for which we bless him) that a philosophy which cannot be written in plain terms, without reliance on the jargon of any school, must be a false philosophy. But this statement does not mean that the book, though beautifully written, is easy reading. Nor does it mean that, though the writer goes his own original way, he has not taken the trouble to consider the existing systems and their jargon. But he takes the new realists and the others in his masterly stride. How he comes to the conclusion that art, religion, science, and history, though each justified in its own sphere, involve one form or another of " philosophic error," and what the true task of the philosopher is, we must leave our readers to gather from the feast of wisdom and wit which Mr. Collingwood has provided.

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(1) A Book of English Poems Graded for Use in Schools. By Dr. J. H. JAGGER. Part One. (Is. 6d. University of London Press.)

(2) A Reader's Anthology: A Collection of Chiefly Classical Excerpts. Compiled by Captain C. PEARCE. (25. 6d. The Chelsea Publishing Co.)

Of these anthologies (1) has few novelties, even the living poets being represented by their best-known pieces, but there is no rubbish. (2) is a book to add to our bedroom shelf and to recommend to teachers pestered for contributions to albums. The short quotations are arranged under headings according to subject, are wide in range, and mostly unfamiliar. Taken from various languages, all are translated except the French.

(1) The Red Hen : A Play in One Act. By C. McEvoy. (IS.

net. Williams.)


(2) Enjoying the Business: A Dramatic Demonstration. MARGARET WILLIAMS. (Is. net. Williams.) (3) The Reckoning: A Play in One Act. By J. E. BRERETON. (Is. net. Williams.)

All three suitable for acting by amateurs: (1) has the advantage of requiring only three persons, plus, it is true, an all-important baby. The subject, a theft by gipsies, is fresh and the Cockney dialogue lively; (2) is a sketch to show the superiority of a well over an ill-conducted women's public meeting, but the latter naturally affords more fun; (3) the dialogue of which is somewhat stilted, treats of a grim and arresting theme the return to life of a man supposed dead. It was written for one of the Community Theatres which have come into being since the war in the leading towns of Canada, formerly dependent solely on the U.S.A. for their drama.

Dinglewood Shakespeare Manuals, intended for the Use of Candidates Preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge School Certificate, Local and other Examinations. King John. Questions and Notes: Arranged in Order according to Act, Scene, Line, with full Answers to all the More Difficult Questions. By S. WOOD. (Is. 6d. Gill.)

A Dramatic Reader. Book IV.

Selected by A. R. HEADLAND

and H. A. TREBLE. (3s. Clarendon Press.)

The Maske. By THOMAS CAMPION. As Produced at Hatfield Palace on May 30 and 31, 1924, for the Benefit of the Hertfordshire County Nursing Association. (7s. 6d. Chelsea Publishing Co.)

The Poems, Epistles, and Satires of Alexander Pope. (2s. net. Dent.)

Browning. Pippa Passes. Edited by A. L. IRVINE. (IS. 3d. net. Milford: Oxford University Press.)

Tennyson. Select Poems. Chosen and Edited by S. G. DUNN. (2s. 6d. net. Milford: Oxford University Press.) Tragedy. By Prof. W. M. DIXON. ( Arnold.)

The Brownings. Shelley. Wordsworth. Tennyson, and Matthew Arnold. By Prof. O. ELTON. (Cloth, 2s. 6d. each net. Paper, 1s. 6d. each net. Arnold.)

The Golden Treasury of Modern Lyrics. Selected and Arranged by L. BINYON. (7s. 6d. net. Macmillan.) Action Poems and Plays for Children. By NORA A. SMITH. (5s. net. Harrap.)


Skill in Work and Play. By T. H. PEAR.
(4s. net. Methuen.)

Prof. Pear says he has been waiting for years in the hope that some one better fitted than himself might write such a book as this. But no apology was necessary for the appearance of a book giving so readable an account of the process of acquiring skill, and of recent experimental investigations of the learning process. The subject is of great importance both for industrial and for educational problems. Though the stage of controversy is still with us, yet Prof. Pear's balanced account of the relative values of general and specific training, one of the fundamental issues in educational theory, is well worth the attention of practical teachers.

The Education of Behaviour :

a Psychological Study. By

Dr. I. B. SAXBY. Second Edition, Revised and Partly
Re-written. (6s. net. University of London Press.)

Those training colleges and they are many-which gladly adopted "The Education of Behaviour " as one of their textbooks in the theory of education will welcome the second edition. The chief alterations are in the chapter on the "psychology of character," in which the author now explains the part played by the endocrine glands in the development of the individual. There is also a new chapter on "Some Special Problems of Adolescence," which includes a short review of the development of the child's emotional nature, and a discussion of problems arising out of the relation of the individual to the group, with particular regard to the form of government of the group, autocratic, oligarchic, or self-governing.

The Psychology of the Unadjusted School Child.
By Dr. J. J. B. MORGAN. (9s. net. Macmillan.)

This book, by the director of the Psychological Clinic of the State University of Iowa, describes the traits of the unadjusted child, and gives useful advice to teachers concerning remedial and preventive treatment. The work of the psycho-analytic school, so far as it applies to educationalists, is set forth in simple language and with unfailing common sense.

Human Psychology: As Seen Through the Dream. By JULIA

TURNER. (6s. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.)

The Fundamentals of Psychology: A Brief Account of the Nature and Development of Mental Processes for the Use of Teachers. By B. DUMVILLE. Second Edition. (6s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.)


A History of Religious Education in Connecticut to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. By Dr. G. STEWART. (16s. net. New Haven: Yale University Press. London: Milford: Oxford University Press.)

This solid volume embodies a large amount of genuine research, and forms a real contribution to knowledge. It deals with a field not particularly well known to students on this side of the Atlantic, viz. the New England Colonies, which afterwards formed the nucleus of the United States of America. The history of religious education in these territories is full of interest and very instructive. The close connexion between Church and State, under the influence of a theocratic ideal, was embodied in the establishment in certain colonies of the Church of England, and in others of Congregationalism. How religious education was organized under these conditions, and how these conditions were gradually modified, till at last the schools were secularized is traced in detail. This important volume ought to be added to all serious collections of works on education.

The Prayer Book Dictionary. Part I. Second Edition. (2s. 6d. net. Pitman.)

The new edition of "The Prayer Book Dictionary," issued in parts, has been thoroughly revised and brought up to date (new articles having been added, as well as revision). It has established its position as an indispensable work of reference.

(Continued on page 850.)

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(Corner of Bloomsbury Street).

WING to having failed to secure space for exhibiting at the Conference of Educational Associations, January 1-8, at University College, Gower Street, Dr. JESSIE WHITE is arranging an exhibition of the Dexterito Teaching Appliances and of the Auto-Education Guides at 93 Great Russell Street, on December 29, January 1, and each day during the Conference. Demonstrations will be given before the Conference opens each morning from 9 a.m. onwards. A new catalogue with particulars of further appliances for home and school use and a new Guide will be ready.



dealing with Slides in all branches of
Natural History, post free to Lecturers,
Teachers, and Heads of Colleges, etc.
Thousands on Sale or Hire.

Slides made to order, promptly and well.
Carrying Cases and Storage Cabinets in all sizes.


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The Creed: Addresses to Confirmation Candidates. By E. E. BRYANT. (3s. 6d. Longmans.)

A Textbook on the Church Catechism. (Revised Version Readings.) By A. G. O'MEARA. (IS. 6d. net. Foyle.)


Practical Organic Chemistry. By Prof. J. B. COHEN.
(6s. 6d. Macmillan.)

There can be few organic chemists in this country who are not indebted for much of their early training to Prof. Cohen's text-books, which it would be superfluous for us to praise. We may, however, extend a hearty welcome to this new edition of his "Practical Organic Chemistry," which has been considerably enlarged, and now includes a section intended especially for those who are taking up the study of biochemistry. If we have a criticism it is only that we consider more space might have been given to stereochemical preparations and manipulations.

Elementary, Qualitative, and Volumetric Analysis, Inorganic and Organic: for Medical, First Year University Science Students, and Students of Technical and Pharmaceutical Schools. (Schemes of Analysis specially adapted to the Curriculum of the Conjoint Board of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and the Royal College of Physicians of London, are included). By Prof. W. CALDWELL. (ros. 6d. net. Churchill.)

This book deals fully with elementary qualitative analysis, the reactions of typical organic substances, and simple volumetric analysis. It is well planned, and pleasingly free from misprints; the English is, however, not invariably above reproach-a point to which we hope attention will be directed when the next edition is prepared. We deprecate the use of such old-fashioned and incorrect names as sodium hydrate and potassium bichromate.

Industrial Physics: Heat. By L. R. SMITH. First Edition. (IOS. net. McGraw-Hill Book Co.)

The preliminary chapters of this book are devoted to a brief elementary treatment of heat, and are followed by a more detailed treatment of technical matters such as fuels, steamboilers, and furnaces. The principles of reciprocating steam engines, steam turbines, and internal combustion engines are described and explained in three chapters, followed by a very complete description of all matters relating to the gasoline automobile-in fact, this latter subject occupies ten chapters of the book. Although the majority of the types of automobile mechanism described and illustrated are seldom seen in this country, yet the fundamental principles involved are similar, and British students who are interested in this branch of engineering will find the volume useful. The illustrations, as a rule, are good.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867). By W. L. RANDELL. (Parsons


4s. 6d. net.)

The Life of Michael Faraday," by Dr. Bence Jones, published in 1870, and other smaller biographies published more recently, appeal especially to the scientist rather than to the general reader. The immediate aim of the volume under review is to present the man himself and his charming personality; and thus it provides a brief biography which will appeal particularly to the non-scientific reader. A most interesting feature of this attractive volume is the inclusion of letters from Charles Dickens to Faraday (dated 1850), and of a description of Faraday's "Flower Book," which was recently presented to the Royal Institution by a descendant of the great scientist.

Worked Problems in Heat and Heat Engines: with Exercises and Examination Questions. By Dr. R. W. STEWART. (Is. 6d. net. University Tutorial Press.)

This contains a graduated and representative series of worked problems, preceded by notes and fundamental formulæ, and followed by numerous exercises for practice. It will be found useful by students of physics and engineering who are studying the theory of heat, thermodynamics, and heat engines.

A Textbook of General Botany. By G. M. SMITH, J. B. OVERTON, E. M. GILBERT, R. H. DENNISTON, G. S. BRYAN, and C. E. ALLEN. (16s. net. Macmillan.)

No indication is given of the parts which the six authors of this admirable book have respectively taken in its production, and they are to be congratulated on the unanimity of style and treatment they have achieved. The subject matter is well balanced, and the exposition throughout is remarkably clear. Indeed, the authors have possibly been a little over-scrupulous in their laudable desire to avoid using unfamiliar or technical terms except those indispensable to clear presentation. Most

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Keeping up with Science: Notes on Recent Progress in the. Various Sciences for Unscientific Readers. Edited by Dr. E. E. SLOSSON. (IOS. 6d. net. Cape.)

Mining Educator. Edited by J. ROBERTS. Part I. (Is. 3d. net. Pitman.)

A Laboratory Manual in General Chemistry. By Prof. W. FOSTER. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. Milford: Oxford University Press. Ios. net.)

Crystals and the Fine Structure of Matter. By Prof. F. RINNE. Translated by W. S. STILES. (IOS. 6d. net. Methuen.) Leaves from a Naturalist's Diary: With Notes on What to Look For Month by Month. By A. R. HORWOOD. (3s. 6d. net. Harrap.)

Space and Time: An Experimental Physicist's Conception of these Ideas and of their Alteration. By Prof. C. BENEDICKS. (4s. net. Methuen.)

Modern Astrophysics. By Prof. H. DINGLE. (30s. net. Collins.) Botany: A Junior Book for Schools. By Prof. R. H. YAPP.

(3s. 6d. Cambridge University Press.)

Practical Organic Chemistry. By Prof. J. B. COHEN. (6s. 6d. Macmillan.)

L.T.A. Educational Pamphlets. No. 2. Science in Girls' Schools. By Miss E. PHIPPS. (3d. London Teachers' Association.)

Cancer: Its Causation, Prevention, and Cure. By Dr. J. HARGER. (5s. Liverpool: Tinling.)


The School Guardian. October, 1924. (2d.)

The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal. Edited by H. Cox.

October, 1924. (7s. 6d. net. Longmans.)

The School Child and Juvenile Worker. October, 1924. (2d.)
The Faraday House Journal. Michaelmas Term, 1924.
The Periodical. October 15, 1924. (Milford: Oxford University


Modern Languages. Edited by E. A. CRADDOCK. October, 1924.

(Is. net. The Modern Language Association.) The Wide World. November, 1924. (Is. net. Newnes.) The Crusoe Mag. November, 1924. (7d. Newnes.) Industrial Welfare. October, 1924. (Is. Industrial Welfare Society.)

The Boy's Own Paper. November, 1924. (Is. net. Religious Tract Society.)

The Girl's Own Paper and Woman's Magazine. November, 1924. (Is. net. Religious Tract Society.)

The Sunday at Home. November, 1924. (Is. net. Religious Tract Society.)

The Children's Companion. November, 1924. (4d. Religious Tract Society.)

Little Dots. November, 1924. (2d. Religious Tract Society.) Light in the Home. November, 1924. (Id. Religious Tract


Rovering. November, 1924. (2d. Religious Tract Society.)
Architecture. November, 1924. (Is. Cape.)

Bird Notes and News. Autumn Number, 1924. (Royal Society

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The Home-Reading Magazine. November, 1924. (6d. National Home-Reading Union.)

The County Schools Review. October, 1924. (Welsh County Schools Association.)

The Sociological Review. October, 1924. (5s. Sociological Publications, Leplay House.)

The Education Outlook. November, 1924. (6d. net. Birch.)
History. October, 1924. (2s. net. Macmillan.)

Armenian Settlement: Report presented by the Armenian (Lord Mayor's) Fund, being the Body nominated by H.M. Government to deal with Armenian Settlement. (24d.)

The Parents' Review. November, 1924. (9d. Parents' National
Educational Union.)
The Librarian and Book World. October, 1924. (IS. 3d. net.

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