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Thus have I endeavoured to fhow that what I have here collected from Malachi is not (as many at first sight may perhaps think it) foreign to my subject, but really relates to the reftoration of Ifrael, which is what I have undertaken to prove.

Having thus collected the most material prophecies in those books which are called canonical, I might very well here finish my collection; but as there are fome very remarkable predictions in fome of the apocryphal books, which feveral learned and judicious authors hold for genuine, important, and inspired writings, I shall therefore proceed to collect fuch of them as relate to my fubject, leaving every one at liberty to pay that degree of regard to them that his opinion of the books themselves fhall direct him to.

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For the better understanding this we must know, that the old Prophets for the moft part fpake of the coming of Chrift indefinitely and in general, without the distinction of first and fecond coming, which we have more clearly learned in the gospel. For this reafon the Prophets (except Daniel, who diftinguisheth thofe comings, and the gofpel out of him) speak of the things which fhould be at the coming of Chrift indefinitely and all together, which we, who are now more fully informed by the revelation of the gofpel of this distinction of a twofold coming, must apply each of them to its proper time; thofe things which befit the state of his firft coming unto it, and fuch things as befit the state of his fecond coming unto his fecond; and that which befits both alike (as this of a harbinger or messenger) may be applied to both.'-Mede, Book I. Difcourse 25.


The first paffage which I fhall quote is in the fecond book of Efdras, which in the vulgate is ftiled the fourth book of Efdras. The fuppofed author is acknowledged, both by Jews and Chriftians, to have been a great Prophet, and some part of his works are admitted by our church into the canon of fcripture. For what reasons the other parts of them have been fet afide I fhall not take upon me to determine, but shall only obferve in the words of the very learned and pious Dr. Lee, that in this book are many beautiful paffages, which feem not inferior to any

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parts of the undoubted canonical scripture: that fome of the beauties of this piece are truly ravishing, and feem to be more than artificial: that nothing can be finer than fome of the aptitudes, or more fublime than fome of the ideas. That it is certain fome chapters have a lofty prophetic character, fuch as is hardly ⚫ exceeded by any of the undoubted Prophets."

Let me add, that this book of the Prophet Efdras was tranflated, among the other facred books of the Jews, by the feptuagint interpreters, in the days of Ptolemy Lagus, and Ptolemy Philadel phus; that there was such a greek version of this book made before the times of Christianity, tho' now loft, is very plain, by the express mention of it in the 85th apoftolical canon, and that under the very name of the fecond book of Efdras*; by

* The 85th apoftolical canon made before the first century was expired, A. D. 86. in all its copies mentions two books


by the citations of Irenæus and Clemens Alexandrinus; by the old italick or vulgate verfion made from the feptuagint ftill extant in the Latin bibles, from which our English verfion was made; and

of Efdras as canonical, which in those days muft mean thofe two which we now call apocryphal; the book of Nehemiah not being till long afterwards called the fecond book of Efdras. Two books of Efdras are also mentioned in Origen's catalogue, according to Eufebius, Hift. Eccl. vi. 25. and in Synopfis S. fcripturæ apud op. Athanafii, tom. ii. p. 124—202. where the first words of each are fet down, the first beginning with-And Jofias held the passover; and the second with-And in the first year of Cyrus. Two books of Efdras are likewife fet down in Athanafius's Feftal Epifile, and in the catalogues of Cyril of Jerufalem, the 30th canon of the council of Laodicea, in the catalogues of Amphilochius, Epiphanius, Rufinus, Auguftine, and Pope Innocent's epiftle to the council of Carthage. The Vatican copy has the book of Nehemias, befides two books of Efdras, and fo has the Alexandrian manufcript. Even Jerom acknowledges that both the Greek verfion, and the Latin made from the Greek, had two books befde that in the Hebrew under the name of ESdras, which he calls the dreams of the third and fourth apocryphal books of Efdras, and which he does not deny might be fupported by the authority of the feptuagint interpreters. But notwithstanding this he rejects them, because the Jews of his days did not infert them into their twenty-four facred books. It is very probable however that the Jews in the fecond century made that epitome of the true Efrah which we now call the canonical, and which in the Roman edition and the Alexandrian manufcript, is a main part of the second book of Efdras, on purpose that it might pafs for the real fecond book of Efdras; to get rid of which they were very folicitous, because it too plainly proved Jefus to be the Meffiah.



from a citation by St. Ambrofe*. But what is of much greater confequence than all this, the main contents, notions, and language of this book are frequently alluded to, if not directly cited by JESUS CHRIST himself, as Dr. Lee hath largely fhewed; and that as true, certain, and of divine inspiration. A few of the most remarkable paffages fhall be here fet down in parallel columns, for the reader's immediate fatisfaction, who for the reft is referred to Dr. Lee's more compleat collection.

* The words of Irenæus, though not a direct citation, yet feem to prove that the fecond book of Efdras was extant in his time. They are as follows: In the captivity of the

people under Nebuchadnezzar, when the fcriptures had ⚫ been corrupted, (or deftroyed) and when the Jews after • feventy years were returned back to their own country;

afterward, in the days of Artaxerxes, king of the Perfians, • God infpired Efdras, the priest of the tribe of Levi, to fet ⚫ in order all the words of the former Prophets, and to re

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ftore the legislation of Mofes to the people; which facts are no where else recorded in Scripture but in the 14th chapter of the fecond book of Efdras.'

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Clemens Alexandrinus, befides afferting the fame thing with Irenæus, cites part of the 35th verfe of the 5th chapter: Or why was not my mothers womb my grave, that I might not fee the travel of Jacob, and the wearifome toil of the flock of Ifrael ? faith Efdras the Prophet.' Strom. i. p. 329, 330, and 342. Strom. iii. p. 468.

St. Ambrofe's words are: For, fays God, by Efdras, my Jon JESUS all be revealed, with those that shall rejoice with bim who remain within 400 years; and it shall be that after thefe years, my fon CHRIST fhall die, and the world shall be turned, &c. which tho' it differs fomewhat from what we find in the 7th chapter, is plainly a quotation, and probably a truer reading than ours.


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How often would I have ga a hen gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not. Ye fhall not fee me henceforth till ye fhall fay, Bleffed, &c. Matt. xxiii. 37-39. Luke xiii. 34.

I gathered you together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings: but now, what shall I do unto you? I will caft you out from my face. Chap. i. 30.

I fent unto you my fervants the Prophets whom ye have taken and flain, and torn their bodies in pieces, whose blood I will require at your hands, faith the Lord. ver. 32.

Thus faith the Almighty Lord, Your houfe is defolate. ver. 33.

Give these the everlafting tabernacles. Chap. ii. 11.

Pray for few days unto you, that they may be fhortened, ver. 13.

Behold, I fend unto you Prophets- -and fome of them ye fhall kill and crucify. Matt. xxiii. 34.


Therefore alfo faid the wifdom of God, I will fend them Prophets and Apoftles, and fome of them they fhall flay and perfecute, that the blood of all the Prophets, from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation. Luke xi. 49. That upon them may come all the righteous blood, &c. Matt. xxiii. 35-O Jerufalem, Jerufalem, thou that killeft the Prophets, and ftoneft them that are fent unto thee. ver. 37.

Behold your houfe is left unto you defolate. Matt. xxiii. 38. Luke xiii. 35.

That they may receive you into everlafting tabernacles. Luke xvi. 9.

Except those days be shortned, there fhall no flesh be faved: but for the elects fake they fhall be fhortned. Matt. xxiv. 22. Mark xiii. 2c.

I must observe here, that what CHRIST fays, Luke xi. 49. Therefore also faid the wisdom of God, &c. feems to imply, that what he there quoted



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