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the boughs over my head, in token of melancholy times, or, sweeping along the deserted walks, were brushed to my feet by the blast, giving birth to sad and unutterable sensations. I seated myself for a short space upon an old oak bench, in the state when

Remembrance wakes with all her busy train, Swells at the breast, and turns the past to pain.

What was the house of my father to me now? What but the memento of happier days! A dumb monitor, that, addressing the heart by signs, told a painful tale of human decay and nothingness. A plane-tree, planted when I was a child, now overshadowed with its broad cool leaves a rustic seat, or rather all that remained of one, consisting of a single half-rotten plank. In that spot the family often breakfasted in summer, in a bower of evergreen, and I had read my morning task there when the tall spreading plane-tree was only three or four feet in height. Standing on that seat I had gazed often on the blue waste of ocean that was seen between two distant hills, and fancied, when a white sail appeared, that I should like to visit remote regions, as Cook had done; for his Voyages were my delight when a boy, and I longed to imitate him. Huaheine and Otaheite were for ever in my head. The dangers of the sea were never considered; its surface in my youthful idea was always beautiful, and its skies ever bright. What would I not have given, on visiting the old scenery, to recal those moments again, and my light-hearted companions also who had often met me in that very garden. Among them was the lovely little Emma M. who, like the summer cloud with its hues of beauty, floated for a time in the sunshine of youth, and disappeared for ever. Emma M. was my first love, in figure petite and exquisitely symmetrical, with an eye of blue not languid, for it reflected the emotions of a lively mind clear as a mirror. Her temper was mild even to meekness; her acquirements respectable for her age. She was made to love and be beloved, and what else does a lover ask? Artificial acquirements have nothing to do with the passion which nature inspires; our love for

the sex cannot be heightened by their accomplishments, though our esteem may. Respecting love we must recur to the simplicity of nature and to first principles. The love of the wise and ignorant is the same involuntary unartificial thing in us all, Mine ferred to ramble in woods, and on the then partook of the romantic. I presea shore, with the object of my young idolatry, that I might enjoy her society in the solitude of nature, and gaze with selfish rapture on the sweetest countenance that I ever beheld, little thinking how soon the worm was to riot on its beauty.But

Thou art gone, thou loved and lovely one, Whom youth and youth's affection bound

to me.

I may truly say of her what Shenstone said so well of his relative Miss Dolman,-" How much inferior is the conversation of the living to the bare remembrance of thee!" Years have not robbed these scenes of a single tint of their rich colouring; they are stored up in my mind as beauteous as they once were, softened a little, and therefore more harmonious in colouring, but as much valued as ever :—

Oh, scenes in strong remembrance set!
Scenes, never, never to return!
Scenes, if in stupor I forget,

Again I feel-again I burn.

I paced slowly out of the garden for the last time I was ever destined to see it. I turned round and looked, -turned and looked again upon it, as I entered the house. I was weak enough to drop a tear as I crossed the threshold, for which I chided myself, but it was an oblation from a mind that had encountered anguish as well as pleasure there, of which years spent amid the world's heartlessness had not obliterated the smallest trace. I moved hastily through the passage, and out at the front door, which, as it closed on its creaking and aged hinges, seemed to separate me from a treasure of inestimable worth. I felt inclined to go back and view it over again, but chiding myself for my weakness, and summoning a bullying species of resolution that ill agreed with my feelings, I still went onwards without looking behind me,

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No. VI.


AFTER the research already made for anecdotes, both of a public and private nature, relative to this illustrious princess, our readers may be somewhat impatient when they find, that she is to form the subject of our present Number; but professing (as these scattered notices do) to record the literary attainments of the rulers and nobles of our land, we may be well excused for registering, with more than common care, every particle of information that throws light on the manners or the mind, the abilities or acquirements, of Elizabeth.

"Before she was seventeen," says Camden, in the Introduction to his "Annals of Elizabeth," "she very well understood the Latin, French, and Italian tongues, and the Greek indifferently;" and by way of proof, that her accomplishments have not been over-rated, and as evidence of her industry, we have at the present moment two curious documents

before us. The first is a collection of sentences, taken from Cicero " De Officiis," and entitled, by herself, Liber Sententiarum Diuisionum Phrasium et Definitionum, extractæ ex Officiis Ciceronis. The first date to this volume (a small quarto, formerly in the possession of Patrick Young, keeper of the Royal Library) is the 4th of January, 1548; the last, the 14th of August, 1549. The princess, who wrote a very fair and legible hand, has executed her task with much care and diligence. Her object seems to have been, first to collect such sentences as had a reference to the moral duties and conduct of life; and secondly, to note down the phrases, distinguishing the peculiarities of verbs and nouns, in order to render her style and mode of expression more elegant and accurate.

A single specimen of this royal school-book will suffice.

6 Februarij die Lunæ, [1548, fol. 21.]

1. Adhibenda est reuerentia aduersus homines et optimi cuiusq. et reliquoru. 2. Negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solû arrogantes sed etiam omnino dissoluti.

Phrases Verborum.

1. Versari in honestate.

2. Quoda lepore consentire. 3. Contrahere affectus.

Three years after, we find her busily engaged in the study of the Greek language, the proofs of which are afforded by the second of the two literary curiosities before alluded to. This is a thin folio, containing phrases from Plato, Demosthenes, and from various pieces of her favourite Cicero, particularly his Orations. It is interesting to mark the progress and the mode of Elizabeth's education. In 1548, we have seen her collecting moral sentiments, and improving her knowledge of the Latin,

Finis 3 libri Ciceronis

de FINIBVS bonoru et malorum.

Phrases Nominum.

1. Excellentia hominis. 2. Compositio mēbrorū. 3. Vis decori.

by transcribing from Cicero's Offices: in March, 1551, we find her selecting phrases from Plato De Republicâ, and the Olynthiacs of Demosthenes. In September, of the same year, she is writing single verbs and nouns from the Tusculan Questions of Cicero, and placing their corresponding significations in Greek; and before June, 1552 (which is the last date in this second volume), she had read and collected from most of his Orations, and the treatise De Finibus, which she thus records:

Το τελος 38 βιβλο Κικεξονες περί τελών των αγαθών xy xxxwx.


2 R

"Queen Elizabeth, our late soueraigne of blessed memory, translated the prayers of Queene Katherine into Latine, French, and Italian: Shee wrote also a Century of sentences, and dedicated them to her father. I have heard of her translation of Salustius, but I never saw it: And there are yet fresh in our memories the orations she made in both the vniuersities in Latine; her entertayning of embassadors in diuers languages, her excellent speaches in the Parliament, whereof diuers are extant at this day in print."

So writes James Mountague, bishop of Winchester, in 1616.* Her Majesty's translation of Salust has been much inquired after, and some persons have doubted whether it ever existed, but an obscure author mentions it in the early part of the seventeenth century as not then printed. This was one William Cross, an Oxford man, of St. Mary hall, who translated the whole of Salust, and -printed it at London in 1629. In his dedication to "The Warre of Jugurth," he says, "the royall pen of queene Elizabeth hath beene formerly verst in this translation, but this -being like to herselfe, and too good for the world, was never published."

Bizari, the historian of Hungary, records Elizabeth's proficiency in the

Italian language, and informs us that
Castiglione was her master: we are
not, however, aware that any regu-
lar and distinct composition in, or
translation from, that language, has
been hitherto pointed
out, and it
is therefore with great satisfac-
tion we now lay the following be-
fore our readers. In the year 1759,
Mr. John Bowle, of Idmerston, gave
to the Bodleian library a thin 8vo.
written on thirty-six folios of vellum,
in Elizabeth's own hand, and thus
entitled by herself:

Bernardini Ochini Senesis De Christo

Sermo, ex Italico i Latinī Cōversus. The work is addressed in a Latin dedication to her brother, and this, as it has never been printed, we here transcribe.

Avgvstissimo et serenissimo Regi Edvardo Sexto,

Si aliquid hoc tempore haberem (Serenissime Rex) quod mihi ad dandum esset accommodatum, et maiestati tue congruens ad accipiendum, equidem de hac re vehementer letarer. Tua Maiestas res magnas et excellentes meretur, et mea facultas exigua tantum suppeditare potest, sed quamvis facultate possim minima, tamen animo tibi maxima prestare cupio, et quum ab alijs opibus superer, a nemine amore et beneuolentia vincor. Ita iubet natura, authoritas tua commouet, et bonitas me hortatur, ut cum princeps meus sis te officio obseruem, et cum frater meus sis vnicus et amantissimus, intimo amore afficiam. Ecce autem pro huius noui anni felici auspicio, et obseruantiæ meæ testimonio, offero, M. T. breuem istam Barnardini Ochini orationem, ab eo Italicè primum scriptam, et a me in Latinum sermonem


Argumentum quum de Christo sit, bene conuenire tibi potest, qui quotidie Christum discis, et post eum in terris proximum locum et dignitatem habes. Tractatio ita pia est et docta, vt lectio non possit non esse vtilis et fructuosa. Et si nihil aliud commendaret opus, authoritas scriptoris ornaret satis qui propter religionem et Christum patría expulsus, cogitur in locis peregrinis et inter ignotos homines vitam traducere. Si quicquam in eo mediocre sit, mea translatio est, quæ profecto talis non est qualis esse debet, sed qualis a me effici posset. At istarum rerum omnium M. tua inter legendum index sit, cui ego hunc meum laborem commendo, et vna meipsam etiam dedico. Deum precor vt M. tua multos nouos et felices annos videat, et literis ac pietate perpetuo crescat. Enfeldie, 30 Decembris.

The Sermon itself will be found in the original Italian edition, 8vo. without date, the twelfth sermon of the second tome. It is entitled Che Cosa e Christo, et perche venne al mondo ;

Maiestatis tuæ

Humill. soror et serua ELIZABETA. and the commencement will give a tolerable idea of the manner in which the princess has performed her undertaking.

Preface to The workes of the most high and mighty Prince James, by the grace of God, Kinge of Great Brittaine, &c. London, by Bobert Barker and John Bill, 1616, folio. Pref. p. 14.

Se vna pecorella non cognoscesse il suo pastore, vn soldato il suo capitaneo, vn seruo il suo padrone, se vna persona non cognoscesse vn suo amico, vn suo sposo, vn fratello, ne il proprio padre, imo ne se stessa, questa sarebbe vn' ignorantia molto oscura et pernitiosa. Ma l'ignorantia di non cognoscere Christo, tanto è piu nociua et tenebrosa, quanto che lui ci è, non solo buon pastore, ottimo capitaneo, pijssimo signore, vero amico, dolce sposo, cordiale fratello et caro padre, imo à noi piu intimo, che l'anima propria.

In 1548, Rychard Argentyne translated "Sermons of the ryght famous and excellent clerke, Master Bernardine Ochine, borne within the famous vniuersyte of Siena, in Italy, nowe also an exyle in this life for the faythfull testimony of Jesus Christ." This was printed at Ippeswych by Anthony Scoloker, dwellyng in S. Nycholas Parryshe, and dedicated to the Protector, Edward, Duke of Somerset. This was the only translation that had appeared in English of any of Ochine's pieces, when Elizabeth converted the Sermon De Christo from Italian into Latin, in which latter language, we believe, nothing from that famous and excellent clerk (as indeed he was) had been printed either in England or elsewhere. In the Queen's own reign, various of her author's godly and very profitable Sermons were made English by W. Phiston, and printed in quarto,

Si ovicula non cognosceret suum pastorem, miles ducem, seruus dominum, si quis non cognosceret suum amicum, sponsam, fratrem nec proprium parentem, immo nec seipsum ista crassa esset et pernitiosa ignorantia. At Christum non cognoscere tanto crassior et pernitiosior est ignorantia, quanto is nobis non modo bonus pastor, optimus dux, pientissimus dominus, verus amicus, dulcis sponsus, amans frater et charus est pater, verum etiam nobis interior quam est anima nostra propria.

London, 1580, a copy of which will be found in the British Museum; and a subject, a country-woman, and one of rank and learning, Anne Cook, daughter of Sir Anthony Cook, and afterwards the wife of Lord Keeper Bacon, "translated out of Italian into oure natyue tounge " Fourteen of Ochine's Sermons on Predestination and Election, which she afterwards, in a second impression, increased to twenty-five; and twentyfive others were taught English by

a gentleman," as the title-page calls him, whose name has not reached posterity.

We will conclude this article with an original document, addressed to General, afterwards Sir John, Norris, then commander in the Low Countries, which shows the care and attention Elizabeth paid to the safety of her young nobility,

To our trusty and wel-bilouid John Norrey's, Esquier.

Trusty and wel-bilouid we grete you well. As we wer right glad to vnderstand that your attempt for the wynning of the fort hath ben accompanyd with that happy success that you haue aduirtised, wherin you haue right well aunswered our expectation both of your valur and good conduct: So wued we haue liked best, you had remembred our particuler direction geven vnto you to stand vpon a defensiue warr, aswell in respect of thextraordinary care we haue of the preseruation of our subiects lyves, wch the often time cannot but putt in to over great hazard: as for that our meaning in the present action is (as we haue publickly notified vnto the woorld) to defend. And herewith we cannot also but put you in mind of the special care we required you to haue, at the tyme of your departure, that the yong gentlemen of best birth that did accompany youe might be spared from all desperate and hazardous attempts as this was, the place being not assaultable, for that we meane they shuld be reserved as much as might be in respect of theire valure and towardlynes for our service here at home in cases of necessite. Geven vnder our signet at our manor of Richmond the last day of Octobre, 1585, in the xxvij yere of our riegn.


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