Imágenes de página

745. Missale, secundum usum Ecclesie Ratisponensis. Gothic letter. The Canon of the Mass printed on Vellum. Folio. Bamberg, 1518. A wood-cut on the title-page bears the date 1512, but the colophon is dated as above.

746. Missale ad usum insignis Ecclesie Sarum. Black letter. Numerous wood-cuts. Small folio. [No place of publication.]

Venundantur apud Franciscum Byrckman, 1527.

A missing sheet in the Canon of the Mass has been supplied in fac simile, and a painting of the Crucifixion is inserted.

747. Canon Missæ, juxta formam editionis Romanæ, cum Prefationibus et aliis nonnullis quæ in ea fere communitur dicuntur, uti sunt Preparitis ad Missam & Orationes quæ ab Episcopis cum solemniter vel private celebrant; et ab aliis Sacerdotibus dici solent, nec non Gratiarum actiones Missæ Sacrificio peracto. Recusus. Folio. Plates. Salzburg, 1728.

On the title-page is the following MS. Note:-"Ex Guardianatu Coloniensis attulit Fr. Angelicus Geisfeler, ultimus Guardianus FF. Min. Conventualium Conventus Coloniensis 1802 suppressi."

748. Giardino Spiritvale de Varii Fiori Musicali, concertati à Quattro Voci, nel qual si contiene Messa, Salmi, Motetti, Antifone, & Letanie della B. V. M., di Michel Angelo Grancini, Maestro di Capella del Duomo di Milano. Opera Decima Sesta. In separate parts; viz., Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso, et Basso per l'Organo. Five Books. Quarto Milan, 1655. In separate parts; viz., Canto, Alto, Tenor, Basso, et Organo. Five Books. Small quarto Venice, 1700.

749. Messe, à Quattro Voci, dal Padre Gaetano de Stephanis.

750. Missa [Kyrie et Gloria], à 4 Voci, due Flauti, due Violini, Viola ed Organo, di Giov. Seb. Bach. No. 1. In full score. Folio. Bonn & Cologne.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

A Vocal Score will be found in the Catalogue of Printed Music, No. 169.

751. Messe [in H moll], von Johann Sebastian Bach. (The Kyrie and Gloria only.) In full score. Folio Zurich and Bonn.

There is a Vocal Score of the entire Mass; see Printed Music, No. 170. 752. Carl Maria Von Weber's Mass in E Flat. In vocal score, with an Accompaniment for the Organ arranged by Vincent Novello. Folio. London [1853].

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753. Deuxième Messe Solennelle [in D], à Quatre Parties, avec Accompagnements à Grand Orchestre, par L. Cherubini. In full score. Folio.


Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

754. Quatrième Messe Solennelle [in C], à 4 & à 5 Parties, avec Récits, Choeurs, & Accompagnemens à Grand Orchestre. Composée par L.

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755. Petite Messe de la Sainte Trinité, ou autres Fêtes de l'Année, sur les Chants de l'Eglise en Contrepoint mesuré, à Trois Voix, avec Accompagnement d'Orgue, par L. Cherubini. In score. Folio. Paris. Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

756. Première Messe Solennelle, composée par Le Sueur.

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In full score.

Paris, 1828.

757. Messe fuer Fuenf Solo Stimmen und Zwey Fuenfstimmige Choere in Musik gesetzt von Louis Spohr. Oblong folio

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

758. The Same. In separate parts. Folio

759. Messe in F Moll, von B. Molique. In full score. Folio.




760. Messe, à Trois Voix, avec Accompagnement d'Orgue ou Pianoforte,

composée par J. L. Ellerton. Op. 59. In score.
Presented to the Society by the Composer.

Folio. Brussels.

761. Psalmi, Octo Vocibus, ad ritum Ecclesiasticæ Musices concinendi, & ad Primi & Secundi Organi sonum accommodati. Liber Tertius. A. Joanne Paulo Columna [Giovanni Paolo Colonna]. Opus Undecimum. In separate parts; viz., Cantus, Altus, Tenor et Bassus Primus Chorus, ditto Secundus Chorus, Organum Primum et Organum Secundum. Ten Books, engraved Frontispiece to each. Quarto Bologna, 1694. Quarto. Paris.

762. Missa pro Defunctis, par N. Jomelli. In vocal score.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

A Full Score of this Requiem (but which does not contain the "Libera me") will be found in the Catalogue of MS. Music, No. 37.

763. Deuxième Messe di Requiem, pour Voix d'Hommes, composée par L.

Cherubini. In full score.


Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.


This Work was composed in 1836, when the Author was 76 years old, and was performed at his funeral in 1842.

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764. Stabat Mater for Two Soprano Voices, composed by Giuseppe Lanza. Op. 12. In full score. Folio London. 765. Stabat Mater, for Four Voices, set to Music by G. Rossini, adapted to English words by W. Ball. In vocal score. Folio. London. 766. Musica Divina, sive Thesaurus Concentuum Selectissorum omni Cultui Divino Totius Anni juxta Ritum Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Catholicæ inser


ventium ab excellentissimis superioris ævi Musicis numeris harmonias Compositorum. Quos e Codicibus originalibus, tam editis quam ineditis, accuratissime in Partitionem redactos ad instaurandum polyphoniam vere ecclesiasticam publice offert Carolus Proske. Annus Primus. Harmonias Quatuor Vocum continens. Tomus I. Liber Missarum. Quarto. Ratisbon, 1853.

This Volume contains Twelve Masses, including Two Requiems; viz., Three by Palestrina, two by Orlando di Lasso, one by T. Ludovico de Victoria, one by Andrea Gabrieli, one by J. L. Haslero, two by J. O. Pitoni, one by Antonio Lotti, and one by Mattheo Asola.

767. The Same. Separate Parts to one of the Masses by Palestrina, one by Pitoni, and to those by Di Lasso, Gabrieli, Haslero, and Lotti. Quarto Ratisbon, 1853.

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768. Collectio Operum Musicorum Batavorum, Sæculi XVI. Edidit Francis Commer. In score. Four Books. Folio Berlin. 769. Motecta Festorum Totius Anni, cum communi Sanctorum Joannis Petri Aloysii Prænestini. Quaternis Vocibus. In separate parts; viz., Cantus, Altus, Tenor, and Bassus (the Tenor part in MS.). Oblong quarto. Venice, 1585.

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These Motetts are thirty-six in number; Scores of the first sixteen are contained in the MS. described under No. 102 in the Catalogue of MS. Music.

770. Gemmulæ Sacræ, Binis et Ternis Vocibus, cum Basso Continuo ad Organum. Auctore R. D. Petro Philippi, Anglo, Ecclesiæ Collegiata S. Vincentii Sonegiensis Canonico. In separate parts; viz., Cantus, Cantus II., et Bassus; the Organ part being wanting. Quarto Antwerp, 1621.

771. A Volume containing the following Works, viz.:—
La Musica che si canta annualmente nelle Funzione della Settimana
Santa nella Cappella Pontificia, composta dal Palestrina, Allegri, e
Bai. Raccolta e Pubblicata da Carlo Burney, Mus. Doc. In score.
Frontispiece representing the performance of Divine Service in the
Sistine Chapel. Folio
London, 1771.

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Mr. Pope's Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, compos'd by William Walond,
Bac. Mus., of Christ Church College, Oxford. In full score. Folio.

Divine Harmony. Six Select Anthems, composed by Mr. John
Weldon. In score. (Wanting the Frontispiece.) Folio. London.
There is another copy of the last mentioned Work in the volume of Printed Music
described under No. 713

772. "Hoch vom Heiligthum," Kantate von W. A. Mozart. In full score. Folio Leipsic.

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This appears to be an adaptation to German words of music for the Psalm "Dixit Dominus" and Magnificat.

773. Offertorium [? part of a Litany] in Es, "Tremendum ac vivificum," für 4 Singstimmen, componirt von W. A. Mozart. In full score. Folio


Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell. 774. "Misericordias Domini," für 4 Singstimmen, 2 Hoboen, 2 Hörner, 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncello, und Bass, in Musik gesetzt von W. A. Mozart. In full score. Folio

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Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

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775. "Ave, verum Corpus," von W. A. Mozart. Komponirt in Baaden den 18ten Junius, 1791. In full score. Oblong folio Offenbach.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

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776. Trois Oratorios pour le Couronnement des Princes Souverains de la Chrétiente, n'importe les Communions, executé au Sacre de l'Empéreur Napoléon Ier (Paroles Latines). Composé par Le Sueur. In vocal score. Three volumes, octavo Paris.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

The incidental Motets, &c., for Napoleon's Coronation, were composed by Le Sueur; but the Grand Mass and Te Deum for the same occasion were composed (for two Choirs and two Orchestras) by Paesiello, then Maître de Chappelle to the Emperor.

777. "Confirma hoc, Deus" [Motett, ou Chour], à 3 Voix, composé pour le Sacre de Charles X. [Roi de France, A.D. 1825], par Cherubini. In full score. Folio Paris.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

778. "Saviour of Sinners" (Ave, Maria), a Sacred Cantata for Solo and Double Chorus; the English Version by W. Bartholomew, the Music by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy. In score. English and

Latin text.


Presented to the Society by Messrs. Ewer and Company.


For the Original Edition, with Latin words only, see Printed Music, No. 260. 779. Six Motetts for an Eight-part Chorus, with Latin words adapted; the Music composed by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy. In score. Folio.

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In full score.

780. Hymnus, "Clemens est Dominus," duplicis Chori contentu Orchestra comitante, redditus ab J. J. H. Verhulst. Op. 12. Folio

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Presented to the Society by Mr. F. Deffell.


781. Thirza und ihre Sohne, ein Musikalisches Drama, in Musik gesetzt von Johann Heinrich Rolle. In vocal score. Oblong folio.

Leipsic, 1781.

Mehala, die Tochter Jephta, ein Musikalisches Drama, von Johann Heinrich Rolle. In vocal score. Oblong folio. Leipsic, 1784. Abraham auf Moria, ein Musikalisches Drama, von J. H. Rolle. In vocal score. Oblong folio Leipsic, 1785. 782. Die Schoepfung, ein Oratorium, in Musik gesetzt von Joseph Haydn. [The Creation, an Oratorio, composed by Joseph Haydn.] In full Vienna, 1800.


German and English text. Folio

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783. The Creation, an Oratorio by Haydn, compressed from the score by Muzio Clementi, and adapted to an improved translation by Samuel Webbe, Jun. Folio

784. The Same. Bishop.

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Presented to the Society by the Rev. F. J. Stainforth.


In vocal score, with arranged accompaniment by John Octavo. -London, 1853.

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Presented to the Society by Mr. R. Cocks.

785. Die Könige in Israel, Oratorium, gedichtet von Dr. W. Smets, in Musik gesetzt von Ferdinand Ries. In full score. Folio. Bonn. There is a Vocal Score of this Work. See Printed Music, No. 309. 786. Der Sieg des Glaubens [The Triumph of the Faithful], Oratorium von J. B. Rousseau, in Musik gesetzt von Ferdinand Ries. In vocal score. Oblong folio Bonn. 787. David, an Oratorio, by the Rev. John Webb, A.M., composed by the Chevalier Sigismond Neukomm. In vocal score. Folio

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A new Edition. London [1853].

In this Edition the first Chorus, originally composed for four Choirs, is adapted by the Composer for two Choirs. For the Original Edition, see Printed Music, No. 311. 788. The Same. A set of separate Chorus parts. Folio. London [1853]. This and the preceding were presented to the Society by Mr. J A. Novello. 789. Jephta, Oratorium, in Musik gesetzt von Bernard Klein. In vocal Oblong folio Berlin. 790. Die Sundfluth [The Deluge], Oratorium, von E. von Groote, in Musik gesetzt von Friedrich Schneider. In vocal score. Oblong folio


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Bonn. For a set of separate Chorus parts with English Text, see Printed Music, No. 325. 791. Mose, Oratorium, aus der Heiligen Schrift, von Adolph Bernard

Marx. In full score. Folio

792. The Same. In vocal score. Folio


793. Die Zerstörung Jerusalem, Oratorium, nach der Heiligen Schrift von

Dr. Steinheim, in Musik gesetzt von Ferdinand Hiller.

In full

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