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Introductory Preface, Glossarial and Explanatory Notes.


London, 1821.

cut Portrait of Queen Elizabeth. Octavo 309. Gascoigne's "Princely Pleasures," with the Masque intended to have been presented before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth Castle, in 1575; with an Introductory Memoir and Notes. Portrait of the Author. Octavo London, 1821.

310. A Defence of Plays; or, the Stage vindicated from several Passages in Mr. Collier's Short View, &c. By Edward Filmer, Doctor of the Civil Laws. Octavo London, 1707.

311. A General History of the Stage, from its Origin in Greece down to the present time; with Memoirs of most of the Principal Performers that have appeared on the English and Irish Stage for these last fifty years. Collected and Digested by W. R. Chetwood. Duodecimo London, 1749.

312. The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment fully Demons

trated. By William Law, A.M.

313. A General View of the Stage.

MS. Notes. Octavo.

London, 1755. By Mr. Thos. Wilkes. Octavo. London, 1759.

314. The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatic Poets. Also an Exact Account of all the Plays that were ever yet printed in the English tongue; their double titles, the places where acted, the dates when printed, and the persons to whom dedicated: with remarks and observations on most of the said Plays. First begun by Mr. Langbain, improved and continued down to this time by a careful hand. Octavo London, 1699.

315. Scanderbeg; or, Love and Liberty: a Tragedy, written by the late Thomas Whincop, Esq. To which are added a List of all the Dramatic Authors, with some Account of their Lives; and of all the Dramatic Pieces ever published in the English Language, to the year 1747. Vignette Portraits of the principal Authors. Octavo. London, 1747.

The Lists of Authors and Pieces (which form the largest part of the volume) were conjectured to be the compilation of John Mottley, the Author of several Dramatic Pieces, and (according to this work) the collector and compiler of the book entitled Joe Miller's Jests.

316. The Companion to the Play House; or, an Historical Account of all the Dramatic Writers (and their Works) that have appeared in Great Britain and Ireland from the commencement of our Theatrical Exhibitions down to the present year, 1764. [By David Erskine Baker.] Two volumes, duodecimo London, 1764.

317. A New Theatrical Dictionary, containing an Account of all the Dramatic Pieces that have appeared from the Commencement of Theatrical Exhibitions to the present time; together with their dates when written or printed, where acted, and occasional remarks on their merits and success. To which is added, an Alphabetical Catalogue of Dramatic Writers, with the Titles of all the Pieces they have written annexed to each name; and also A Short Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage. [A new Edition, by Isaac Reed (?), of the last described Work.]

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London, 1792.

318. The History of the Theatres of London and Dublin, from the Year 1730 to the Present Time. To which is added, an Annual Register of all the Plays, &c. performed at the Theatres Royal in London from the Year 1712. By Mr. Victor. Two volumes, and a continuation of the Annual Register, one volume; together, three volumes, octavo. London, 1761 & 1771. 319. The Play-House Pocket Companion, or Theatrical Vade Mecum: containing a Catalogue of all the Dramatic Authors that have written for the English Stage, with a list of their Works, shewing the dates of representation or publication; a Catalogue of Anonymous Pieces; an Index of Plays and Authors. To which is prefixed, a Critical History of the English Stage, from its origin to the present time, with an Enquiry into the causes of the Decline of Dramatic Poetry in England. Duodecimo. (London, 1779); and Typographical Antiquities. History, Origin, and Progress of the Art of Printing, from its first invention in Germany to the end of the Seventeenth Century, and from its introduction into England by Caxton to the present time, &c. &c. Extracted from the best Authorities, by Henry Lemoine. Duodecimo London, 1797.

In one volume.

320. Egerton's Theatrical Remembrancer, containing a complete List of all the Dramatic Performances in the English Language, their several Editions, Dates, &c. &c.

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321. The Actor; or, a Treatise on the Art of Playing.

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London, 1788.


London, 1755.

322. A brief Dramatic Chronology of Actors, &c. on the London Stage, from the introduction of Theatrical Entertainments into England to the present time: with a Miscellaneous Appendix. By R. Wewitzer. Duodecimo . London, 1817.

323. Theophilus Cibber to David Garrick: with Dissertations on Thea

trical Subjects. Octavo.

324. The Dramatic Censor; or, Critical Companion.

tleman.] Two volumes, octavo

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325. A Review of the Performances of Mademoiselle Jenny Lind during her engagement at Her Majesty's Theatre, and their influence and effect upon our National Drama; with a Memoir of her Life. Portrait.


Presented to the Society by Mr. Armstrong.

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London, 1847.

326. Sketch of William Roscoe, by Washington Irving. Octavo.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Armstrong.

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Liverpool [1853].

327. Musikalisches Kunstmagazin von Johann Friedrich Reichardt. Erster Band, I-IIII. Stück. Folio Berlin, 1782. 328. Notes and Queries: a Medium of Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, &c. From the commencement in November, 1849, to December, 1854. Ten volumes, quarto.


329. The Art of Reading Church Music: founded on a simple Explanation of the first principles of Music, and designed with special reference to facilitating the Practice of Church Psalmody. By William Marshall, Mus. Doc., Oxon. Octavo

Presented to the Society by Mr. R. W. Haynes.

Oxford, 1842.

330. A Few Words about Music, containing Hints to Amateur Pianists: to which is added, a slight Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Art of Music. By M. H. 24mo. London, 1851.

331. L'Abbé Santini, et sa Collection Musicale à Rome.

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Par Wladimir Florence, 1854.

332. Catalogue Thématique de toutes les Compositions de W. A. Mozart, depuis le 9 Février, 1784, jusqu'au 15 Novembre, 1791. Octavo. Offenbach.

333. The Taste of the Town; or, a Guide to all Publick Diversions, viz., of Musick, Operas, and Plays, &c. Octavo London, 1731.

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334. A Musical Directory for the Year 1794, containing the Names and Addresses of most of the Professors of Music, with the parts they respectively perform, &c.; and an Historical Sketch of the Academy of Ancient Music. Small octavo

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Presented to the Society by Mr. James Milbourne.

London, 1794.

335. A Collection of Play Bills, Cuttings from Newspapers, &c., relating

to the Performances (including those given under the name of Oratorios) at the London Theatres from 1830 to 1834, with a few of later date. Four volumes, quarto.

336. An Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent, the Emperor of all the Russias, and the King of Prussia, to the Corporation of London, in June, 1814. Plates; and

An Account of the Entertainment given to the Duke of Wellington
by the Corporation of London, in the Guildhall, on the 9th of July,
1814. Quarto, large paper .
London [1814].

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13. Samson. Edited by Dr. E. F. Rimbault.

14. Judas Maccabeus. Edited by George Alexander Macfarren.

5. For "26 vols.," read "30 vols. ;" and add,

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"Presented to the Society by the Rev. F. J. Stainforth."

18. For "one volume only," read "volumes I., III., IV., and V. only."

26. Add,


"A Score of the Sonatas by Dr. Boyce will be found in the MS. described under No. 157 in the Catalogue of MS. Music."

The note should have stated this Collection to contain nearly the whole of the known Church Compositions of Dr. Boyce; a Funeral Anthem, with Instrumental Accompaniments, which is believed to be still extant in MS., not being included.

74. For "No. 617," read "No. 616."

267. After the word "Bach," add, "In vocal score."

331. For " Leipsic," read "London.”

355. For "Three," read "Two."

451, 453, and 454. Dele these three items.

462. Dele "The Songs and part of the Concerted Music;" and for "London," read "Paris."

558, line 8. After "Mr. D'Urfey," add "(Wanting the Prologue and


617. For “Vol. I.,” read "Three volumes in one."

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