Lady. But in them nature's copy's not eternal, Lady. What's to be done? Macb. Be innocent of the knowledge, dear chuck, 'Till thou applaud the deed: come, feeling night, Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day, And with thy bloody and invifible hand Which keeps me pale! Light thickens, and the crow Good things of day begin to droop and drowze, [Exeunt. SCENE IV. A Park, the Caftle at a diftance, Enter three Murderers. 1 Mur. But who did bid thee join with us? Mur. Macbeth. 3 2 Mur. He needs not our mistrust, fince he delivers Our offices, and what we have to do, To the direction just. 1 Mur. Then ftand with us. [Speaking to the first. The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day : To gain the timely inn, and near approaches 3 Mur. Hark, I hear horfes. Banquo within. Give light there, ho! That are within the note of expectation, 1 Mur. His horfes go about. But But he does ufually, fo all men do, From hence to th' palace gate make it their walk. 2 Mur. A light, a light.' 3 Mur. 'Tis he. 1 Mur. Stand to't. Ban. It will be rain to-night. I Mur. Let it come down. [They affault Banquo. Ban. Oh treachery! Fly, Fleance, Ay, Ay, Ay, Thou may'ft revenge. Oh flave! [Dies. Fleance efcapes. 3 Mur. Who did ftrike out the light? I Mur. Mur. 3 Is fled. 2 Mur. 1 Mur. Was't not the way? There's but one down; the fon We've loft beft half of our affair. [Exeunt. Mach. You know your own degrees, fit down: And first and laft, the hearty welcome, Lords. Thanks to your Majefty. Mach. Our felf will mingle with fociety,, And play the humble hoft: Our hoftefs keeps her ftate, but in best time We will require her welcome. [They fit. Lady. Pronounce it for me, Sir, to all our friends. For my heart speaks, they're welcome. Enter firft Murderer. Mach. See they encounter thee with their hearts thanks. Be large in mirth, anon we'll drink a measure [To the Murderer afide at the door. Mur. 'Tis better thee without, than him within, Is he dispatch'd? Mur. My Lord, his throat is cut, I did that for him. Mecb. Thou art the best of cut-throats; yet he's good, That That did the like for Fleance: if thou didst it, Thou art the non-pareil. Mur. Moft royal Sir, Fleance is 'fcap'd. Macb. Then comes my fit again: I had elfe been perfect; Whole as the marble, founded as the rock, As broad and gen'ral as the cafing air: But now I'm cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd, bound in Macb. Thanks for that; There the grown ferpent lyes: the worm that's fled No teeth for th' prefent. Get thee gone, to-morrow, We'll hear thee our felves again. Lady. My royal Lord, [Exit Murderer. You do not give the cheer; the feaft is cold That is not often vouched, while 'tis making, 'Tis giv'n with welcome. To feed, were beft at home; From thence, the fawce to meat is ceremony, Meeting were bare without it. [The Ghoft of Banquo rifes, and fits in Macbeth's place. Macb. Sweet remembrancer ! Now good digeftion wait on appetite, And health on both! Len. May't please your Highness fit? Macb. Here had we now our country's honour roof'd, Were the grac'd perfon of our Banquo prefent Whom may I rather challenge for unkindness, Than pity for mischance! Roffe. His abfence, Sir, Lays blame upon his promife. Please't your Highness To grace us with your royal company? Macb. The table's full. Len. Here is a place referv'd, Sir. Mach, Where? Len. Here, my good Lord. What is't that moves your Highness? [Starting. K 2 Macb Mach. Which of you have done this? Mach. Thou can'ft not fay I did it never fhake Roffe. Gentlemen, rife; his Highness is not well. Lady. Sit, worthy friends, my Lord is often thus, And hath been from his youth. Pray you keep feat. The fit is momentary, on a thought He will again be well. If much you note him, You fhall offend him, and extend his paffion; Feed, and regard him not. Are you a man? [To Macb. afide. Mach. Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on that Which might appall the devil. Lady, Proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear; This is the air-drawn dagger, which you faid Authoris'd by her grandam. Shame it felf!- Mach. Pr'ythee fee there! [Afide, Behold! look! lo! how fay you? [Pointing to the Gboft. Why, what care I? if thou canft nod, fpeak too. If charnel-houses and our graves muft fend Those that we bury, back; our monuments Shall be the maws of kites. [The Ghoft vanifbes. Lady. What? quite unmann'd in folly ? Lady. Fie for fhame! Macb. Blood hath been shed ere now, i'th' olden time, Ere human ftatute purg'd the gentle weal; Ay, and fince too, murders have been perform'd Too terrible for th' ear: the times have been, That when the brains were out, the man would die, Lady. Do not mufe at me, my most worthy friends, Love and health to all! Lord. Our duties, and the pledge. [The Ghoft rifes again. Lady. Think of this, good Peers, -be gone[The Ghoft vanishes. [The Lords rife. broke the good [meeting I am a man again: pray you fit fill. With most admir'd disorder. Macb. Can fuch things be, And overcome us like a fummer's cloud Without our fpecial wonder? you make me ftrange Ev'n at the difpofition that I owe, Now when I think you can behold fuch fights, And keep the natural ruby of your cheek, When mine is blanch'd with fear. Roffe. What fights, my Lord? K 3 Lady, |