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From October 26 to November 25, 1839, both inclusive.

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J. J. ARNULL, Stock Broker, 1, Bank Buildings, Cornhill,




The principal Memoirs in the OBITUARY are distinctly entered in

the "Index to the Essays."

Accidents, explosion at St. Hilda's Colliery Bayeux Tapestry, inquiries relating to


Adelaide, Queen Dow. landing at Ports-
mouth 81

Adversaria 352, 484, 606

the 41. coeval authenticity of 129,
371, 482. effigy of Robert, Duke of
of Normandy, not of the period of the
Bayeux Tapestry ib.

Agas, R. controversy respecting a bio- Bayly, T. H. memoir of 94

[blocks in formation]

Ainslie, Lt.-Gen. memoir of 316
Alison, Rev. A. memoir of 319
Allhallows, London Wall, monument in

Alveston, consecration of the new Church
of 81

America, fire at the New York Theatre528
Anglo-Saxon Language 238, lecture in
Tavistock Abbey ib. dialect in Devon-
shire 239

Literature 377
Antarctic Expedition 405
Antiquaries, Society of, proceedings of 72
Antiquities, description of an ancient

Psalter 72. a fibula found in an ex-
cavation in Thames-street 73. anti-
quities in the Newcastle Museum 183,
633. whale skeleton found in Durham
Castle 526. seal of Anne Countess of
Devon 442

French 409

Archbishop's Prerogative in granting pro-
bate of wills 582

Archdall, Gen. memoir of 315
Architects, Royal Institute of British,
meeting of 407

Architectural Drawings at the Royal
Academy 177

Society, meeting of 632

Ashbourn Church, description of 506. re-
pairs of 575

Asia Minor, geography of 407

Aston, consecration of a Chapel at 640
Athens, account of 387

Atkins, Ald. will of 668

Aubrey, John, his meditated "Remains
of Gentilism and Judaism" 393
Ayr, consecration of a Church at 532
Bacon, Lord, anecdote of 394
Baldwin, Mrs. memoir of 656
Bank of Ireland Bill 298, 411
Barnwell near Cambridge, consecration
of a Church at 304

Barrowford, Lancashire, opening of the
Church at 531

Bassano, Duc de, memoir of 92
Bates, Dr. anecdote of 65


Beauharnois, family of 106


- Prince Eugene, character of

Bedford, Duke of, memoir of 646
Beer Bill 78, 79, 190, 296
Bell-ringing 253

Bentinck, Lord W. memoir of 198
Beranger, Goethe's remarks on 462

Berwick Street, consecration of a new
Church 304

Betham, Rev. W. memoir of 655
Bethgellert Legend in Hindostan 352
Bethune, E. D. notice of 670

Bewick, T. notice of 123. his method of
engraving 124

Biblical Literature, increased demand for

Bickleigh, consecration of a Church at 531
Biographical Dictionary, New General,

inaccuracies in the 154, 346, 463, 592
Birmingham, stone laid of the first of the
Ten Churches at 641. riots at 192.
Police Bill 295, 298

Bishops, marriage of 333
Blackburn, opening of a new Church at


Blind, printing for the use of the 521
Borghese, Prince de, memoir of 197
Botanical Society, charter granted 523
Bow Road, meeting to adopt measures
for the purchase of a Church 303
Bozzoni, statues by 400
Bradshaw, consecration of a Church at

Breaghmore-Wheeler, sacramental cup


British Association, meeting of 402
Britons, Ancient, polytheism of the 241.
inscribed altars 243. introduction of
Christianity 245

Brougham, Ld. mistake in his "Sketches
of Statesmen" 37. remarks on his
"Statesmen " 479. "Eloge de Carnôt,"
by Arago 480

Broussais, M. death of 92

Brown, Sir T. inscription on a monu-
ment to 668

Bruges, Cathedral injured by fire 299
Brunehaut, la Chaussé de, Roman cause-
way discovered at 527

Bryan, Guy de, account of 21, 358
4 R

Brydges, Sir J. W. H. memoir of 543
Budget, the 189

Bunhill Row, consecration of St. Paul's
Church 304

Burgess, Bp. monument to 159
Buxton, Sir R. J. memoir of 423
Byron, Goethe's remarks on 460
Caen, Abbess of St. Trinité, her expenses
on a visit to England 1360-1, 370
Caffarelli the Musician, wealth attained
by 607

Cambridge, historical account of some of
the Colleges 220. foundation of the
Botanical Garden 221. monuments in
Trin. Coll. 222. ancient amusements
of the University 223. private collec-
tions of various members 228.
berry tree planted by Milton in Christ
College 230


Antiquarian Society, institu-

tion of the 70

University, prizes awarded

70, 180, 631
Canada, Union of Upper and Lower, par-
liamentary proceedings relating to 78,
294, 297

Cardiff Docks, opening of 529
Carew, Sir P. life of 276

Carlisle, Earl of, temp. James I. anec-
dotes of 394

Cathedral, account of 170
Carlovingian Romances 373
Cathedral and Ecclesiastical Preferments
Bill 294, 297

Cecil, Lord Burghley, his alleged con-
formity to Roman Catholicism, temp.
Mary 22

Cellini the Artist, works of 333
Celtic Names of Places 39
Cerney, South, Gloucestersh. Edward's
College at, opened 417

Cervantes, his capture at Lepanto 33.
his alleged madness 34
Chambers, J. memoir of 430

Chartists, riotous meeting at Birming-
ham 192. at Newcastle 300. their
entrance into Stockport and other
Churches 301. meeting at Manches-
terib. at Nottingham ib. attack upon
Newport 639

Chester, Trials at 301
China, trade of 300

Church Discipline Bill 295, 296, 298
Churches, New 303, 531, 640
Circassia, war with the Russians 638
Civil Engineers, new school for 640
Clarkson, Mr. S. bust of 519
Clayton, Sir R. memoir of 542
Clevedon Church consecrated 304

Coe, Capt. T. sale of his Burman MSS. 2
Coins found at Wyke near Leeds 275. at
Exeter 442

of Ireland 61
Coleman, E. death of 211

Collet, Mr. John, his commonplace book,
notice of 393

Constables County and District Bill 298,

Corbet, Bishop, anecdote of 395
Corrie, J. memoir of 658
Corsica, antiquities of 186

Courier, P. L. Goethe's remarks on 462
Courtenay, Rt. Hon. T. P. his comment
on Shakspere's Hen. VIII. 32. no-
tice of the Courtenay family in
France 39

Cousin, Goethe's remarks on 463
Crawfurd, Sir J. G. memoir of 313
Cressy, Battle of, inquiry into the exist-
ing narratives of the 383
Cromwell, O. anecdote of 64
Crowborough Hill, consecration of St.
John's Chapel 304

Cudworth, R. his allusion to jesters 606
Daguerrotype, description of the 889
Davy, Rev. M. memoir of 88
Deer-Stalking, art of 3. modes of pur-
suing the chase of the red-deer in Scot-
land 6. the extraordinary age of deer 9.
the highland deer-hound 12. speed of
the deer 14. anecdotes of poaching 16
De la Croix, Goethe's remarks on 463
Dibdin, Dr. mistakes in his Library Com-
panion 36

Doncaster, old house at 409

Douglas, Adm. J. memoir of 424, 442
Dover, dinner given at, by the Cinque
Ports, in honour of theirLd.Warden416
Dowgate Hill, Roman pavement found
at 636

Drainage of Lands by Steam 193

Drummond, Sir W. character of 366
Dublin, derivation of the name 39
Dudley, Earl of, eccentricities of 367
Duras, family of 473

Durer, A. account of his engravings on
wood 118

Durham Castle, whale skeleton found in

· Cathedral, catalogues of the li-
brary of 279

Dyer, Sir T. R. monument to 160
Ecclesiastical Courts, testamentary ju-
risdiction of the 582

Education, National, parliamentary pro-
ceedings respecting 79, 80, 188
Eglintoun Castle, description of a tour-
nament held at 414

Egypt, war between the Ottoman Porte
and the Pacha 81. commencement of

hostilities in Syria 191

Election Petitions Trial Bill 296
Electors Removal Bill 188, 294
Elizabeth, Queen, her fearlessness in 1588
266. Raleigh's influence with her
269. manner in which she was flat-
tered 270.

Elley, Sir J. funeral of 669

Essex, Earl of, will of 669

Exeter, antiquity of the Lock Canal of
273. seal of Anne Countess of Devon
found at 449. Coins found at ib.

Fesch, Card. memoir of 197
Filmore, Capt. memoir of 207
"Fire at Epworth," print of 520
Fires, destructive fire at Cullompton 191.
another in Spitalfields ib.

Fisher, Bp. his promotion to a bishopric
in 1504, 220

Fools, maintained by corporations 396.
court fools 397. C. Chester, a court
fool temp. Elizabeth ib. W. Picol,
fool to King John ib. maintained by
noblemen in 1617, 606
Foreign Literature 402

Fox's Martyrology, trial respecting a libel
founded upon 396
France, antiquities in 74

Frome, Roman antiquities found at 77
Fry, Dr. his manner of receiving his pa-
tients 65

[ocr errors]

Fulham, meeting for the purpose of en-
larging the Church 304
Gaelic Controversy 146, 342
Galt, J. memoir of 92, 670
Garter, order of the, motto of the 218
Gaselee, Sir S. memoir of 315
Genlis, Mad. de, Goethe's defence
for her attack on Voltaire 463
Geographical Society, meeting of the 72
Geological Discoveries not opposed to
Scripture 161


Geological Society, meeting of 182
George IV. anecdote of 472
Germany, History of the Reformation in

555. matrimonial precedence in Ger-
many 576. bachelor's tax recom-
mended in 607

Gibbon the Historian, errors in his auto-
biography 465. his character of Louis
XVI. 466. his style, language, and
proficiency in French 469. personal
appearance 475

Giraffe, birth of, in the Zoological Gar-
dens 182

Gloucester, human skeletons found at 410
Godric Club, institution of 523
Goethe's Table Talk 361, 459
Gondomar, Count, anecdotes of 268
Gray the Poet, critique on 226
Greasley, Notts, consecration of the
Chapel of Brinsley 532
Greek Literature 388

Greek Writings, Ancient, on a catacomb
in Alexandria 383
Grierson, Sir R. memoir of 422
Griffith, Sir W. inquiry for information
respecting 106

Grotto della Regina, description of 345
Gypsies said to be of Egyptian descent 606
Hammersmith Institution, lectures for
the season 522

Handfield, Capt. E. memoir of 203
Hanmer, Sir T. family of 444. his po-
litical conduct 445. private character


Hanover, rebellion in 299

Hardriding, Roman altar at 409
Hardy, Vice-Adm. Sir T. M. memoir of

Harrow School Chapel, consecration of522
Hastings, Lady Flora, death of 321
Hayward, Sir J. inquiries for information
respecting 2

Henry, Prince, son of James I. Bishop
Goodman's remarks respecting his
death 267

Heretics, keeping faith with 484
Hexham, seal of Archbp. Waldby for 234
Hill, Sir G. memoir of 89

T. will of 671

Hindoo Pooran and Sciences 251
Historic Doubts 136

Holford, G. P. memoir of 318

Horsley, Gloucestershire, consecration of
the new Church and Cemetery at 641
Howard, Ld. W. biography of 511
Howden, Gen. Ld. memoir of 310. inter-
ment of 670

Hoxton, consecration of Christ Church

Huetius, autobiography of 333

Hull Literary and Philosophical Society,
meeting of 632

Humboldt, Goethe's remarks on 460
Hume, David, character of 341
Hurdsfield, new Church at 532

Hurley Church, description of 27, 139
Ibbetson, Sir C. memoir of 200
India, satisfactory statements respecting
our troops 191. entry of the British
army into Candahar 300. death of
Runjeet Singh 413. extract from a

letter of the Bp. of Calcutta 414. suc-
cessful expedition in 528.
war in Af-
ghanistan ended 638
Ireland, J. death of 99

and Popery 484

Irish Municipal Corporations Bill 295
Islington, new Church at 303

Islip Church, Oxfordshire, painting found
in 160

Jamaica Bill 80, 188

James 1. manner in which he was plun-
dered by the courtiers 268. anecdote
of 398

Jesters maintained by noblemen in 1617
606. Vide Fools
Johnson, M. memoir of 203
T. memoir of 203

Jones, Rev. H. T. death of 97

Sir T. J. T. memoir of 649
Sir W. and Welch Literature 352
Jonson, Ben, anecdote of 395
Joyce, Capt. memoir of 207
Kensington Literary Institution, Lectures
for the season 522

"King of France," origin of the change
in the title 607

King's College, London, new hospital in
connection with 301
Knott, T. memoir of 206

Koch's Revolutions of Europe, ambiguity
in 607

Kynaston, Rev. Sir E. memoir of 314
Labouchere, P. C. will of 669
Lacon, Sir E. K. memoir of 314
Lambeth, consecration of the Church in
Carlisle-street 303

Langford, Ld. death and politics of 214,

Languages, identity of the ancient Punic
and Irish 146. non-identity of the
Welsh and Gaelic 149. tenses in
Hebrew 152, 218. derivation of the
word Gael 154. comparison of the
Gaelic and Welsh 342
Lauderdale, Earl of, memoir of 538
Laudry, Count M. L. bequest for the
benefit of artists 520

Laugharne, Caermarthenshire, account of
the Castle and lordship of 18, 353.
charter of Guy de Bryan to the bur-
gesses of 19, 358. Whitland Abbey
595. cromlech at Llanboidy 598.
Green Bridge of Wales 599. customs
prevalent at ib. fishery 601. society

Lavenham, Suffolk, enigmatical epitaph
in the churchyard of 240, 351
Lawyers, their influence temp. James
I. 268

Leland's Itinerary, inquiry for subjects
illustrative of 2
Lepanto, battle of 33

Lestrange, Hamon, notice of 394

Sir Nicholas, his Merry Pas-
sages and Jests, notice of 393. family
of 394

Lindesay, Sir P. death of 90


Literary Characters, Memorials of 259
Literature, Diary of a Lover of, remarks
on a passage in respecting Turner's
History of the Middle Ages 40.
marks on the Life of James II. 127.
anecdote respecting Scott's Antiquary
457. anecdote of Mr. Mingay and Ld.
Lonsdale 459

[blocks in formation]

tice of Moliere's Tartuffe 606
Montgomery, Sir J. memoir of 314
Montgomeryshire Trials, result of 192
Montmorency-Morres, Col. memoir of 653
Monzani, T. death of 206

Moon, frigorific power of its rays 2
More, N. memoir of 205. will of 670
Mortality, bill of 103, 215, 327, 439,
551, 671

Mount-Edgcumbe, Earl of, memoir of 540
Mountjoy, Visc' tess, death of 214
Royal Society of, meeting of Moyes, M. suicide of 417

Littleworth, Berks, new Church at 303
London Institution, lectures for the sea-
son 632

[merged small][ocr errors]

Police Bill 294

Moyle, W. Correspondence of 254, 577
Mummies, discovery of, at Durango 410
Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Bill
294, 298

Munster, Count, memoir of 198

University, first examinations of Mythology of Ancient Greece 54. origin

Lonsdale, Ld. anecdote of 459
Love, Comm. W. memoir of 90
Lovelace, origin of the family of 144
Lucan, Earl of, memoir of 310

Mahmoud, the Sultan, memoir of 309
Maidenhead Seal, descriptive account
of 44

Maillard, P. Desforges, memoir of 23
Malvern, ancient font at 636
Mammon, etymology of 607

Manchester, three new Churches conse
crated 532

Mangles, Mr. family of 669

of the mythes ib.

Naworth Castle, account of 509
Necker, Mad. anecdotes of 336
Need, Lt.-Gen. memoir of 543
Nelson, Thomas Earl, monument to 159
Adm. Lord Visc. column to 290.
Newark Castle, purchase of, for a cattle
market 417
Newcastle Antiquarian Society, cata-
logue of the collection in 183. ac-
count of Roman inscribed stones in
the Museum 409, 633
Newton-in-Mottram, consecration of a
Church at 532

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