By his father he was placed first under the tuition of T. Young,* a man of eminent classical and theological acquirements, and subsequently with A. Gill, a scholar and a poet. Fostered by their care, his youthful genius rapidly expanded, his taste was improved by the study of the finest models of the ancient poets, and he had given proofs in some original compositions, that he could not unsuccessfully emulate the productions which he admired. Delighting in the poetry and having tasted the philosophy of Athens and of Rome, when Milton commenced his studies at Cambridge, he found the institutions of the University far behind him, and that they had not thrown off the rusty and barbarous shackles of the old scholastic philosophy. It was against this that he, perhaps too rudely and violently, remonstrated-Ceteraque ingenio non subeunda meo,-and he gave cause for deep offence, by his refusal to submit in matter of study, to the regulations and discipline of the college to which he belonged. There is nothing which has the least relation in this dispute to the conduct of his life. He expressly mentions in one place the cause of this unfortunate misunderstanding; "he did not like to be deluded with ragged notions and brabblements, and dragged to an offensive feast of sow-thistles and brambles."Again; "omnium plausu exceptæ sunt inimicorum qui in me alias propter studiorum dissidia, essent prorsus infenso et inimico animo." Now, as to this system of education which excited the disgust, and unhappily caused the disobedience of the youthful poet, and with regard to the barbarous authors that were submitted to the pupil's attention, they may be seen in the Preface to Du Cange's Latin Dictionary, the dissertation prefixed to R. Stephens's Latin Thesaurus, and in Burigny's Life of Erasmus; but to clear the subject more satisfactorily, we may refer to the life of another Cambridge Poet, who resided in the University a few years subsequent to the time of Milton. Dr. P. Beaumont (the author of Psyche), when tutor of Peterhouse, says that "he found himself tied down by the practice of the schools to the drudgery of teaching his pupils the tedious and heavy system of Duns Scotus, and Averroes, and the rest of the subtle philosophers of that date. The College themes were as follows:-" Angeli cognoscunt Singularia.-Intellectus est nobilior voluntate.-Visio fit per receptionem specierum," &c. &c. As for the Themes themselves that were written on those subjects, they are too long to give, and, if given, too barbarous to read. Turn, then, from these to the vacation exercise, which Milton had to write. Was it chosen from some passage of ancient history which was to be illustrated? some character of eminence to be examined? some fable of antiquity to be explained? No it was as follows. "Ens is represented as the father of the Predicaments; his ten sons, whereof the eldest stood for Substance with his Canons, which Ens speaking explains. Then Quantity and Quality speak in prose, and Relation is called up by his name," &c. What beautiful flashes of poetical light were struck forth by the youthful poet's genius from this inanimate mass of antiquated rubbish, those who have read the poem will not fail to recollect; and as H. More describes Milton's College tutor as learned, skilful, vigilant, prudent, and pious, we may be assured that all causes of misunderstanding were soon removed, and in their stead a high admiration and mutual affection succeeded: for Milton * See account of "Young," in T. Warton's edit. of Milton's Smaller Poems, p. 440-1, 2nd ed. He signs himself in one of his Sermons-S. Evangelii in comit. Suffolciensi Minister ! speaks of the more than ordinary favour and respect which he found above any of his equals, at the courteous and learned men, the pillars of the college, where he spent some years, and, who, at his parting, requested him to remain among them by letters full of kindness and loving respect. This is the view of the subject, which the editor of the Aldine edition of Milton first took; which was supported by additional proofs in our Magazine of November 1836; which was approved by Sir Egerton Brydges, in his edition; and which we believe includes all the facts on the subject that are necessary to be known. More than a century after, the sister University was attacked in the same manner for presenting these brabblements of logic and metaphysics to the students, in the place of solid and wholesome food. See Amherst's Terræ Filius, p. 5, et passim; and Roger Coke's Detection, p. 22, p. 665. Of the Poetry scattered through these numbers, though there is a good Sonnet to Bentley, and not a bad one to Newton, yet Mr. Wilmot's * Dream of the Poets is decidedly the best, and is a very elegant composition; from this, therefore, we must make our extract; and, first, for Milton: "Far off thy radiant coming shines, O bard of Paradise! around Darting the living splendour of thy lines: Our memory gazes on thy solemn brow, When harps from Eden's cedarn aisles were heard ; In the dark foliage bursting into song, Thought after thought of beauty, a fair throng, And each emotion of his fancy spoke; Peace to his troubled spirit, while he soar'd, On the dark hour of his decay was pour'd The Arabian Heaven, with all its dreams divine, And all the hallowed pomp of Palestine. The Muse walked with him,-whose impurpled wing Dropping with colours from the Indian spring, And as his slumbers floated in a crowd, Prophets, apostles, martyrs, like a cloud, Kindling before the sunrise into gold." Then follow the portraits of Cowley and Crashaw, which are drawn with taste and elegance; but we must reserve for our closing extract, the lines on B. Jonson and Gray. "Would thou wert living at this hour, Immortal Jonson ! with thy whip of steel Scourging the blood out of the dissolute age, Our sternest painter and our best!-Not thine *This gentleman is author of the "Lives of the Sacred Poets," a very well written and interesting work, including the best life of Withers extant: Mr. Wilmot has a fine Virgilian flow of poetry, and we hope will not want a friendly Mecenas. He is also, we believe, the author of some eloquent Reviews in the " Theological Quarterly." 2 H GENT. MAG. VOL. XII. Trampling beneath the thunder of thy line Pour thy fierce anger through the trumpet's lips, The sword of Satan weakens at thy name." We do no think Gray's genius to be so happily or characteristically marked as the former; but the portrait is richly coloured, and the lines flow majestically. "Lord of the cittern! hail, amidst the throng, On the majestic river of thy song The lyric Muses walk'd-river that flowed, By no fierce wind or blackening tempest driven, But shining calmly to the purple Heaven, With beauteous forms and boughs of verdurous trees The leaves reflected on the sunny lawn, We must add that the embellishments of the Cambridge Portfolio are numerous, and many of them very tasteful, particularly the etchings by Mr. Lewis. The landscape plates by Cooke are graceful and pretty; but the architectural subjects are scarcely drawn with sufficient care, though they show an attentive eye to the most beautiful and interesting features of the University. There are some good portraits, as those of Caius and Harvey; but the busts of Bacon and Coke are absolutely bad: it requires as much practice and skill to draw from sculpture as from the life. SEAL OF ARCHBISHOP WALDEBY. THE seal which is represented in the accompanying plate, has been previously engraved in the large folding sheet of seals in Drake's History of York, fol. 1736, Appendix, p. ci. It is there described as "an impression from the matrix of a seal now, or lately, in the possession of Mr. Taylor, innholder in Durham, a collector of antiquities, of Robert Holyate archbishop of York, so constituted anno 1544." It is not, however, a seal of Archbishop Holgate, but of another Archbishop Robert, who lived a century and a half earlier. This the style of the beautiful tracery alone would show. The township of Waldby is situated in the parish of Rowley, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, about twenty-eight miles from the city of York; but without direct evidence it is not easy to say whether the Archbishop took his surname immediately from the place of his birth (as was frequently the custom with churchmen), or whether it came to him by descent from his parent. In the preceding generation there were two distinguished citizens of York, John de Waldeby, bailiff in 1357, and Richard de Waldeby, mayor in 1365; one of whom may have been his father. John de Waldeby, a very learned theologian, is stated to have been his brother. They were both educated in the Augustinian priory of Tickhill, and Dr. John afterwards became the provincial of the Augustinian order in England. He died in 1393; having written several able theological works, of which the titles are given by Leland and his followers.† Robert de Waldeby was a chaplain of Edward the Black Prince, whom * Promethean, with the penultimate accented, would be more correct. † The earlier biographers appear, however, to have confounded the works of the |