Catalogue of the library |
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Página 185
... printed copy . The solos for the Harpsichord , in the symphonies to the song " Vo far guerra e vincer , " which are contained in the second printed edition , are not given in this copy , the places where they occur being ( as in the ...
... printed copy . The solos for the Harpsichord , in the symphonies to the song " Vo far guerra e vincer , " which are contained in the second printed edition , are not given in this copy , the places where they occur being ( as in the ...
Página 188
... printed in the Selected Church Musick . " Barnard's Preces . Preces ( 6 parts ) . SERVICES . Responses for 27th March [ Accession of Charles I. ] and 5th November . Batten's Kyrie and Nicene Creed . Short Service . Short Service for ...
... printed in the Selected Church Musick . " Barnard's Preces . Preces ( 6 parts ) . SERVICES . Responses for 27th March [ Accession of Charles I. ] and 5th November . Batten's Kyrie and Nicene Creed . Short Service . Short Service for ...
Página 232
... printed in Italics . " Salve Regina , " Hymn for 3 voices . " Anima mea liquefacta est , " Motett , 3 voices ... Printed by Goodison , see No. 1413 . The Music to the first act of Charles Davenant's Tragedy of " Circe . " The name ...
... printed in Italics . " Salve Regina , " Hymn for 3 voices . " Anima mea liquefacta est , " Motett , 3 voices ... Printed by Goodison , see No. 1413 . The Music to the first act of Charles Davenant's Tragedy of " Circe . " The name ...
Otras ediciones - Ver todo
Catalogue of the library. [With] Sacred harmonic society No hay ninguna vista previa disponible - 1853 |
Términos y frases comunes
accompaniments adapted Ancient Anthems Arne Ballads Bass Bassus BEETHOVEN BEETHOVEN Ludwig Book Bound Boyce Buononcini Cantata Canzonets Cathedral Chants Charles chorus Church composed compositions Concerts containing Cooke copy Deum ditto Duets duodecimo Durlacher edition Edward English F. J. Stainforth Festival four voices full score George German text Giovanni Glee Handel Harmony Harpsichord HAYDN Joseph Henry Purcell Hymn instruments Italian J. A. Novello John Leipsic Libro London Madrigali Madrigals Marenzio MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY Felix Motett MOZART MOZART W. A. Music Musical Antiquarian Society Musique oblong folio oblong octavo oblong quarto octavo opera oratorio Organ Overture Palestrina Paris pianoforte Portrait Presented primo printed Psalm PURCELL Henry R. W. Haynes Rimbault Sacred Sacred Harmonic Society selected separate small folio small octavo Society solo Sonatas Symphonies Te Deum Tenor Theatre Theorbo Thomas Thorough-bass Thou Tunes Venice Vincent Novello Violin vocal score voci vols volume Voyces words