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The Journal of Education

and School World.


A Monthly Record and Review.








Pages 1 to 76 are in the January number; 77 to 148, February; 149 to 224, March; 225 to 292, April;
293 to 368, May; 369 to 476, June; 477 to 568, July; 569 to 624, August; 625 to 712, September;
713 to 780, October; 781 to 848, November; 849 to 920, December.

[A] indicates titles of Articles; [C] Correspondence; [O] Obituary Notices.

A New Age (Dr. Walter) [C.], 800.
A.W.B., Some more Epigrams from the Anthology,
420; Twenty More Epitaphs from the Antho-
logy, 814.

Aberystwyth, University College, 861.
Acts-Education (1902), 18; Education (1918), 732;
Free State Compulsory Attendance, 90; London
University (1926), 791; North of Ireland
Education, 392; Teachers (Superannuation)
(1925), 304; Welsh Intermediate Education
(1889), 580.

Acting, boys', 31.
Adolescent, The Education of the [A.], 85; by H. М.

Inspector [A.], 518

Adult Education (J. P. M. Millar, B. A. Yeaxlee)

[C.], 95; (The Editors) [C.], 256.

Adult Education-British Institute, 91; Finland,
600; natural science, 576; progress, 859;
Scotland, 382.

Adult Education and Fuil-time Studies [A.], 377.
Adult Education College, Harlech, 490, 725, 862.
Adult Education. Coleg Harlech: An Adventure in,

by E. T. Davis, M.A. (A.), 218.
Aesthetic Environment in Education, The Impor
tance of, by G. Kendall, M.A. [A.], 239.

Age, school-leaving, 11, 576, 636, 790.
Agriculture-boys' scholarships in Canada, 658;
Dutch, 776; research centres, 859; training, 723.
Introduction to Work and

Air Force, Royal, 415.
Alington, C. A., D.D.

Play Out of School [A.], 29.

American Teachers' Colleges, Some Observations on,

by E. C. Oakden, M.A. [Α.), 416.

An Examiner, The Young Essayist (A.), 418.

An Old Fogey," Notes on Education in 1926 [A.],

Animals' Welfare Week, 264, 318, 826.
Appointments, 22, 100, 176, 254, 318, 406, 508, 587,

648, 736, 816, 870.

Appointments Board, 725.

Archer, A. B., M.A., Efficiency and the Individual

Pupil [A.], 139.

Architects, regulations, Royal Institute, 38.
Argentine, 415.

Arnold, J. H., M.A., Progress in Education during

1925-26 [Α.], 521.

Art-German publications, 36; Scottish children's,

308; unhonoured, 860.

Art Masters, National Society, 134.
Associations-Assistant Masters', 134, 366, mani-
festo (W. C. Burnet) [C.], 504; Assistant
Mistresses', 133; Boy Scout, 30, 807; British,
406, 722, Education Section, 721, Educational
Science Section, 741; Decimal, 31; Educa-
tion in Industry and Commerce, 137; Educa-
tional, in Conference, 131, 813; Educational
Handwork, 138; Empire Day Medal, 26;
Froebel Society and Junior Schools, 137, 778;
Geographical, 135; Headmasters', 132, Shef-
field school controversy, 794; Headmistresses',
visit of French, 474; Historical, 135; Inde-
pendent Schools, 600; Lancashire County
Teachers', 304; Ling, 138; Mathematical, 135;
Modern Humanities Research, 308; Modern
Language, 87, 136; National Education, 164;
Preparatory Schools, 134; Reform of Latin
Teaching, 752; Schoolmasters', Irish, 863;
National, 304; Science Masters', 307; Secondary
Teachers' (Free State), 392; Sociological Society
and Tours, 778; Special Libraries and Informa-
tion Bureaux, 36; Teachers in Technical
Institutions, 487; Technical Institutions, 581;
Training College, 137; Women Science Teachers',
136; World Federation of Educational, 635,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Calendar reform, 141.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY, Anglo-Saxon studies, 578;

new statutes, 159; women students, 493.
Camps-Duke of York's, 426; school girls', 318.
Canada, 220, 244; Canadian Pacific Railway, 520;
schools on wheels, 316; Toronto Conference,
726, 813; universities, 578.

Cancer, 520.
Cardiff-medical school. Training College of Domestic
Arts, 307, unemployed adolescents, 91.
Carnegie Trust, 160, 490; county libraries, 866.
Catalogues, publishers' lists, 424, 586, 778, 844, 907,

Celebrations, school, 238.

Certificates, working, 11. (See Examinations.)
Ceylon, 42.

Changing Philosophies [A.], 233.
Child-Study Society, 146, 170, 264.

Children-Dr. Kimmins' age-periods, 13; hyper-

sensitive, 636.

Cholmeley, R. F., O.B.Ε., Μ.Α. [A.], 320: The
Imperial Education Conference [A.], 584.

Church, training for the, 725.
Church Assembly, education report, 36.
Cinema, 92, 432, 601, 656, 843, 8443; educational

films, 793.

Circulars-1381, 133; 1388, 158, 521.
Classics, secondary school, 526.

Classics in Education, The (A. B.) [C.], 172.
Clifton College, The New Science School at [A.], 502.
Co-education, Spain, 640; (de V. Payen Payne)

[C.], 502; (E. Lyttelton, J. H. Badley,
J. Wicksteed, C. B. Rowntree, A. Woods)
C.], 589; (D. H. Oldham, Iudi Sceleratus
Magister. J. Russell, G. B. Tyson) [C.]. 650;
(B. A. Howard) [C.], 746; (R. E. Williams,
Parent) (C., 798.

Competitions-British Empire League essay, 244;
Duke of Devonshire" essay, 426. (See Prize

Conference, The Headmistresses', by E. M. Fox
[A.], 585.
Conference, The Imperial Education, by R. F.
Cholmelev, C.Β.Ε., Μ.Α [Α., 584.

Conferences-Annual Educational, University Col-
lege, 131, 138; Assistant Masters' (Manchester),
158; Educational Associations, 11, 36, 566, 888;
Headmasters', 133; Headmistresses', 419;
La Nouvelle Education, 329; N.U.S, 534;
N.U.T., 304; National Education, 790; New
Education Fellowsihp 668; North of England
Education, 86, 131, 888; Prague peace educa-
tion, 106; Speech Training, 843, 863; summer
holiday, 419; Teachers in Technical Institu-
tions, 487, 798; the school and peace, Geneva,
248; World Adult education, 859; New

Education, Locarno, 34.

Congresses, Domestic Economy, 813; University
Students', 305.

Contents Tables, 9, 85, 157, 233, 303, 377, 485, 575,

633, 721, 789, 857.

Continent, Tilbury-Dunkirk route, 656.
Co-operationism in Schools (S. C. Tickell) [C.]. 804.
Corporate Spirit in Day Schools (E. Fiedler) [C.], 400.
Correspondence, 32, 95, 172, 254, 330, 400, 502, 588,

648, 746, 798, 882.

Cowell, H. J., Strasbourg University, 1919-26 [A.],

Curricula, 722, 864; secondary schools, 603, 730, 732.
Curriculum of Preparatory Schools, The, by Dr.
J. A. Nairn [A.], 327.

Dalcroze Society, 138, 795, 888; Mr. Dalcroze, 587.
Daley, P. V., Printing in Schools-A Valuable

Supplement [A.], 244.

Dartmouth Royal Naval College, 648.

Davies, J. S., M.A., The Teaching of Imperial

History [A.], 530.

Davis, E. T., M.A., Coleg Harlech, An Adventure

in Adult Education [A.], 218.

Debating societies, school, 31.
Democracy in the Schools, by P. H. Prideaux, B.A.

[Α., 240.

Dental Board, memorandum, 579.

Dialect, 793.

Dinners, school, 579.

Directory of Educational Associations, 211.
Doughty, F. H., Books and Reading [A.], 323.

Eclipse, the total, 430.

Eclipse of June 29 1927, The Total Solar, by E. O.
Tancock, B.A., F.R.A.S. [A.], 312.


Education and industry, 722, 734, 790; at party
conferences, 790; Consultative Committee's
report, 85, 234, 730; cost, 494; democratic,
866; Hadow" report, 87, 790; in 2000 A.D.,,
725; national policy, 131; national system, 137;
of the Spirit, 137, 488; pioneering, 170; Plato
and technical, 161; post-primary, 233; pro-
blems, 304; progress and grants, 158; progress
since 1918, 233; review of 1926, 86; utilitarian,
635; world conception, 635. (See Adult

Education, Technical (A. E. Evans) [C.], 798.
Education The Broadening of the Outlook in, by

the Duchess of Atholl [Α.], 730.

Education, The Duchess of Atholl on [A.], 721.
Education, The Next Step in [A.], 857.
Education and Industry (A.), 741.

Education and Industry, 10, 234, 582, 487.
Education during 1925-26, Progress in, by J. H.

[blocks in formation]

Errata, 264, 336.
Essayist, The Young, by An Examiner [A.], 418.
Evolution, 722.

Examinations-Cambridge Higher School, 133, 752;

Cambridge Local, 142; Cambridge School
Certificate and Junior Local, 778; employers'
attitude, 582, 6043; first school, 134, 521;
Higher School, 603; Inter-Science, London,
791; internal versus external, 380; matricula-
tion, 134, 158, 604, 6343; poultry husbandry,
843; school leaving, 85, 87; Scottish leaving
certificate, 235; secondary school girls', 133;
single higher school, 133; technical, 380, 487;
training college, 635.

Examinations, School [Α.], 742.
Examining Children, The Art of [A.], 303.
Exhibitions, technical education, 487.

Faithfull, L. M., C.B.E., M.A., The Importance of
Libraries in Modern Education [A.], 809.

Fellowships, Commonwealth Fund, 566.
Fifty, by S. B. Lucas, B.Α. [Α.], 639.
Finland, 526, 600.

Fog rty, E., L.R.A.M., School Dramatic Societies

[A.], 597.

Foreign and Dominion Notes, 40, 98, 174, 274, 316,

415, 526, 599, 640, 745, 812, 881.

Fox, E. M., The Headmistresses' Conference [A.].

France-- Alsace-Lorraine, 24; co-education, 316;
moral education, lycées, 174; Paul Lapie [O.],
316; school children, 36.

French, Consultative Committee on the Teaching of
(G. F. Bridge), [C.], 332.

French in the Initial Stages, The Teaching of, by

S. W. Wells, B.Sc. [A.], 398.
French language, school certificate, 87; preparatory
schools, 489.

[blocks in formation]

Dublin, Alexandra School, 498; School medical

inspection, 310.

Easter, fixed, 305.


Girl Guides, 807.

GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, 93; educational clinic, 15.
Gramophone, educational aid, 602.

Grants, Imperial studies, 38.

Handwork in schools, 730.

Health of the School Child, The (A.], 9.

History-American, 494;

teaching, 89, 858.

school study, 493

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