Hushands and wives, 636. Hygiene, social, 791. Iceland, holiday resort, 600. Indexing, proposed Institute of, 892. women's education, 248, 274. Infant Welfare, silver challenge shield, 98. Ireland-dearth of teachers, 90; educational esti- Irish language, compulsory, 13, 90, 160, 310, 488, Italy, 98; St. Francis of Assisi, 174; Montessori, 599. 789, 796. Law teaching, 162. League of Nations and the Schools [A.], 485; (Μ. Κ. League of Nations Union, in schools, 518; inter- Lectures-Anthroposophical, 844; British Institute of Philosophical Studies, 769; College of college, Leicester, 98, 237. 325; Wiltshire County report, 579. Libraries in Modern Education, The Importance of, Liddell, M. F., The Prussian Schoolmaster of To-day Life, ultimate aim of, 334. Light, ultra-violet anti-rachitic, 498. Lloyd, J., A.C.P., Handwork [A.], 413. Local Education Authorities, grant, 220; powers, 22. London County Council-Education Committee's LONDON UNIVERSITY --advice to students, 794; 791; report, 487; School of Librarianship, 222; Lucas, S. B., B.A., Fifty [A.], 639. Major, E., Camping [A.], 807. tant Masters (Member of the Education Com- Map Work in Schools, by T. A. Smith, B.A. [A.], Mathematics, 866; not required, 794; secondary Mathematics in Entrance Scholarship Examinations at Public Schools [A.], 157. Medicine, Welsh National School of, 141. Minor Notices and Books of the Month, 61, 107, Montessori training courses, 15, 142. Moule, W. J. E., B.A., Wireless [A.], 739. religious, 4443; schoolboys' 30. Nairn, Dr. J. A., The Curriculum of Preparatory National Book Council, bibliographies, 489. [C.], 504. New Zealand, education report, 274. Oakden, E. C., M.A., Some Observations on Ameri- can Teachers' Colleges [A.], 416. Occasional Notes, 10, 86, 158, 234, 304, 378, 486, 576, Officers' Training Corps-30,306,726, 807; abolished at Sheffield School, 794. Overlapping in School and University, by C. W. Bailey, M.A. [Α.], 603. Over pressure-leaving certificate examination, 235; OXFORD UNIVERSITY, 792, 866; women students, Pageantry, Castleford, 15. Peddie, J. R., M.A., The Scottish Universities [A.], Private Effort in Education, Repression of (Veteran) Prize Awards-Translation: Ce que Dit la Pluie ST. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY, 93, 816. School Certificate, The (Examiner) [C.], 256; School Medical Service, Sir G. Newman's report, 9. Schools-boarding and day, 581; buildings and class Schools and Universities of Great Britain. XIV. The Scotland-doctoral degrees, 490; Education De- Secondary Schools, Many-sided (E. C. Abbott) Selby, Major H. J., M.C., B.Sc. Athletics [A.], 259. Smith, T. A., B.A., Map Work in Schools [A.], 811. 248. South Africa, 881; European students' tour, 432; Spain, 98, 415, 640. Peers [A.], 35. Students, National Union of, travel facilities, 334. Summer Schools, 36, 183, 198, 220, 264, 276, 336, 419, 534, 656, 752. Tancock, E. O., B.A., F.R.A.S., The Total Solar Teachers and administration, 791; commerce, 487; disliked by journalists, 792; interchange, 133, 142, 521, Anglo-Austrian, 198, 436, 888, Dominions, 222, 248, 876; longer hours, 380; political rights, 86; sex war, 304; tests, 864; training, 305; unemployed, 488. Teachers, The Supply and Training of (H. B. Workman, E. E. Crosby, J. Compton, U. GordonWilson, A Scot in England, A. E. Warren, A. Shuttleworth, The Writer of the Leader) (C.], 32; (E. E. Crosby, The Writer of the Leader) [C.), 172. Teachers' Registration Council, 87, 134, 306, 618; election, 326. Technical education, 741; (A. E. Evans, H. Hall) [C.], 594; (E. Sladen, J. W. Murray [C.], 652; (The Writer of the Paragraphs) [C.], 750. Temple, D. C., M.A., Modern Inventions as Educational Aids [A.], 601; The Public School in Fiction [A.], 250. Then and Now, by G. F. Bridge, M.Α. [Α.], 796. Topics and Events, 36, 141, 220, 248, 334, 426, 566, 600, 656, 752, 813, 888. Training Colleges, 91; annual dramatic festival, 772; Council of Principals, 137. Training of Teachers for the Protestant Rural Schools of Quebec, The, by A. Law, M.Α. [Α.], 642. United States-Commonwealth Fund, 142; immoral education, 174; self-maintained students, 498; universities, 306. Universities centenaries, constitutions, 858; modern buildings, 159; statistics, 382. Universities, Modern (R. F. Rattray) [C.], 98. University and School Holidays and Functions (table), 116, 328, 818. University College, London, 1827-1927 [Α.], 528. University extension, Stuart House, Cambridge, 162. University for Foreigners, Royal Italian (M. A. Johnstone) [C.], 332. University government, 234. University of South West, 578. Uppingham School, poliomyelitis, 14. Varia, 38, 146, 170, 264, 318, 424, 586, 778, 918. Vocational guidance, 635. Vocational Training, Premature (E. M. Scheer) [C.], 800. Wales Coleg Harlech, 725; co-ordinated administration, 91; education statistics, 222; educational autonomy, 583; language, 862; National Library, 141, 307; National Museum, 141; nonprovided schools, 726; Pembrokeshire history of education, 15; rural schools, 861; School of Social Service, 745; secondary education report, 580; teachers, rural, 307; theological training, 861; university and rural areas, 14, 888; university colleges, 24; university news, 307; university principalships, 406; Central Welsh Board, 14, 580. Weather forecasting, 336. Wellington School, 587. Wells, S. W., B.Sc., The Teaching of French in the Initial Stage [A.], 398. Welsh in Education and Life [A.], 744. 237; university education, 162, 493. Wyss, C. von, Nature Study [A.], 103. York, St. Peter's School, 566. Yorkshire West Riding, alternative courses, second ary schools, 486; Education Committee, 88. Artistic Practical Handicraft Series, The (F. J. Glass), 837. Drawing, The Art and Craft of (V. Blake). 606 Drawing for Children and Others (V. Blake), 606. Painter's Methods and Materials, The (A. P. Lawrie), 184. Painting, The Approach to (T. Bodkin), 555. Perspective, Principles of (A. T. Porter), 904. Reproductions, Royal Drawing Society's of, Book 61. Ruskin's Modern Painters (A. J. Finberg), 837. Sculpture, English Gothic Foliage (S. Gardner), 905. Woodcuts (edited by J. H. Whitehouse), 184. After Many Years (W. E. Heitland), 108. Alcibiades and Demosthenes, Lives of (Plutarch), 266. Browning, Oscar (H. E. Wortham), 606. Gladstone The Life of (C. F. G Masterman), 559. 839. Light of Experience, The (Sir F. Younghusband), 835. More, Life of Sir T. (W. Roper), 63. Newton, Sir I. (S. Brodetsky), 606; (V. E. Pullin), 914. Old Days in Chapel Hill (H. S. Chamberlain), 61. Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, The Lives of (G. Vasari), 355. Pestalozzi, Educational Reformer (J. Russell), 61. Shakespeare of Stratford (T. Brooke), 61. Latin of the Empire (W. K. Gillies and A. R. Cumming), 264. Latin Poetry Book, A First (J. E. James), 462 Latine, Système de la Syntaxe (A. C. Juret), 264. Lucian (F. G. Allinson), 462. Martial and the Modern Epigram, 607. Menander, Selections from (W. G. Waddell), 664. Primum Graius Homo (B Farrington), 607. Robinson Crusœus (F. J. Goffaux), 462. Roman Campagna in Classical Times, The (T. Ashby), 768. Rome, A Literary History of (J. W. Duff), 906. Rome, The Life of (H. L. Rogers and T. R. Harley), 837. Rome, The Writers of (J. W. Duff), 107. Sedley, Sir C. 1639-1701 (V. de Sola Pinto), 837. Stage Antiquities of Greeks and Romans (J. T. Allen), 906. Terence, The Plays of (W. Ritchie), 768. The Wandering Scholars (H. Waddell), 607. Innes), 616. Social Science, General (R. L. Finney), 268. Owen), 268. Wealth. The Story of Britain's (H. and L. Court). 841. EDUCATION Adult School Lesson Handbook for 1927, 107. Ange'a Meria and her Teaching Idea (M. Monica), 463. Board of Education, The (L. A. Selby, Bigge), 608. Correspondence Schools, Lyceums, Chautauquas (J. S. Noffsinger), 359. Curriculum Problems (T. H. Briggs), 66. G. C. Kyte), 359. Dewar, Duncan. His Accounts, 608. Education, Historical Foundation of Modern (E. H. Reisner), 906. Education, The Foundations of, Vol. II (J. J. Findlay), 608. Education and Social Welfare in Switzerland (A. J. Primary Methods, Some (L. G. Sloman), 608. Roedean School (L. C. Cornford and F. R. Yerbury), 769. Rural School Administration (J. E. Butterworth), 463. Schools. The Nation's (H. B. Smith), 904. University Afield, The (A. L. Hall Quest), 463. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE A Servant of the Mightiest (Mrs. A. Wingate), 463. Animals, stories of, 838. Animals of Other Lands (L. Dalkieth), 609. Arabic Literature (H. A. R. Gibb), 62. Austen, The Novels of Jane. Vols. I-V, 62. Bag hot, Selected Essays of Walter, 770. Birds, Adventures Among (W. H. Hudson), 556. Borrow, Selections from George (W. E. Williams), Dr. Chas. Burney's Travels (C. H. Glover), 908. Elizabeth. June (M. Cropper), 770. Emerson's Journals, The Heart of (B. Perry), 557. English, Advanced Practical (C. F. Allan), 839. English, Memorandum on the Teaching of, 838. English, The Gateway to (H. A. Treble and G. H. Vallins), Part II, 463; Part IV, 839. English and Commercial Correspondence (H. English and Composition for Juniors, Individual English Books, The Grip-fast (F. O. Forbes), 62. English Composition, A New Course in (E. J. Kenny), 838; Senior Course (E. W. Edmunds), 908. English Fiction, Modern (G. Bullett), 266. English for Foreign Students, Everyday (S. Potter), English Grammar, A Higher (L. Tipping), 770. English Grammar and Composition, Part II (L. English Intonation (L. E.Armstrong, I. C. Ward), 108. English Literature (C. H. Herford), 908. English Literature, A Century of. Books I, II (A. A. English Literature, Shaping of (A. Cruse), 904. English Prose and Poetry (J. M. Manly), 108. English Studies. Book III (W. J. Glover), 838. English Studies, The Year's Work in. Vol. VI (F. S. Boas and C. H. Herford), 556. On Liberty and Other Essays (J. S. Mill), 610. On Writing and Writers (W. Raleigh), 183. 100 Best Books (C. L. Hind), 609. Peg Woffington (C. Reade), 556. People and Houses (R. Suckow), 266. Pepys, Everybody's (O. F. Morshead), 108. Pepys, The Diary of Mr. (H. A. Treble), 667. Puck of Pook's Hill (R. Kipling), 63. Readers, Blackie's English-Study, 557. Readers, The Field. Books I-IV (W. T. Field), 557. Readers in Literature and Science, The Clarendon (J. C. Smith). Book I, 184: Book II, 838. Reading, Children's Interests in (A. M. Jordan), 108. Reliquite (A. D. Godley), 106. Scheherazade (J. Carruthers), 907. Scott, Sir W., Tourney and Siege, 770. Sir Adam's Orchard (M. B. Reed) 184. Sister Carrie (T. Dreiser), 557. Speech, The Melody of (E. B. Skeet), 770. Stories, Sir H. Newbolt's series, 838. Stories to Tell (E. Clark), 838. The Brodie Books. No. 3. Parables from Nature (Mrs. Gatty). No. 4. The Seven Poor Travellers and Other Stories (C. Dickens). No. 5. The Pilgrim's Progress (J. Bunyan). No. 8. The Golden Deeds of Greece and Rome (C. M. Yonge). No. 9. The Traveller and the Deserted Village (O. Goldsmith). No. 25. The King of the Golden River (J. Ruskin). No. 29. The Poems of Thomas Gray. No. 35. The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland (L. Carrol), 838 The Gentle Craft (T. Deloney), 266. The Golden Company (R. E. Robinson), 62. The Merchant at Arms (R. Oakeshott). 838. The Middle Country (O. Price), 557. The Persistent Heritage (E. Tait-Reid), 838. The Three Musketeers (A. Dumas), 610. Things Were Different (E. Fagan), 770. "To-day and To-morrow" Series, 1-7, 556. To Meet Mr. Stanley (D. Johnson), 62. Travelling Companions (C. Dickens), 839. Treasure Island (R. L. Stevenson), 464. Uncle Tom's Cabin (H. B. Stowe), 610. Women's Side, The (C. Dane), 266. Adventures of Exploration. Book V. Australia and New Zealand (J. S. Keltie and S. C. Gilmour), Africa, Talks on Friends in (G. Pain), 465. African Year Book and Guide, The South and East Brooklet's Story, The (A. E. Frye), 668. Calendar, Philip's British Empire 840. Climate and Geography (O. J. R. Howarth), 465. Commercial Raw Materials (C. R. Toothaker), 668. Danes, Among the (E. W. Knight), 776. England, The Changing Face of (A. Collett), 263. Europe and the Mediterranean (J. B. Reynolds), 909. Geography, College (R. Peattie), 268. Geography, Test Papers (E. R. Wethey), 465, 840. Geography, The Preliminary (E. G. Hodgkison), 909. Geography for Students (J. F. Unstead), 909. Geography from the Air (E. M. Sanders), 465. Geography of the World, A (B. C. Wallis), 268. Geography Through Map Reading. Nos. 4, 5, 771. Geography Through Pictures (L. Brettle), 771. Human Geography, Principles of (P. V. de la Blache), Magellan, The Land of (W. S. Barclay), 109. Mathematical Geography. Vol. 1 (A. H. Jameson Mediterranean Lands, The (W. J. Glover), 611. Nelson's Geography Practice (J. Gunn), 268. Northward Ho! (V. Stefansson), 611. Our Island Home (D. C. T. Mekie), 668. Citizen, The (Mrs. H. A. L. Fisher), 669. Civics, International (P. B. Potter, R. West), 910. Illustrating the History of (R. T. Davies), 68. Constantine to Bismarck, From (A. B. Archer), 358. Cotton Industry in England, The Romance of the (L. S. Wood and A. Wilmore), 559. Democracy in the Ancient Worid (T. R. Glover), 669. Dreamland in History (H. D. M. Spence), 841. Economic History of England (M. Briggs), 110. Empire Settlement (J. A. R. Marriott), 771. European History, Notes On. Vol. III (W. Ed- French Revolution, A Short History of the (E. D. From Waterloo to the Present Day (T. Bevan), 559. 472. Mathematics, An Introduction to Practical (F. M. Saxelby), 842. Mathematics, Elementary (A. M. Bozman, &c.), 668. Mathematics, Elements of (D. C. Jones and G. W. Mathematics, Modern (R. Schorling, &c.), 70. Daniels), 70. French, Junior Test Papers in (E. T. Griffiths), 359. French, Singers' (M. Laird-Brown), 560. German Composition and Grammar, Advanced Tests German Free Composition (L. M. Hayes), 910. German Prose Composition, Ehrke's Guide to Advanced (H. F. Eggeling and K. Wildhagen), La Bastille (F. Funck-Brentano), 911. La Casa de Los Cuervos (H. Wast), 359. L'Enseignement en France (C. Richard), 842. 464. Poetry, Pattern (R. Wilson), Part IA, 838; Part III, Poetry, The Prelude to (E. Rhys), 464. Poetry, Types of (H. J. Hall), 610. Poetry Book for Boys and Girls (A. W. Bain), 908. M. I. R. Polkinghorne), 267. Poetry in the Schools, Spoken (M. Gullan), 185. The Glen is Mine. The Lifting (J. Brandane), 558. The Joy of Life (E. V. Lucas), 908. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (W. Blake), 840. The Poets' Commonwealth (W. Murdoch), 267. The Rehearsal (G. Villiers), 909. The Shoemaker's Holiday (T. Dekker), 838. The Winds: a Poem (A. G. Keown), 667. Verse, A Book of Christmas (H. C. Beeching), 183. Verse, The Carfax Books of English. Books I-VIII. Handbook to (R. and F. Jones), 357. Verse, The Oxford Book of Eighteenth Century (D. N. Smith), 183. Verse, The Queen's Treasures Book of (J. Compton), Virgil's Secret and Other Plays (H. Macnaghten), I Want to be Happy (W. Platt), 769. Intelligence of School Children, Individual Differences in the (M. M. Wentworth), 111. Judgment, An Experimental Study of the Mental Mental Energy, Directing (F. Aveling), 666. On Being a Girl (J. E. Gibson), 911. Perception, An Introduction to the Theory of (J. H. Parsons), 473. Psychoanalysis Explained and Criticised (A. E. Psychological Education (J. V. Breitwieser), 666. Psychology, A First Laboratory Guide in (M. Collins and J. Drever), 111. Psychology, Elements of (M. Drummond and S. H. Mellone), 111. Psychology, The Groundwork of (G. F. Stout), 911. Christianity According to St. Paul (C. A. A. Scott), Christianity in the Roman World (D. Armytage), 912. Church History, A Book of (S. Cunnington), 114. Church History, A Study of (G. W. Butterworth), 912. Confirmation Manual, A Modern (H. K. Luce), 845. Early Christians of Rome (G. M. Bevan), 913. Epistle of St. James (G. H. Rendle), 913. Eucharist and Sacrifice (F. C. Burkitt), 561. Examples of San Bernardino (A. Harrison), 362. Gospels, The Story Behind the (B. M. Allen), 362. Gospels, The Synoptic (C. G. Montefiore), 561. Greek Religion, Later (E. Bevan), 912. India, An Uphill Road in (M. L. Christlieb), 674. Israel, The Legacy of (various writers), 674. Israel in World History (A. W. F. Blunt), 843. Jesus, The Life of (J. M. Murry), 274. Principles and Precepts (H. Rashdall), 674. Religion, World (G. F. Stutchbury), 674. The Believing World (L. Browne), 674. The Givers (F. H. Drinkwater), 362. The Invocation of the Holy Spirit in the Prayer of Consecration (J. W. Hunkin), 561. The World-wide Call (H. P. Thompson), 913. Uncut Jewels Among Young Men (R. Brymer), 561. Whatsoever Things are Lovely (E. V. Pemberton), 674. Worship, The Conduct of Public (B. D. Jones), 274. Chemistry, Classified Problems in (D. B. Briggs), 112. Chemistry, Elementary Practical (E. J. Holmyard), Chemistry, Practical Colloid (W. Ostwald), 112. Chemistry, Smith's Inorganic, 914. Chemistry, Test Examinations (F. M. Oldham), 914. Invention, Pioneers of (W. and S. Nide), 564. Light, A Treatise of (R. A. Houston), 676. Living Machinery (A. V. Hill), 916. Magnetism and Atomic Structure (E. C. Stoner), 72. Magneto Manual, The (H. R. Langman), 767. Marvels of Pond Life (R. Palmer), 473. Matter and Gravity (A. J. Snow), 272. Mechanics and Physics, Tests (P. J. L. Smith), 914. Mechanics Applied to Engineering (J.Goodman), 562. Mechanisms (E. S. Andrews), 72. Meteorology, Manual of (N. Shaw), 774. Murby's Sets of Minerals (L. D. Stamp), 187. Natural History, Chapters in (H. B. Tristram), 676. Naturaiist, Essays of a (R. Lankester), 844. Nature, One Touch of (F. W. Tickner), 473. Nature Study Exercise Books. (R. Morse), 562. Newton, Isaac (W. J. Greenstreet), 564. Petrology, The Principles of (G. W. Tyrrell), 272. Photography Came About, How (C. R. Gibson), 72. Physics, A Short History of (H. Buckley), 676. Physics, Practical (T. G. Bedford), 187. Physics, Test Papers in (P. J.. L. Smith), 562. Physics, Lectures on Atomic (A Sommerfield), 272. Physics for the Laboratory(L. W. Taylor, 360. Physiology, An Outline of (V. H. Mottram), 112. Physiology and Hygiene (J. A. Campbell), 562. Polarimeter, The (V. T. Saunders), 676. Qualitative Analysis (W. F. F. Shearcroft), 914. Quantitative Analysis (D. B. Briggs), 562. Science, A New Experimental (J. G. Frewin), 844. Science, Rural (J. Mason and J. A. Dow), 187. Science, Modern. I. (J. M. Moir), 473. Science and Human Progress (O. Lodge), 564. Science for Beginners (J. A. Cochrane), 676. Space and Time (E. Borel), 360. Stars, Internal Constitution (A. S. Eddington), 605. Stars and Atoms (A. S. Eddington), 665. Telephony, Automatic (C. W. Wilman), 767. "The Beginning of Things" Series, 916. The Corridors of Time (H. Peake, H. J. Fleure), 774. The Earth, the Sun, and the Moon (G. Forbes), 844. The Etruscans (D. Randall-MacIver), 913. Thermodynamics (M. Planck), 473. Volumetric Work, A Course of (E. Clark), 844. Winter Blossoms (A. W. Darnall), 112. Wireless, A First Course in (R. W. Hutchinson), 72. Printed in Gt. Britain by THE CAMPFIELD PRESS, St. Albans; and Published for the Proprietors by Mr. WILLIAM RICE, Three Ludgate Broadway, London, E.C. 4 |