situation. But we had not read far before our apprehensions were removed. If we may say so, we found the author better than his word. His is no narrowly nationalistic outlook. On the contrary, when he faces the most vital problems of aim and method, he shows himself a philosopher in the best sense of the term. The amount of reading that has gone to the preparation of this volume is immense a fact which is perhaps made somewhat too apparent in the style of exposition. The author's habit of continually appealing to and quoting from his authorities becomes just a little irritating, at any rate to the maturer student, though of course it may be of some advantage to the younger student. On the whole we think it would have been better if the author had made his acknowledgments once for all, and proceeded to state his case more generally in his own way, which is a very good way. For he has thought his way through the subject, and can quite safely stand on his own feet. Another point that has struck us during our perusal of the book, is the variety and uncertainty of its appeal. In some places the author is obviously writing chiefly for the intending teacher, who is still a student in a training college. In other places the matter he so lucidly presents can hardly be appreciated, nor even, we think, profitably studied, except by administrators and by teachers of experience. But, of course, it is open to any individual reader to practise the gentle art of skipping. We desire, however, to end on a note of genuine approbation. The author had the great advantage of experience, both as an assistant and as a headmaster before he became a professor, and this advantage is revealed on every page of this most able and useful book. PRACTICAL PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY IN Elementary Practical Physical Chemistry. By Dr. J. F. 5 The rapid development of physical chemistry and its growing influence upon chemical theory in general have inevitably reacted upon the elementary courses of chemistry given in the schools. The time when inorganic chemistry consisted mainly of descriptive work upon the elements and their compounds has gone for ever, and the modern schoolboy is as familiar with pH as his predecessor of twenty years ago was with P2O3. Whether we relish the change or not is immaterial; the fact is there and has to be recognized. It may be all to the good that emphasis is nowadays placed less on a knowledge of "chemical cookery "-as it has been derisively termed and more on an acquaintance with physico-chemical theory and methods, and in any case the question is not one which shall be discussed here. Of more immediate concern is the fact that the teaching of physical chemistry in schools has had to struggle with the difficulty of lack of appropriate text-books. Books suitable for university students seldom lend themselves to use in schools: their language, scope and price are alike in exceeding school requirements and possibilities. Teachers and publishers have recently begun to realize this state of affairs and to make attempts to rectify it. School textbooks of physical chemistry have been written by Mr. Finter, Mr. Barrett, and others, and the task of the teacher has been correspondingly lightened. It is, however, not the theoretical side of the subject which presents the main difficulty. The crux of the problem lies in devising a corresponding scheme of practical work which can be carried out under the peculiar and exacting conditions of the average school routine. Physicochemical determinations are often indeed, one may almost say usually-lengthy operations, and existing text-books, written for university or college use, naturally assume that the student is not limited for time. They assume too, again quite justifiably, that he has had a good deal of manipulative experience and can, therefore, read between the lines of his instructions. Finally, such text-books invariably assume that expense is no object," either in chemicals or apparatus. The school science-master or science-mistress, unless possessed of extraordinary knowledge, skill and energy, is thus in the uncomfortable position of having to make physical chemistry a thing of the lecture-room and demonstration table. We shall, therefore, not be alone in offering a very hearty welcome to Dr. Spencer's admirable book, which sets out to do for the teaching of practical physical chemistry in schools what his more advanced text-book on the same subject has helped in no small degree to do in university courses. Dr. Spencer has obviously realized that in schools the three factors mentioned above, viz., time, expense and manipulative experience, are all-important, and has accordingly devised and worked out experiments which can be performed quickly, inexpensively, and accurately. They have all been thoroughly tested under working conditions, and common sources of error have been guarded against by full and careful instructions. To give even more help to teachers, we understand, Dr. Spencer has arranged that apparatus specially designed for the scheme can be obtained from a well-known London dealer. seems to us to be an example which other authors of practical text-books might follow with advantage: it entails much labour, but provides just the kind of help which teachers find most useful. This Finally, we are particularly pleased to notice that Dr. Spencer has not confined himself to quantitative experiments, but has included a large amount of qualitative work which, to the young student especially, will prove a welcome relief in the intervals of measurement. Here, in truth, is a book which " supplies a long-felt want." GOTHIC STYLES English Gothic Foliage Sculpture. By S. GARDNER. (7s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) The There is no more fascinating study for the student of architecture than those carved evidences of joy in their work, and delightful play of fancy, of the masons who built and adorned our cathedrals and churches. Gothic styles burst forth into characteristic foliage and blossom on the capitals of columns, the bosses of vaulting and the crockets of canopies. And just as a tree may be known by its fruit, so a building may be dated by these embellishments from the chisels of the craftsmen of the Middle Ages. It is most useful to have in one handy volume a collection of photographs devoted exclusively to Gothic foliage sculpture. The excellence of Mr. Gardner's photographs almost persuades one to like such lapses from the true path as the late thirteenth century work on plate fifty-seven. In connection with this period, and referring to the need of seeking inspiration from nature, the author draws a somewhat unfortunate comparison between the "naturalistic style" and oriental carpets; in which he says the design is contemptible, though the colour is beautiful and satisfying. The use of the word design to mean form only, and to exclude all that we understand by spacing, values, and colour, is misleading. No design can be contemptible if its colour, and therefore its proportions and values, are satisfying and harmonious. Moreover, naturalism is far less desirable in a carpet than it is in a capital; and the world rightly prizes a carpet of India or Persia, which age-long tradition has left, not entirely degraded," but entirely appropriate. The return to nature frequently leads to a temporary departure from the great traditions of art; as was the case in the transitional period when the Southwell sculpture was executed. The photographs in this book are as near perfection as may be, and are a worthy supplement to that classic collection by the same author in " A Guide to English Gothic Architecture." St. Leonard's School, 1877-1927. (Ios. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) Minor Notices and Books of the Month EDUCATION This attractive memorial volume worthily celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the famous St. Leonard's School. Naturally its strongest appeal will be to those who passed through the school in the years of girlhood, for the personal note is, as a matter of course, strongly emphasized. But they are a fine group of women who made St. Leonard's, and this record will help to show, both now and hereafter, what manner of people they were who fought and won the battle for the highest educational opportunities for girls and women. Creative Education in School, College, University, and Museum : Personal Observation and Experience of the Half-Century 1877-1927. By Prof. H. F. OSBORN. (Ios. 6d. net. Scribner.) The title and sub-title of this book yield a good indication of its contents. It is not a book hastily put together, or even slowly written within a year or so. It contains a record of the thoughts about education that have come to the mind of a distinguished teacher during his working life-time. Those thoughts are, in our view, all the more valuable because they are the thoughts of a biologist who happens also to be of a philosophic turn of mind. On every page of the book the author pleads, in one way or another, for creative, as against merely imitative, effort in education. The author's sense of comradeship with English workers in his field of inquiry is naturally an attractive feature to an English reader. The book is well worth reading, not because the writer offers a new system of educational thought, but because of his steady and emphatic insistence upon the one thing needful. Historical Foundations of Modern Education. By Prof. E. H. REISNER. (IIS. net. New York: Macmillan.) It is not long since we noticed in these columns the appearance of Dr. Reisner's "Nationalism and Education Since 1789," and now another solid volume comes from his prolific pen. The main features of this book are that those aspects of the past are selected which are essential to an understanding of the present, ART, BIOGRAPHY, and that education is consistently regarded as one element in the cross-section of life as a whole." These features will, we are sure, commend themselves to teachers who handle the history of education in British universities and training colleges. The treatment is marked by the thoroughness which we now expect from Dr. Reisner, and the bibliographies and illustrations add to the value of the book. The former are specially intended to guide the student to further inquiry. Principles of Secondary Education. By Prof. L. A. WILLIAMS and Dr. G. A. RICE. (8s. 6d. net. Ginn.) Errors in School: Their Causes and Treatment. By Sir JOHN Rise and Progress of Scottish Education. By Dr. A. MORGAN. (10s. 6d. net. Oliver & Boyd.) On Being a Girl. By JESSIE E. GIBSON. (6s. 6d. net. New York: Macmillan.) Methods with Adolescents. By R. W. PRINGLE. (7s. 6d. net Heath.) What Shall the Public Schools do for the Feeble-Minded: A Plan for Special-School Training under Public School Auspices. By Prof. G. P. DAVIS. (15S. net. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. London: Oxford University Press.) The School Board Member. By Prof. J. C. ALMACK. (6s. 6d. net. New York: Macmillan.) The Scholarship of Teachers in Secondary Schools. By E. A. Facts: An Analysis meant to Serve as an Introduction to Educa- AND CLASSICS By Prof. J. T. ALLEN. (5s. net. Harrap.) Rusrin's Modern Painters. Abridged and Edited by A. J. | Stage Antiquities of the Greeks and Romans and Their Influence. Harrap.) The Architect in History. By M. S. BRIGGS. (IOS. net. Clarendon Press.) Practical Drawing for Schools: Prepared for Higher Standards in Elementary Schools, Evening and Junior Technical Schools. By J. LEES. Parts I, II, III, and IV. (9d. each. University of London Press.) Drawing for Art Students and Illustrators. By Prof. A. W. SEABY. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. (10s. 6d. net. Batsford.) A Short Critical History of Architecture. By H. H. STATHAM. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Edited by G. M. AYLWIN. (16s. net. Batsford.) The Art for All. Water-Colour Series. Flowers. No. 1. By J. LITTLEJOHNS. (2s. 6d. net. Pitman.) Stencil Craft. By F. J. GLASS. (Is. 6d. University of London Press.) A Simple Guide to Pictures and Painting. By MARGARET H. BULLEY. (7S. 6d. net. Chatto & Windus.) The Oxford Post-Card Albums. Old English Churches. By Н. М. MADELEY. (2s. 6d. Oxford University Press.) More Hours in the National Gallery. By S. DICK. (3s. 6d. net. Duckworth.) Sir Isaac Newton: A Biographical Sketch. By V. E. PULLIN. Nelson. By Sir G. ASTON. (6d. each. BENN.) The Autobiography and Memoirs of Benjamin Robert Haydon, 1786-1846. Compiled from his Autobiography and Journals" and "Correspondence and Table-Talk." Edited by A. P. D. PENROSE. (125. 6d. net. Bell.) The Dictionary of National Biography. Founded in 1882 by G. SMITH. 1912-1921. Edited by H. W. C. DAVIS and J. R. H. WEAVER. With an Index Covering the Years 1901-1921 in one Alphabetical Series. (21s. net. India Paper, 25s. net. Half Morocco, 42s. net. Oxford University Press.) The series to which this volume belongs is now well known, and though many of them are designed rather for general readers, some might be used with advantage in schools. The volume before us on Stage Antiquities should prove an excellent supplement to the study of a Greek or Roman play. It gives a succinct and readable account of the whole course of theatrical development in antiquity including the various festivals, stage properties, actors, costumes, and scenic arrangements. Where greater detail is wanted, for instance, in discussing the stage at Athens, it can be supplied by the teacher from larger and more technical works. There are twenty-four illustrations, including plans and photographs of existing Greek and Roman theatres. The printing. paper, and appearance maintain the high excellence we have learned to expect in this series. A Literary History of Rome: From the Origins to the Close of the Golden Age. By Prof. J. W. DUFF. Seventh Edition. (12s. 6d. Fisher Unwin.) We congratulate the publishers very warmly on the charming reprint at a considerably reduced price of the fifth edition of this standard work. The volume before us is lighter and handier, the paper scarcely at all inferior to that of the more expensive volume and the light green binding most attractive, and we hope that the book in this new form will enjoy the wide and constant use which it deserves. No other English work on Latin literature with which we are acquainted can be compared with it, for Dr. Mackail's admirable volume is on a very much slighter scale. Should another edition be necessary, as we hope it will be, Guissani's work on Lucretius and Prof. Housman's edition of Manilius should be added to the lists of authorities on those authors. Attic Life: Scenes from the Court Speeches of Demosthenes. Selected and Edited by C. W. BATY. (3s. 6d. Christophers.) The title of this book is misleading apart from its sub-title It is not a description in English of social life at Athens, but something quite novel in the way of a Greek reader for schools. Just as much may be learnt about modern life by listening to the cases in an English court of law to-day, so Mr. Baty has been struck with the happy idea of enabling the student to gather a good deal about ancient life in Greece by the perusal of extracts from the private orations of Demosthenes. So far as we know, the private speeches are not often read in schools, but they are very human documents, and this book should do something to counteract their undeserved neglect. It is the first schoolbook of its kind, and we trust that it will meet with the success which it deserves. After a brief introduction (eight pages) Mr. Baty gives the unannotated text of seventeen extracts from such speeches as the Callicles, Conon, Euboulides, Neaera, Boeotus, Aristocrates, False Embasy, Lacritus, Dionysodorus, Phormio, Zenothemis, Callipus, Polycles, Androtion, and Midias. A short prefatory note explains the situation in each extract, and the whole should make a most illuminating and useful school-book. Greek and Roman Folklore. By Prof. W. R. HALLIDAY. (5s. net. Harrap.) Apuleius and His Influence. By Prof. ELIZABETH H. HAIGHT. (5s. net. Harrap.) These are two very interesting additions to the series "Our Debt to Greece and Rome." Apuleius is, in some sense, the most fascinating figure in the whole of Latin literature. Of this Prof. Haight is well aware, and hence her bold but justified quotation of the words of Apuleius in reference to her own book -Lector intende; laetaberis. She rightly begins with a chapter on the Age of the Antonines, for Apuleius was the product of his age, if ever writer was. Then we are taken through the details of his life and the mystery of his marriage and given a full description of his chief writings. The latter half of the book deals with the influence of Apuleius upon almost all subsequent writers of romance, and, in particular, with the influence of that incomparable tale, "Cupid and Psyche." Prof. Halliday's volume has, of course, to be rather scientific than romantic. But it is hardly less interesting, and the terse style is delightful. Its chief chapters are concerned with superstitions, beliefs, and practices, folk-tales, and fables, and the volume closes with an examination of the classical and the medieval traditions. A Greek-English Lexicon. Compiled by the Rev. Dr. H. G. LIDDELL and the Rev. R. SCOTT. A New Edition, Revised, and Augmented throughout by Prof. H. S. JONES, with the Assistance of R. MCKENZIE and with the Co-operation of Many Scholars. Part III. (10s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) The work of producing the new edition of Liddell and Scott goes on quietly and efficiently, and it is a pleasure to record the publication of the third part, which brings us down to εξευτελίζω. The completed work bids fair to become perhaps the greatest monument of British scholarship that we possess, for noticing the two previous parts in these columns we have borne witness to the high standard of lexicography which is represented by the work, so that in recording the appearance of this third part we will do no more than hope that all classical schoolmasters, who can possibly do so, will show their appreciation of the work which is being done for them and their descendants by the very practical means of purchasing the complete lexicon. By so doing they will lessen the financial loss which the Oxford University Press is so patriotically facing. Myths of Greece and Rome. By Dr. JANE HARRISON. (6d. Benn.) Apollonius Rhodius: The Story of Medea (Argonautica, Bk. III and Bk. IV., 1-211). Edited by Dr. J. H. E. CREES and J. C. WORDSWORTH. (3s. 6d. Cambridge University Press.) ENGLISH, POETRY AND DRAMA The Worm. By DESMOND COKE. (7s. 6d. net. Chapman & Hall.) Both in intention and in execution very far above the level of the average school story. The writer is too good an artist to subordinate his story to a moral, but his book gives the public schoolmaster much food for reflection on the extent to which games are allowed to dominate the ideals of masters as well as boys. The Phrase Readers: for Infants and Juniors. By ED. J. S. LAY and MARY JONES. (Book IV, Is. 6d.; Book V, Is. 9d. Macmillan.) These latest volumes keep up to the high standard in subjectmatter and general get-up of the first books of the series, noticed in our August issue. Nine Essays. By A. PLATT. (8s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) The number suggests the perfection and delightsomeness of the Muses, and the suggestion is entirely appropriate. Mr. A. E. Housman's preface extends to seven pages (another perfect number) and that alone, without the essays that follow, might almost claim to be worth the price asked for the whole volume, so full is it of wit and wisdom and the pieties of friendship. Arthur Platt was Professor of Greek in University College, London, from 1894 to his death in 1924. His editions of the Iliad and the Odyssey and his translations and contributions to classical journals are well known to scholars; but his versatility and charm were known only to his friends and pupils. Some portion of these gifts is now brought within reach of a wider circle by the publication of his essays. Most of them were written for a literary society at University College-a minotaur, says Prof. Housman, which does not devour youths and maidens: it consists of them and it preys for choice on the professors within its reach." The subjects include Edward FitzGerald, Aristophanes, Lucian, Cervantes, La Rochefoucauld, and Julian; to which are added an inaugural address on science and arts among the ancients, and a "prelection" on a passage in Plato's "Phaedo" written when Platt was a candidate for the Regius Professorship of Greek at Cambridge. The book leaves an impression of a man of fine character and with "all the charm of all the Muses." Charles Lamb: Essays of Elia. Edited by E. S. OLSZEWSKA. First Series. (3s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) A useful edition, particularly well annotated. Scheherazade, or The Future of the English Novel. By J. Carruthers. (2s. 6d. net. Philip.) An intriguing study of the tendencies of modern life which have gone to the making of the modern novel, and a forecast of the lines on which its future development may be expected to proceed. Life and the Student: Roadside Notes on Human Nature, Society, and Letters. By C. H. COOLEY. (8s. 6d. Knopf.) These "Roadside Notes" are in delightful contrast to the platitudes on life offered us by most professors of proverbial philosophy. Dr. Cooley has a story of how a farmer once gave him a lift when he was walking in the country and, in the course of conversation, asked him what was his work. On being told that it was teaching in the university, the farmer reflected quietly and then said: Well, I don't blame any man for getting his living easy if he can do it." That Prof. Cooley does not "get his living easy will be the reflection of any one who reads his book. So much wisdom as is here to be found, comes only to those who take life seriously and give of their best to their pupils. Hence the value of his thoughts for all who, like him, are engaged in teaching. " God Loves the Franks. By E. M. WALKER. (7s. 6d. net. Lockwood.) From somewhat unpromising material the author has yet succeeded in producing a very readable and interesting book. The story should appeal especially to teachers as it deals with the life of a French boarding-school for girls situated not very far from Paris. The School of the Legion of Patriots, founded by Napoleon, was originally a monastery, and even in the twentieth century retained the monastic atmosphere. The lives of teachers and pupils were secluded and sheltered, and only occasionally did a breath of the outside world blow in. When this happened, bringing, as was inevitable, some knowledge of the frailties of mankind, unhappiness and tragedy ensued. Rose de Marny, one of the teachers, succumbed to a situation which any normal young woman, familiar with the realities of life, would probably have met with understanding and sympathy. There is very little incident in the story, yet the characters live, and the beauty of the style and language is in harmony with the spirit of prayer and repose which permeates the school, and especially the old Abbey of St. Séverin. Dr. Charles Burney's Continental Travels, 1770-1772. Compiled from his Journals and other Sources by C. H. Glover. (Ios. 6d. net. Blackie.) Dr. Burney's Journal of his travels in Western Europe in 1770 and 1772 has been quite eclipsed in fame by Arthur Young's Travels in France" in 1787, and so has never been reprinted since the eighteenth century. Much of it is tedious, but much deserves to be rescued from oblivion; and Mr. Glover's compilation is a reverent and scholarly piece of work, carefully preserving, by distinction of types, the difference between exact reproduction of the more interesting parts and short summaries of the less interesting. Dr. Burney encountered many notable people, including Voltaire and Rousseau, Mozart, and Gluck. More Eton Fables. By C. ALINGTON. (3s. 6d. net. Longmans.) This is the third book of "Fables" which Dr. Alington has produced, and it will be welcomed by those who appreciated the lightness of touch coupled with seriousness of purpose which characterized the other two. Here Comes an Old Sailor. By A. T. SHEPPARD. (7s. 6d. net. Hodder & Stoughton.) In the second year of the reign of Henry III, a monk, Vigilius, of the Abbey of Reculver, keeping solitary watch for French ships then harrying that coast, found the body of a man washed in from the sea. This man, Simon Paramore, brought back to life by the efforts of the monk, was able later, as his memory gradually returned to him, to recall the strange story of his master, Tom Mariner, Mayor of Fordwich, then a busy port on the Stour, where all supplies for Canterbury were landed. In its little Town Hall are stored to this day many relics of its former greatness, as well as the ducking-stool for scolds alluded to on page 117. The miraculous story of Tom from birth to death is told in a deliberate, old-fashioned style, though the language is not annoyingly archaic, and the conversations are as rich in proverbs and old saws as are the characters of Tom and Dean Gisbert in wisdom and tolerance. It is no doubt true psychology which makes them all, though contemptuous of physical danger, slaves to superstition and believers in magical powers possessed by their enemies. This work will be a choice morsel for those who enjoy a leisurely historical romance, though it is, perhaps, legend rather than history that forms its framework. A Senior Course of English Composition. By E. W. EDMUNDS. Third Edition. (3s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) A course of lessons in English composition for pupils preparing for a matriculation or general schools examination. A number of useful and stimulating exercises are given. English and Commercial Correspondence: a Course of Training in the Writing of English. By Prof. H. NAGAOKA and D. THEOPHILUS. (3s. 6d. Pitman.) A comprehensive manual in which a consideration of composition in general is followed by an exhaustive study of the principal types of letters in use in business correspondence. English Literature. By Prof. C. H. HERFORD. (6d. Benn.) This is an admirable little manual. In seventy-eight pages of condensed information, Prof. Herford surveys the whole field of English literature from the Old English period to the Age of Tennyson. A useful bibliography is given. Twentieth-Century Essays and Addresses. Edited by W. A. J. ARCHBOLD. (3s. 6d. Longmans.) A volume of essays, intended for the use of Indian students, which should help in that simplification of style which is very necessary for those whose literary studies have been mainly directed to the works of the eighteenth century. The essays are themselves modern masterpieces, and in the notes the editor has had full regard to the difficulties of readers to whom English is a foreign language. C3. By R. GURNER. (7s. 6d. net. Dent.) English Exercises: A Book of Homonyms. By B. S. BARRETT. (3s. 6d. Pitman.) Exercises in Actual Everyday English. By P. H. DEFFENDALL. Second Series. (2s. New York: Macmillan.) Modern English Literature, 1798-1919. By A. J. WYATT and Prof. H. CLAY. (4s. University Tutorial Press.) A Miscellany of Tracts and Pamphlets. Edited with a Preface and Introductory Notes by A. C. WARD. (Cloth, 25. net. Leather, 3s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) The Soul of Grammar: A Bird's-eye View of the Organic Unity of the Ancient and the Modern Languages studied in British and American Schools. By Prof. E. A. SONNENSCHEIN. (6s. net. Cambridge University Press.) How to Read Literature. By G. E. WILKINSON. (Cloth, 25. Paper, is. Longmans.) You and I: Saturday Talks at Cheltenham. By LILIAN M. FAITHFULL. (3s. 6d. net. Chatto & Windus.) Broadway Translations. Goethe. Faust. Part I. Translated by G. M. COOKSON. (7s. 6d. net. Routledge.) More Words Ancient and Modern. By E. WEEKLEY. (5s. net. Murray.) Selections from Bunyan. Edited by W. T. WILLIAMS and G. Η. VALLINS. (2s. Methuen.) A Short History of English: With a Bibliography of Recent The English Novel. By J. B. PRIESTLEY. (6d. Benn.) English Literature in its Foreign Relations, 1300-1800. By L. A Poetry Book for Boys and Girls. Compiled by A. W. BAIN. Part I. (Is. 6d. Cambridge University Press.) A special feature of this pleasing anthology for readers between 7 and 11 is the large proportion it contains of pieces by living writers, one of which, at least, would captivate any childCharles Williams's "A Child's Walking Song," with its atmosphere of breathless, tip-toe expectancy, and its magic glimpses of the distant and the past. Among those of older poets we are glad to see Longfellow's "Daybreak," less familiar than it deserves to be. Alas, Yeats's lovely "Faery Song" is ruined by a clumsy misprint, occurring in the first and reiterated in the fourth stanza. The Poet and the Flowers. By MARY A. JOHNSTONE. (2s. 6d. net. Blackie.) It is feared that collections of this kind do not help to create that interest which grows naturally when a boy or girl makes voyages of discovery into the works of the great poets and amasses treasure trove of apt quotations brought together by his or her own efforts. The quotations given include many wellknown illustrations of the poet's insight into nature. The Joy of Life: An Anthology of Lyrics Drawn Chiefly from the Works of Living Poets. By E. V. LUCAS. (6s. net. Methuen.) This anthology appears at an appropriate time of the year, because by many people it would be welcome as a jolly Christmas gift. Since the war, as Mr. E. V. Lucas truly says, English poets have been more often grave than gay, sardonic than serene. Yet he has managed to extract even from some of the most pessimistic of them something of "the joy of life." That was his purpose, and well he has accomplished it. The book is beautifully produced. The Day: Morning, Mid-Day, Evening, Night. A Poem by G. PARINI. Translated into English Blank Verse, with an Introduction, Notes, and Appendix by H. M. BOWER. (5s. net. Routledge.) Parini's satire on the life of Milanese nobles in the middle of the eighteenth century is now for the first time translated into English verse. To the English reader it inevitably recalls Pope's Rape of the Lock," but it is larger in scale and more serious in intention. The translation, notes, and introduction are all scholarly and adequate. Eight Modern Plays for Juniors. Selected and Edited by J. HAMPDEN. (IS. 9d. Nelson.) These are copyright plays by such authors as A. A. Milne, Alfred Noyes, Maurice Baring, and J. A. Ferguson. A very useful collection for schools on the look-out for short and easy modern plays for acting that are at the same time far removed from silliness and triviality. This handy selection makes an author, hitherto more famous than read, accessible to schools. Sheridan. The Critic. Edited by W. H. Low and Dr. A. S. COLLINS. (Is. 3d. University Tutorial Press.) The notes to a comedy which still bears no mark of age are all that a conscientious reader or a candidate for examination could require, and the Introduction, consisting of a life of Sheridan, and remarks on the structure and origin of the play and on its leading characters, would certainly add to the interest of that play, if any addition were needed. The Rehearsal. By G. VILLIERS, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, and The Critic, by R. B. SHERIDAN. (3s. 6d. net. Methuen.) The association of these two burlesques, both of which satirize the popular drama of their day, in one volume, is a happy one. The introduction gives an interesting account of the development of the English drama in the hundred years by which the dates of their respective appearances are separated. Ballads for Acting. Arranged by V. B. LAWTON. (2s. 6d. In The Matriculation Shakespeare. The Tempest. Edited by A. R. WEEKES and Dr. A. S. COLLINS. (Cloth, 2s. Paper, Is. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) Some New Light on Chaucer: Lectures Delivered at the Lowell Institute. By J. M. MANLY. (7s. 6d. net. Bell.) Paul Valéry: The Taylorisan Lecture, 1927. By the Rt. Hon. H. A. L. FISHER. (2s. net. Clarendon Press.) Selected Poems by William Blake. (Cloth, 2s. net. Leather, 3s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) The Touchstone Shakespeare. The First Part of King Henry IV. Edited by G. BOAS. (2S. Arnold.) Wordsworth. Michael, Intimations of Mortality, Selected Sonnets. Edited by Dr. A. S. COLLINS and G. E. HOLLINGWORTH. (Is. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) (1) A Statistical Atlas of the World. Compiled by Dr. J. STEPHENSON. (7s. 6d. net. Pitman.) (2) Philips' Visual Contour Atlas. Suffolk Edition. (Is. 4d. Philip.) GEOGRAPHY and language. To English readers it is particularly interesting to find an American writer elaborating the theses that the basal structure of American life is derived from Great Britain; that the fundamental blessings of liberty, justice, and order, which Americans now enjoy, came with the founders from over the sea, and that these blessings have survived all the changes of circumstance, the pressure of environment and the mingling of new elements of population. Numerous maps illustrate the text, a good bibliography is printed at the end of each chapter, and a statistical appendix at the end of the volume. (3) Macmillan's Geographical Exercise Books. The Northern Continents. With Questions by B. C. WALLIS. (IS. Macmillan.) (1) Accurate work in geography must be based on statistical facts, and for this purpose an enormous amount of information has been compiled in this volume. Section I deals with the general principles of geography, and Section II with regional geography. Throughout the work each sub-division consists of well written descriptions, test papers, statistical tables and sketch maps and diagrams. The statistical tables are printed with great clearness, and all the figures have been taken from official publications. Not only will this atlas be useful to students as a work of reference, but it will also provide teachers with ample materials for the preparation of geography lessons. (2) and (3) The respective series, to which these publications have just been added, are already used widely in many schools. The atlas from Philip & Co. contains five special maps of Suffolk, while the "Geographical Exercise Book" from Macmillan & Co. contains printed outline maps on which the exercises on the Northern Continents can be answered. (1) A Preparatory Geography. By J. H. GRIEVE. (25. 6d. net. Deane.) (2) The Preliminary Geography. By E. G. HODGKISON. Fourth Edition. (2s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) (1) "The Preparatory Geography" has evidently been written for boys who are preparing for the entrance examination for public schools. The lessons deal briefly with the whole world and hence the subject matter is necessarily condensed in a small compass. Lists of openings (page 65) and lists of countries (pages 72 and 73) might with advantage have been omitted from the text in order to make more room for descriptive matter. (2) A great deal of information is compressed into this small book of 220 pages; within this small space, however, there are lessons on the physical geography, climate, natural productions, and the various land areas of the world. In using this book, as well as 'The Preparatory Geography,' it would be necessary for the teacher to supplement the lessons in the text with oral instruction. The United States of America: Studies in Physical, Regional, Industrial, and Human Geography. By Prof. A. P. BRIGHAM. (8s. 6d. net. University of London Press.) In 1924 Prof. Brigham delivered a course of lectures on the United States of America at the University of London, and in this volume the lectures are printed together with additional chapters on other important phases of American geography. The climate, natural resources, industries, and commerce of the United States are ably discussed, but the most illuminating chapters are those which deal with the population of the United States as regards composition, distribution, education, tradition, (1) General and Regional Geography for Students. By Prof. J. F. UNSTEAD and E. G. R. TAYLOR. Tenth Edition. Entirely Re-set. (7s. 6d. Philip.) (2) Europe and the Mediterranean Region. By J. B. REYNOLDS. (3) The Old Country. By Prof. L. W. LYDE and E. M. BUTTERWORTH. (2S. 6d. Blackie.) (1) In the tenth edition, just issued, the authors have revised. and partly re-written the chapters of this very popular textbook. Students in training colleges and senior pupils in schools will find the new edition particularly helpful in preparing for the various public examinations. (2) For junior forms this little geography can be thoroughly recommended, as the descriptions are well written, the text is printed in large type, and the pictures and maps provide very satisfactory illustrations. (3) In Part I the physical geography of the British Isles is first dealt with, and in Part II the lessons form an excellent introduction to economic geography. Our farm lands, fisheries, industries, transport, are all described in a manner particularly suitable for young people. Air Route Map of the World. (Mounted on Cloth and Rollers, Varnished, 35s. Mounted on Cloth in Sections to fold, in Thumbhole Case, 38s. Library Edition, Mounted on Cloth, folded in Book, 38s. Johnston.) A Shorter Physical Geography. By Prof. E. DE MARTONNE. Translated from the French by E. D. LABORDE. (7s. 6d. Christophers.) World Geography. By ED. J. S. LAY. Book I. General Geography. Book II. Continents and Countries. Book III. Commercial Geography. (Book I., Is. Book II., Is. 3d. Book III., 2s. 3d. Macmillan.) Seaways and Sea Trade: Being a Maritime Geography of Routes, Ports, Rivers, Canals, and Cargoes. By A. C. HARDY. (15s. net. Routledge.) Operative Geographies: A Complete Geography Scheme in 8 Volumes. Europe. By W. F. MORRIS. (Is. Cassell.) |