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Progressive Exercises in Précis and General English. By H. R.

HARRIES. (2s. 6d. Christophers.)

A Guide to Précis Writing. By W. J. HALLIDAY. (2s. Arnold.) Two additions to the literature of Précis writing. Both are designed to meet the needs of matriculation or general school candidates, and have been prepared by masters in charge of the English teaching in their schools.

Selections from George Borrow. Chosen and Edited by W. E. WILLIAMS. (2s. Methuen.)

There is probably no writer who loses less by extraction and selection than Borrow and these passages give the very essence of his work. The admirable introduction stimulates interest in the man and appreciation of his writing.

The Gateway to English. By H. A. TREBLE and G. H. VALLINS. Part IV. Style in Composition. (3s. 6d. Oxford University Press.)

This is an excellent and outstanding book. Prepared for the use of senior forms in secondary schools it might very well find a place wherever individual work is done. The older student who is anxious for constructive suggestions and practice in thought and expression could follow this course with much profit and pleasure.

A Practical Course of Précis Writing: a Course of Instruction, with Classified and Graduated Exercises, Notes, and Worked Examples. By E. M. Palser. In three books. Book II (2s. stiff cloth, Is. Iod. limp. University of London Press.)

This second book of Mr. Palser's course is adapted for the use of pupils working for the first school examination during the last two years of their course. The importance of slow working and detailed study at the beginning is emphasized, and a number of worked examples are given in full detail. The passages have been chosen for their literary value, and the whole course is calculated to stimulate the interest and develop the powers of the pupils.

(1) The Rioters: Taken from the Novel Entitled Shirley." By CHARLOTTE BRONTE. (IS. Nelson.)

(2) Fire and Darkness : Taken from the Novel Entitled “The Last Days of Pompeii." By Lord Lytton. (Is. Nelson.)

(3) Travelling Companions: Taken from the Novel Entitled “The Old Curiosity Shop." By C. DICKENS. (Is. Nelson.) At first sight it appeared that some hitherto unpublished books by well-known authors were appearing in this unobtrusive way, and more prominence might well be given to the titles of the original works. These are complete episodes or tales and there is no attempt at abridgement of the novels from which they are taken. The work is well done, and the compiler's linking paragraphs are few in number and in italics. If there are individuals who require to approach the reading of standard authors by easy stages then these attractive little books should prove effective lures.

(1) Advanced Practical English. By Dr. C. F. ALLAN. (25.


(2) A Course of Grammatical Training. By P. H. PRIDEAUX.

(2s. 6d. Longmans.)

Dr. Allan, who is headmaster of the Tynecastle Technical and Commercial School, evidently knows how to make a composition lesson alive, and his text-book (1) lives up to its title of " Practical." Mr. Prideaux's design (2) is the laudable one of making the lesson in grammar a training of the logical faculty, but the aim might be accomplished with greater economy of language.

(1) The Poetry of the Age of Wordsworth. I. An Anthology of the Five Major Poets. Selected, with an Introduction, by Prof. J. D. WILSON. (5s. Cambridge University Press.)

(2) A Century of English Literature: A Companion to Elton's Surveys of English Literature, 1780-1830 and 1830-1880. Edited by Prof. A. A. COCK and MARGARET J. STEEL. In Four Books. Book III. Poetry, 1830-1880. (2s. 6d. Arnold.) It would be impossible to present within 270 pages (1) a larger proportion of the best work of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats: the choice is admirable. Prof. Dover Wilson does not limit himself to short extracts; he admits the whole of Hyperion." The introduction is interesting, but the statement that Keats was apparently indifferent to humanitarian ideals," though in accordance with the common opinion, is not borne out by "Hyperion" or the letters. The remarkable quality of Prof. Elton's literary judgments is strikingly apparent in the sentences from the "Survey" which the editors of the Companion" (2) prefix to their selected specimens of poetry. The verse extracts are too scanty to form an adequate poetical anthology of the period, but they are well chosen as handy illustrative material for students.

McDougall's Etymological and Biographical Dictionary, with Aids to Pronunciation and Numerous Appendices. (Is. 6d. McDougall.)



The dictionary is not complete enough for the requirements of a serious student, even at the secondary school stage, but it handy desk-companion, giving much information in a highly compendious form. The numerous appendices include lists of classical and foreign words and phrases, Latin and Greek and English roots, prefixes, and suffixes, and biographical lists of authors, artists, composers, scientists, and explorers.

(1) Shakespeare Plays for Community Players: Acting Editions of "Julius Caesar,” “As You Like It," and "Romeo and Juliet." By F. NEWBOLT. (2) Journal of Researches during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Beagle." By CHARLES DARWIN. (Is. 6d. each. Nelson.)

Mr. Newbolt has reduced the three plays (1) to about half their length for production by community players; he has also supplied narrative links, and very full stage directions. A reprint (2) of Darwin's famous journal of the " Beagle " voyage is very welcome; it would be a good "English" book for the reading of science specialists in school.

(1) The Life of Jesus. By E. RENAN. (2) A Book of Nonsense. By EDWARD LEAR. With Struwwelpeter and Other Absurdities by Various Authors. (3) The Life and Letters of John Keats. By Lord HOUGHTON (R. M. MILNES). (2s. each. Dent.)


Three notable additions to Everyman." The reprint of a translation of Renan's famous historical romance for that is


the truest description of his "Vie de Jésus" (1) -is much increased in value by Dr. Gore's introduction, which is not in the least an Anglo-Catholic counterblast, but an admirably reasoned statement of the trend of later historical study. "The Book of Nonsense (2) is a glorious collection of immortal verses and pictures. Lord Houghton's life of Keats (3) incorporates many of the poet's letters, and though no longer the standard biography it may still be read with profit and pleasure. Comedies of Error: A Book About Ourselves. By A. R. HOPE MONCRIEFF. (7s. 6d. net. Black.)

Progressive Exercises in Précis and General English. By H. R.

HARRIES. (2s. 6d. Christophers.)

The Call Drum: Forest Adventures in Africa. By MARY
ENTWISTLE. (Is. 6d. net. Edinburgh House Press.)
Dawn in Africa: Stories of Girl Life. By MABEL SHAW. (IS.

Edinburgh House Press.)

Everyman's Library. The Brothers Karamazov. By T. М.
A Book of Nonsense. By Edward Lear. With Struwwel-
peter and Other Absurdities by Various Authors. The Life
of Jesus. By E. RENAN. The Admirable Crichton. By W. H.
AINSWORTH. The Life and Letters of John Keats. By Lord
HOUGHTON. (R. M. Milnes.) (2s. net each. Dent.)
Nine Essays. By A. PLATT. (8s. 6d. net. Cambridge University

Golden Deeds of India. By L. and H. G. D. TURNBULL. Fourth
Impression. (Is. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)
Scheherazade; or, The Future of the English Novel. By J. CAR-

RUTHERS. (2s. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.)

The Phrase Readers: For Infants and Juniors. By ED. J. S.
LAY and MARY JONES. (Book IV, Is. 6d. Book V, Is. 9d.

A Senior Course of English Composition. By E. W. EDMUNDS.
Third Edition. (3s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.)
Life and the Student : Roadside Notes on Human Nature, Society
and Letters. By C. H. CoOLEY. (8s. 6d. KNOPF.)

The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrim's Progress: Being
Some Account of the Steamship "Quaker City's" Pleasure
Excursion to Europe and the Holy Land. By MARK TWAIN
(S. L. Clemens). (5s. net. New York: Macmillan.)

English and Commercial Correspondence: A Course of Training in the Writing of English. By Prof. H. NAGAOKA and D. THEOPHILUS. (3s. 6d. Pitman.)

Twentieth-Century Essays and Addresses. Edited by W. A. J.
ARCHBOLD. (3s. 6d. Longmans.)

The Gold Diggers: Taken from the Novel Entitled "It is Never
Too Late to Mend." By C. READE. (IS. Nelson.)
English Idioms. By Prof. J. M. DIXON. (2s. 6d. Nelson.)
Heidi: Her Years of Wandering and Learning; a Story for Chil-
dren and those who Love Children. Translated from the

God Loves the Franks. By E. M. WALKER. (7s. 6d. net. Werner

Bedales Poetry: An Anthology of Verse Written by Boys and

Girls at Bedales School. (3s. 6d. Bedales.)

Some of the poems do not rise above commonplace, but in such work as Nellie Henderson's and Isabel Garrido's there is a touch of the authentic something which any teacher may be proud to have evoked.

A Celtic Anthology. By GRACE RHYS. (7s. 6d. net. Harrap.)


One of the most attractive and distinguished of recent anthologies. Irish, Scottish, and Welsh poems, mainly lyrical, are placed in three separate divisions, and the poems in the three divisions are arranged in periods. The overwhelming amount of material available for selection becomes evident when we observe how little room has been found for some notable poets. Mr. A. E." are allowed only two poems each; Mr. Yeats and James Stephens, Mr. W. H. Davies, Katharine Tynan, Arthur O'Shaughnessy, William Morris, have only one each. In spite of these limitations the anthologist is successful in conveying by her choice the special Celtic atmosphere. Undefinable as this atmosphere may be, it is unmistakably present in Irish, Scottish, and Welsh poems alike, and establishes their right to appear in the same volume. Why have all recent anthologists forgotten Aubrey de Vere's exquisite lines, When I was young, I said to sorrow"?

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The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. By W. BLAKE. Reproduced in Facsimile from an Original Copy of the Work Printed and Illuminated by the Author between the Years 18251827, and now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. With a Note by M. PLOWMAN. (21s. net. Dent.)


Blake's fame has been increasing rapidly of late, and the recent centenary celebrations will win readers for the prophetic books from among those who have hitherto known only the lyrics and the drawings. Swinburne held that "The Marriage was "the greatest of all his books," and "about the greatest produced by the eighteenth century in the line of high poetry and spiritual speculation." It is sad that Mr. H. J. Dent, who superintended the making of this facsimile in four colours, did not live to see its publication. The Marriage" gains from being read, as its creator intended, with pictorial aid.

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one, of the well-known and ever-delightful "Farce of Master Pierre Patelin," the other, less known but equally diverting, "Two Blind Men and a Donkey," as well as an actable version of Piers Plowman by Mrs. G. K. Chesterton.

An Introduction to the Reading of Shakespeare. By F. S. BOAS

(2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) This may be commended to the general reader of Shakespeare as distinct from the student. Mr. Boas has very deftly brought together such of the products of Shakespearian research as can be assimilated with pleasure and will enable the ordinary reader to bring an added zest to his reading.

Leopardi and Wordsworth: Annual Italian Lecture of the British Academy, 1927. By G. L. BICKERSTETH. (2s. net. Oxford University Press.)

Matthew Arnold drew a contrast between the morbid pessimism of Leopardi and the healthful influence of Wordsworth. Mr. Bickersteth vindicates Leopardi from this judgment, and shows that the likeness between the poets, in their attitude to patriotism, nature, and human life, is far profounder than the

apparent contrast.

The Poetry of the Age of Wordsworth. 1. An Anthology of the Five Major Poets. Selected, with an Introduction, by Prof. J. D. WILSON. (5S. Cambridge University Press.) Little Plays for Little Actors. By ETHEL M. WARD. (IS. 6d. net. Chambers.)

The Touchstone Shakespeare. The Tragedy of King Richard III. Edited by G. BOAS. (Is. 9d. Arnold.)

The Rehearsal. By G. VILLIERS, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, and The Critic. By R. B. SHERIDAN. (3s. 6d. net. Methuen.) The Joy of Life: An Anthology of Lyrics Drawn Chiefly from the Works of Living Poets. By E. V. LUCAS. (6s. net. Methuen.) A Poetry Book for Boys and Girls. Compiled by A. W. BAIN. (Is. 6d. Cambridge University Press.)

Plays from Literature. Compiled and Arranged for Acting by EVELYN SMITH. (Junior Book, Is. 6d. Senior Book, Is. 9d. Nelson.)

Eight Modern Plays for Juniors. Selected and Edited by J. HAMPDEN. (IS. 9d. Nelson.)

The Poet and The Flowers. By MARY A. JOHNSTONE. (2s. 6d. net. Blackie.)

Miss Kaynes and Miss Cossett: A Play in Two Acts. By H. M. PORTER. (IS. 6d. net. Scott.)


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The three large maps of South America (each 42 in. by 35 in.) have been skilfully designed and will be found to be particularly suitable for geography class work in secondary schools. The relief map is coloured very effectively to show striking contrasts of highland and lowland. Only important names are inserted, and these are printed with great clearness. The rainfall map shows by means of shaded areas the annual distribution of rain over the whole continent; two inset maps showing the average temperatures for July and January respectively may be studied in connection with the rainfall map. On No. 3 the natural regions of forest, grassland, desert and semi-desert are indicated with areas enclosed by red lines. The districts which produce rubber, cotton, wheat, wool, &c., are shaded in different colours, while inset diagrams show the articles exported from the various countries. A useful little handbook on South America, issued with the maps, gives much explanatory matter of the distributions represented on the maps.

(1) A Progressive Geography. By C. B. THURSTON. Book V. The World. (5s. Arnold.)

(2) Junior Test Papers in Geography: For the Use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors and Similar Examinations in the Junior Grade. By E. R. WETHEY. With Points Essential to Answers. (3s. 6d. Pitman.)

(1) The author of this series of geographies is a very successful teacher of the subject, and he therefore knows what to emphasize in the various descriptions. Book V completes the series

and provides a good revision course for the School Certificate and Matriculation Examinations. As in the other volumes of the series, the regional and human aspects of the Geography are dealt with very thoroughly. The maps and diagrams ms are also very satisfactory. (2) The systematic arrangement of the questions adds greatly to the usefulness of these Test Papers, of which there are seventy-five, each containing six questions. In every paper, Question I is always a map question; Question 2 deals with Europe and the British Isles and so on. The second section of the book provides a key to each question by means of notes which contain the essential points for a good answer.

(1) Rub-a-Map Series for providing Outline Maps. By W. FAY. (4d. each map; set of eight, 2s. 6d. W. G. Clarke, High Street, Guildford.)

(2) Philips' British Empire Calendar, 1928. (Is. Philip.)

(1) Among the many devices for obtaining outline maps, this one has the merit of simplicity and reliability. The set of eight maps ready for duplication consists of the British Isles, England and Wales, and the six Continental areas. When a boy is supplied with this set, he can provide himself with an outline map of any one of them at a moment's notice. (2) The 1928 issue of this calendar differs very little from the editions of previous years. The usefulness of the calendar itself is greatly enhanced by the information provided on the maps and for the notes on each month.

Philips' Visual Contour Atlas. Suffolk Edition. (1s. 4d. Philip.) A Preparatory Geography. By J. H. GRIEVE. (25. 6d. net. Deane.) The Preliminary Geography. By E. G. HODGKISON. Fourth

Edition. (2s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.)

The United States of America: Studies in Physical, Regional, Industrial, and Human Geography. By Prof. A. P. BRIGHAM. (8s. 6d. net. University of London Press.)

Macmillan's Geographical Exercise Books. The Northern Continents. With Questions by B. C. WALLIS. (IS. Macmillan.)



Hartley Through the Ages: the Story of a Kentish Village. By the Rev. G. W. BANCKS. (4s. 6d. The Author, Hartley Rectory, Longfield, Kent.)

The village whose annals are here recorded is fast losing its old-world aspect. In 1907 there were about the same number of houses as in medieval times. During the last twenty years they have increased fivefold, and Hartley seems destined to undergo a rapid process of "development." It was high time, therefore, that Hartley's story was told, if it was to be told, and especially whilst Mr. Bancks was still there to tell it. As representative of teachers, we are always glad to welcome a parish history, because local history adds a touch of reality to the teaching of history which can be derived from no other source. Mr. Bancks has performed his task uncommonly well, and the book is most pleasingly produced and illustrated.

Chivalry and Social Life in the Middle Ages. By DOROTHY M. STUART. (Is. 6d. Harrap.)

Dreamland in History. By the Rev. Dr. H. D. M. SPENCE. New Edition, slightly abridged. (Is. 6d. Harrap.) Both these historical readers are very attractive. Miss Stuart describes with the aid of many quaint illustrations the way of life pursued by our ancestors in the later Middle Ages. Her book is a new one. Dean Spence's is an old one, first published thirty-six years ago. It was well worth reprinting, however, for the popular Dean of Gloucester was a scholar and a graceful writer. Under the infelicitous title "Dreamland in History," he discourses on the Normans and their magnificent churches; gives an account of Gloucester Cathedral; and describes the life in a great Benedictine monastery. It is a curious collection of topics, but all are made interesting. The illustrative drawings by Mr. H. Railton are delightful.

Junior Test Papers in History: for the Use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors, and Similar Examinations in the Junior Grade. With Points Essential to Answers. By H. G. NEWMAN. (45.6d. Pitman.)

This book should be useful to both examiners and examinees. It is unusually good of its kind. It consists of two parts. In the first part are seventy-five test papers arranged in chronological order, each containing nine questions. In the second part are Points essential to answers." This is the most original and valuable section of the volume. It enables a student to test his knowledge, and also to fill up any serious gaps that the testing may have revealed.

An Introduction to Political Science. By E. F. BowMAN. (6s. Methuen.)

This is an able and interesting book covering ground rather different from that covered by most books with a similar title. Prof. Seeley's well-known "Introduction to Political Science" published over thirty years ago, treats of little more than a few fundamental political ideas viewed in the light of history: it was intended to illustrate his favourite theme, viz., that "history without political science has no fruit; political science without history has no root." Prof. Stephen Leacock's "Elements of Political Science" (1906), and Prof. R. N. Gilchrist's " Principles of Political Science" (1921) are both concerned with institutions rather than ideas, with practical administration rather than with the theory of the State. Mr. Bowman happily combines both ideas and institutions; both theory and its applications; both history and politics. He divides his work into two parts. In the first, under the title "Forms of Government," he treats of the size of States; different types of constitution; the characteristics of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy; unitary and federal institutions; rigid and flexible organizations. In the second, under the title "Elementary Theory of the State," he deals with the origins of State and society; the nature of the State; the meanings of such conceptions as liberty, law, sovereignty, natural rights; the relations between history and political science. Mr. Bowman handles his large syllabus with competent knowledge and sound judgment. His book should be of great value in schools, universities, and adult classes.

Makers of Nineteenth-Century Europe. By Prof. R. FLENLEY.

(6s. net. Dent.)

Prof. Flenley's little book with its sixteen biographical sketches and its thirty-two illustrations, provides a light and easy introduction to the rather difficult and complicated history of nineteenth-century Europe. The "makers" of the history of the century consist of five reactionaries, five radicals, five nationalists, and-Napoleon III. The lives, though brightly written, show extensive reading and competent knowledge.

Five Roman Emperors. Vespasian-Titus-Domitian-NervaTrajan. A.D. 69-117. By Dr. B. W. HENDERSON. (2IS. net. Cambridge University Press.)

With this volume Dr. Henderson completes his history of the Roman Empire from the accession of Nero to the death of Hadrian, though we believe the volume on Nero is now out of print. Not only will English undergraduates, for whom the author says he has written, find this book both useful and interesting but others, without examinations in view, will enjoy reading an authoritative but not learnedly written account of this important period. Of particular interest are the chapters on Christianity, on Nerva and Trajan, on Social and Economic matters, and on the problems of the Roman frontiers. Dr. Henderson writes with freshness and a fund of lively comment, and with an eye for the wider lessons of History. His style, however, suffers from one mannerism which is obtrusive and tedious; instead of mentioning his authorities simply by name he seems to enjoy introducing them into the text by cumbrous and academic periphrases. Thus on one page we find the following scholars-Furneaux, Schiller, Heitland, Pelham, Rostovtzeff, described as "The Great English editor of Tacitus," The German historian of the Roman Empire," "The Cambridge Master," "The greatest of Oxford's Camden professors," "The Russian historical polymath," while the answers to these conundrums appear in the footnotes. In this matter alone do we find that Dr. Henderson has written too much for a circle of learned undergraduates.

English History in Forms of Essays, Political and Constitutional, 1066-1688: for the Use of Students. By D. C. COUSINS. (12s. 6d. net. Allen & Unwin.)

The impulse of some college teachers would be to condemn this book at once as an examination cram-book. We believe that this view would be a profoundly mistaken one. The author's aim is to help the ordinary student to see the trees, when the conventional treatise would leave him chiefly with the impression of a wood. He adopts "a method in which, the fullest advantage being taken of the printer's art, an attempt is made to stimulate exercise in orderly thought, by exposure to the eye of distinctions, comparisons, and subordination of lesser to larger movements, motives, influences, and results." student of exceptional ability may need no such help, but the student of average ability may gain from the book an excellent piece of training in the art of fruitful study.

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History for Beginners. By G. H.

REED. (Paper, 1s. Cloth, Is. 3d. Black.)
Nelson's History Charts. England and France, Covering Twenty
Centuries. With Notes and Instructions for Use. Prepared
by F. J. WEAVER. (IS. 6d. Nelson.)

A History of Europe: Period 1789-1920. By Prof. Sir. R.
LODGE and D. B. HORN. (7s. 6d. Murray.)
Outlines of British Social History. By E. H. DANCE. (3s.


Historical Atlas. By Prof. W. R. SHEPHERD. Sixth Edition. (18s. net. University of London Press.)

On History: A Study of Present Tendencies. By A. L. ROWSE. (2s. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.)

The Story of Britain's Wealth: a Handbook of Simple Economics. By H. COURT and. L. COURT. (2s. 3d. Sampson Low.) This is a capital little book. In twenty-three short chapters it covers the ground of elementary economics in a manner well suited to the needs of senior pupils, avoiding alike the use of too many technical terms and the old-fashioned deductive method of exposition. It is somewhat too condensed, perhaps, for the student to use it without help, but in the hands of a capable teacher it should prove very useful. It concludes with a chapter on "Some Great Economists," and a set of revision exercises.

The Elements of Commerce. By H. L. CARRAD and L. OLIPHANT.

Parts I and II. (2s. 6d. each. Gregg Publishing Co.) These excellent volumes by two experienced teachers and examiners are planned to cover the requirements of all the usual first and second year examinations of a commercial type. Part II repeats certain lessons from Part I, and is therefore complete in itself. The usual division into three parts-Trade, Transport, and Finance-is adopted, but the economic basis of Commerce receives special attention and is treated in a particularly able manner. The book as a whole is one of the best of its kind. It is well supplied with exercises, including several examination papers of the Royal Society of Arts and the London Chamber of Commeгсе.


IS. 2d.; IS. 6d; Oxford

Experimental and Practical Mensuration. By J. T. SLATER. (Teacher's Book I, Is. 6d. net; Pupil's Book I, Teacher's Book II, 2s. net; Pupil's Book II, Teacher's Book III, 3s.; Pupil's Book III, 2s. 6d. University Press.)

Three volumes dealing with the subject of mensuration seem to form a larger treatise than the ordinary teacher will require. They contain all that can be classed under the heading Mensuration, and a considerable amount of simple numerical geometry as well. The print and diagrams are surprisingly large and clear; the exposition is simple, experimental, and practical. Teachers who want to make much of the subject may be well advised to look at these books.

Outlines of Dynamics. With Examples. By Dr. T. THOMAS and L. MOORE. Third Edition, Revised. (3s. 6d. Methuen.) This is a useful book for the teacher who is sure of his method, for it contains an abundance of examples with comparatively brief statements of principles and bookwork. The examples are mainly numerical, deal with a wide variety of application and are likely to rouse interest. Gravitational units are used in the early chapters. Later, absolute units and the notation of the calculus are introduced.

A Preparatory Geometry. By C. H. J. BARR. (3s. Methuen.)

The idea embodied in the title of this book is excellent. There is room for a book following closely the recommendations of the Curriculum Report of the Headmasters' Conference as this book does. Many teachers will benefit by studying the method of presentment given, but as a text-book for use with pupils the book is rendered almost useless through its lack of examples. There are a few at the end, but not even enough for thorough revision purposes and none in the body of the text for drilling in the fundamental facts, so that another book supplying examples is necessary as a supplement to this.

An Introduction to Practical Mathematics. By F. M. SAXELBY New Edition. (4s. Longmans.)

The Mathematical Association, in reporting recently on the teaching of mathematics to evening students, emphasized the need for some study of the methods and results of deductive geometry, and experienced teachers have felt the same need. Mr. Saxelby has taken note of this in preparing this new edition of a well-known text-book, and has added a chapter on geometry of a type admirably suited to the class of students for whom the book is intended. A number of extra examples on algebra and trigonometry has also been added, so that those who have already appreciated the value of this book will find this new edition all the more valuable.

The "Bedrock" Book-Keeping Chart. By Dr. J. STEPHENSON. (Is. Pitman.)

The Theory of Functions of a Real Variable and the Theory of Fourier's Series. By Prof. E. W. HOBSON. Volume I. Third Edition. Revised Throughout and Enlarged. (45s. net. Cambridge University Press.)

Speed Tests in Mental Arithmetic. By H. J. LARCOMBE. Junior: Book I. Practice Side. Junior: Book II. Miscellaneous Side. (6d. net each.) Senior: Books I, II, and III. Miscellaneous Sides. (Books I and II, 7d. net each. Book III, 8d. net each. Evans.)

A New School Geometry. By W. J. WALKER. Volume II. (2s. 6d net. Mills & Boon.)

The Way of Arithmetic. Compiled by P. G. STAINES and T. INGRAM. Under the Direction of P. F. BURNS. Book VI. (Paper, is. Cloth, Is. 3d. Collins.)

The Book-Keeping Student's Notebook and Guide to the Institute of Book-Keepers' Examinations. By V. RUMMERY. (5s. 4d. post free. Effingham Wilson.)

Pitman's Mechanical Tests in Common-Sense Arithmetic. By F. F. POTTER. Book IV. Pupil's Book. (5d. Pitman.)


L'Enseignement en France. By Prof. C. RICHARD. (5s. net. Paris: Librarie Armand Colin. London: Deane, The Year Book Press.)

This book, issued by the Office national des universités et écoles Françaises, contains, in a very clear form, an account of all the facilities for education provided in France. We know of no other survey of this kind. The arrangement of the material is interesting; it is according to the Ministries concerned. The largest section is naturally that of the Ministry of Public Instruction. Here the organization is fully and lucidly described, and then follows the Repertoire des Établissements relevant du Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et Principaux Établissements Libres Classés par Académies. Each chapter dealing with a university has the subdivisions enseignement supérieur, ens. secondaire, ens. primaire, ens. technique. To the foreign student of French culture this should prove a most valuable book of reference; there is a good index. It may be well to mention that no names, e.g., of professors or headmasters, are supplied.

German Commercial Reader. By Dr. R. LusuM. (4s. net. Effingham Wilson.)

Dr. Lusum has followed up his book of German commercial terms by a reader which presents a well-chosen collection of extracts. It deals with the varied aspects of German commercial life, under such headings as Volkswirtschaft," " Hamburger Industrie," " Lohnarbeit und Kapital," "Hugo Stinnes," "Inserate." The last extracts in the book are in German type (not entirely free from misprints). There are no notes, but a good vocabulary enhances the usefulness of the book.

Victor Hugo. Selected Prose and Verse. Edited, with Footnotes and Oral and Written Exercises, by Dr. W. G. HARTOG. (3s. Hachette.)


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The sections consists of four fairly long extracts from Les Travailleurs de la Mer," Les Misérables," and Notre-Dame de Paris," two long verse extracts from "La Légende des siècles and some shorter poems, most of which can be obtained as Pathé gramophone records. The rendering of difficult words is given in footnotes, and there are questionnaires and exercises in grammar and vocabulary, based on the prose extracts only. It is too scanty a selection to convey a good idea of Victor Hugo; but it will serve its purpose as a school reading-book.

Avec l'Oncle Émile à Travers la France. By Dr. G. EISENMENGER and A. LENEL. Nouvelle Édition revue et corrigée. (3s. 6d. Harrap.)

This is by no means the first book of its kind. The tour de France intended to convey instruction about French life and ways in a pleasurable manner has appeared half a dozen times in various styles, which need occasion no surprise. The present volume is a favourable specimen of the educational tour. The knowledge of Uncle Émile is extensive and accurate, and the story is well illustrated by a large number of photographic pictures and by several humorous maps of sections of France showing the main products and notable features of the region. The book might well find a place in the library as it is very suitable for private reading.

Graduated Exercises in French Grammar. By B. YANDELL. (2s. Bell.)

Petites Comédies. By A. H. CROWTHER. (IS. Methuen.)
Die Kopierpresse: Kaufmannsgeschichten. Von F. MÜLLER-
PARTENKIRCHEN. (Leipzig: Staackman Verlag.)

La Tulipe Noire. By A. DUMAS. Abridged and Edited by Dr.
R. L. G. RITCHIE. (2s. Nelson.)

La Bastille: Légendes et Histoire. By F. FUNCK-BRENTANO.

Abridged and Edited by K. T. Gemmell.
Edition. (2s. 3d. Harrap.)

Método Práctice: A Course in Spanish Conversation. By A.
YBARRO. New and Revised Edition by A. ELIAS. (4s. 6d.

Practical Italian Grammar. By Dr. J. L. Russo. (4s. 6d. Heath.) The French Classic Age (From Malherbe to Massillon): A Study. By N. S. WILSON. (5s. 6d. Hachette.)

Italian Lessons and Readings. By C. U. CLARK. (5s. net. Harrap.) L'Enseignement Littéraire du Français: Lecture ExpliquéeGrammarie-Conversation-Traduction. By JEANNE MOLMY. (Vol. I, 2s. 6d. Vol. II, 3s. Hachette.)

Pêcheur d'Islande. By P. LOTI. Adapted for the Use of Schools, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by J. SENIOR. (2s. net. Oxford University Press.)

Contes de Flandre. By C. DEULIN. Abridged and Edited by P. B. HACHER. (2s. Harrap.)


Errors in School: Their Causes and Treatment. By Sir JOHN
ADAMS. (6s. net. University of London Press.)

The mistakes of the schoolboy are a recognized and perhaps a harmless source of amusement. At any rate they have been much exploited both by schoolmasters and by inspectors especially those mistakes commonly known as howlers. Schoolroom humour," conscious or unconscious, is almost a minor branch of literature. Sir John Adams, as might have been expected, proves far too wise a man, and, for all his keen sense of humour, far too serious a writer, to provide us with a mere collection of jokes. His book abounds with good stories, but the stories illustrate and exemplify his account of the psychology of intellectual error. The teacher is so much engaged in correcting error that he who writes on that aspect of the teacher's work takes a large part of the whole teaching process as his province. That is the case with this book. Sir John Adams has really written a book on teaching, taking one particular and important point of view. Not only in training colleges, but also in teachers' common rooms, this generous provision of entertainment and wisdom should speedily become well known.

An Approach to the Psychology of Religion. By Dr. J. C. FLOWER. (Ios. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.)

-to supplement the paucity of his original endowment when he discovers himself in a strange world." Our readers will now perhaps be able to judge for themselves whether they will be interested in Dr. Flower's unquestionably able effort to give a satisfactory psychological account of religion.

An Approach to the Psychology of Religion. By Dr. J. C. FLOWER. (Ios. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.)

The Mind. By Various Authors. A Series of Lectures Delivered in King's College, London, During the Lent Term, 1927. Edited by Dr. R. J. S. McDOWALL. (8s. 6d. net. Longmans.) The Groundwork of Psychology. By Prof. G. F. Stout. Revised by Dr. R. H. THOULESS. Second Edition. (5s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.)

The Control of the Mind: A Handbook of Applied Psychology
for the Ordinary Man. By Dr. R. H. THOULESS. (5s. Hodder
& Stoughton.)

The Neurotic Personality. By Dr. R. G. GORDON. (1os. 6d. net.
Kegan Paul.)

The Story of Myths: For the Use of Students in Training Col-
leges, and Others. By E. E. KELLETT. (7s. 6d. net. Kegan

Social Psychology Interpreted. By Prof. J. W. SPROWLS. (185. net. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox. Baltimore, U.S.A. : Williams & Wilkins.)

This book contains the substance of the author's doctorate thesis submitted in 1925. The modern psychologist may well echo the words of the ancient poet-humani nihil alienum. Religion is one of his many provinces. The most modern of modern psychology finds in our instinctive tendencies the fount and origin of our many modes of behaviour. Obviously a danger lurks here of referring everything to the blessed word "instinct," just as everything used to be referred to the blessed word faculty." Dr. Flower believes that religion is not to be explained by any instinct or by any group of instincts. On the contrary he maintains that " the religious response is so far from being the expression of a specific religious tendency or instinct that it is precisely the outcome of the inadequacy of specific response tendencies. It is man's attempt-or one of his attempts | Secretary, 60 Castellain Mansions, London, W. 9.

Neo-Hegelianism. By Prof. H. HALDAR. (25s. net. Cranton.)


A Modern Confirmation Manual. By the Rev. H. K. LUCE. (2s. 6d. net. Black.)

Mr. Luce's manual of Confirmation has been written, he explains, from a rather new point of view. It aims at presenting in sin simple form the new knowledge and new ways of thought that the Church has acquired in recent years, and at the same time discarding whatever elements in her traditional theology this intellectual advance has rendered obsolete." There are nine chapters, under the following heads: (I) The Offering of Life; (II) Jesus the Pattern; (III) The Fellowship of Love; (IV) The Duty of Thought; (V and VI) The Apostles' Creed ; (VII) The Commandments; (VIII) Prayer; (IX) The Holy Communion. The treatment of the themes is fresh, sincere, and succinct.

Narrative Dialogues from the Bible. By A. Clegg. (6s. net.

Mr. Clegg has put together, from the Bible text, a number of dialogues. These embody the material of all the most familiar (as well as some of the less familiar) stories from the Old and New Testaments. The author, we think wisely, has adhered closely to the dignified language of the English Version. He has avoided introducing any pronounced colloquialisms. The real test for a work of this kind is to see how it results in practice. The idea of dramatizing the Bible stories is quite a good one for educational purposes. Some teachers will be glad to experiment on these lines, especially in Sunday school work. We commend Mr. Clegg's manual to their notice.

Israel in World History. By the Rev. A. W. F. BLUNT. (2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

This admirable little manual deserves a warm welcome. In a short compass it provides a rapid survey of the historical background that environs the history of Israel. The chapters are devoted to The Early Babylonian Empire, The Egyptian Empire, Syria and Assyria, The Chaldean Empire, The Persian, and the story is carried down to Rome in relation to the Jews. Mr. Blunt has a gift for lucid exposition. The salient points are seized and brought into due prominence. Maps and illustrations are provided in abundance. The whole forms an excellent manual which will prove a boon to many teachers. The book is extraordinarily cheap.

In addition to continuing the wireless lessons now being given, the Nottingham Education Committee has decided to instal film projectors in seven local schools and to form a film library.




The regulations and syllabus of the examinations for the National Diploma in Poultry Husbandry for 1928 are now issued, and can be obtained on application to Dr. Edward Brown,


Songs of Praise for Day Schools. A Selection of Hymns from
Songs of Praise," with a few additions. (Is. 3d. net.
Oxford University Press.)

Teachers will be glad to know of this selection, specially made for school use, of that fine anthology, "Songs of Praise." No better selection for school use could be recommended.

The Re-union of the Churches: A Study of G. W. Leibnitz and his
Great Attempt. By Dr. C. J. JORDAN. ( Constable.)
Dr. Jordan has rendered great service by the publication of
this important volume. It is a work of some research and gives
the history (not at all well known) of a great attempt made in
the seventeenth century to bring about re-union of the Churches.
The correspondence between Leibnitz (best known to English
readers as a philosopher and a mathematician) and the great
French divine, Bossuet, is fascinating reading in the chapter
devoted to it by Dr. Jordan. Other chapters deal with the
historical setting, and give a picture of the Church in Germany
during the seventeenth century, the relations between Protes-
tants and Catholics, and other correspondence on the question
of re-union. It is much to be hoped that this book will be read
and digested by all who are seriously concerned with the subject
of re-union.

Kirkstall Abbey: Its Story, its Monks, its Architecture.
MARY SIMPSON. (Leeds: Bean.)


Religious Assent: A Discussion of the Meaning and Ground of its Certainty. Bу Дом M. PONTIFEX. (5s. net. Constable.)

SPEECH TRAINING. An International Conference on Speech Training, arranged by the Central School of Speech Training and Dramatic Art, Royal Albert Hall, S.W. 7, is to be held on November 8 to 10 in the Lecture Hall of the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, W.C. 2. The subjects for discussion are: Physiological Standard (Nov. 8), Phonetic and Educational Standard (Nov. 9), and Aesthetic Standard (Nov. 10). In the afternoon of November 9, Mr. F. S. Boas will give an opening address on "The Recommendation of the Departmental Committee for an Oral Test in English," and representatives of the associations of secondary school teachers will take part in the discussion.

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