(1) The World. By J. MURRAY. (Is. 9d. Bell.) GEOGRAPHY (2) Geography: the Scientific Study of Human Settlement. Book III. Africa and Australasia. By R. E. PARRY. (3s. 6d. Pitman. (3) North America. By C. MATHESON. (3s. 6d. Clarendon Press.) (1) In the limited space of 185 pages, the writer has managed to include a great deal of information without unduly crowding the text with place names. The continents are described with special reference to (a) climate and vegetation; (b) industry and commerce. The book is suitable for junior forms in secondary schools. (2) In Book III of this series, Africa and Australasia are dealt with regionally; the details of physical geography which are necessary in order to appreciate the human geography are dealt with as they occur. show the various distributions in sufficient detail; in using the text the student would be well advised to provide himself with a good economic atlas. (1) The Brooklet's Story: a New Edition of Brooks and Brock Basins. By A. E. FRYE. (3s. 6d. Ginn.) (2) Our Island Home. By Dr. D. C. T. MEKIE. (25. 6d. Oliver & Boyd.) (3) Strange Corners of the World. By J. E. WETHERELL. Parts I and II. (Is. each. Nelson.) and satisfactorily illustrated. Pictures, maps, and diagrams illustrate the text and at the end of each chapter, exercises are given for purposes of revision. (3) The physical, political, and economic conditions of North America are described and due emphasis is laid on the historical and human side of the subject. The author's aim is to reduce memory work to a minimum by eliminating non-essentials and by tracing facts back to causes. In this he has been very successful and he has made the work more attractive by a large number of good picture illustrations. Commercial Raw Materials: the Origin, Preparation, and Uses of the Important Raw Materials of Commerce. By C. R. TOOTHAKER. Revised Edition. (8s. 6d. net. Ginn.) As curator of the Commercial Museum at Philadelphia, the. writer of this book has had charge for twenty-five years of one of the most complete collections of economic substances in the world. He here presents some of the most important facts in regard to the identity of products, localities of production, methods of preparation and uses of the chief raw materials of commerce. The descriptions are full of trustworthy information and the statements are set out clearly and concisely. The illustrations have been well chosen, but the world maps do not It is pleasing to find so many experts in geography now writing excellent books for very young pupils in the form of stories, narratives, and easy descriptions; the three books named above not only fall within this category but they are also well printed The Brooklet's Story (1) contains a series of charming lessons in dialogue which will certainly inspire beginners with wonder and imagination. (2) For children a little older, "Our Island Home " is just the book from which they will learn a great deal about our country in a pleasant way. (3) The two parts of "Strange Corners of the World" provide a course of reading lessons for a little more advanced stage. The lessons are headed with attractive titles such as: The Forbidden Land, The Highest Mountain in the World, A Land of Frost and Fire, Where Cannibals Dwell, and The Greatest of Barrier Reefs. The Human Geographies. Book III. The British Isles. (Scottish Edition.) By J. FAIRGRIEVE and E. YOUNG. (Is. gd. Philip.) The Economic Resources of the Empire: A Series of Lectures Delivered at the Polytechnic, Regent Street, London, W.1. Edited by T. WORSWICK. (5s. net. Pitman.) Macmillan's Geographical Exercise Books. The Southern Continents. With Questions by B. C. WALLIS. (IS. Macmillan.. Geography Through Map Reading. No. 4. Africa. (IS.) No. 5. Asia. (Is. 3d. Oxford University Press.) MATHEMATICS Test Papers in Algebra: for the Use of Candidates Preparing for School Certificate, Matriculation and Similar Examinations. By A. E. DONKIN. With Points Essential to Answers. (3s. 6d. Pitman.) This volume contains 100 papers of seven questions each. The range covered extends as far as the progressions and the remainder theorem. A question in the first paper apparently asks for a proof that √2 is irrational, but for the most part the questions require a reasonable amount of formal manipulation and knowledge of bookwork and no more. At the end of the volume there are some useful hints to solutions. The Elements of the Calculus. By Prof. W. P. MILNE and G. J. B. WESTCOTT. (3s. Bell.) The number of introductions to the calculus is becoming unnecessarily large. This volume is distinguished from many others by omitting applications to physics so that the student may not be puzzled by meeting with two difficulties at once. Its methods are based upon pictures and plausibility," and the requisite manipulative processes as far as those concerned with trigonometrical and exponential functions are rapidly introduced. The number of examples in the text is not great, but one of the best features of the book is an excellent collection of revision examples at the end. Junior Test Papers in Geometry: for the Use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors and Similar Examinations in the Junior Grade. By W. E. Paterson. (Is. 3d. Pitman.) A useful collection of papers for the purpose indicated. Elementary Mathematics: a Combined Course in Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry for Junior Forms. By A. M. BOZMAN, A. E. DENMARK and E. M. TRICKEY. With Answers. (2s. 6d. University of London Press.) The authors of this book are teachers at Streatham and have had specially in view the requirements of the junior forms of a school run on a modified Dalton plan. Consequently the explanations and illustrative examples are unusually detailed. The algebra chapters begin with simple equations and continue through the handling of formulae and graphs to quadratic equations. The examples are mostly straightforward and dull, but the ground covered is a self-contained area. The geometry and arithmetic sections are less well-planned, but the use of ratio methods in solving arithmetical questions of many kinds is well illustrated and is of sound educational value. Mental Arithmetic Tests. (6d. Bell.) Rapid Arithmetic Calculations: Mechanical Practice and Mental Tests for Individual Work and Class Tuition. Parts 1 and 2. (With Answers, paper, 6d. Without Answers, paper, 4d. cloth, 6d. Oxford University Press.) Experimental and Practical Mensuration. By J. T. SLATFR. (Teacher's Book 1. Is. 6d. net. Pupil's Book 1, Is. 2d. Teacher's Book 2, 2s. net. Pupil's Book 2, Is. 6d. Teachers Book 3, 3s. Pupil's Book 3, 2s. 6d. Oxford University Press.) Junior Arithmetic: Being an Adaptation of The Tutorial Arithmetic" Suitable for Junior Classes. By R. H. COPE Fifth Edition. (4s. With Answers, 4s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) NEW EDUCATION FELLOWSHIP CONFERENCE, LOCARNO. - The fourth international conference of the New Educational Fellowship, which was held at Locarno from August 3-15, attracted nearly 1,200 people from forty-three countries. The German party was the strongest numerically, with Great Britain and the United States next in order. The general theme of the conference was The True Meaning of Freedom in Education." A great deal of time was devoted to the subjects of teacher training and parent instruction, and as a result the Fellowship hopes to initiate shortly some constructive work along these lines. The next conference will be held in Denmark in 1929, when the subjects for study will be " Individual problems of the child" and "The Curriculum." In connexion with the latter theme, special attention will be paid to the matter of external examinations with a view to their re-organization. The municipality of Locarno proved most thoughtful and considerate hosts, facilitating the work of the conference in every way, and providing much entertainment in the way of concerts, excursions, and so on. In particular, the Mayor, Signor G. Battista Rusca, is to be thanked for his kindly and sustained interest, so greatly appreciated by all who took part in the proceedings. HISTORY English Democratic Ideas in the Seventeenth Century. By Dr. G. P. Gooch. Second Edition, with Supplementary Notes and Appendices by Prof. H. J. LASKI. (Ios. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) Dr. Gooch shares with Lord Bryce the distinction of having achieved fame with a prize essay. Although this study of the democratic ideas of the Puritan Revolution is not marked by the splendour of style so conspicuous in the dissertation on the Holy Roman Empire, it is hardly inferior to it in either the interest of its subject or the solidity of learning with which the subject is treated. Nearly thirty years have elapsed since the first edition was issued, and for over twenty it has been out of print and difficult to procure. Hence this revised edition is very welcome. Dr. Gooch has made a few verbal corrections; but the task of bringing the information and the references up to date has been entrusted to Prof. H. J. Laski. The Seven Ages of Venice: A Romantic Rendering of Venetian History. By С. М. Ѕмітн. (10s. 6d. net. Blackie.) The style and contents of this book are very well indicated on the title-page. It is a romantic rendering of Venetian history," the successive epochs of which are conceived as corresponding with Shakespeare's seven ages of man," beginning with infancy and ending with "second childishness and mere oblivion." It is of course not a text-book, but it will serve as a most suitable prize or gift-book, and as an interesting addition to a school library. The book is attractively written, and the illustrations and general get-up are quite in keeping with the writer's aim and method. India's Past: a Survey of her Literatures, Religions, Languages, and Antiquities. By Prof. A. A. MACDONELL. (IOS. net. Clarendon Press.) A useful summary of India's intellectual history, from the beginning of the Vedic age to the time when the modern European became acquainted with the Indo-Aryan. The book is well illustrated, and excellent bibliographies are appended to each chapter. A Source-Book of Welsh History. By MARY SALMON. (7s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) Miss Salmon has produced a very diverting book about Wales. It covers the whole course of the history of the Principality from the days of Julius Caesar to the date of the Union of Wales with England in A.D. 1535. It is curious that no such book has been compiled before; for source-books of English and Scottish history abound. Perhaps one cause which has led compilers to hesitate is the extreme doubt that exists respecting the veracity of many of the earlier chroniclers. It is difficult to believe a word of the romances of Gildas and Nennius, or of the rubbish of Geoffrey of Monmouth. Miss Salmon has drawn upon such sources freely. Hence it is necessary for this book to be used with caution. Teachers who base their lessons on it must make clear to their classes that it contains raw material which requires to be critically sifted and clarified before it is used as a foundation for a structure of historical knowledge respecting Wales. Philips' Historical Atlas, Mediaeval and Modern: A Series of 96 Plates, Containing 229 Coloured Maps and Diagrams; with an Introduction Illustrated by 41 Maps and Plans in Black and White; and a Complete Index. By R. MUIR and G. PHILIP, with the collaboration in the American Section of Prof. R. MCELROY. Sixth Edition. Completely Reconstructed and Greatly Enlarged. (15s. Philip.) Ever since its introduction in 1911, Philips' Historical Atlas" has held a high place among indispensable aids to the study of human affairs. The present sixth edition, however, differs so widely from its predecessors, and is so far superior to them, that it sets a new and unapproachable standard in cartography. It is a Dreadnought among historical atlases. On the one hand it is much larger than its forerunners. The old editions contained 154 coloured maps and diagrams; this one contains 229. On the other hand, the maps are much fuller and more varied than before. There are excellent, novel, and most illuminating representations, for example, of Domesday England with all the names in Domesday spelling; of medieval trade routes, with the time required to make the journeys indicated; of the ecclesiastical divisions of Catholic Christendom with the enormous provinces of the archbishops distinguished in colour; of the distribution of population and industries in the nineteenth century, and so on. The introduction has been rewritten, and the index has been enlarged to include some 13,000 names. month's concentrated study of this encyclopaedic volume would be in itself a liberal education. A The Founding of the Roman Empire. By Prof. F. B. MARSH. Second Edition. (ros. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) We direct particular attention to this second and revised edition of Prof. Marsh's able and important monograph on the Founding of the Roman Empire," because it is not so well known in this country as it ought to be, or as it is in America. It is devoted to an analysis of the causes which led to the breakdown of the Roman Republic and to the establishment of the principate of Augustus Caesar and his successors. Now this was one of the cardinal events in the world's history. It coincided, too, with another, viz. the founding of the Christian Church. Hence any new light which scholarship can throw upon it is doubly valuable. To all students both of Roman history and of general human development, Prof. Marsh's competent treatise is to be highly commended. Democracy in the Ancient World. By T. R. GLOVER. (IOS. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) It is amazing what solid nutriment American audiences can absorb, or at any rate devour, in the form of lectures. The extremely recondite discourses of Prof. J. L. Myres on Greek political thought, which we reviewed in a recent issue, are followed by a volume on a kindred theme by Dr. T. R. Glover, who treats of " Democracy in the Ancient World." Dr. Glover's literary style is far superior to that of Prof. Myres, and he does not give vent to quite so much untranslated Greek; but all the same the lectures require sustained thought and close application. Dr. Glover sketches in masterly manner the brief triumph and swift decline of democracy in the ancient Greek world; then he passes to consider the causes which frustrated the development of democracy in Rome, and led to the establishment of first the oligarchic senate and, secondly, the autocratic principate. To students of present-day politics these brilliant and scholarly lectures will be full of illumination. The Citizen: A Simple Account of how we manage our National and Local Affairs. By Mrs. H. A. L. FISHER. (2s. 6d. Chambers.) No more interesting or accurate an introduction to the knowledge of the working of central and local government in Great Britain could be desired than that provided by Mrs. Fisher in the volume before us. It is well supplied, moreover, with illustrations, with questions, and with lists of books for further study. The Mediterranean World in Greek and Roman Times. By D. M. The Cambridge Ancient History. Edited by J. B. BURY, Dr. S. A. An Introduction to Political Science. By E. F. BowMAN. (6s. Froude's History of England. Chapter I. (Social Condition of England in the Sixteenth Century.) Chivalry and Social Life in the Middle Ages. By DOROTHY European History, 1515-1598. By F. C. HAPPOLD. (2s. Bell.) Episodes from the Story of Mankind. By H. VAN LOON. (Is. 6d. Harrap.) The Development of Political Ideas. By Prof. F. J. C. HEARNSHAW. (6d. Benn.) Burke. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Edited by H. P. ADAMS. Second Edition. (4s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) The Cambridge Ancient History. Edited by J. B. BURY, Dr. S. A. Соок, F. Е. ADCOCK. Vol. VI. Macedon, 401-301 в.с. (30s. net. Cambridge University Press.) Early Modern History. By J. A. WHITE. (3s. Cassell.) Nineteenth Century England: a Political and Social History of the British Commonwealth, 1815-1914. By R. M. RAYNER. (6s. Longmans.) A Brief History of Ancient Times. By Prof. J. H. BREASTED. Abridged and Edited from the Author's "Ancient Times," by W. H. JONES. (3s. Ginn.) Empire Settlement. By Sir J. A. R. MARRIOTT. (2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) מ THE CORRIDORS OF TIME By H. Peake and H. J. Fleure. Apes and Men. With 47 illustrations. 5s. net. Hunters and Artists. With 79 illustrations. 5s. net. These are the first two books of a series of eight volumes which trace the development of man from his origin among the anthropoid apes to the dawn of civilization. The subject has not been dealt with from a purely archaeological point of view, but the authors have included any recent discoveries in geology, biology, anthropology, and geography which throw light upon the conditions under which primitive man lived. ANIMAL GEOGRAPHY By M. I. Newbigin. With 48 illustrations. 4s. 6d. net. OX PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY AN INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE By I. B. Hart. With 199 illustrations. 4s. net. Parts I-IV. 2s. 6d. net. A NEW EXPERIMENTAL By J. G. Frewin. Part I. Is. 6d. net. Part II. CHEMISTRY By W. H. Barrett. With 21 illustrations. ('The Clarendon Science Series.') 5s. net. The principles of chemistry are explained by the discussion of facts arising from various important experiments, preference being given to those bearing on everyday life. A SCHOOL CHEMISTRY By O. J. Flecker. Second Edition. With 44 illustrations. 3s. 6d. An introduction to inorganic chemistry with stress laid throughout on its physical aspects. HEAT AND ENERGY By D. R. Pye. With 59 illustrations. (The Clarendon Science Series.') 5s. net. The chief aim has been to give a comprehensive conception of energy as the basis of all activity in nature, and to make clear the essential unity of the different forms in which it exists, and to illustrate its convertibility into forms suitable for storage, transference. and use. ELECTRICITY AND THE By L. Southerns. With 33 illustrations. ('The THE SURFACE HISTORY OF THE EARTH By J. Joly. With 24 illustrations and a coloured Oro-Bathygraphical Map. 8s. 6d. net. An account of the various forces which have moulded the earth's crust throughout geological ages. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMEN HOUSE, LONDON, E.C. 4 AC. OX BOTANY OXFORD BOOKS HOW A TREE GROWS By W. Somerville. With 30 illustrations. Ios. net. This book describes the evolution of a tree from its origin in a small number of cells to its ultimate form. All subjects connected with its growth are fully discussed and explained, separate chapters being devoted to the more important functions. EXPERIMENTS WITH PLANTS By J. B. Philip. With 30 illustrations. 3s. 6d. By T. W. Woodhead. With over 200 illustrations. 6s. 6d. Covering the work necessary for Matriculation, Senior Local Examinations, and the Elementary Teacher's Certificate Examination. JUNIOR BOTANY By T. W. Woodhead. With 140 illustrations. 3s. 6d. An abridged edition of The Study of Plants. THE LIFE OF PLANTS By F. Keeble. With 53 illustrations. ('The Clarendon Science Series.') 5s. net. The aim of this book is to interest the student not only in the ultimate result of the growth of plants, but also in their life history and gradual development from obscure beginnings. ASTRONOMY STARS AND ATOMS By A. S. Eddington. With II illustrations. 7s. 6d. net. The author discusses in a form suitable for the young student the recent investigations into the mass, heat, and internal constitution of the stars, and compares with them the latest theories regarding the structure of the atom. MODERN ASTRONOMY By H. Macpherson. With 26 illustrations. 6s. net. Highway: "The style is clear and stimulating....A better short book of Astronomy would be hard to find." THE ELEMENTS OF DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY By E. O. Tancock. With 38 illustrations. 3s. 6d. ZOOLOGY THE ELEMENTS OF GENERAL ZOOLOGY OX Correlating Function with Structure. By W. J. Dakin. With 252 illustrations. 12s. 6d. net. By comparing the various organs which perform similar functions in different creatures the author enables the reader to appreciate the small structural peculiarities which assist the animals in their particular modes of living. AN INTRODUCTION ΤΟ EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY By G. R. de Beer. With 51 illustrations. 7s. 6d. net. The results of some 180 experiments are set forth, ranging in logical sequence from those on fertilization to the assumption of the adult form. The experiments are discussed in detail, and care has been taken, not only to indicate what conclusions can be drawn from them, but to explain why and how. LIVING ORGANISMS An Account of their Origin and Evolution. By E. S. Goodrich. With 60 illustrations. 6s. net. Describing the working of the evolutionary processes in the geological ages. A chapter on Palaeontology is included to show some of the extraordinary results which were produced. A MANUAL OF ELEMENTARY By L. A. Borradaile. With 484 illustrations. 16s. net. BRITISH SNAILS By A. E. Ellis. With 20 illustrations. Ios. net. BRITISH SPIDERS By T. H. Savory. With 34 illustrations. 6s. net. A BIRD BOOK FOR THE PОСКЕТ By E. Sandars. With over 200 illustrations in colour. 7s. 6d. net. The aim of the book is to give in the smallest possible compass the greatest number of facts about each of our birds and a just picture of their beautiful form and colouring. Brief descriptions of the birds, their voice, flight, gait, food, and manners, are printed in clear type opposite the illustrations. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMEN HOUSE, LONDON, E.C. 4 MODERN LANGUAGES A London: Beginner's Spanish Grammar. By Prof. A. A. SHAPIRO. (7s. net. The University of North Carolina Press. Oxford University Press.) The compiler of this grammar appeals especially to those American students who are not intimately acquainted with the ordinary facts of general or even English grammar." The simplicity of appeal may be more welcome in Transatlantic student circles than in this country, and the scope of this book may be more limited by this deliberate overburdening of the subject-matter. There are useful appendixes on difficult points in the study of Spanish, but the book is not much different from others we have seen, and its price seems rather prohibitive for the English student. Spoken French: A Phonetic Manual. By KR. NYROP. Translated by G. NOËL-ARMFIELD. (7s. 6d. net. Heffer.) We have to thank Mr. Noël-Armfield for his version of Prof. Nyrop's excellent Kortfattet Fransk Lydlaere," a work wellknown to phoneticians in its French translation, if not in its original form. Mr. Noel-Armfield is himself a phonetician of some distinction, and he has added a number of notes to his rendering which serve to enhance the interest of the book. Prof. Nyrop's book is eminently readable and will prove of much value to students. In an appendix there is the phonetic transcription of Daudet's story "La Chèvre de monsieur Seguin." Elementary French Composition. By Prof. L. E. KASTNER and J. MARKS. (IS. 9d. Dent.) To the three volumes of their "New Course of French Composition," Prof. Kastner and Mr. Marks have now added a fourth, Elementary French Composition," which is intended for young learners. The helpful introduction supplies those rules and facts which have been found to be of greatest importance for the beginner in French composition; each chapter is followed by a number of exercises. The passages for translation have been judiciously chosen. At the end there is a complete vocabulary, and a table of irregular verbs has also been appended. La versification du Français Moderne. By Prof. A. TAVERNEY. (2s. net. Heffer.) The principles underlying French prosody differ in such a marked degree from those prevailing in English and other Germanic languages that they require careful study on the part of any one reading French verse. Yet only too often pupils are allowed to read French poems without this essential preliminary work. In our schools boys and girls who are incapable of scanning an alexandrine are sometimes found reading classical plays. To such as these Prof. Taverney's little treatise may be recommended, for it is very clearly put together. Contes Dramatiques. With French Songs, Exercises, Directions for Acting and Vocabulary. By E. C. HILLS and M. DONDO. (2s. 3d. Heath.) This is a collection of twenty-five short stories, written in simple French, suitable for pupils in the second or third year of instruction. They are largely in dialogue, and lend themselves readily to dramatization. Some hints are given for carrying this out. A number of "chansons populaires," without music, are added. There are exercises on each story, and a vocabulary is supplied. The book has been well thought out, and should prove useful. Trente-Deux Petits Contes. By M. CEPPI. (Is. 6d. Bell.) Anatole France. Les Dieux ont Soif. Edited by E. G. LE GRAND. (4s. Hachette.) The Active French Course. By Dr. F. A. HEDGCOCK. Second Year. (2s. 9d. University of London Press.) Madame de la Fayette. La Princesse de Cleves. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Prof. M. BAUDIN. (5s. 6d. net. New York and London: Oxford University Press.) A First Book of French Poetry. Selected and Edited by Prof. R. L. G. RITCHIE. (IS. 9d. Nelson.) A Preface to Molière. By Prof. H. Ashton. (7s. 6d. net. Longmans.) MUSIC On Music's Borders. Sir R. TERRY. (15s. net. Fisher Unwin (Ernest Benn).) " are You can always become an oracle provided you sufficiently meaningless and obscure when you writeespecially on music." So says our author, and forthwith proceeds to write one of the most entertaining, and, " to the man in the street," one of the most illuminating books on music we have read for many a long day. Like "Don Quixote," Sir Richard -also a gallant knight-tilts at many of our musical windmills, or perhaps one ought to say wind-bags! Music in England from the early sixties onwards, comes under the searchlight of his criticism, and his good humoured remarks, like a certain patent preparation, touch the spot every time. He is a veritable Stephen Leacock" when writing about music. One gurgles as one reads this entertaining book, but at the last chapter, "A Word on Wigan," one ends up with a shout. " The Science of Pianoforte Technique. By Prof. T. FIELDEN. (8s. 6d. net. Macmillan.) In this book Mr. Fielden has performed a notable feat. He has built a bridge between the old school of pianoforte playing depending almost entirely on fingerwork, with rigid muscular action, and the more modern method-propounded by such writers as Deppe, Matthay, Breithaupt, and others of tone production by relaxation; or what is popularly termed "weighttouch." The earlier chapters of the book, deal principally with physiological conditions and the development of technique. Here is much ground for controversy, in view of the opinions already expressed in the works of the writers aforementioned. The relaxation fallacies also come under the author's criticism; and those teachers and students who find the word "relaxation almost as blessed as Mesopotamia," should study this chapter with care. Indeed the whole book will repay very careful reading, and is a valuable contribution to contemporary thought. The later chapters contain some very useful suggestions for teaching, and the appendix puts forward the author's views on rhythm and fingering. Prelude for the Organ on the Chorale " Sleepers wake! a Voice is Calling." By J. S. BACH. Edited by H. G. LEY. (Is. 6d. Deane: The Year Book Press.) Hear My Prayer (Mendelssohn). Choir of the Temple Church, London. Soloist: Master E. LOUGH. Organist: G. T. BALL. (4S. 6d. "His Master's Voice" Gramophone Co.). Nightingales and Down in an Old World Garden. (Cat. No. B. 2469. 3s. "His Master's Voice" Gramophone Co.) Pitch Games. Words and Music by L. E. de RUSETTE. (3s. 6d. net. Curwen.) Old English Songs: Amorous, Festive, and Divine. Chosen and Handwritten by A. C. HARRADINE. The Music arranged by N. C. SUCKLING. (IOS. 6d. net. Howe.) Two Irish Dances for Violin and Piano. By C. WOOD. (25. Largo and Fugue for the Organ. By W. RUSSELL. Edited by RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. - The Oxfordshire Education Committee has prepared a Syllabus of Religious Instruction for Council Schools. The intention of this syllabus is to enable teachers to use the Bible as a text-book for religious instruction and to give to the children a conception of the teaching of the Bible as a whole. It is not suggested that the lessons indicated should be regarded as a hard and fast scheme; they are intended rather for the guidance of the individual teacher, and it is the desire of the authors that the teacher should be left entirely free to use and interpret them at his discretion. The syllabus will be published shortly, the London publishers being Thomas Murby & Co. |