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writers. Baghdad, Cairo, Cordova were successively their intellectual centres; and in spite of the blight that invariably followed Turkish conquest of Arab provinces, Arabic culture has in some sort followed the Koran from Mahomet's country to the ends of the earth.

Essay on Clive. By MACAULAY. (IS. 3d. Blackie.)
Utopia. By Sir THOMAS MORE. (IS. 3d. Blackie.)

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The Life of Sir Thomas More. By WM. ROPER. (IS. 3d. Blackie.) These charming little volumes, handy for the pocket and attractive on the bookshelf, are further selections from Blackie's English Texts," selections, which are gradually forming Library of Golden Prose." Most of the subjects chosen are obtainable in other, if less delectable, editions; but Roper's quaint and delightful "Life of Sir Thomas More" is of the rara avis species.

Puck of Pook's Hill. By RUDYARD KIPLING. School Edition. (4s. Macmillan.)

The Jungle Book. The Second Jungle Book. By RUDYARD KIPLING. School Edition. (4s. each. Macmillan.)

In the outward attractions of binding, paper, type, and illustration, these volumes of a school edition of Kipling are all one could desire; but their stiff price (for which presumably the publishers are not entirely responsible) is, we fear, beyond all but select schools and wealthy parents. After all, however, inward attractiveness is the main thing, and one should set a high value on Kipling.

Plutarch's Lives of Greek Heroes: From the Translation of J. and W. Langhorne. With an Historical Introduction, and an Appendix of Biography, Geography, Literature, and Classical Antiquities, contributed by D. FREW. Blackie.)


Children's Interests in Reading. By Prof. A. M. JORDAN. (75. net. University of North Carolina Press. London Oxford University Press.)

The Flower of Gold and Other Legends: From the French of
Albert Meyrac. By DOROTHY KING. (IS. 4d. Blackie.)
Reliquiae. By A. D. GODLEY. Edited by C. R. L. FLETCHER.
2 Vols. (18s. net. Oxford University Press.)
The Gentle Craft. By T. DELONEY. (Iod. Blackie.)

The Lives of Alcibiades and Demosthenes. By PLUTARCH. (10d.


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Children. (Is. 6d. net. Cape.)

Uncle Silas: A Tale of Bartram-Haugh. By J. SHERIDAN LE FANU. (Cloth, 2s. net. Leather, 3s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

The Old Curiosity Shop. By CHARLES DICKENS. Abridged by DOROTHY M. STUART. (Is. 9d. Macmillan.)

Letty: A Study of a Child. By ROSE FYLEMAN. (6s. net. Methuen.)

Handbook of English Intonation. By LILIAS E. ARMSTRONG and IDA C. WARD. (5s. net. Cambridge: Heffer. Leipzig: Teubner.)

Adventures Among Words. By Dr. H. BRIERLEY.


(Is. 6d.

A Relation of the Holy War Concerning the City or Town of Mansoul, Besieged by Diabolus, and its Final Recovery by Emmanuel. By JOHN BUNYAN. Abridged, with an Introduction, by W. H. DRAPER. (3s. 6d. net. S.P.C.K.)

Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. XII. Collected by J. BUCHAN. (7s. Clarendon Press.) The Socrates Booklets. III. Ben Jonson. Epicoene, or The Silent Woman. Edited by W. R. MACKLIN. IV. Guy Meige. A Journey to Russia in 1663. Edited by H. M. MARGOLIOUTH. V. Eighteenth Century Letters. Edited by Y. W. CANN. (Is. each, paper; Is. 3d. each, cloth. Black.)

Footnotes: A Pedestrian Journal. By W. A. MURSELL. (3s. 6d. net. Gay & Hancock.)

The Odyssey of a Nice Girl. By RUTH SUCKow. (7s. 6d. net. Cape.)

Essays by Modern Masters. HILAIRE BELLOC, G. K. CHESTERTON, E. V. LUCAS, ROBERT LYND, A. A. MILNE. (IS. 6d. Methuen.) Sense and Sensibility. By JANE AUSTEN. Abridged by Mrs. F. BOAS. (25s. Macmillan.)

On Writing and Writers. By WALTER RALEIGH. Being Extracts from his Note-Books, Selected and Edited by Prof. G. GORDON. (6s. net. Arnold.)


1. Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus: A Metrical Version. II. Prometheus Unbound. By C. W. MENDELL. (9s. net. New Haven: Yale University Press. London: Oxford University Press.)

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A translator of the Prometheus Bound challenges comparison with many predecessors, both able and distinguished. But there is always room for a fresh translation as natural and pleasing as Mr. Mendell's. If here and there his version seems a little commonplace, that is mainly because he never seeks to avoid the commonplace by preciosity or affectation of any kind. But if boldness is required to translate Aeschylus, how much more is needed to supply a Prometheus Unbound"? Mr. Mendell imagines the deliverance of the Titan to have come through the willingness of Cheiron the Centaur to offer himself as a substitute, the offer being accepted by Zeus. The dramatic interest is well sustained, and neither in blank verse nor in rhymed chorus does the poetry of the invented sequel fall much below that of the translated drama. This is high praise, but it is justified.

The Minor Poems of Dante: Translated into English Versc.

By L. DE'LUCCHI. (7s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) For a proper appreciation of Dante knowledge of the Canzoniere is quite essential. An adequate metrical translation into English has long been a desideratum, and will be welcomed by any English lovers of Dante who are not wholly at their ease in the Italian tongue. Here we have a rendering faithful both to the letter and to the spirit, and adhering without awkwardness to the original metres. A quotation of a few lines will sufficiently indicate the merits of the translation:

"Come, Love, and let us talk awhile together,

Distract me from my wrathful mood, lord, pray;
Singing our lady's praise, let us see whether
We cannot lightly pass the time away.
Truly the journey would be sooner done,
Taking such dainty provender with us,

And blithesomely the homeward course would run,
Praising her worth and hearing it praised thus."

Spoken Poetry in the Schools. By MARJORIE GULLAN. (Including an Outline of the Marjorie Gullan Method of Rhythmic Movement to Spoken Poetry.) (3s. 6d. net. Methuen.)

Musa Historica: An Anthology of Poems of World History.
Selected and Edited by S. H. MCGRADY. (IS. 3d. Limp
Cloth, Is. 6d.)

John Donne and His Poetry. By Dr. F. W. PAYNE. (IS. 6d.
The Poetical Works of John Gay: Including "Polly,"

The Beggar's Opera," and Selections from the Other Dramatic Works. Edited by G. C. FABER. (3s. 6d. net. Oxford Poets, 6s. net and 7s. 6d. net (India Paper). Oxford University Press.) (Continued on page 66)

PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS IN SCHOOLS. With the growing belief in the importance of psychology in schools, it is important for teachers to know something of the practical results which are being obtained in this field. Mr. Leslie Fouracre, of the Secondary School, Barrow-in-Furness, described in the November issue of the Forum of Education his experiments in testing mathematical ability. Recognizing that educational attainment depends on two factors, general intelligence and a special capacity limited to a particular subject, he sets out to test mathematical capacity, as distinct from general attainment and intelligence, in boys of average age 12 years. He finds that there is evidence of specific arithmetical ability and specific geometrical ability, and that these two types of ability are only slightly related to one another. In another article in the same issue of The Forum, Dr. C. S. Slocombe, of the Teachers' Training College, Auckland, New Zealand, records some experiments on The Influence of Practice in Mental Tests." He recommends that a quarter of the time devoted to a mental test should be regarded as practice and remain unmarked. Further, if children are examined twice by similar tests, then the second test is almost unaffected by previous experience of tests; he suggests therefore that the marks won in a second test only should count in important cases. Related to this subject is a paper by G. H. Hanumantha Rao and M. V. Gopalaswamy in Psychological Studies" (Vol. I), from the Psychological Laboratory, Maharaja's College, University of Mysore (Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 2s. 6d.), on the "chance factor" in intelligence tests of the selective type. They find that among children, two-thirds to three-quarters of the answers given are guesses, and this chance element appears to increase on passing from more intelligent to less intelligent groups. A method is described of estimating an index of the chance factor.

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Curriculum Problems. By T. H. BRIGGS. (4s. 6d. net.. New York Macmillan.)

The latest volume of "The Modern Teachers' Series" is especially interesting as a forecast of the new trend of American educational interest; thirty years ago it was in methods of teaching; then came the craze for measurement; and now, according to Dr. Bagley, the editor of the series, it is with the materials of education that professional interest is concerned. The author does not aim at solving the problems in curriculummaking which he propounds; his desire is rather to call attention to the importance of the task, and to stimulate others to set to work upon it.

Social Progress and Educational Waste: Being a Study of the Free-Place" and Scholarship System. By K. LINDSAY. (7s. 6d. net. Routledge.)

The sub-title of this book conveys a much better notion of its contents than the main title. It is a study of the free-place and scholarship system, based upon relevant surveys of London, Oxfordshire (a rural study), Bradford, Warrington, and Wallasey. The author has sought to ascertain "how far the 'educational ladder' is effective; whether in fact it is, as it has been described, a greasy pole and what are the main difficulties that beset the path of the child, the parent, the teacher, and the Local Education Authority." Mr. Lindsay has performed well a task that needed to be undertaken. The Barnett Fellowship and the Ratan Tata Foundation have been used to good purpose in making this investigation possible.

An Introduction to the Study of Education and to Teaching. By E. P. CUBBERLEY. (7s. 6d. net. Harrap.)

It is remarkable that English writers on education rarely refer to American writers, except on the subject of educational measurements, and that American writers hardly trouble about English books at all, even when they are general and philosophical. One reason is that the problems of the two countries are by no means the same. The tremendous growth of American cities is enough to account for the strong statistical and scientific bias in American studies of education. In both countries

specialization has become the rule-so much so, that a general treatment by one hand has become a very difficult matter. But Prof. Cubberley is equal to the task, and his book is a masterly survey of the whole field. It affords the English reader an excellent conspectus of the whole field of American education. But its limitation (in the main) to America ought, we think, to have been indicated in the title.

History of Manual and Industrial School Education. By Prof. L. F. ANDERSON. (75. 6d. net. New York and London: Appleton.)

No other book covering the same ground has yet appeared in English. It should be of considerable value at the present day, when interest in the teaching of industrial arts is rapidly increasing. Part I gives a general survey of the development of manual and industrial education in Europe, from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth Part II concentrates on the United States. The book would be more interesting to English readers if the first part were brought up to date.

The Life We Live and Other Studies: Being the Adult School Lesson Handbook for 1927. (Limp covers, Is. 6d. net. Cloth boards, 2s. 6d. net. National Adult School Union.)

Schoolmastering: Essays in Scholastic Engineering.
Drury. (5s. 6d. net. New York: Macmillan.)

By S. S.

The Child's Path to Freedom. By N. MACMUNN. (5s. net. London and Philadelphia: Curwen.)

The Orientation of College Freshmen. By H. J. DOERMANN. (13s. 6d. net. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Co. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.)

The Common Entrance Handbook: A Guide to the Common Examination for Entrance to Public Schools, omitting Scripture and Mathematics. (5s. David & Jonathan, 40 Hillway. London, N.6.)

Un Essai d'Enseignement sur Mesure. Par Mlle. MADELEINE REMY. (12fr. 60. Paris: Libraire Armand Colin.) Educating for Responsibility: The Dalton Laboratory Plan in a Secondary School. By Members of the Faculty of the South Philadelphia High School for Girls. (6s. New York: Macmillan.)


The Epic of Mount Everest. By Sir F. YOUNGHUSBAND. (7s. 6d. net. Arnold.)

Although separate descriptions of the Mount Everest expeditions have already been written by those who took part in them, the present volume gives us in condensed form an account of the three expeditions. Sir Francis Younghusband, possessing an intimate knowledge of the subject, has written a fascinating account of the whole story. He relates the adventurous achievements of the climbing parties up to the moment when Mallory and Irvine were last seen within a few hundred feet of the summit of the mountain. Whether they actually reached the summit or not is of course the great enigma. To read a story such as this must thrill the imagination of every reader, and it is to be hoped that copies of this volume will be available in every school library, as it is the type of book that every boy and girl should read.

(1) A Progressive Geography. By C. B. THURSTON. Book IV. Eurasia. (25. 9d. Arnold.)

(2) The Pupil's Europe Atlas: for use by the Comparative Method. By W. S. BIRKETT and G. G. LEWIS. (Is. Evans.)

(3) The "Fortchic" Outline Maps. (IS. 9d. per 100. 15s. per 1,000. Separate or Assorted. Philip & Tacey.)

(1) While conforming in the main to the other books in this series, the more complicated physical and political geography of Eurasia is specially dealt with. The descriptions throughout this book are always interesting and the method of treatment is entirely up to date. (2) The Pupil's Atlas provides a number of maps of a country, each one showing a particular distribution in order that suitable comparisons can be made. While the maps stress the importance of studying localities, the diagrams show quantities. With the accompanying text, the whole work provides a very useful course of study. (3) The outline maps are intended for use in geography and history lessons; they are all printed on separate sheets of the same size (11×71 inches. The coast line of each continent or country is printed without any given scale and without any lines of latitude and longitude.

Principles of Human Geography. By P. V. DE LA BLACHE. Edited by E. DE MARTONNE. (18s. net. Constable.)

The untimely death of Vidal de la Blache in 1918 prevented the revision and completion of this important work, and so the preparation of the manuscript was undertaken by M. de Martonne, the well-known French geographer. The editor points out that the essential feature of de la Blache's work is not only his astonishing erudition of the various countries of the world, but also the way in which the historical point of view dominates the classification and explanation of all the facts dealt with. After an introduction on the meaning and aim of Human Geography, the work is divided into three sections, dealing respectively with the Distribution of Population, The Elements of Civilization, Transportation, and Circulation. The French text has been ably translated into English by Dr. M. T. Bingham.

An Outline of Plant Geography. By D. H. CAMPBELL. (17S. net. Macmillan.)

The Changing Face of England. By A. COLLETT. (IOS. 6d. net. Nisbet.)

College Geography. By Prof. R. PEATTIE. (125. 6d. net. Arnold.) Philips' British Empire Calendar. 1927. (1s. Philip.)

A Complete School Geography. By E. G. R. TAYLOR. In Two
Volumes. Vol. I. The World: Its Physical Geography,
Peoples and Products. (5s, Methuen.)

Philips' Synthetic Maps. By E. G. R. TAYLOR. Series 3. Europe.
Series 6. North America. Series 9. Indian Empire. (Is. each
set. Philip.)
The Land of Magellan.

By W. S. BARCLAY. (125. 6d. net.

A Geography of the World. By B. C. WALLIS. Second Edition. (4s. Macmillan.)

Adventures of Exploration. Book V. Australia and New Zealand. By Sir J. S. KELTIE and S. C. GILMOUR. (2s. 3d. Philip.) Philips' Visual Contour Atlas. Northampton Edition. (Is. 4d. Philip.)

(Continued on page 68)

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