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It must be admitted that Poe's poetry is best read in a small selection. But at his rare best he raises such hopes that it is not strange if admirers seek out what they can find of his work. Much of the rescued material, whether prose or verse, is but pitiful stuff, and the reprinting of it can only be justified by the light it throws on Poe's character and talents for those who have become interested in him.

A Handefull of Pleasant Delites. By C. ROBINSON and DIVERS OTHERS. Edited by Dr. A. KERSHAW. (7s. 6d. net. Werner Laurie.)

This is an attractive reprint of an old song book of 1584 of which only one original is known. The contents include "Lady Greensleeves," and "A Nosegaie alwaies sweet" with its suggestion of Ophelia and her flowers.

The Bookman Treasury of Living Poets. Edited by St. J. ADCOCK. School Edition. Parts I and II. (3s. 6d. each. University of London Press.)

The recognition with which the first edition of this anthology met has led to the issue of one for schools. The contents include the most notable contemporary poets (many of them well known as novelists) of the British Empire. American poets are not included, mainly, one may suppose, for want of space. Even as it is, the matter has had to be distributed over two volumes. For school purposes this is unfortunate; for, unless both parts are used (and that is expensive), one's predilections have to be confined to poets whose names occur in the first or in the second part of the alphabetically arranged list. A high-toned and stimulating introduction is given in the first part and repeated in the second, and useful particulars regarding some of the writers preface the well-chosen selections from their works.

Virgil's Secret and Other Plays. By H. MACNAGHTEN.

net. Arnold.)




Two at least of the author's other works the Poems of Catullus and the Odes of Horace done into English versemay have prepared the reader for this volume of plays. Catullus, Horace, and Virgil; Caesar, Augustus, and Maecenas; Marcellus and Octavia, are the chief personae. The several pieces can scarcely all be called plays"; rather, some of them are dialogues which recall Landor's "Imaginary Conversations." Scene VI in Virgil and Augustus," for instance, is no scene at all, but an annotation. "Horace and Augustus" is mainly narrative and dialogue. On the other hand, many passages are nobly dramatic. Virgil's Secret" was the unexpressed compact between the bereft Octavia and the poet, due to the profound impression made upon her by the lines in Book Aeneid, VI commemorative of her son. Horace, too, had a similar secret which even Maecenas failed to induce him to disclose. Classical students will appreciate the many allusions and graceful translations appropriately introduced. The general reader cannot fail to enjoy the living interest with which the social life of Augustan Rome is portrayed. The great statemen, warriors, poets are here not names but men.

The Poems of William Canton. (5s. net. Harrap.)

Readers of The Glasgow Herald and The Contemporary Review in the closing decades of the nineteenth century must know well the pen, if not the name, of William Canton, who shared in the editorial work of these journals for many years. But he was poet as well as journalist, and his poems appeared from time to time in magazines or in book form. Huxley, Max Müller, and Pater were quick to recognize the originality and technical merit of these productions, and admired the skill with which he gave expression to scientific, classical, and primeval subjects. Though far too original to be an imitator of other poets, Canton had a strong assimilative faculty, so that his work often recalls that of Arnold, Tennyson, Wordsworth, or Swinburne. Here are rhythm, melody, striking description; but there is more deep thought broods over "the ancient mysteries of life and death." Some of his most beautiful and poignant poems are on children, and these alone would entitle him to a place in the affections of all true lovers of poetry.

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Prof. Hanford, of the University of Michigan, who has already published various studies of special aspects of Milton's works, provides in this volume such a handbook of the poet's entire literary activity as other writers have supplied to students of Chaucer and Shakespeare. He seeks to put within reasonable compass the conclusions reached by investigators from the seventeenth century to the present day. The shorter poems, the prose works, the epics, and the drama are the lines followed; admirable analyses of the various works are given; and the scholarly and unbiassed opinions expressed are buttressed with references to authorities, of whom a brief list is appended. The pages devoted to Milton's style, fame and influence, and spiritual biography" are of much interest and value.


The Glen Is Mine : a Comedy in Three Acts. The Lifting: a Play in Three Acts. By J. BRANDANE. (3s. 6d. net. each. Constable.)

These plays, recently staged in Glasgow, are now produced in book form; and amateur dramatic societies might well add them to their repertoire. The one is a comedy, the other ends tragically, and in each the plot is worked out with much skill. The topic of the first is modern, that of the second belongs to the time of the "Forty-Five." The chief persons in each have many of the wellknown characteristics of Scottish Highlanders, and there is an admixture in the first play of Lowlanders. Exciting incidents are frequent and quiet humour abounds. In short, these plays are good to read and must be good to see, which cannot be said of all plays.

Christopher Marlowe. By U. M. ELLIS-FERMOR.


(6s. net.

This unpretentious study of Marlowe is full of poetic beauty and of a delicate sympathy with its subject, for which we are prepared by the singularly apt quotations from Lucretius and Philippe Desportes set at the beginning. Miss Ellis-Fermor has conceived of Marlowe as the English Lucretius, not making the universal appeal of Shakespeare, but speaking with a voice that "will be heard in times of doubt and confusion, of disillusionment and corruption," and therefore presumably speaking with special force to our own day. Though Marlowe's mighty line has never lacked admirers, her thoughtful analysis of the dramas brings out deeper significances than the poet has been commonly credited with.

Herrick. William Blake. Byron. Milton. Poems. (Is. 6d.

net each. Blackie.)

Messrs. Blackie are to be congratulated on this most attractive edition. The books are of a size to be companionable out of doors as well as in, and leave nothing to be desired in format, while their price is an additional advantage.

Hither and Thither. By BARBARA E. TODD. (2s. 6d. net. Harrap.) This is a new volume of what may be considered a series published by Messrs. Harrap of "Lilts for Little People," the title of one of them. To the little girl gifted with imagination,

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all the world is fairyland"; and, if similarly gifted, the little lad of six, too small as a playmate for older brothers and sisters, can play his games inside his head." Twelve of these dainty pieces are reprints from Punch, and publishers of accredited standing have granted permission for the reproduction of others. The volume is thus not quite a new venture. Heads of infant departments, often at their wits' end, as exhibition day draws near, for something fresh and taking, should find here not a little to meet their requirements and to please alike tiny reciters and fond parents.

The Queen's Treasures Book of Verse. Edited by J. COMPTON.

(2s. 4d. Bell.)

In these days of many anthologies, this is a particularly delightful collection for boys and girls of 14 to 16 years. The 150 poems which it includes have been chosen with an unerring instinct for such as make an immediate appeal to youth, while not failing to satisfy the more mature reader.

The Matriculation Shakespeare. Macbeth. Edited by G. E. HOLLINGWORTH and S. E. GOGGIN. (Cloth, 2s. Paper, 1s 6d. University Tutorial Press.)

Sheridan. The Rivals. Edited by W. H. Low and A. S. COLLINS. (Is. 3d. University Tutorial Press.)

Don Juan. By LORD BYRON. Edited, with an Introduction, by Prof. F. H. RISTINE. (5s. net. New York: Macmillan.) Selections from Whitman. Edited by ZADA THORNSBURGH. (2s. New York: Macmillan.)

Shakespeare's Pronunciation. A Transcription of Twelfth Night, Act 1, Sc. V. By F. G. BLANDFORD. (Is. net. Heffer.)


The Problems of Peace: Lectures Delivered at the Geneva Institute of International Relations at the Palais des Nations, August, 1926, together with Appendices Containing Summary of Discussions. (10s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

The Geneva Institute of International Relations, of which this is the first of a projected annual series of publications, began as a Summer School of the British League of Nations Union. The members of the Institute are now chiefly British and American, but an effort is to be made to extend the basis of membership. Every one of these lectures and discussions will prove valuable to the reader who is interested in the cause for which the League of Nations stands, and some of them, e.g., Mr. Zimmern's address on "The Development of the International Mind," and Mr. Garnett's on The Psychology of Patriotism," are of direct interest to teachers. We warmly recommend the book to the attention of our readers.

England under the Tudors and Stuarts. By K. Feiling. (2s. Williams and Norgate.)

A History of England. By D. SOMERVELL. (6d. Benn.) Each of these volumes belongs to a great and popular series of handbooks. Mr. Keith Feiling's "England under the Tudors and Stuarts" is the latest addition to the Home University Library. It is a brilliant and illuminating piece of writing, admirably maintaining the high standard of Messrs. Williams & Norgate's collection. Mr. Somervell's little manual inaugurates Messrs. Benn's marvellous Sixpenny Library. In some 24,000 words a clear and vigorous sketch of the whole course of English History is presented. A better introduction to the subject could scarcely be conceived.

The Life of Gladstone. By J. MORLEY. Popular Edition, Abridged. By C. F. G. MASTERMAN. (5s. net. Hodder & Stoughton.)

With great skill Mr. C. F. G. Masterman has done what Lord Morley himself at one time contemplated and indeed actually began. He has abridged into a single handy and inexpensive volume the essential parts of the three large tomes which constitute Lord Morley's classic biography of Gladstone. Further, he has contributed a valuable preface of twenty pages in which he estimates the significance of Gladstone's life, and indicates the characteristics of Morley's treatment of it. This book should have a wide circulation among students of Victorian history.

The Growth of Europe Through the Dark Ages, A.D. 401-1100: a Brief Narrative of Evolution from Tribal to National Status. By General Sir E. BARROW. (10s. 6d. net. Witherby.) Medieval History. By M. R. DACOMBE. (World History Series-Vol. II. Edited by Dr. E. BARKER.)

General Sir Edmund Barrow has evidently become interested in the Middle Ages through reading Gibbon, Bryce, Hodgkin, and other English writers. He has attempted to give a summary of the information which they contain, because he thinks, on one hand, that it has been neglected and forgotten, and, on the other hand, that it would, if known, be useful to politicians. In both his suppositions he is mistaken. Medieval history has little present-day political value. Moreover, its study is no longer neglected, as the syllabuses of all school and university examinations amply prove. Sir Edward apparently is unacquainted with the numerous and excellent text-books which are available, e.g., Previté-Orton, Thorndike, Davis, Myers, Webster, Robinson. If he had known of them, he would probably have refrained from adding this work to their number; for it is strikingly inferior to most of them both in style and in arrangement. It shows no real grasp of the theme. Although much less detailed Miss Dacombe's volume is immeasurably better and more interesting.


The Indecisiveness of Modern War and Other Essays. By Prof. J. H. ROSE. (Ios. 6d. net. Bell.)

Dr. Holland Rose has collected within the covers of this excellently printed and well-bound volume eleven papers read before learned societies, or articles, contributed to popular magazines. Dr. Rose always writes with grace and lucidity, and he usually illuminates the themes of which he treats. The best of these essays deal with the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, and fortunately they extend to more than half the book. The least satisfactory are the two which give their title to the collection. Dr. Rose seems to confuse war with battles. In the Great War comparatively few battles were decisive victories or defeats; nevertheless, the issue of the War itself was one of the most emphatic that history records.

A History of Europe, 1871-1920: Supplement to the Student's Modern Europe. By D. B. HORN. (4s. 6d. Murray.) Lodge's "Modern Europe" has for more than a generation been the standard introduction to the study of Western history during the four centuries A.D. 1453-1878. The present work, written by a distinguished pupil of Sir Richard Lodge, and under the guidance of the master, carries on the story to 1920. It is a capable and even brilliant piece of writing. Its four long chapters treat respectively of the ascendancy of Germany; the Schism of Europe into Triple Alliance and Triple Entente ; the Great War; and the Post-War Settlement.

History of England, 1688-1815. By E. M. WRONG. (28. Williams & Norgate.)

Mr. Wrong's little volume on England in the eighteenth century is a worthy sequel to Mr. Keith Feiling's brilliant sketch of the Tudor and Stuart periods. per It exactly covers the era of the so-called "Second Hundred Years' War" with France, which was also the era during which the first British Empire was lost and the second British Empire founded. Mr. Wrong, as the son of the great Canadian historian, and himself a highly trained scholar, is peculiarly well fitted to deal with this period, and he has written a fascinating and illuminating book. It is a most welcome addition to the valuable Home University Library.

History Stories for Little Folk. By MARJORIE BEVAN. (IS. Iod.

Sampson Low.)

The Stuart Period. By T. BEVAN. (25. 3d. Sampson Low.) From Waterloo to the Present Day. By T. BEVAN. (2s. 6d.

Sampson Low.)

The Story of British Trade and Commerce: An Historical Account of Britain's Growth and Greatness from the Industrial and Commercial Aspect. By H. COURT and L. COURT. (2s. 6d. Sampson Low.)

These four volumes all belong to the useful Tabard Series of Handbooks of English History. They are written in simple and interesting style, yet at the same time they are systematic and informative. They are copiously illustrated, although too many of the illustrations are imaginary and of little educational value. The stories in the first volume are excellently told. The surveys of history in the second and third are careful and judicious. The sketch of economic development given in the fourth is as good an introduction to the study of British trade and.commerce as could be desired.

The Romance of the Cotton Industry in England. By L. S. WOOD and Dr. A. WILMORE. (5s. net. Oxford University Press.), This is a delightful book. The term "romance," which might appear to be inappropriate when applied to a textile industry, is amply justified by the engrossing story which Mr. Wood and Dr. Wilmore tell. They give a sketch of much more than the history of cotton. They describe from a commanding point of view the whole course of the Industrial Revolution in England. Numerous illustrations from authentic models make the story of the development of the arts of spinning and weaving luminously clear. This is more than a text-book, it is a classic.

Navies and Nations: A Review of Naval Developments since the

Great War. By H. C. BYWATER. (125. net. Constable.) Mr. Bywater made a name for himself some years ago by his remarkable books on the command of the Pacific Ocean. In the present volume he attempts a more general survey of naval problems as they present themselves after the elimination of Germany as a sea-power. He writes well, clearly, and vigorously. His array of facts and figures is such as to demand respectful consideration for his views. Nevertheless his conclusions will not be pleasant reading for Britons who still hope that their country may rule the waves. He thinks that in any race for naval armaments Britain is bound to be outdistanced by her rivals, and in particular by America. He condemns the establishment of the Singapore base as an unnecessary irritation to Japan. He strongly advocates a policy of naval restriction along the lines of the Washington Agreement of 1922. This book is an important one for all students of high politics.

A History of the Ancient World. By Prof. M. RosroVTZEFF. Vol. II. Rome. Translated from the Russian by J. D. DUFF. (21s. net. Clarendon Press.)

The Story of Ancient Babylonia and Assyria. The Story of Ancient
Egypt. By D. A. MACKENZIE. (IS. 3d. each. Blackie.)
The Old World Story for Young Readers. By H. G. HUTCHINSON.
(2s. 6d. Murray.)

Europe in the Nineteenth Century (1789-1914). By Prof. A. J.
GRANT and Dr. H. TEMPERLEY. (125. 6d. net. Longmans.)


España. By Prof. A. MARINONI. (5s. New York: Macmillan.) Here is ambition. Within a bare one hundred and twenty pages an attempt is made to give a picture of Spain. There are chapters on geography, agriculture and commerce, constitution, history, topography, language, literature, music, art and Spanish-America. Yet, so skilful is the presentation that one is not conscious of the sketch but grateful for the picture. The illustrations are not the least attractive feature of the book. Reproductions of the works of Murillo, Sorolla, Goya, Zurbarán and Velasquez as well as pictures of notable monuments of Spanish art are abundant. This is a book for the bookshelf in our class-room.

Le Gendre de Monsieur Poirier. Comédie par Émile Augier et

JULES SANDEAU. (IS. 9d. Dent.)

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This is the third volume of Dent's Treasuries of French Literature," published under Mr. Ripman's editorship. The excellent introduction in French gives an idea of the authors' lives and of their works, and shows clearly what they owe to the influence of Molière. The analysis of the chief characters in the play is especially interesting.

Tartarin de Tarascon. By ALPHONSE DAUDET. (IS. 9d. Dent.) This is an old favourite published in a very attractive form, with suitable illustrations. There is also a French-English vocabulary, printed on perforated pages, which can be removed without damaging the appearance of the book. The explanatory foot-notes are clear and good, and will be of great help to the student. The addition of an interesting questionnaire should prove of great value.

Les Mille et un Matins: 25 Contes et Nouvelles d'Auteurs Contemporains. (Is. 9d. Dent.)


These twenty-five stories, all by modern authors, first appeared as feuilletons" in Le Matin. They are, on the whole, suitable reading for pupils in the upper forms of secondary schools. The notes are clear and the French-English vocabulary sufficient for its purpose.

L'Avare. By MOLIÈRE. (Is. 9d. Dent.)

The attractive binding and good print of this edition of Molière's "l'Avare" assure the success of the volume. The introductory notes on the play will be found most helpful. The foot-notes too are very clear.

Lettres de Mon Moulin. By ALPHONSE DAUDET. Selected and

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Edited by J. M. MOORE. (2s. Nelson.) This selection from "Lettres de Mon Moulin" is a volume in the "Modern Studies" series of which Prof. Graeme Ritchie is the general editor. His name is a sufficient guarantee that the texts are well chosen, and the editorial work sound. The Lettres de Mon Moulin" are a well-established favourite, and all the best-known stories will be found here. Mr. Moore's introduction deals briefly, but adequately, with the book, the author and that part of the province to which reference is made in the "Lettres." The editor has also provided good notes (in English) and a vocabulary. There are some good illustrations based on photographs taken by Mr. Moore. Advanced Tests in German Composition and Grammar.


H. J. B. WANSTALL. (IS. 3d. Harrap.) These "advanced tests" consist of a few pages of easy sentences for translation into German, and a number of tests each made up of an English passage for translation, some questions on grammar, and sentences for translation. The English passages in the early part of the book have been translated from various German sources; those in the latter part are taken from English authors. At the end of the book there are some difficult English sentences for translation. The little book is clearly the work of an experienced teacher. The only drawback that some might find is the absence of subjects for free composition.

Stories by Contemporary French Novelists. Edited with Short Critical Study of each Author, Notes and Vocabulary by MARION E. BOWLER. (2s. Ginn.)

The eight stories here collected are by such well-known authors as Henry Bordeaux, Georges Duhamel, and Romain Rolland. They make good reading, though some of them are a little harrowing. Miss Bowler supplies a short account of each author and his works, and references to the estimates of literary critics. The notes explain most difficulties in the text; some are on such elementary points as to appear superfluous. There is also a vocabulary.

Singers' French. By MAY LAIRD-BROWN. (5s. net. Dent.)

There are vocalists who shrink from singing French songs because of weak knowledge of the language, and others who sing

them with very faulty diction. Miss Laird-Brown is a distinguished teacher of singing in New York, who has long made good use of phonetics in her work. She has divided her book on

Singers' French" into two sections, one dealing with the sounds, the other with the grammar of the French language. By choosing her copious examples from well-known French songs and opera librettos, she at the same time extends the vocabulary of the learner in an eminently useful way. Miss Laird-Brown may justly claim that "students who follow this course conscientiously under guidance of a competent teacher acquire not only an acceptable singing diction, but also sufficient understanding of the construction and idioms of the language to enable them to read the songs of the average repertoire."

Das Holzknechthaus ; Das Felsenbildnis. Novellen von P.

ROSEGGER. Prepared by A. W. WALKER. (IS. 9d. Dent.) The stories of Peter Rosegger, the famous Austrian novelist, are not as well known in this country as they deserve to be. The two which are here presented are typical studies of peasantry, and form a welcome addition to our school reading books. Mr. Walker has supplied a few foot-notes, exercises, and a full vocabulary. The exercises consist of questions on the subjectmatter, and tests of the vocabulary and grammar. The text has been divided into twenty-one sections, and there are exercises to each. The little book is clearly and well printed, and the book, one of Dent's Treasuries of German Literature," has an especially attractive binding.

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Marta y María. By Don A. P. VALDÉS. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, Exercises, and Vocabulary by Prof. H. M. MARTIN. (5s. Ginn.)


Armando Palacio Valdés is among the greatest of realistic writers. Among Spanish realists he is supreme. His style is so pure and clear that he is an admirable model for study, so that this edition of "Marta y María" is especially welcome. The annotations are particularly good, but the vocabulary is overburdened. For students who can read and appreciate Valdés, there is no need for translation of "favor," " avril," " activo," "admirar," " adorable," "agosto," and scores of words of this type.

Anthologie du XVIe Siècle Français. By Prof. J. PLATTARD. (2s. 6d. Nelson.)

Students are tempted to neglect the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries in French literature, and especially the former, though even a slight taste of it is likely to induce a desire for further study of it. There are not many handy books available for this purpose; and we are therefore grateful to Prof. Ritchie for including this volume in Nelson's Modern Studies" Series, of which he is the general editor. Prof. Plattard in his introduction discusses the various authors, extracts from whose works are contained in the selection, which has been made with good judgment. There are no notes, but the glossary supplies renderings of the more unusual words. There are some good illustrations, mostly from early prints.

A Progressive German Reader. By A. H. WINTER. (2s. 6d. Pitman.)

Outlines of French Literature, with Chapters on the History of France. By L. J. GARDINER. (7s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.)

Le Duc Job: Comédie en Quatre Actes et en Prose. By L. LAYA. (2s. Macmillan.)

Les Merveilles de l'Instinct Chez les Insectes. By J. H. FABRE. Prepared by HILDA GOULD. (Is. 9d. Dent.)

La Versification du Français Moderne. By Prof. A. TAVERNEY. (2s. net. Heffer.)

Mon Livre. Cours Moyen. By E. SAXELBY. (25. 6d. Ginn.) Selections from Marcel Proust. With Introduction and Notes by DE V. PAYEN-PAYNE, and a Glossary. (Is. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

Hippolyte Taine. Vie et Opinions de Thomas Graindorge. Extraits. Annotés par E. J. A. GROVES. (9d. Blackie.) Spoken French: A Phonetic Manual. By Kr. NYROP. Translated by G. NOËL-ARMFIELD. (7s. 6d. net. Heffer.) Essentials of German Reviewed. By P. HAGBOLDT. (8s. net. The University of Chicago Press: London: Cambridge University Press.)

French Poetry for Children. Compiled by A. WATSON BAIN. (Is. 6d. Macmillan.)

Le Nez d'un Notaire. By E. ABOUT. (Is. 6d. Macmillan.) Elementary French Composition. By Prof. L. E. KASTNER and J. MARKS. (1s. 9d. Dent.)


Christianity According to St. Paul. By the Rev. Dr. C. А. А. SCOTT. (125. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) Dr. Anderson Scott's new book is an important contribution to New Testament studies. It deals in an independent and thorough manner with some of the most vital issues of contemporary theology. The themes dealt with include St. Paul's idea of Salvation in its various aspects. These include a discussion of the Apostle's relation to the Mystery-Religions, The Sacraments, Christian Ethical duties, Eschatology, and Christology. In the last case, a very interesting section is devoted to a consideration of the significance of the title "Lord" (Kyrios) as applied to Christ. A short quotation will show what the author's view of St. Paul's essential character is. He says: “Take away St. Paul's knowledge of Christ, and his faith in Christ, and what is left is not a cosmopolitan, or an eclectic, or a Hellenist of any kind, but a Jew of the noblest type, with a passionate devotion to all that was best and purest in the Jewish religion." Further, he points to the "absence of any serious or sustained attempt to relate the new message to the current thought of the Hellenic world. Had Paul's mind been captured by, or even seriously influenced by that non-Jewish world of thought, neither his style nor his method of argument would be what it is. In his presentation of the Gospel he starts from Jewish postulates, assumes the validity of the Jewish Scriptures, and operates with Jewish argument and illustration."

The Mind of Jesus. By L. HOWLAND. (3s. 6d. Sampson Low.) This attractively written volume consists of a series of short chapters, made up of studies in the mind and character of Jesus. They are arranged under such headings as "Heretical" (II), "Radical or Conservative " (III), "Undogmatic" (V), "Mysteries and Mysticisms" (XII), "Oriental ? (XIII), The Intellectuals " (XX), "Personality” (XXV). The book is interesting, suggestive, and eminently readable.

Uncut Jewels Among Young Men. By R. BRYMER. (3s. 6d. net. Harrap.)

"This book," the author tells us, " is founded on facts. The narratives are true. They are the outcome of many years spent in voluntary, and, for the most part, independent labour in the interests of the welfare of Youth." They consist of a series of twelve sketches of various types of young people. The volume will be of interest and profit to those who are engaged in work among boys and young men.

The Christian Mission in Africa; a Study Based on the Work of the International Conference at Le Zoute, Belgium, September 14 to 21, 1926. Ву Е. W. SMITH. (3s. 6d. net. The International Missionary Council.)

This striking and valuable volume is an important contribution to the subject with which it deals. It is not in the least planned on conventional lines. The whole subject of Missions in Africa is here dealt with in relation to the problems that beset the economic and moral and cultural development of that continent. The book is no mere record of speeches and resolutions, but gives a personal impression and summing up of the whole discussions. Its range may be gathered from some of the subjects of its chapters, which include discussions of "The New Africa "(I), Facing the Facts " (III), "The African Church" (VI), "Education" (VII), "Towards a Healthy Africa” (VIII), "Land and Labour in Africa" (IX), "Co-operation in and for Africa" (X), What it all means to us (XI). A number of special papers and speeches are also included in the volume.


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The Franciscans in England, 1224-1538. By E. HUTTON.

(7s. 6d. net. Constable.)

Mr. Hutton, in this timely volume, traces the rise, progress, and decline of the Franciscan Order in England, down to the suppression in 1538-9. The story is told in eighteen scholarly chapters, which are of absorbing interest, and which bring vividly before us not only the fortunes of the Order, as it developed, but also pictures of the outstanding personalities connected with it-Alexander of Hales, Adam de Marisco, Roger Bacon, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham. There is a good chapter on the Black Death and its effects. Mr. Hutton freely and skilfully quotes original authorities.

The Apocrypha; The Revised Version, with the Revised Marginal References. (6s. net. Cambridge University Press.) This edition of the Revised Apocrypha is distinguished from all previous editions by having the verses printed separately, and not in paragraph-form. It is a boon to have the references clearly indicated. The type is bold and clear. We could, however, have wished the price had been somewhat cheaper.

Elementary Christianity. By Dr. C. ALINGTON. (2S. 6d. net.


A little book which will be found useful by the ordinary educated lay reader who wishes to have a clear statement, involving no presuppositions as to technical theological equipment, of the claims of Christianity as a whole. Its most important aspects are set forth in a series of readable chapters which deal with (1) Our Belief about God: (2) the Divinity of Christ: and (3) the Obstacles to the Acceptance of the Christian View. The Reverend Richard Baxter Under the Cross (1662-1691).

By Dr. F. J. POWICKE. (15s. net. Cape.)

In this valuable study Dr. Powicke completes his survey of Baxter's life. It deals, of course, with a strenuous period and highly controversial matters. But, though the author does not hesitate to take sides, he brings out in a very illuminating way the facts and the issues. The book is thoroughly well documented.

The Korân. Translated into English from the Original Arabic by G. SALE, with Explanatory Notes from the most approved Commentators. (2s. 6d. net. cloth; 4s. net antique; 5s. net leather. Warne.)

This new edition of an old classic will be welcomed by all who are interested in the Islamic world, and, in fact, by all who take an intelligent interest in the religious problems of the world to-day. Sir Edward Denison Ross has written a short and scholarly introduction.

Book Referred to in the Prayer Book Measure, 1927 (The Deposited
Book). (2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)
Eucharist and Sacrifice. By Prof. F. C. BURKITT. (6d. net.

The Invocation of the Holy Spirit in the Prayer of Consecration.
By J. W. HUNKIN. (Is. net. Heffer.)

It is impossible to comment here in detail on the changes embodied in the revised Prayer Book. We can only record our opinion that on the whole the revision has been done extraordinarily well. It reflects the genius of Anglicanism. Controversy has been mainly concerned, of course, with the alternative canon proposed for the communion service. This follows, to a large extent, the Eastern liturgies, in accordance with the tradition of the non-jurors. Prof. Burkitt, in his interesting and original pamphlet, " Eucharist and Sacrifice" comes out as the champion of the Roman Canon. This essay ought to be carefully read by all who are interested in the question. Mr. Hunkin's contribution also deserves recognition. It is scholarly and most useful.

The Synoptic Gospels. Edited, with an Introduction and a Commentary, by Dr. C. G. MONTEFIORE. 2 Vols. Second Edition, Revised and Partly Rewritten. (30s. net. Macmillan.)

Dr. Montefiore is by this time known, not only to preachers, but also to teachers, as a Liberal Jew who has, within his own community, learned to combine the principles of reverence and freedom, and who is fitted by temperament to bring those principles to bear upon everything that he touches. His justification for writing upon the Gospels is that he represents a point of view which is of interest to Christians no less than to Jews. His ample knowledge (he disclaims any pretence to learning !) and his absolute sincerity are apparent on every page of his work. This Journal is scarcely the place for an examination of his views in detail. We can only say that we hope Dr. Montefiore will become known to English teachers, not only for his "Bible for Home Reading," which is doing solid service to the intelligent teaching of the Old Testament, but also for this fine commentary, which should take a place in all college and school libraries. Incidentally, the book is a noble manifestation of religious broadmindedness.

A Commentary and Questionnaire on the Gospel According to St. Mark. By the Rev. Canon J. R. WYNNE-EDWARDS. (6d. Pitman.)

An Uphill Road in India. By M. L. CHRISTLIEB. (6s. net. Allen & Unwin.)

A Commentary and Questionnaire on the Gospel According to St. Luke. A Commentary and Questionnaire on the Gospel According to St. Matthew. By the Rev. Canon J. R. WYNNEEDWARDS. (6d. each. Pitman.)

Philips' Handy Scripture Atlas. By G. PHILIP. (IS. Philip.) The Apocrypha: Its Story and Messages. By Dr. S. H. MELLONE.

(2s. 6d. net. The Lindsey Press.)

School Prayers. By Rev. J. B. GOODLIFFE. (2S. net. Student Christian Movement.)


Readable Physiology and Hygiene: a Book for Beginners. By | History of the Sciences in Greco-Roman Antiquity. By Prof. Dr. J. A. CAMPBELL. (3S. 6d. Bell.)

This book, of which hygiene claims as much as does physiology, is evidently written for readers who have no knowledge of natural science. Such things as a chemical balance, barometer, various thermometers, and even a microscope are figured with or without further explanation of their principles. The "readability" of the book suffers from these (to most readers unnecessary) digressions. Apart from this criticism, we find here a simple account of the elements of human physiology, and excellent instruction on how to live healthily not only in this country, but also in less temperate climes.

Test Papers in Physics (Heat, Light, and Sound; Magnetism and Electricity): With Points Essential to Answers. By P. J. L. SMITH. (5s. 6d. Pitman.)

These papers are intended for the use of candidates for school certificate and matriculation examinations. The "Points Essential to Answers" are very extensive (139 pages), and these will be of much use to the teacher; but it is possible that the average student will depend upon these unduly, and will refer to them before he has made an unaided effort to answer the questions.

Benn's Sixpenny Library. The Age of the Earth: an Introduction

to Geological Ideas. By Prof. A. HOLMES. (6d. Benn.) Modern Scientific Ideas, Especially the Idea of Discontinuity: Being the Substance of the Talks on "Atoms and Worlds Broadcast during October and November, 1926. By Sir OLIVER LODGE. (6d. Benn.)

The Atom. By Prof. E. N. DA C. ANDRADE. (6d. Benn.)

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These three little books, of eighty pages each, are astonishingly good value for money. Written by acknowledged experts, they present their facts lucidly and authoritatively and may be emphatically recommended to teachers and students alike. If we direct special attention to The Age of the Earth" it is not because Sir Oliver Lodge and Prof. Andrade fall short of the same level of excellence, but because Prof. Holmes has given a fascinating account of an important subject which usually lies outside the school science scheme but in which nevertheless boys and girls are generally keenly interested. The books are suited to the adult general reader or to the science specialists in schools.

The Kingsway Series of Nature Study Exercise Books.


R. MORSE. Book Ic. Spring Term. (4d. net. Evans.) Each page of this contains matter for three short lessons; (1) dealing ing with physical environment, e.g., clouds, frosted panes, a kettle boiling; (2) plant life; (3) animal life. Some information is given under the heading of "Notes"; further assistance is afforded by illustrations; while a certain amount is left to be found out by the pupil, and answered in writing. Nearly all these lessons are as suitable for town schools as for country.

Glimpses of Animal Life. By Various Authors. (Is. 9d. Murray.)

This series of extracts from the writings of Prof. J. A. Thomson, Horace G. Hutchinson, Richard Jefferies, Frank Buckland, and other literary naturalists makes very pleasant reading. It is intended as a school-book, and as a demonstration of good literary style. The pupil who cannot enjoy and appreciate the various aspects of animal life as here presented must indeed be a dull dog. At the end of the book is given a glossary for each extract, explaining those few words that might be unfamiliar ; and there is added, for the benefit of the teacher who wishes to test his pupil's appreciation, a set of questions-three on each extract.

Gallio, or The Tyranny of Science. By J. W. N. SULLIVAN. (2s. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.)

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The "To-day and To-morrow" Series of Messrs. Kegan Paul is well-enough known by now, and Mr. Sullivan's contribution to the series is fully up to the high, witty, and entertaining standard set by previous contributors. All who have read the author's History of Mathematics" will expect much to provoke and interest them in this little volume-and they will not be disappointed. "No artist has felt his aspirations baseless because he cannot draw a circle whose circumference is six times its radius. He has no more right to despair because there is an inexorable law of gravitation." Here are two tyrannies" of sorts. We heartily commend "Gallio to all our readers for



A. REYMOND. Translated by RUTH GHEURY DE BRAY. (7s. 6d. net. Methuen.)

The plea for the recognition of the humanistic side to the study of science and its history steadily gains ground. Prof. Reymond's work at the University of Lausanne is a factor in this movement, and it is one that happily now has its counterpart in London and other universities in this country. Both the publishers and the translator of Prof. Reymond's book have contributed a real service in making available to English readers this real and penetrating study of the salient features of science and scientific method in Greek antiquity.

Quantitative Analysis. By D. B. BRIGGS. (3s. 6d. Sidgwick

and Jackson.)

Mr. Briggs has prepared " a series of experiments illustrating the main types of reactions involved in elementary analysis," and has added short explanations and supplementary notes in order to help the student to understand his work thoroughly. The selection has been very well made, the instructions are clear and precise, without being verbose, and the whole book is one we can cordially recommend for post-school certificate work in the schools.

Elementary Practical Chemistry: For Students Preparing for the School Certificate and Matriculation Examinations. By E. J. HOLMYARD. (2s. Bell.)

A carefully graded course by a writer whose name is sufficient commendation for the soundness of the contents. A year's previous knowledge of practical chemistry has been assumed. The instructions given are clear, concise, and very properly not fool-proof.

Mechanics Applied to Engineering. By Prof. J. GoODMAN. Vol. I. Ninth Edition (14s. 6d. net.) Vol. II. Chiefly Worked Examples (16s. net. Longmans.)

The usefulness of this well-known text-book has been much increased by the addition, in the form of a second volume, of a very extensive collection of worked examples. These are grouped in chapters which have the same sequence and headings as in Vol. I. The examples are worked out most clearly, and excellent diagrams are added where necessary. The author states, in the preface to Vol. II, that the book is not intended for advanced students or for those possessing a knowledge of higher mathematics, but that it fills the gap between advanced treatises and the numerous elementary text-books. For the benefit of students not familiar with logarithms, the appendix contains a table giving the powers of numbers, from 1 to 30, when raised to powers from 1 to 4, advancing in both cases by oi. Students who already have a copy of Vol. I are strongly recommended to obtain the new Vol. II.

Bird Life at Home and Abroad, with other Nature Observations. By T. A. COWARD. (7s. 6d. net. Warne.) Rather more than half of the chapters in this book are based on articles that have been published in various periodicals. They are all well worth reading, containing as they do not only accounts of the author's observations, but also thoughtful discussions of many bird-problems that still await solution. Ethics of Egg-collecting" might advantageously be read to every school annually at the commencement of the nesting



The Natural History of Ice and Snow: Illustrated from the Alps. By Dr. A. E. H. TUTTON. (2IS. net. Kegan Paul.) All keen climbers of the Alps will enjoy the contents of this volume. The author has derived his knowledge of the Alps of Central Europe from personal experience, and he describes in full detail many of the expeditions which he has undertaken. Perhaps the more striking feature of the book is the beauty and number of its illustrations; and many of these are direct reproductions of photographs taken by the author. Part I, extending to about seventy pages, is devoted entirely to the physical properties of water, ice, and snow; and the crystal structure of the solid forms is explained in full detail this, naturally, would be expected from a leading authority on the science of crystallography. These chapters are followed by others on geological and physiographical details: and, then, the climbing begins. We would suggest one alteration (on page 67) where, in a description of refrigerators, it is stated that 17 grams of liquid ammonia require 5.7 calories to convert it to gas and the calorie is defined in a footnote. Surely, the large calorie, which is equal to 1,000 calories, is here intended.

(Continued on page 564)

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