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Eversley Edition. With Notes. [Junior

Scott. ROB ROY. Abridged and Edited by E. R. MUSGROVE. Pocket Classics. 25. [Junior

ROB ROY. Abridged Edition for Schools. 2s.

Longer Narrative Poems of the Nineteenth Century.
Edited by G. G. LOANE, M.A. Is. 6d.


Caesar. DE BELLO GALLICO. Book IV. With Notes and Vocabulary. By C. BRYANS, M.A. 2s. [School

GALLIC WAR. Book V. With Notes and Vocabulary. By C. COLBECK, М.А. 25. [School Tacitus. AGRICOLA. Edited by A. J. CHURCH, CHURCH, MA M.A., and W. J. BRODRIBB, M.A. 2s. 6d.

Horace. ODES. Book III. With Notes and Vocabulary. By T. E. PAGE, M.A. 2s. [School ODES. Book III. Edited by T. E. PAGE, M.A. [School

2s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

Complete List, including the Higher School Certificate Examination, free on application.

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of the Universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, and Birmingham, 1928.




A Second Book of Modern Poetry. Selected and Arranged by H. A. TREBLE, M.A. Is. 6d. Shakespeare. - JULIUS CAESAR. With Introduction and Notes. K. DEIGHTON. 25. G. W. and L. G. HUFFORD. Pocket Classics. 2S. R. M. LoVETT. Tudor Edition. 2s. 6d. Eversley Edition. With Notes. Is. 6d. net.

TWELFTH NIGHT. With Introduction and Notes. K. DEIGHTON. 25. E. P. MORTON. Pocket Classics. 25. R. L. BLACKWOOD and A. R. OSBORN. Belmont Edition. 2s. W. M. HART, Ph.D. Tudor Edition. 2s. 6d. Eversley Edition. With Notes. Is. 6d. net.

Tennyson. GARETH AND LYNETTE. With Introduction and Notes. By G. C. MACAULAY, M.A. 25. THE PASSING OF ARTHUR. With Introduction and Notes. By F. J. ROWE, M.A. 6d.

Xenophon.-ANABASIS. Book III. With Notes and
Vocabulary. By Rev. G. H. NALL, M.A. 2s.
ANABASIS. Books I-IV. Edited by Profs.
W. W. GOODWIN and J. W. WHITE. 45.

EMPIRE. Book I. Chs. 89-118 and 128-138.
With Notes, Vocabulary and Exercises. By F. H.
COLSON, M.A. 25.

Homer. ILIAD. Book VI. With Notes and Vocabu-
lary. By W. LEAF, Litt.D., and Rev. M. A.

Caesar. DE BELLO GALLICO. Book IV. With
Notes and Vocabulary. By C. BRYANS, M.A. 25.
Livy. Books II and III. Edited by Rev. H. М.

Virgil. AENEID. Book XI. With Notes and Vocabu-
lary. By T. E. PAGE, M.A. 2s.


[blocks in formation]

4s. 6d. net. COMUS.

Milton.-POETICAL WORKS. Edited by D. MASSON. [School

With Introduction and Notes. By
W. BELL, C.I.E., M.A. Paper, 1s. 3d.; boards,
Is. 9d.

COMUS, &c. Edited by S. E. ALLEN. Pocket
Classics. 25.
SONNETS, &c. With Introduction and Notes.
By W. BELL, C.I.E., M.A. Paper, 2s.; boards,
2s. 6d.

Carlyle. ABBOT SAMSON; Selected Chapters from
Carlyle; Past and Present. Book II. Edited by
F. A. CAVENAGH, M.A. Cloth boards, Is. 9d.;
paper, 1s. 6d.

[School Kingsley.-ALTON LOCKE. 2s. 6d. net. [School Scott. MARMION, and THE LORD OF THE ISLES.

By F. T. PALGRAVE. IS. 3d.


[School BOOKS XXI and XXII. Edited by Rev. W. W. CAPES, M.A. 5s.


C. H. KEENE, Μ.Α. 2S. Text of this Edition is
carefully expurgated for School use. [School
Caesar. GALLIC WAR. Book IV. With Notes and
Vocabulary. By C. BRYANS, M.A. 2S.
GALLIC WAR. Book V. With Notes and
Vocabulary. By C. COLBECK, М.А. 25.


[Junior Virgil.-AENEID. Book VI. With Notes and Vocabulary. By T. E. PAGE, M.A. 25. [Junior and School Demosthenes.—PHILIPPIC I and OLYNTHIACS, I-III. Edited by Sir J. E. SANDYS, Litt.D. 6s.

[School Plato. APOLOGY. Edited by H. WILLIAMSON, M.Α. 3s. [School Homer. THE ODYSSEY. Done into English by S. H. BUTCHER, Litt.D., D.Litt., and ANDREW LANG, M.A. School Edition. 4s. 6d. [School Xenophon.-ANABASIS. Book III. With Notes and Vocabulary. By Rev. G. H. NALL, M.A. 2s. [Junior ANABASIS. Books I-IV. Edited by Prof. W. W. GOODWIN and Prof. J. W. WHITE. 45. [Junior

Complete List, including the Higher School Certificate Examination, free on application.

Livy.-BOOK XXI. With Notes and Vocabulary. By
Rev. W. W. CAPES, M.A. and J. E. MELHUISH,
M.A. 2s.



(1) Primitive Italy and the Beginnings of Roman Imperialism

By Prof. L. HOMO. (16s. net. Kegan Paul.)

(2) Rome the Law-Giver. By Prof. J. DECLAREUIL. (16s. net. Kegan Paul.)

(1) To trace the growth of Rome from its obscure origin to its establishment as an imperial power in the second century в.с., is the task undertaken by M. Homo, professor in the University of Lyons, in the series of volumes-most of them translations from French-on the history of civilization, now being issued by Messrs. Kegan Paul & Co. The author has given a very clear and interesting presentment of his theme, subjecting the earliest records and facts and legends to a careful and learned criticism. He assigns a very important, perhaps a too important, part to the Etruscans in the development of Rome, and is inclined on the strength of a double inscription recently discovered in Lemnos to assign their origin, as Herodotus did long ago, to Asia Minor. The last part of the book deals with the unconscious transformation of Rome into the mistress of the Mediterranean world. (2) Roman law is the greatest legacy of Rome to the modern world and the proper appreciation of it is a study by itself. To summarize it in a volume of moderate compass is perhaps an impossible task, and those who read M. Declareuil's work without any previous knowledge of the subject may find it difficult owing to the brevity forced upon the author. Classical students would have welcomed more detailed analysis of the Law of the Republic and Early Empire, but they will find much to interest and instruct them in the chapters on the Gens and the City and the Law of the Family, where the significance of Patria Potestas, is examined, as well as assistance on many technical points and phrases which occur frequently in Cicero's speeches. The index might well have been fuller. It is curious to find stamped on the covers of these handsome volumes dealing with Rome not the republican wolf or imperial eagle, but the Athenian owl.

Epochs of American History, Expansion and Reform, 1889-1926.


By Prof. J. S. BASSETT. (6s. Longmans.) Messrs. Longmans' "Epochs of Modern History" series has long enjoyed a wide and well-merited popularity. The new Epochs of American History series promises to be no less useful. In fact, it contains new features, e.g., extensive bibliographies which will make its volumes even more valuable as guides to students. The little book before us treats of the latest age of American history, viz., the thirty-seven years from the installation of Harrison as President down to the present day. No more concise or lucid an introduction to current American politics could be desired. It is written by an American for Americans.

Home Life in History; Social Life and Manners in Britain, 200 B.C.-A.D. 1926. By J. GLOAG and C. T. WALKER. (12s. 6d. net. Benn.)

This book shows a curious and interesting blend of history, fiction, and drama. The main element is historic. The author's present a well-informed and cleverly constructed series of pictures of social life and manners in England during a period of more than twenty centuries. In respect of each age they endeavour to answer the three questions; (1) Where did the people live ? (2) How did they live?: and (3) What did they think and talk about? In order, however, to connect the pictures together and give unity of design, the narrative is made to treat of the successive generations (seventy-five in all) of a single imaginary family, Celtic in origin, which, by inter-marriages, allies itself successively to Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans. Two of the chapters include brief plays which could very effectively be acted in schools and colleges. Altogether the book is novel and attractive.

Exhibit on the Organization and Work of the League of Nations : a Series of Twenty-eight Pictorial Charts and Diagrams, specially suitable for Display in Schools, Colleges, Public Libraries, and other Educational Institutions. (6s. a set. League of Nations Union.)

Teachers who wish to impress their classes with the leading facts respecting the League of Nations will find these charts and diagrams very useful. They convey in brief and graphic manner concise information respecting the history of the League, the machinery of the League, the activities of the League, and the various problems with which the League is called upon to deal. Illustrations, including numerous portraits, make the charts attractive. It is to be feared that in their present form they will not stand much wear and tear. The paper on which they are printed, and the folder in which they are placed, are far too flimsy for practical use. Superior sets made of better

materials should be provided for schools where they are likely to have hard usage.

The Foundations of Civics. By E. M. WHITE. (25. 9d. Art Leather, 3s. 3d. Syndicate Publishing Co.)

Miss White is a diligent writer of works on civics. This is the fourth which, within the past few years, has issued from her pen. It differs in two respects from its predecessors. First, it presents only the "foundations" of the ordinary civic topics, such as parliamentary administration, local government, principles of taxation, and so on. Secondly, in the space thus saved, a considerable amount of information is given concerning other less usual branches of sociology, e.g., family life, industry, and culture. A number of incidental biographies do something to relieve the boredom of an extremely dull subject.

America Comes of Age: a French Analysis by A. Siegfried. Translated from the French by H. H. HEMMING and DORIS HEMMING. (125. 6d. net. Cape.)


One needs to have travelled in America for some time

(as the present reviewer happens to have done), to be able to certify confidently to M. Siegfried's grasp of his subject and also to his clarity of judgment. It is important that the European should understand the America of our time. But it is also difficult even for the Englishman. Prohibition, fundamentalism, the negro problem, an abounding industrial prosperity with insidious process of standardization, percolating from material to spiritual things, the co-existence of a doctrine of equal rights with an apparent decay of individual liberty, the elusive difference between a Democrat and a Republican, the general lack of interest in politics-these are a few of the puzzles upon which the author of this book, a much-travelled man and a distinguished student of economics, throws a vivid light. Naturally he writes with the prepossessions of a Frenchman, but he is all the more interesting to us on that account. Most cordially do we recommend this book to any one desirous of understanding the racial, economic, and political situation in America at the present time.

The Stuart Period. By T. BEVAN. (2s. 3d. Sampson Low.) History Stories for Little Folk. By MARJORIE BEVAN. (IS. Iod.

Sampson Low.)

From Waterloo to the Present Day. By T. BEVAN. (25. 6d. Sampson Low.)

Sociology or the Law and Progress of Mankind and their Institutions. By R. GOPAL and F. R. JOSYER. (3s. 6d. Bangalore City: Bangalore Press.)

The Seven Ages of Venice: a Romantic Rendering of Venetian
History. By С. М. ЅмітH. (Ios. 6d. net. Blackie.)
The March of History. Book III-From the Beginnings to the
By E. H. DANCE. (2s. 4d.
By M. WILLIAMS. (2S. 6d. net.

End of the Middle Ages. McDougall.)

A Child's History of Rhodesia.
Simpkin, Marshall.)
Communism. By Prof. H. J. LASKI. (2s. net. Williams & Norgate.)
Tales of our Ancestors: from King Arthur to William IV. By

Lt. Col. W. P. Drury. (Is. 6d. Dent.)

History of England, 1688-1815. By E. M. WRONG. (25. Williams & Norgate.)

English Democratic Ideas in the Seventeenth Century. By. Dr G. P. GOOCH. Second Edition, with Supplementary Notes and Appendices by Prof. H. J. LASKI. (10s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.)

The Problems of Peace : Lecture Delivered at the Geneva Institute of International Relations at the Palais des Nations, August, 1926, together with Appendices containing Summary of Discussions. (Ios. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

The Light of Experience: a Review of Some Men and Events of My Time. By Sir FRANCIS YOUNGHUSBAND. (15s. net. Constable.)

A History of Europe: the Middle Ages. By I. L. PLUNKET. Europe and the Modern World, 1492-1914. By R. B. MOWAT. (8s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.)


History of Europe, 1871-1920: Supplement to the Student's Modern Europe. By D. B. Horn. (4s. 6d. Murray.) A Source-Book of Welsh History. By MARY SALMON. (7s. 6d.

net. Oxford University Press.)

The Story of British Trade and Commerce: an Historical Account of Britain's Growth and Greatness from the Industrial and Commercial Aspect. By H. Court and L. COURT. (2s. 6d. Sampson Low.)

A New Approach to American History: Students' Guide Sheets. By D. C. BAILEY. (7s. 6d. net. University of Chicago Press. London: Cambridge University Press.)


A French Reader for Science Students. By JETHRO BITHELL (3s. 6d. Methuen.)

Mr. Bithell has followed up his German Science Reader by an equally useful compilation of notable passages from scientific works in French. These passages are not of too elementary a character. The largest sections are those dealing with physics and chemistry; rather smaller is that concerned with mathematics, and there are also selections from works on geology, botany and zoology. To each section are appended passages that have been set at London university examinations. There are no notes; but a glossary has been appended.

Certificate Exercises in French. By R. A. SPENCER. (25. 6d. Arnold.)

Quite a number of books of this type have been issued of late, for the purpose of helping candidates in French at a First Public examination. The grammatical introduction has, as a special feature, a large number of illustrative examples taken from many authors. This section is followed by a number of short sentences to be translated into French, affording practice in the grammar rules that have been given. Then there are forty continuous English passages of suitable standard, with footnotes containing helpful hints. Finally, there are a few " miscellaneous exercises," the reason for the inclusion of which is not quite obvious.

Contes Blancs. By J. LEMAÎTRE. Edited by Dr. R. L. G. RITCHIE. (2s. Nelson.)

French Revolution Portraits. By W. D. MONRO. (IS. 9d. Dent.) A Primer of Modern Icelandic. By S. JONSSON. (7s. 6d. net.

Oxford University Press.)

The French Poets of the Twentieth Century. An Anthology chosen by Prof. L. E. KASTNER. With an Introduction and Literary Appreciations. (7s. 6d. net. Dent.)

Anthologie du XVIe siècle Français. By Prof. J. PLATTARD. (2s. 6d. Nelson.)

German Commercial Terms and Phrases. By Dr. R. LusumM. (4s. net. Effingham Wilson.)

Junior Test Papers in German: for the Use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors and Similar Examinations, in the Junior Grade. By H. MIDGLEY. (Is. 3d. Pitman.) Maximes. By LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Prof. R. L. CRU. (4s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

Livre des Petits. By C. H. LEATHER and R. TALLARD. (IS. 4d. Black.)

Spanish Syntax and Composition. By J. P. HOWARD. (45. Cambridge University Press.)

Margueritte. Gens Qui Passent. Nine Tales, Chosen and Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by Prof. F. C. GREEN. (Is. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

A Modern German Grammar: Minimum Essentials Inductively Presented. By Dr. P. HAGBOLDT and Dr. F. W. KAUFMANN. (9s. 3d. net. University of Chicago Press. London : Cambridge University Press.)

Inductive Readings in German. By Dr. P. HAGBOLDT and Dr. F. W. KAUFMANN. Book I. (6s. 3d. net. University of Chicago Press. London. Cambridge University Press.) Preparatory French Grammar, with Exercises. By E. FOLDSTAYLOR. (Is. 6d. Dent.)

German Free Composition. By L. M. HAYES. (2s. 6d. Dent.) Die Sagen von Siegfried und Walthari. Prepared by A. J. STOREY. (Is. 9d. Dent.)

Das Holzknechthaus: das Felsenbildnis: Novellen von P. Rosegger. Prepared by A. W. WALKER. (IS. 9d. Dent.)


As a Pearl and O Shame on Thee. Verses by Eva M. MARTIN. Music by E. AUSTIN. (25. net. Larway.)

Forest Scene. Poem by D. Donaldson. Music by E. AUSTIN.

(2s. net. Larway.)

Remembrance: A Melody for Pianoforte. By E. BRYSON. Orchestrated by E. MAREO. (Full Orchestra, 2s. 9d. net. Small Orchestra, 2s. net. Piano Conductor, 6d. net. Extra Parts, each 4d. net. Larway.)

Pocket Sing-Song Book for Schools, Homes, and Community Singing. New Edition. (Is. 6d. Words only, 4d. Novello.) The Swallow. Blow, Bugle, Blow. Elaine's Song. Poems by TENNYSON. Music by F. NICHOLLS. (2s. net each.

Larway.) Six Two-Part Songs. 3 Vols. By various Composers. (Is. each. Novello.)

A Sheaf of Melodies for Pianoforte. By E. AUSTIN. (2s. net. Larway.)

Music Stories for Girls and Boys. By DONZELLA CROSS. (3s. 6d. Ginn.)

Five Two-Part Songs. By Various Composers. (Is. Novello.) Seven Unison Songs for the Higher Divisions. By various Com

posers. (Is. Novello.)


Seven Unison Songs for the Higher Divisions from The School

Music Review." (8d. Novello.)

Seven Easy Unison Songs. Twelve Unison Songs for Junior Classes. (Is. each.) Eight Easy Two-Part Songs. (8d.) By Various Composers. (Novello.)

Autumn Days: A Song-Cycle for Young Children. Words by ENID BLYTON. Music by C. SHARMAN. 6d. Novello.)

It was a Lover and His Lass: Two-Part Song. Words by SHAKESPEARE. Music by E. GERMAN. (4d.) Chorus of Elves from "Oberon" Arranged as a Trio for Female Voices. English words by J. R. PLANCHE. Music by C. M. Von WEBER. Sweeter than Songs of Summer. Arranged as a Unison Song, with ad lib. Second Part. Words by W. St. H. BOURNE. Music by J. F. BRIDGE. One Man Went to Mow. Unison Song. Arranged by H. A. CHAMBERS. (3d. each.) Sailing. Unison Song. Words by BEATRICE WOOD. Music by A. ROWLEY. (2d. Novello.)

Twelve Two-Part Canons. By various Composers. (Is. Novello.) Empire Song Book: A Collection of Suitable Music for Children's Festivals Which is so Arranged that it may be Performed with or without Actions. "She Stands a Thousand-Wintered Tree," "An Empire Song," and the Medleys. Composed by P. E. FLETCHER. (IS. Novello.)

The English Country Dance, Graded Series: Containing the Description of the Dances, together with the Tunes. By C. J. SHARP. 4 Vols. (3s. each. Novello.)

Our Village in Winter: Six Short Pieces for the Pianoforte. Composed by C. M. SPARLING. (2s. 3d. Novello.)

Singing Games. The Spring-Green Lady. Gypsy, Gypsy, Raggety Loon! Words and Music by ELEANOR FARJEON. (6d. each. Oxford University Press.)

A Little Cock-Sparrow and The Curtsy. Old Rhymes, with Actions and Music by HILDA M. GRIEVESON. (2S. Curwen.)

Old Farmer Buck: Action Song for Boys. Words, Traditional. Music, an Old Folk Tune arranged by G. WILLIAMS. (25. Curwen.)

Five Nursery Rhymes: Easy Pieces for Piano. By MARGARET PORTCH. (25. 6d. net. Curwen.)

The Science of Pianoforte Technique. By Prof. T. FIELDEN.

(8s. 6d. net. Macmillan.)

The Quest of Imelda: A Fair Operetta in Two Acts. Written and Composed by G. TOOTELL. (6s. Curwen.)

The Songs from Shakespeare's Plays: Set to the Old Tunes, with Notes on the Songs and Music. Edited and Arranged by T. M. HARDY. Vocal Edition, Parts I and 2. (6d. each. Curwen.)

The Shanty Book. Part II. Sailor Shanties. Collected and Edited by Sir R. R. TERRY, Vocal Edition. (Is. 6d. Curwen.) Rudiments of Music. By Prof. C. H. KITSON. (25. 6d. net.

Oxford University Press.)

Counterpoint for Beginners. By Prof. C. H. KITSON. (4s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.)

Physical Exercises. Children's Dances. Eurhythmics. Music for Piano. By EVA W. YATES. (3s. net. Dix.)

On Music's Borders. By Sir R. TERRY. (15s. net. Fisher

Unwin (Ernest Benn.))

The Gipsy Laddie: Traditional Ballad for Voices in Unison and Action in Pantomime. Arranged for Miming by MARY KELLY. With Accompaniment for Pianoforte or Pianoforte and String Quartet by J. A. FULLER-MAITLAND. (Is. net. Deane-The Year Book Press.)

Swinging Song for the Pianoforte. (Is. 6d. net.) Little Natur Studies: Three Pieces for Piano. (2s. net.) By Ivy HERBERT. (Williams.)

The Church with the Censing Angels: for the Pianoforte. By H. HALES. (25. net. Williams.)

Selected Pianoforte Pieces. Fun at the Fair. By F. Gerard. (9d. Williams.)

Little Waltz (Petite Valse): pour Violon, avec Accompagnemen de Piano. By H. WESSELY. (Is. 6d. net. Williams.) Church Music Reform. By J. NEWTON. (Is. net. Heffer.) Notes on the Interpretation of 24 Famous Piano Sonatas hy Beethoven. By J. A. JOHNSTONE. (6s. net. Reeves.)


Mathematical Tables (Four Figures). Compiled by C. V. DURELL.

(gd. Bell.)

There are two noteworthy features about this book of tables. The first is the price. A complete set of four-figure tables containing all the tables that the average secondary student is likely to require, clearly printed, bound in a stout cover, and costing ninepence, is something of an achievement in post-war times. The second feature is the subject of a preliminary note in the book. The Difference Columns" in many books of tables give a fallacious appearance of accuracy at times when the differences are changing rapidly. Accordingly in this book, where necessary, the tables give the average difference for I', calculated over 12' intervals instead of intervals of 1°. The use of these difference columns is just as easily learnt and their superior accuracy is evident.

Harrap's Introductory Algebra. By W. FARQUHARSON and H. W.

CARTER. New and Enlarged Edition. (2s. 6d. Harrap.) This introduction to Algebra begins with the search for an unknown number in a problem, i.e., with simple equations. Many people prefer this method of approach, as it is simple and attractive, though the student gets a better idea of what algebra is about if the early emphasis is on generalized arithmetic and the use of symbols in formulae. Negative numbers are rightly introduced with abundant simple examples to emphasize the idea of a directed number before "rules" are stated.

The graphical section, as in many similar books, lays too much stress on solution of equations, a comparatively difficult and useless idea, instead of using graphs as an introduction to the idea of a function and its variations in value. The book covers the ground fairly thoroughly as far as quadratic equations. Elementary Algebra. By F. BOWMAN. Part II. (6s. Long



This volume opens with chapters on convergency, and the binomial, exponential, and logarithmic series. The treatment is purely algebraical, with the result that expressions like the gradient function of log x" have to be employed. Subsequent sections deal with complex number and the theory of equations and there is a considerable section on algebraic geometry. A more systematic treatment of much of this work is possible, if the ideas and the notation of the calculus is used, and there seems no good reason for excluding it. A most pleasing feature of the book is its price, which is remarkably low.

The Elements of Modern Mathematics; Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Mensuration. By H. H. PEARCE and G. A. S. ATKINSON. (Without Answers, 3s.: With Answers, 3s. 6d. McDougall.)

This book is designed for the upper forms of elementary schools, the lower forms of secondary schools, etc. The authors have made a successful attempt to avoid artificial and academic problems, and to derive their examples as far as possible from everyday life. For instance, a ground plan of a house is given and a series of questions on areas follows; another illustration shows the dials of a gas-meter. The geometry section is not deductive and only contains the little required for mensuration purposes and the trigonometry of the right-angled triangle. The examples are good, but many of the sets seem too brief for the purpose of giving the steady drill without which a pupil can seldom learn to apply a mathematical principle instinctively. The section on graphs which opens with graphs of simple equations" is far from being in accordance with the best modern ideas of introducing the subject.

Ordinary Differential Equations. By Prof. E. L. INCE. (365. net. Longmans.)

Four-Figure Tables. By the late C. Godfrey and A. W. SIDDONS. New Edition. (2s. 6d. Cambridge University Press.)

Elementary Mathematics: Specially Prepared for Central Schools, Senior Elementary Schools, and Upper Standards (VI, VII, VIII.) By E. SANKEY and A. ROYDS. Part III (for Pupils about the age of 13-15 years.) (2s. Bell.)

Elementary Trigonometry. By C. V. DURELL and R. M. WRIGHT. (5s. Bell.)

The Foundations of Euclidean Geometyr. By H. G. FORDER.

25s. net. Cambridge University Press.)

Integral Bases. By Prof. W. E. H. BERWICK. (6s. 6d. net.

Cambridge University Press.)

Test Examinations in Mathematics. By A. S. PRATT. (IS. 6d.


Principia Mathematica.
BERTRAND RUSSELL. Vol III. Second Edition. (25s. net.
Cambridge University Press.)

The Elements of Plane Trigonometry. By J. T. BROWN and A.
MARTIN. (3s. 6d. Harraр.)


Changing Backgrounds in Religion and Ethics: a Metaphysical Meditation. By Prof. H. W. CARR. (7s. 6d. net. Macmillan.)

Whether for his clear expositions of contemporary thought, as for example that of Bergson and that of Croce, or for his own contributions thereto, Prof. Wildon Carr has placed the student of philosophy under a heavy debt of obligation. The present volume is a case in point. The author's aim is "to express definitely the consequences in ethics and religion of accepting the principle of evolution in philosophy." Let any open-minded reader consider Prof. Carr's suggestions as to the bearing of evolution on (e.g.), the moral law, the problem of survival, the nature of human freedom, and the problem of evil-and we think we can promise him something helpful and stimulating and satisfying.

Problems in Logic. By Dr. C. H. PATTERSON. (7s. 6d. net.

New York: Macmillan.)

This is an extremely useful and interesting book. Dr. Patterson sets forth with great clearness the main methods of logic, and proceeds by concrete illustration to show their use in the various fields of science. The examples, which are chosen from astronomy, biology, economics, law, &c., are invariably interesting, and the analysis of the reasoning involved emphasizes the significance of logic for solving the problems of life. No better book for beginners has yet appeared.

Platonism and the Spiritual Life. By J. SANTAYANA. (5s. net.


Contemporary Thought of Japan and China. By K. TSUCHIDA. (5s. net. Williams & Norgate.)

Auto-Education Guides-IV. ABC of Development through Senses and Muscles. By Dr. JESSIE WHITE. (7d. net. AutoEducation Institute.)

This little book gives practical suggestions in the use of Montessori apparatus for the training of children between two and a half and four years of age.


The British Journal of Psychology, Monograph Supplements X. The Faculty of Imagination: an Enquiry Concerning the Existence of a General Faculty," or Group Factor, of Imagination. By H. L. HARGREAVES. (7s. net. Cambridge University Press.)

An able piece of statistical research undertaken under the direction of Prof. Spearman. The qualitative and quantitative aspects of imagination (called by Mr. Hargreaves originality and fluency respectively) were tested separately, and the general conclusion reached is that there is no sign of a general unitary and unique imaginative power or faculty. Both originality and fluency seem to be compound; both probably have some common element, and both are related to memory. No factor corresponding to Maxwell Garnett's "cleverness



Directing Mental Energy. By Dr. F. AVELING. (8s. 6d. net. University of London Press.)

Psychological Education: a Presentation of the Principles and Applications of Psychology. By Prof. J. V. BREITWIESER. (7s. 6d. New York and London: Knopf.)

Special Disabilities in Learning to Read and Write. By ELIZABETH E. LORD, L. CARMICHAEL, and W. F. DEARBORN. (Harvard Monographs in Education. Series I, Vol. II, No. 1-Studies in Educational Psychology and Educational Measurement. Edited by W. F. DEARBORN.) (4s. 6d. net. Cambridge, Mass.: The Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. London: Oxford University Press.)

Fourteen is Too Early: Some Psychological Aspects of SchoolLeaving and Child Labor. By R. G. Fuller. (New York: National Child Labor Committee.)

Diagnostic Tests in the Fundamental Operations of Arithmetic and in Problem Solving. By W. C. REAVIS and E. R. BRESLICH. For Grades VII, VIII, and IX. Forms A and B. Instructions to Examiners. (University of Chicago.)

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