lands, the pampas of the Argentine, the Andean ranges, and many other regions are described in a very satisfactory way; great care has been taken to collect the most reliable and up-todate material from official publications. The work, as a whole, provides an excellent course of study for university students and for advanced pupils in secondary schools. A useful biblio A brief account of ancient Thebes is given in the well printed text of this attractive album. The illustrations are borrowed from a work of the "Queen Elizabeth Egyptological Foundation" and entitled, "Thebes, the Glory of a Great Past," by Capart and Werbrouck. The pictures are remarkably good, especially | graphy at the end of the book will enable the reader to consult the full page plates (Nos. 25-45) of the ruined temples and of the figures in bas-relief at Karnak and Luxor. An Outline of Plant Geography. By D. H. CAMPBELL. (17s. net. Macmillan.) The author of this geography states that he has visited many countries of the world in quest of material for his botanical studies. Although his excursions were chiefly devoted to the problems of plant distribution he nevertheless studied the regional geography of the great land areas. In the course of 370 pages he ably describes the plant life in various climatic regions, and he discusses the flora of the countries in each climatic zone. The teacher of botany will find detailed information of the various plants, while the teacher of geography will obtain facts concerning the typical vegetation and scenery of the region. This book is attractively got up: the text is clearly printed and particularly well illustrated. (1) South America: an Economic and Regional Geography, with an Historical Chapter. By Dr. E. W. SHANAHAN. (14s. net. Methuen.) (2) Canada: The Great River, the Lands and the Men. By Dr. MARION I. NEWBIGIN. (125. Christophers.) (1) Few attempts have hitherto been made to examine the continent of South America as a whole from the geographical standpoint, and it is to this fact that the present volume owes its special value. Dr. Shanahan has wisely chosen natural regions instead of political divisions as a basis of detailed treatment in order to emphasize the relation of the economic resources to the physical features. The Brazilian plateau, the Amazonian low other works on the subject. (2) The chief merit of this volume lies in the fact that it is a history book written by an eminent geographer, consequently the historical events are described in close relation to the geographical features of the region. Dr. Newbigin uses the term Canada in its original sense to mean the lands along the St. Lawrence where French settlements were made at the beginning of the seventeenth century, and she has re-written the story of Canada from the time of Cartier and the founding of Quebec by Champlain down to the attack on Quebec by Wolfe in 1759. Some beautiful pictures illustrate the text and fourteen sketch maps help to explain the places mentioned in the descriptions. Stories of our Earth. By NELLIE B. ALLEN and E. K. ROBINSON. (Is. 9d. Ginn.) The British Empire. By Dr. A. WILMORE. (Is. 9d. Bell.) Junior Test Papers in Geography: for the Use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors and Similar Examinations in the Junior Grade. By E. R. WETHEY. (IS. 3d. Pitman.) Ordnance Survey Map of the Solar Eclipse, 29th June, 1927. (On Paper, flat, 2s. 6d.; folded in Covers, 3s.; cut into sections, mounted on Linen and folded in Covers, 4s. Southampton: Ordnance Survey Office.) A Regional Survey of Foreign Lands Outside Europe. By T. S. MUIR. (Cloth, Is. 6d.; Paper, Is. 3d. Chambers.) Macmillan's Mapping Exercise Books. (Book B-4d; Book C 7d. Macmillan.) Northward Ho! an Account of the Far North and Its People. Selected from the Writings of V. Stefansson and adapted for Boys and Girls. By JULIA A. SCHWARTZ (2s. 3d. Harгар.) HISTORY Life and Work in Medieval Europe (Fifth to Fifteenth Centuries). By Prof. P. BOISSONNADE. Translated, with an Introduction, by Dr. EILEEN POWER. (16s. net. Kegan Paul.) This book meets a real need, and in all the circumstances meets it very appropriately by means of a translation from a Continental scholar's work. For while there is no lack of material, learned and popular, for studying English economic conditions during the Middle Ages, there is a decided lack of material in English for studying the more general problems of European economic conditions during that period. And yet, as Miss Power points out in her brief but comprehensive foreword, there are exceptionally cogent reasons in this case against an insular treatment. England had not yet emerged into the main stream of economic development, and, unlike other countries of Western Europe, had not yet seen the beginnings of the struggle between capital and labour, and of a banking and a credit system. The author of this book well exemplifies the French way of wearing sound learning lightly, and the French genius for exposition which is at once popular and thorough. Of Miss Power's translation it is high praise to say that one is never conscious that it is a translation. Charles I in Captivity: from Contemporary Sources. Edited, with an Introduction, by GERTRUDE S. STEVENSON. (158. Arrowsmith.) The basis of this absorbingly interesting volume is Sir Thomas Herbert's 'Threnodia Carolina,' or memoirs of the last two years of the reign of Charles I, which is printed in full. Its detailed story is supplemented by Huntingdon's narrative of the dealings of Cromwell with Charles at Hampton Court: Firebrace's account of Charles's imprisonment at Carisbrooke Castle: Cooke's report of the conveyance of Charles from the Isle of Wight to Hurst Castle on his way to trial: the official record of the trial itself, and some details of the execution. An appendix contains Sir Henry Halford's report on the finding of the body of Charles I in St. George's Chapel at Windsor in 1813. Miss Stevenson provides a useful introduction, in which, however, she is unduly and quite uncritically severe upon "history as expounded in the history books." Does she think that the untrained mind, working on the materials which she supplies, will make a better job of them than have the more or less trained compilers of the text-books ? From Constantine to Bismarck: an Introductory Course of European and General History for Middle Forms. By A. B. ARCHER. (4s. Cambridge University Press.) In thirty-three chapters, comprising in all only two hundred and sixty-four pages, Mr. Archer has managed to condense the history of fifteen centuries of the Christian era. He has succeeded marvellously in the task of presenting a lucid outline of this protracted and eventful period. In particular, he has rendered his sketch attractive by making a great man or group of great men the centre of each section of his panoramic picture. The book may be commended to those teachers who wish to transport their pupils from the study of English history to the study of Europe as a whole. Stories from English History. By ELEANOR C. PRICE. New Mediaeval History. By M. R. DACOMBE. (World History Series. A Notebook of Scottish History, A.D. 1005 to A.D. 1603. By The Foundations of Civics. By E. M. WHITE. (2S. 9d. Art Leather, 3s. 3d. Syndicate Publishing Co.) The Indecisiveness of Modern War and Other Essays. By Prof. J. H. ROSE. (IOS. 6d. net. Bell.) The Political Ideas of the Greeks. By Prof. J. L. MYRES. (145. net. Arnold.) Junior Test Papers in History: For the Use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors, and Similar Examinations in the Junior Grade. By H. G. NEWMAN. (Is. 3d. Pitman.) MODERN LANGUAGES Industrial and Scientific French. Edited by E. V. GREENFIELD and Dr. H. BABSON. New Edition. (3s. 6d. Ginn.) This reader consists of seventeen articles which, we are told by the editors, "have been selected with painstaking care and consideration as to their ease of translation, general interest and informational value." They are drawn from popular scientific and other magazines, such as "Larousse mensuel illustré" and "Science et Industrie"; and they deal with such varied subjects as: "Andrew Carnegie," ," "Le Tungstène, métal remarquable" and Les transports automobiles militaires pendant la grande guerre." There are some notes explaining allusions, &c., in the text; there is no glossary. The book should suit a pre-matriculation class of boys with a scientific bias, but is too elementary for science students. Vom deutschen Geist der Neuzeit: Eine Einführung und eine Auswahl-Outlines of Modern German Thought with Illustrative Specimens of German Prose. Selected by Dr. W. R. SCHWEIZER. (4s. 6d. Cambridge University Press.) La Casa de Los Cuervos. By H. WAST. Edited, with Exercises, Notes and Vocabulary by Prof. E. H. HESPELT. Authorized Edition. (5s. New York, Macmillan.) Spanish-American literature is little known in this country. Apart from the works of a few novelists and fewer poets, the field has been uncultivated by English critics. Lack of opportunity to criticize has been urged as an excuse, but this excuse is becoming less valid. Such works as 'Don Perfecto,” “ Stella," and "La Gloria de don Ramiro" have attained fame beyond the bounds of America, and this edition of the work of the most widely read of Argentine novelists of to-day will help to engender an interest in the life of that progressive state. This edition of 'La Casa de Los Cuervos" is, of course, greatly abridged but the main story-interest has been preserved. The editor has done his work well, but why is it necessary to include so wide a vocabulary, and so detailed a verb-treatment for students who have reached the stage of novel-reading in Spanish ? We are indebted to Dr. Schweizer for a very scholarly book, which will serve admirably its purpose as "ein Quellenbuch | large and the present volume makes a welcome addition to our und eine Einführung zum deutschen Geistesleben der Neuzeit." He has written an illuminating introduction under the headings "Das staatliche Werden," "Die Aufklärung," "Das Zeitalter | contain good hints for scenery and costumes, and translations Goethes," "Das Suchen der Wirklichkeit,' "Das Zeitalter Bismarcks," and "Die Gegenwart." The selection of passages is judicious; the classics from Winckelmann and Lessing onwards are worthily represented, and there are well-chosen extracts from present-day writers. The book deserves the attention of university students, and of every one interested in German literature and German thought. Five Easy French Plays. By EMMA L. SIMPSON. (3s. 6d. Ginn.) The number of easy French plays suitable for schools is not repertory. It starts off with a bright "Arlequinade" and concludes with "L'Enfance de Jeanne d'Arc." The notes and explanations of difficulties. There is a set of questions to each play, and a vocabulary. Simple Spanish Lessons. By Prof. L. A. PASSARELLI. 35. Harrap.) L'Avare. By MOLIÈRE. (Is. 9d. Dent.) Junior Test Papers in French: for the use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors and Similar Examinations in the Junior Grade. By E. T. GRIFFITHS. (Is. 3d. Pitman.) These test papers have been carefully compiled and should serve their purpose well. They consist, alternately, of two French passages for unseen translation and of questions on grammar, passages for composition and subjects for free composition. The French passages are generally of suitable difficulty; the vocabulary of a few is above the junior standard. The grammar questions include exercises on direct method lines as well as short sentences for translation. The subjects for free composition are not all equally well chosen; some are too vague. The majority, however, will do very well. French Geographical Extracts. Selected and Edited by Dr. A. WILMORE and D. K. PARR. (IS. 3d. Harrap.) Nêne. By E. PÉROCHON. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, Questionnaire and Vocabulary by Prof. A. SCHINZ. (6s. 6d. net. Ginn.) The Background of Modern French Literature. By Prof. C. H. C. WRIGHT. (8s. 6d. net. Ginn.) Stories by Contemporary French Novelists. Edited, with Short Critical Study of each Author, Notes, and Vocabulary, by MARION E. BOWLER. (25. Ginn.) Marta y María. By Don A. P. VALDÉS. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, Exercises, and Vocabulary, by Prof. H. M. MARTIN. (5s. Ginn.) Dialogo de las Lenguas. By JUAN DE VALDES. Edited, with A French Course. By Dr. M. W. MURRAY and E. CASATI. (Part I, 2s. 6d. Part 2, 3s. Rivingtons.) EDUCATION Education for Adults and Other Essays. By F. P. Keppel. (10s. 6d. net. New York: Columbia University Press. London: Oxford University Press.) Correspondence Schools, Lyceums, Chautauquas. By J. S. NOFFSINGER. (6s. 6d. net. New York: Macmillan.) As every one knows, adult education in its many forms is being taken very seriously in this country. The report of the Departmental Committee on Adult Education, and the recent appearance of a very promising first number of a Journal of Adult Education, are indications in point. These two volumes are interesting as showing how adult education prospers in America. Or does it prosper? Apparently it largely takes the form of tuition by correspondence, and it is mainly vocational in character. This seems to be a matter in which America has something to learn from England, and still more from Denmark. The California Curriculum Study (a Study Begun Under a Grant from the Commonwealth Fund). By Prof. W. C. BAGLEY and Prof. G. C. KYTE. (Berkeley, California: University of California Printing Office.) This voluminous study of the curricula of the elementary schools of California is of interest to English teachers and administrators, not only because of its attempt to evaluate the principles on which the curriculum has been and should be constructed, but also because it furnishes material for a pointed comparison between English and American conditions. The fact is that, for better or worse, the English teacher enjoys far greater freedom than does the American. Authoritative control of the details of the curriculum and the choice of text-books has been practically unknown in this country for more than a generation. It may be said that in our anxiety to encourage originality we give too little guidance to the average teacher. On the other hand the American teacher often feels that she gets too much guidance. Another difference is that the inclusion of a subject in response to popular clamour is not a trouble which English teachers have to encounter. But it is just such differences that make the comparative method of study so interesting and profitable. We may be permitted to doubt the value of much of the laborious statistical material in this report. But in its own field it is a very thorough and illuminating piece of work. Education at Work: Studies in Contemporary Education. By Prof. H. B. SMITH. (7s. 6d. net. Manchester University Press. London: Longmans.) Some Primary Methods. By LAURA G. SLOMAN. (7s. 6d. net. New York: Macmillan.) Where State Education Fails. By LUCIE SIMPSON. (5s. net. Routledge.) Harvard Bulletins in Education. Religious Education on Public School Time. By Prof. F. S. GOVE. (4s. 6d. net. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University; London: Oxford University Press.) Die Lehrerfrage in der Neuen Schule: Eine Geschichtliche und Grundsätzliche Darstellung des Problems Fach-, Klassen- oder Gruppenlehrer in der Alten und in der Neuen Schule. By Dr. V. J. SPASITSCH. (Ppr., M.4; Bound, M.5.50. Weimar : Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger.) 4 The Administration of Vocational Education of Less Than College Grade. By J. C. WRIGHT and C. R. ALLEN. (15S. net. New York: Wiley; London: Chapman & Hall.) SCIENCE Geology Manual: An Instruction and Laboratory Manual for Beginners. By Prof. R. M. FIELD. (18s. net. Princeton: Princeton University Press. London: Oxford University Press.) This book is an attempt to assist both the teacher and the learner in the geological laboratory. It starts by giving descriptions of the common rock-forming minerals with which the elementary student must become acquainted, and continues with accounts of the usual rock types. The student is obviously expected to have a cabinet of specimens at hand to inspect at the same time that he is reading the book. Later the author attacks the subject of structural geology and gives several clear and useful sections. Then he figures and describes surface effects. The places referred to are in the main American. The book will no doubt be of use to those who wish to have an account of some points in elementary geology in a condensed form. Natural Man: A Record from Borneo. By Dr. C. HOSE. (30s. net. Macmillan.) Dr. Hose opens his introductory chapter with a reference to the fascination of the East, in which Borneo, the land of the unexpected and the unknown, shares to the full. The history of Sarawak and of the rise to supreme power of Sir James Brooke, whose family still rules the country, is indeed a theme worthy of an epic. Tales of early voyagers from China, and of piracy, add colour to the records of the island. To-day in Borneo does not yield in interest to its past. The wild tribes, in the contrast they afford of different types of culture, present present a picture of the varying conditions of the life of primitive man which could be studied to greater advantage in no other part of the world. Their culture ranges from that of the quite primitive nomad hunter to that of the comparatively highly organized agricultural society living in vast communal houses accommodating five to six hundred persons, and perhaps as much as four hundred yards long. Dr. Hose's experience as a resident brought him into close touch with the people, and this gives a special authority to his account of their religious beliefs. These present many peculiar features, such as the belief in a spirit helper, and a system of divination and augury closely parallel to that of the Greek and Roman religions. " Test Papers in Chemistry: For the Use of Candidates Preparing for School Certificate, Matriculation, and Similar Examinations. By E. J. HOLMYARD. (2s. Pitman.) This is a very useful and welcome addition to the well-known "Test Papers Series produced by Messrs. Pitman. In the competent hands of the head of the Science Department at Clifton, there are presented 100 test papers of questions of the standard of the First School Certificate Examinations and London Matriculation. We strongly commend it to all teachers of chemistry. Popular Education in Public Health. By Dr. W. A. DALEY and HESTER VINEY. (6s. net. Lewis.) We have a fairly abundant literature on general hygiene and on school hygiene. But the work before us is an attempt, and a very good attempt, in a new direction. Until a short time ago, public money was not available for the education of the people, young and old alike, in matters of public health. As a consequence of the Public Health Act of 1925 this disability has been removed. A local authority or county council may now disseminate information by means of pamphlets, posters, or lectures, on matters of public health, and may defray the expense. Already much good work is being done, and this handy volume, containing a great deal of practical advice and information, will help on the good cause. General Physics for the Laboratory. By Prof. L. W. TAYLOR, W. W WATSON, and Prof. C. E. HOWE. (IOS. 6d. net. Ginn.) In the preface the authors refer to the rapid expansion of physics in recent years, resulting in the elimination from textbooks, of reasonable size, of much material found in the older type of text; and the matter thus excluded has been, chiefly, discussions of the experimental determination of physical constants. In this volume, the authors attempt to meet the difficulty by arranging round a set of laboratory instructions explanatory material which was formerly found in the theoretical text-books. On the principle that they do not believe in always compelling the student to think for himself," by withholding printed instructions a procedure which they regard as futile, and creating chaos in the laboratory-they give fully detailed instructions for the manipulation of each experiment; nor do they believe in describing several alternative methods of attacking a problem, but prefer to take one method only, and to discuss it thoroughly. This method of treatment, of course, is not newit was very evident in Prof. Millikan's Mechanics, Molecular Physics and Heat," published in 1903, and it is found in more than one volume published in Great Britain. On these principles is founded this course at the Chicago University. Each of the forty-nine experiments is illustrated by a half-tone picture representing the apparatus and all the measuring instruments required. The printing and style of the book are excellent. Space and Time. By Prof. E. BOREL. (7s. 6d. net. Blackie.) Einstein has given us not only a new theory of physics, but has also taught us a new manner in which to look at the world. Our concepts of space and time can never be the same as they were before the introduction of the theory of relativity. "In fact, the essential points of Einstein's theory now form part of general culture, like the sphericity of the earth and its rotation round the sun." There have been many attempts to deal in a popular way with the principles of the theory, but few of the writers have presented their theses in such an original fashion as Prof. Borel. He is an admirable teacher and puts forward his ideas in a fresh and captivating way which makes this book a delight to read. It is not a mere compilation from the works of others, but is the product of a vigorous and independent mind. Although he does not attempt to give a didactic account of Einstein's theories, and does not profess to write a treatise on relativity, there could be no better introduction for anyone wishing to take up serious study of the subject or to understand its spirit. First Principles of Chemistry. By Dr. F. W. DoOTSON and A. J. BERRY. (6s. Cambridge University Press). In this book elementary chemistry is presented on university lines, which are not altogether suitable for school teaching. The authors say that the scope of the book amply covers the requirements of the School Certificate Examinations of all the English universities, but we fancy an average school certificate candidate would find it difficult to understand the adult technical terminology in which the book abounds, e.g. (p. 182): "This reversible process is known as enantiotropy in contradistinction to the irreversible phenomenon, monotropy, shown by the two allotropes of phosphorus." For elementary students at the universities, however, we regard the book as admirable, and, needless to say, the chemistry is beyond reproach. An Introduction to Biology. By Prof. A. C. Kinsey. (gs. net. Lippincott.) Physics for Colleges. By Prof. H. H. SHELDON, Prof. C. V. KENT, Pioneers of Invention. Men of Science and their Discoveries. A Synopsis of the General Morphology of Animals. By Prof. A Short History of Physics. By H. BUCKLEY. (7s. 6d. net. The Polarimeter: a Lecture on the Theory and Practice of Polarimetry. By V. T. SAUNDERS. (IS. 6d. net. Hilger.) Gallio, or the Tyranny of Science. By J. W. N. SULLIVAN. (2s. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.) Junior Test Papers in Physi Physics for the Use of Pupils Preparing for Lower Certificate, County Scholarship, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors and Similar Examinations in the Junior Grade. By P. J. L. SMITH. (Is. 3d. Pitman.) Mechanics Applied to Engineering. By Prof. J. GOODMAN. Vol. I. Ninth Edition (14s. 6d. net). Vol. II. Chiefly Worked Examples (16s. net. Longmans). (Continued on page 362) MACMILLAN THE PHRASE READERS By ED. J. S. LAY and E. MARY JONES With Illustrations in Colour and Black and White by JOHN MACFARLANE. COMPOSITION FOR UPPER CLASSES By ED. J. S. LAY and ELLA BRAY, B.A., Hons. Illustrated. 2s. 3d. The Teachers' World. "The authors have included some novel and very practical features as well as a number of exercises based on pictures; the book should be popular in schools.” MACMILLAN & CO., LTD., LONDON, W.C. 2 RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE The Story Behind the Gospels. By Dr. B. M. ALLEN. (3s. 6d. net. Methuen.) To those who are interested in the frank application of critical methods to the New Testament literature, Dr. Allen's book will be welcome. The series of sixteen chapters deals with crucial matters that emerge in the Gospel story. Dr. Allen's reconstruction is based on the Synoptic Gospels. He seems to us unduly to minimize the value of the historic tradition behind the fourth Gospel, which is sometimes demonstrably right as against the synoptics. His treatment also of the conception of the Son of Man is inadequate. But the work is suggestive and well written. The Givers: Notes and Essays on Catholic Education. By F. H. DRINKWATER. (6s. Oates & Washbourne.) " This volume contains a somewhat heterogeneous collection of papers grouped together under four heads: I. "Essays for Catholics." II. Notes and Opinions on Educational Topics." III. "On Religion in School." IV. Notes on the "History of the Church and of Mankind." The essays are somewhat slight, but readable. The First and Second Books of the Kings: In the Text of the Revised Version, with Introduction, Maps, Notes, Questions, Subjects for Study, and Index. Edited by the Rev. A. R. WHITHAM. (2s. 6d. each. Rivingtons.) A new impression of this well-known manual will be found useful by many teachers. It is a great convenience to have it printed with the R.V. Religion in the Making: Lowell Lectures, 1926. By Prof. A. N. (6s. net. Cambridge University Press.) WHITEHEAD. It need scarcely be said that Prof. Whitehead's lectures on Religion in the Making" are of profound interest-brilliant, suggestive, original, and sometimes provocative. It must also be confessed that occasionally the reader will find the exposition undeniably stiff reading-which is, perhaps, not surprising in the work of so profound a metaphysician. But this is by no means always the case, as witness the admirably clear discussion of "Religion in History" (chapter I). This is followed by discussions of "Religion and Dogma" (II), "Body and Spirit (III), and "Truth and Criticism" (IV). A characteristic passage may be quoted: "He (God) is the binding element in the world. " The consciousness which is individual in us, is universal in Him; the love which is partial in us is all-embracing in Him. Apart from Him there could be no world, because there could be no adjustment of individuality. His purpose in the world is quality of attainment. His purpose is always embodied in the particular ideals relevant to the actual state of the world. Thus all attainment is immortal in that it fashions the actual ideals which are God in the world as it is now. He is not the world, but the valuation of the world." Examples of San Bernardino. Chosen by ADA HARRISON. (IOS. 6d. net. Gerald Howe.) A charming volume which will appeal to all who take an interest in the attractive Renaissance figure, Bernardino of Saien (1380-1444). A short account of the Saint's life and times is prefixed. This is followed by a selection of passages, quaintly simple and effective, from his sermons. He was, of course, a born preacher, with an irresistible appeal to the mass of ordinary humanity. The book is attractively illustrated. The ABC of Christian Living. By the Rev. C. E. HUDSON (Cloth, Is. 6d.; Duxeen, Is. S.P.C.K.) Programme for a Single Group Discussion. No. 2. A Christian and His Money. ( London Missionary Society.) The Original Jerusalem Gospel : Being Essays on the Document Q. By J. M. C. CRUM. (gs. net. Constable.) The Gospel of Discipleship : a Sermon Preached Before the University of Oxford on Sunday, February 6, 1927. By the Rev. Prof. W. Lock. (6d. net. Mowbray.) Christianity According to St. Paul. By the Rev. Dr. C. А. А. SCOTT. (125. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Church of England, together with the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons: the Book of 1662, with Additions and Deviations Approved in 1927. (2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press. Cambridge University Press. Eyre & Spottiswoode.) Prayer Book Measure, 192- (as Finally Proposed by the House of Bishops). March 16, 1927. (3d. net. Church Assembly and S.P.C.K.) PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY The Philosophy of Individualism: A Bibliography. With an Introductory Essay on Individualism in Politics and Economics. (Is. The Individualist Bookshop.) This bibliography, which looks promising for its purpose, is provisionally issued at a low price, and in the form of an advance proof. The object of the publishers is to induce students of economics and politics, and others interested in individualism as a political principle, to examine the work, to compare it with their own libraries and their own information, and to suggest such changes as may enhance its value. We commend the book to the attention of our readers. Changing Backgrounds in Religion and Ethics: a Metaphysical Meditation. By Prof. H. W. CARR. (7s. 6d. net. Масmillan.) Problems in Logic. By Dr. C. H. PATTERSON. (7s. 6d. net. New York: Macmillan.) An Introduction to Social Psychology. By L. L. BERNARD. (18s. net. Allen & Unwin.) This large volume takes the form of a college text-book, and explicit advice is given regarding its use for that purpose. We cannot help wishing that the author had been somewhat less severely academic in his manner of treatment, because the book contains so much that is of manifest interest to educated people generally, and no harm would have been done if the style had been adjusted to a wider public than college students. For the same reason we should have been glad if the illustrative instances could have been more numerous, even if the more abstract statements had to be curtailed. But to these remarks on what are, after all, matters of opinion, we must add that the author has produced a very important and a very satisfactory book. He has an easy mastery of what has been done by his predecessors in the same field, but his own clear and independent judgment enables him at most points to carry the study of social psychology a step further. We may add that education, rightly understood, is one of the social sciences, and there is much in the book that will prove illuminating to the student of education. Bristol Group Reasoning Tests. DALE. Forms A, B, C: Directions. (gd. the set. Arranged by Dr. A. BARBARA Practice Sheet: Manual of University of London Press.) Many teachers who have experimented with Dr. Cyril Burt's Reasoning Tests will agree that they are the most useful of all our intelligence tests for the selection of bright children. Their drawback is that they are given individually and orally, and therefore cannot be used for large numbers. Dr. Barbara Dale has recast and extended these tests in a form suitable for large groups of children, and has produced three alternative forms of equal difficulty, thus affording a ready means of estimating the growth of ability during a definite period. A noteworthy feature is that each child is allowed to work these tests at his own pace. Statistics in Psychology and Education. By Prof. E. GARRETT. (15s. net. Longmans.) This is a capital text-book in statistical method, with special reference to psychological measurements. It is "the product of a genuine teacher's experience," written especially for students with little mathematical equipment. The formulae, therefore, are generally given without proof, and regarded simply as the tools of the practical statistician. In six chapters, written with admirable lucidity and abundantly furnished with diagrams, tables, examples, and problems, the author treats of frequency distribution, graphic methods, the normal probability curve, reliability, and correlation, an entire chapter being devoted to the comparatively recent method of partial and multiple correlation. The British Journal of Psychology. Monograph Supplements X. The "Faculty" of Imagination: an Enquiry Concerning the Existence of a General Faculty," or Group Factor of Imagination. By H. L. HARGREAVES. (7s. net. Cambridge University Press.) Psychologie Appliquée à l'Éducation à l'Usage des Écoles Normales Primaires (Programmes de 1920 et des Candidats au Brevet Supérieur). By A. PIFFAULT. Nouvelle Édition, complètement refondue et simplifiée. (12 fr. 60 с. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin.) (Continued on page 364) |