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Strasbourg University, 1919—1926

By HENRY J. COWELL, Officier l'Instruction Publique de la France.

HE interests of Strasbourg University (reconstituted under French auspices on November 22, 1919) are as wide as humanity or at any rate, as wide as the humanities, for nothing that concerns man as man is beyond the orbit of its concern. At the same time, it cannot be said that the eyes of the institution are so fixed upon the ends of the earth that it is neglectful of matters that lie nearer home. In any retrospect of the activities of the University during the past seven years, the part that the University has sought to play in the province in which it is situated is of great interest and value. As will be observed from what is said later on in this article, there has been no neglect of strictly scientific or academic matters, but there is much else that can be placed to the credit of the institution. From the time of its inauguration the University recognized that it was called upon to take its part in the everyday life of the people of Alsace; and with the cordial backing of the Rector himself it has sought to exercise its influence as widely and deeply as possible in endeavouring to familiarize town and country folk alike with the higher French ideals and aims. An efficient University Extension Department was at once organized, in connexion with which professors and lecturers (associated with every faculty) visit in turn the various places which are the homes of prefectures and sous-prefectures-such as Colmar, Mulhouse, Haguenau, Bouxwiller, Thionville, Sélestat, Ste Marie-aux-Mines, &c. and deal with some of the leading questions of the day, not only in the fields of science, literature, and philosophy but in regard to economics, commerce, and agriculture. About fifty lectures are delivered yearly in the various centres, and these have met with great and increasing success.

Another activity which may well be coupled with the foregoing is the Société des Cours Populaires de Langue Française, which has made it its special purpose to spread the knowledge and the use of the French language in popular circles alike in the large towns and manufacturing cities and in the remotest villages in the Vosges. Gratifying success has marked the various means adopted to this end, such as social evenings, theatrical performances, and conversational or musical entertainments. Through this work of cultural propaganda the influence of the University is now reaching every nook and corner of Alsace, one result being that the craving for learning is making itself felt all over the province.

developments have taken place. Among these may be mentioned the establishment (under the auspices of the Société des Amis de l'Université) of a Foyer Universitaire -housed in a newly acquired and independent buildingaffording accommodation for some 200 men and women students; the provision of a new laboratory for the Faculty of Medicine; the enlargement of the laboratory of the Institute of Physiology; and the provision of a new building outside the University premises for the use of the Institute of Terrestrial Physics. The one-time Kaiser's Palace has also been applied (in part) to University purposes, and provides accommodation for the Institute of the Fine Arts and the Institute of Rhenanian Archaeology.

This material' advance has been accompanied by a parallel expansion in regard to the intellectual activities of the University. Names like those of Prof. Weiss, Boin, Blum, Ancel, Leriche, Terroine, and many others in the de❘partments of physical science and medicine, are known in almost every country. An Institute of Petroleum, founded last year (the only institution of its kind in France), may be expected to give a vigorous impulse to research in the field of petroleum geology and chemistry. Indeed, important discoveries have been made already in many fields of enquiry and experiment.

The University has also become a great international centre of learning. Non-French students in 1924-5, for example, numbered 539, these including British, Americans, Poles, Czecho-Slovaks, Yugo-Slavs, Rumanians, Bulgarians, &c. Per contra, there is the interesting fact that professors and masters of Strasbourg have gone forth to foreign universities in Czecho-Slovakia, Poland, Rumania, Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, England, Scotland, Canada, Brazil, the United States, &c. It may be added that the University furnishes a very active centre of English studies under the competent leadership of Prof. Koszul. The British students at the University have nearly trebled in number in the course of two years, the precise figure for 1925-6 being thirty-eight as against thirteen for 1923-4. The figures for the general body of students are also remarkable. In 1913 (after forty-one years under German auspices) the entries and matriculations reached 2,037. The corresponding figure for 1920-1 (in spite of the dislocation and radical changes necessarily incident to the change of nationality) was 2,500, and this

In the University itself, at Strasbourg, various important | by 1924-5 had increased to 2,729.

Summer Schools

The various short courses include gymnastics, German language and literature, school methods, and so on. The courses provide good opportunities of seeing aspects of German educational methods in Berlin. The Austro-American Institute of Education, Vienna I, Elisabethstrasse 9, is devoted mainly to the needs of American teachers and tourists who are visiting Vienna and Lower Austria. Three independent but correlated fortnightly courses comprising lectures on German, conducted tours in Vienna, and lectures in English on social and economic problems, run from July 18 until August 27.

VACATION TERM FOR BIBLICAL STUDY. The twenty-fifth | August 24. Vacation Term for Biblical Study will be held this year at Cambridge from July 30 to August 13. The inaugural address will be delivered by the Rev. Sir Edwyn Hoskyns, Bart., M.C., and the courses of lectures include: The World into which Christianity Came," " The Incarnation in the Light of Modern Philosophy," "St. Luke's Gospel," and "Judaism under the Persian Domination." Accommodation for women will be provided at Newnham College, and a list of recommended lodgings will be sent to men who wish to apply. Further particulars may be obtained from the secretary, Miss E. Lawdern, 25 Halifax Road, Cambridge.

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HOLIDAY COURSES IN FRENCH. Extensive and varied courses for foreigners are organized by the University of Besançon. The work is arranged in two main sections, elementary and normal, supplemented by numerous special lectures, and the main subjects are language, literature and French history, geography and culture. The courses last from July to September and are often extended into October. Besançon is situated in a well-known tourist area, and offers numerous attractions for the hours spent outside the schools; special facilities are given to vacation course students. Particulars can be obtained from Prof. Louis Villat, general secretary and director of the courses, 30 (Continued on page 278)


The following two brochures have been written for Teachers of Geography by Dr. L. DUDLEY STAMP, Sir Ernest Cassel Reader in Economic Geography in the University of London.



Only rocks and minerals which are mentioned in text-books of geography and which are of real importance in the teaching of geography have been included. Each brochure has been written to describe a set of specimens which the publishers have had the assistance of Dr. Stamp in selecting.

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(Formerly the SCHOOL SCIENCE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION) An ADVISORY COMMITTEE includes Representatives of the Association of Headmistresses, the Association of Assistant Mistresses, and of the Private Schools Association, Incorporated.

Schools are provided with the part-time services of fully qualified Mistresses for the Sciences, Mathematics, Geography, and other Subjects, working from convenient Centres, under the direction of the Principal.

Science Teachers are given assistance for experimental teaching, in the planning and equipment of Science Rooms, selection of apparatus, &c. Special attention is given to the introduction of the Elementary Science Course in the Middle School and of Biology Courses in the Upper School. Supervision of inexperienced teachers and provision of substitutes are undertaken.

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An Invitation to Progressive Teachers

DAPTATION to modern needs is the order of the day in politics and industry. The same adaptation is demanded in the educational field, not merely in the administration of schools and the training of teachers, but in the re-valuation of subjects and in the re-moulding of educational literature. The leading British publishers are already recognizing the challenge of modern thought in the fields of history, geography, and general literature, and of the civic life in national and international spheres. This healthy tendency should find expression in the encouragement of the more progressive members of the teaching profession to produce manuals in agreement with the latest research, the object being to apply the modern spirit to actual educational work. The youth of this country (and, indeed, of all countries) should receive ideas, instruction, and inspiration that represent the most up-to-date judgment and knowledge in history, civics, scientific outlook (as distinct from mere fact-manuals), appreciation of literature, Biblical criticism, and an all-round sympathy with Oriental faiths and with the intellectual explorations of the West.

An invitation is extended to all liberal minds in the teaching profession generally, and to authors who may be inclined to offer co-operation, to communicate their names and addresses to the Secretary of the Rationalist Press Association, Nos. 4-6 Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C. 4. No public meetings, subscriptions, or publication of names are contemplated, but simply exchange of ideas and suggestions, mutual consultation, co-ordination of effort, and a continuous policy of bringing education into harmony with the stream of modern thought.

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With a Preface by Sir W. H. HADOW, C.B.E., Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield. Price, about 2s. 6d. [Nearly ready.

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Schools. 160 pages. Limp cloth, 1s. 6d.

Student's History of England and Great Britain

Part 1.-55 B.C. to A.D. 1485, 3s. 6d.; II.-1485 to 1924, 4s.
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rue Mégevand, Besançon. The University of Clermont has also arranged holiday courses, from July 15 until August 31. Lectures occupy six weeks of five days each, Saturdays and Sundays being devoted to excursions. The courses cover French language, literature, and culture. Clermont is a centre of considerable geographical and geological interest, and a holiday spent there should be both profitable and interesting. Accommodation is arranged if desired. All correspondence should be addressed to the Secrétariat du Comité de Patronage des Etudiants Etrangers,

4 rue Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme). Fifty Days in France: Study and Travel are offered at the Sorbonne from July 9 to August 29. The chief items of the programme are: A practical course in French language and literature, a series of university lectures by permanent university professors, conducted visits in and around Paris, and an academic tour to the Alps, Pyrenees, Loise Castle, or Riviera, Italy, and Switzerland. Details from the Director, French Summer Courses, Sorbonne, Paris.

Prize Competitions

The Prize for the March Competition is awarded to "Blackheath," proxime accessit, "Ardconaig."

The winner of the February Competition is Miss Kathleen M. Chapman, Money Sellers, Winchelsea.

The winner of the January Competition was Mr. E. Mousel, Stonyhurst College, near Blackburn.

We classify the seventeen versions received as follows: Blackheath, Ardconaig, Esse quam videri and G. M. F., Tula, Bodley, R. G., Chardonne, Proveeder, Borderer, M. M. A., Celia, J. E. M., A. F. Doughty, Cunctatrix, Pervenche, L. G. S., Sancho.

"Blackheath" having won our two guineas within the last twelvemonth, this Prize passes to the winner of the second place. Will Ardconaig" send his name and address ?


El propio Dante G. Rossetti hubiera querido por suya esta bellísima canción asturiana, tan delicadamente envuelta en las pliegues de sus poéticos símbolos:

Tengo de subir, subir, Tengo de subir al puerto Aunque me cubra la nieve.

Si la nieve resbala ¿qué hará la rosa ? Ya se va marchitando la mas hermosa. Ay mi amor.

Si la nieve resbala

¿Que haré yo?

Tengo de subir al puerto,

Aunque me cubra la nieve.

Allí está la que yo quiero.

Si la nieve resbala ¿qué hará el sendero ? Ya se va marchitando la que mas quiero. Ay mi amor.

Si la nieve resbala ¿Que haré yo?

No puede darse poesía culta mas sutil, sugestiva y simbólica que esta poesía popular cogida entre la nieve de las montañas de Asturias. En contacto con la misteriosa sencillez de la naturaleza, nuestros anónimos poetas del pueblo han hallado directamente las mismas harmonías sugestivas que en plena cultura universal percibió el delicado oido de Rossetti, Maeterlinck y los simbolistas. Pero, no obstante esta curiosa relación con el simbolismo europeo, nuestra poesía popular, en su manera mas típica, es a la vez mas primitiva y mas honda, mas directa y mas penetrante, y en su interpretación de la vida y de la naturaleza, mas viril, que la fina pero algo afeminada poesía del simbolismo moderno.

(Continued on page 280)

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