Imágenes de página

Architects, Royal Institute of British.

[Fellow, F.R.I.B.A.; Associate, A.R.I.B.A.; Licentiate, L.R.I.B.A.] 1,389. Fellows, £5 5s.; 2,412, Associates, £3 35.; 2,150, Licentiates, £3 3s. (c) Own Journal. (d) Ribazo, Piccy, London. (e) Mayfair 0434 and 0435. (f) May, 1927, London. Mr. Ian MacAlister, M.A., 9 Conduit Street, London, W.1.

Art Masters, National Society of.

[Fellows, F.S.A.M.] 800. £I IIS. 6d. (full-time teachers) { 15s. (part-time). Probationary Members, ros. 6d. (c) Own Journal. (e) Museum 0658-9. (f) January. Mr. Alfred Shuttleworth, A.R.C.A., 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

[blocks in formation]

For those interested in the teaching of Art. 300. 155. (c) The Record. (f) January, 1928. Miss M. Lenn, 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools, Incorporated Association of. 7,600. £2 25. (c) The A.M.A. and Year Book. (d) Incorama, Westcent, London. (e) Museum 0658 and 0659. (f) January, 1928. Mr. G. D. Dunkerley, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

Assistant Mistresses in Secondary Schools, Association of


6,400. £1; Associate, 5s. (e) Museum 0658 and 0659.
(1) January, 1928. Mrs. Gordon Wilson, 29 Gordon Square,
W.C. 1.

Associated Board of The Royal Academy of Music and The Royal
College of Music for Local Examinations in Music.
(d) Associa, London. (6) Museum 1710. (5) July. Mr. James
Muir, 14 and 15 Bedford Square, London, W.C. 1.



Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux. Members, £2 2s.; Associate Members, £I IS. Astiburo, Westcent, London. (e) Museum 0749. (f) September, Cambridge. Mr. Guy W. Keeling, B.A., 38 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. 1.

Astronomical Association, British.

For the encouragement of the study of astronomy. School affiliation fee an annually, I IS. Secretary, Education Committee, Mr. E. O. Tancock, Wellington College, Berks.

Blind, College and Association of Teachers of the.

260. Ios. (c) The Teacher of the Blind. (e) Battersea 4621. (f) June, London. Miss M. M. R. Garaway, " Linden Lodge," 26 Bolingbroke Grove, Wandsworth Common, S.W. 11.

Board of Education.

(e) Victoria 9800. Sir Aubrey V. Symonds, K.C.B., Whitehall, S.W. I.

Board of Education Library.

Open Monday to Friday, 10-5; Saturday, 10-1. King
Charles Street, Whitehall, S.W. 1.

Book-keeping Teachers, Association of (Ltd. by Guarantee).
[Fellows, F.B.T.; Associates, A.B.T.; Members, M.B.T.]
480. Fellows, 12s. 6d.; Associates, Ios.; Members, 5s.
(c) The Book-keepers' Magazine. (e) Gillingham (Kent) 165.
() February, 1928. Mr. W. J. A. Knight-Rawlings, F.I.S.A.,
109 Rock Avenue, Gillingham, Kent.

British and Foreign School Society.

The promotion of popular education at home and abroad.
I IS.; Life, ₤IO IOS. (c) Educational Record. (e) Central
7969. (f) May, 1927. Mr. E. N. Fallaize, 114 Temple
Chambers, E.C. 4.

British Association for the Advancement of Science.

3.500. Life, £15; annual ₤I IOS. and £1. (c) Annual Report. (d) Sciasoc. (e) Gerrard 7213. (f) Leeds. Mr. O. J. R. Howarth, O.B.E., Burlington House, W. 1. Education Section: Mr. G. D. Dunkerley, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

British Universities League of Nations Society.

To examine, support, and influence the development of the
League of Nations. 3,000. Minimum, Is. (c) Headway and
The New Ambassador. (d) Freenats, Knights, London.
(e) Sloane 6161. (f) July 9-13, Congress (place uncertain).
Mr. C. W. Judd, 15 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W. 1.

[blocks in formation]

Cadet Association, Public Secondary Schools.

64. £1 Is. per Corps. (c) Camp Magazine. (1) June (first week), Birmingham. Rev. Telford Varley, Cadet Lieut.-Col., Ripple Rectory, nr. Dover, Kent.

Cambridge Highest Grade Schools Examinations Syndicate.

Mr. T. G. Bedford, M.A., 61a St. Andrew's Street,

Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.

(d) Syndicate, Cambridge. (e) Cambridge 579. Mr. W. N. Williams, M.A., Syndicate Buildings, Cambridge.

Carnegie United Kingdom Trust.

(c) Annual Report. (d) Ameliorate, Dunfermline. (e) Dunfermline 398. (f) March 11, Dunfermline. Lt. Col. J. M. Mitchell, O.В.Е., М.С., M.A., East Port, Dunfermline.

Catholic Colleges, Conference of.

150. £1. Very Rev. Canon Driscoll, M.A., D.D., Cardinal Vaughan School, Addison Road, W. 14.

[blocks in formation]

For the scientific study of children. 500. Ios. 6d. and 7s. 6d. (c) Proceedings. (e) Victoria 3739. (1) April 28, 1927. Miss Henrietta M. Richards, 90 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. 1.

Church Education Corporation.

(d) 34, c/o Citizenry, Churton, London. (e) Victoria 3319. Mr. Chas. C. Osborne, 34 Denison House, Westminster, S.W. 1.

Church Schoolmastersand Schoolmistresses' Benevolent Institution. 14,000. 25. 6d. (c) School Guardian. (d) Nat. Society Vict. (e) Victoria 6881. (f) June, London. Mr. Tom M. Pettitt, 21 Great Peter Street, Westminster, S.W. 1.

Class Teachers, National Federation of.

10,000. IS. (c) The Class Teacher. (f) September, 1927, York. Mr. Henry T. Morgan, 60 Chesterfield Road, St. Andrew's, Bristol.

[blocks in formation]


[Fellows, F.F.T. Com.; Associates, A.F.T. Com.] 800. From 10s. 6d. to £I IS. (c) Teacher in Commerce. Central 894. (f) Whitsuntide, Liverpool. Mr. A. James, 133 Edmund Street, Birmingham.

Commercial Teachers, The Incorporated Society of.

[Fellow, F.C.T.; Associate, A.C.T.] 200. 12s. 6d. (c) The
Commercial Teacher. (e) City, Manchester 188. (f) July,
Manchester. Mr. T. Booth Brown, 63 Deansgate Arcade,

Conference of Educational Associations.

Affiliated associations, 54. Not exceeding 1,000 members, £2 125. 6d.; 1,000-2,000, £3 135. 6d.; 2,000-3,000, £4 14s. 6d.; 3,000-5,000, £5 15s. 6d.; 5,000-৪,০০০, £6 16s. 6d.; over 8,000, ₤IO IOS. (c) Report issued in March. (e) Museum 0658. (f) January, 1928, University College. Miss M. A. Challen, B.A.

Continuative Teachers' Association.

[blocks in formation]

150. 5s. (e) Western 5284. Miss Rennie, 35 Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. 7.

Deaf, National College of Teachers of.

473- IOS. (c) Teacher of the Deaf. (e) Sydenham 3744. Mr. A. F. Boyer, School for the Deaf, Versailles Road, Anerley, S.E. 20.

Deaf, Teachers of the, National College of, Incorporated, ScotoIrish Branch.

To further the cause of deaf education. 83. Ios. (c) Teacher of the Deaf. Mr. J. S. Barker, Royal Deaf Schools,


Deaf, Union of Teachers of, on the Pure Oral System.

100. 2s. 6d. March 15. Capt. H. L. Ingram, 25 Casslee Road, Catford, S.E. 6.

Decimal Association.

Adoption of Decimal Coinage and Metric Weights and
Measures. 400-500. £I Is.; Associates, Ios. 6d. (c) Deci-
mal Educator. (d) Central 2250. (e) Central 2250. Miss E.
Merry, 230 Finsbury Pavement House, Е.С. 2.

Dental Board of the United Kingdom.

(d) Dentibord, Eusroad. (e) Langham 2501. (f) May, at Office. Mr. Norman C. King, 44 Hallam Street, W. 1.

Directors and Secretaries for Education, Association of.

20. £2 (5) January, 1928, London. Mr. F. H. Toyne, B.A., 54 Old Steine, Brighton.

Domestic Studies, National Council for.

(e) Rusholme, Manchester 446. (f) November, London. Examination Secretary, Miss K. M. Buck, 30 Gordon Square, W.C. I.

Domestic Subjects, Association of Teachers of.

1850. 155. (c) Practical Education. (e) Museum 0658. (f) May 28, Manchester. Miss K. Mildred Buck, 30 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

Drawing Society, The Royal. Incorporated 1902.

(d) Roydrasoc Parl, London. (e) Victoria 5933. (5) January, 1928. Miss E. Rust, 18 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W. 1.

[blocks in formation]

Education Committees, Wales and Monmouthshire, Federation of.
27. £2 2s. to £8 8s. (e) Cardiff 2663, Merthyr, 249. Mr.
John J. Jackson, B.A., Director of Education, Cardiff, and
Mr. Rhys Elias, M.A., Director of Education, Merthyr

Education Guild, The.

To promote co-operation and facilitate interchange of opinion among all persons interested in the study and practice of education. Minimum I IS. (e) Museum 1950. (f) First or third week in January. Miss N. Dalzell, 9 Brunswick Square, W.C. 1.

Education in Industry and Commerce, The Association for.

For the encouragement of definite educational work in industrial and commercial undertakings. 60 (chiefly firms). Associated firms, £55s.; individuals, ₤I IS. (c) Proceedings. (f) June 28, 29, 30, 1927, London. Mr. R. W. Ferguson, B.Sc., 36 Linden Road, Bournville, Birmingham.

Educational Facilities Association.

Mr. C. Cooley, St. Stephen's House, Westminster, S.W. 1. Educational Handwork Association.

An Association for the development of modern School practices. 4,500. 5s. (c) Educational Handwork. (f) June 11, 1927. Mr. Wm. Osborn, 24 St. Ives Grove, Armley, Leeds.

Educational Institute of Scotland.

For those engaged in teaching in Scotland. (Fellow, F.E.I.S.; Associate, A.E.I.S.] 22,461. £1 2s. 6d. (c) Scottish Educational Journal. (d) Institute, Edinburgh. (e) Edinburgh 23216 and 23217. Mr. T. Henderson, B.Sc., F.E.I.S., 47 Moray Place, Edinburgh

Educational Institutions, Union of.

85. (d) Unedin, Birmingham. (e) Central 3788. (5) October 25, 1927, Birmingham. Mr. A. Percy Dent, 174 Corporation Street, Birmingham. Educational Settlements Association.

To promote adult education on a community basis. Mini-
mum, £I IS. (c) The Common Room. (e) Museum 7284.
July 8-11, 1927. Dr. B. A. Yeaxlee, 150 Southampton
Row, W.C. I.

[blocks in formation]

English Folk Dance Society.

11,000. £I IS. d. (c) Journal and E.F.D.S. News. (d) Museum 4580. (f) Morley Hall, Hanover Square, March 16, 1927. Mr. Bertram Gavin, 107 Great Russell Street, W.C.1.

Esperanto Association, British (Incorporated).

[Fellow, F.B.E.A.] 1,500. 55. (c) British Esperantist. (d) Esperanto, Westcent, London. (e) Holborn 4794. (f) Easter, Cheltenham. Mr. Montagu C. Butler, L.R.A.M., 17 Hart Street, London, W.C. 1.

Eugenics Society.

600. Fellow, ₤I IS.; Member, IOS. (c) The Eugenics Review. (d) Heredity (Souwest) London. (e) Sloane 2086. Mrs. C. B. S. Hodson, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. 1.

Experiment and Research in Education, Society for.

300. IOS. (/) January, 1928, University College, London. Mr. Edward Daws, Yellowsands, Bembridge, Isle of Wight. Federal Council of Associations of Teachers in Bristol, Somerset, Wiltshire, and Gloucestershire.

35. £1 Is. Mr. H. Audcent, 34 Belvoir Road, St. Andrew's Park, Bristol.

Federal Lectures Board.

(Child Study Society, Education Guild, Froebel Society and Junior Schools Association, Nursery Schools Association). Miss M. G. Ostle, 4 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. 1.

Food Education Society, Incorporated.

Education in dietetics and hygiene. (c) National Health. (e) Vic. 7145. Mr. Charles E. Hecht, M.A., 24 Tufton Street, Dean's Yard, S.W. 1.

Friends, Central Education Committee of the Society of.

(1) General Education: Mr. C. E. Stansfield, M.A., 70 Northcourt Avenue, Reading. Tel. 738. (2) Sunday Schools and Children's Work. Friends' House, Euston Road, N. W. I. Tel. 8164 Museum. (3) Adult Education: Mr. R. Davis, 23 Fox Hill, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Tel. 8 Selly Oak.

Friends' Guild of Teachers.

270. 6s. (f) January 4-7, 1928, Sidcot School, Winscombe, Somerset. Mr. L. H. Gilbert, M.A., Bootham School, York.

[blocks in formation]

Governesses' Benevolent Institution.

Ios. (e) Central 3121. (f) May 6, 1927, Criterion Restaurant.
Mr. A. F. Mullins, 5 Arundel Street, Strand, W.C. 2.

Governesses' Benevolent Society of Scotland.

Assists governesses in temporary difficulties. Has residence
and registry at 10 Gloucester Place, Edinburgh. (e) 20781.
Mr. C. E. W. Macpherson, C.A., 6 North St. David Street,

Graduates, London, The Twentieth Century Society of.

750. 2s. 6d. (d) Museum 0937. (f) May 5, 1927. Mr. G. F. Troup Horne, BM/XXth, London, W.C. 1.

Grammatical Reform, Standing Committee on.

To promote the use of uniform terminology for all languages.
Miss Edith Hastings, 180 Elm Park Mansions, S.W. 10.

Guildhall School of Music.

(d) Euphonium, Fleet, London. (e) Central 4459. Mr. H. Saxe Wyndham, John Carpenter Street, Victoria Embankment, E.C. 4.

Handicraft Teachers, The Institute of (Incorporated).

To promote educational handwork and the professional interests of its members. [The Institute's College of Handicraft; Fellow, F.Coll.H.; Member, M.Coll. H.; Associate, A.Coll.H.] 1,250. 155. (c) Practical Education and School Crafts. (d) Judd, Brighton. (f) April 18, Prov. Training College, Moray House, Edinburgh. Mr. J. H. Judd, M.I.Mech.E., F.Coll.H., 143 Preston Drove, Brighton.

Headmasters' Conference.

To discuss educational questions which affect schools in close connexion with Oxford and Cambridge Universities. 171 (including 23 Oversea Dominion Schools). I IS. (c) Own Bulletin. (d) 52 Temple. (e) Central 0251. (f) January, 1928. Mr. W. A. Bulkeley-Evans, C.B.E., M.Α., 5 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. 4.

Head Masters, Incorporated Association of.

750. £2 25. (c) Own Review. (e) Museum 0658. (f) January, 1928. Mr. W. Jenkyn Thomas, Hackney Downs School, Clapton, London, E. 5, and Mr. F. R. Hurlstone-Jones, Holloway School, Hilldrop Road, N. 7, 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

Headmistresses' Association (Incorporated 1896).

480. £2 (minimum); Overseas, £I IS. (e) Museum 0658. (f) July 1 and 2, 1927, Oxford. Miss Ruth Young, 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

Headmistresses, Association of, London Branch.

60. 5s. Miss E. A. Jones, M.A., County Sec. School, Broomwood Road, Clapham Common, S.W. 11.

Head Teachers, National Association of.

4035. 45. (c) Head Teachers' Review. (f) June 4-7, Liverpool. Mr. H. J. Jackson, Seymour Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham.

[blocks in formation]

7s. 6d.

Encouragement of systematic reading. 3,000.
(c) The Reader. (e) Museum 3902. (f) March 8, 1927,
King's College, Strand. Miss Molly Swabey, 16 Russell
Square, W.C. 1.

Incorporated Accountants and Auditors, Society of.

[Fellow, F.S.A.A.; Associate, A.S.A.A.] 4,600. (c) The
Incorporated Accountants' Journal. (d) Incorpac, Cent.,
London. (e) London Wall 5613. Mr. Alexander Adnett
Garrett, B.A., B.Sc., 50 Gresham Street, London, E.C. 2.

Industrial Welfare Society.

700. £5 5s. (c) Industrial Welfare. (e) Victoria 6442 and 9563. (f) November, at Office. Rev. Robert R. Hyde, 51 Palace Street, S.W. 1.

Inspectors of Schools and Educational Organizers, National Association of.

210. £I IS. (f) Probably May, The County Hall, Westminster Bridge, S.E. 1. Mr. Marshall Jackman, "Willmar," New Barn, Longfield, Kent.

Institut Français du Royaume Uni.

To promote knowledge of French language, history, thought, life, &c. 1, 3, or 5 guineas, with special reductions to teachers. (e) Kensington 9411-9412. Prof. D. Saurat, Docteur-ès-Lettres, 1-7 Cromwell Gardens, S.W. 7.

International Council of Women (Education Committee).

(c) Own Bulletin. (e) Victoria 3217. Miss E. M. Zimmern, 25 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.

International Guild. [Collège de la Guilde (in France.)]

300. (c) Bulletin. Mlle Clanet, 6 rue de la Sorbonne, Paris. Ireland, Association of Secondary Teachers.

To safeguard rights of lay Secondary Teachers. 300. Members, £2 Ios. in ten monthly payments of 5s.; Associates, £1 5s. in ten monthly payments of 2s. 6d. (c) Irish School Weekly. (e) Ballsbridge 229. (f) Apri 19 and 20, 1927, Dublin. Mr. T. J. Burke, 3 Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin.

Irish Free State Department of Education.

Endowed Schools Branch, Mr. Stanislaus Murphy, LL.B.,
33 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. Secondary Branch, (d)
Intermediate, Dublin. (e) Dublin 61961-2-3. The Assistant
Commissioner, I Hume Street, Dublin.

Irish Schoolmistresses, Central Association of.

60. 5s. Miss L. O. Rowlette, B.A., 55 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin.

Joint Agency for Women Teachers.

(e) Museum 0658. (f) March 15, 1927. Miss F. M. Forrest, 29 Gordon Square, W.C. I.

[blocks in formation]

La Ligue de l'Enseignement.

3,000. 5 fr. (c) Bulletin. (f) Dernier dimanche de Janvier. Monsieur Nicolas Smelten, Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier 110, Bruxelles, Belgique.

Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes, Union of.

A federation of the Education Committees of Lancashire,
Cheshire, Derbyshire, Westmorland, Flintshire, and the
Isle of Man. (d) Institutes, Manchester. (e) City 6959.
(f) September 30, 1927, Oldham. Mr. G. J. Walmsley,
M.Sc., 33 Blackfriars Street, Manchester.

Latin Teaching, Association for the Reform of.

Improvement of Latin (and Greek) in Schools. 330. 5s. (c) Latin Teaching. Miss M. F. Moor, 45 High Street, Old Headington, Oxford.

League of Nations Union.

590,000. Foundation, f1; ordinary, 3s. 6d. or is.
Headway. (d) Freenat, Knights, London. (e) Sloane 6161.
(f) June 23-24, 1927, Harrogate. Dr. J. C. Maxwell Garnett,
С.В.Е., М.А., 15 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. 1.

League of the Empire.
Furtherance of Imperial education and interchange of
teachers. £I IS. and Ios. (c) League of the Empire Review.
(d) Empirlea, Churton, London. (e) Victoria 3094. (f) July,
1928, Triennial Conference. July, 1927, Summer meeting in
London. Mrs. Ord Marshall, C.B.E., 124 Belgrave Road, S. W.1.

Legal Education, The Council of.

Established by the four Inns of Court to superintend the education and examination of students for the English Bar. (e) 4665 Holborn. Mr. John Felix Waley, M.A., 15 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. 2.

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The Pfeiffer Fund, the Caroline Ashurst Biggs Fund, the Helen Blackburn Fund, the Mrs. Haweis Fund, the Louisa Lady Goldsmid Fund, the Susan Elizabeth Fortescue " and Educated Women Workers' Loan Training Fund, and the Clara Evelyn Mordan Fund. All these funds are to help students in paying fees for professional or technical training. Apply to the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women (Educated Women's Loan Training Fund). (Life, £5.) (e) Sloane 2834. Miss Edith Hare, 251 Brompton Road, S.W. 3.


Journal. (d) Convention,

London Chamber of Commerce, The (Incorporated). 7.575. £3 3s. to £5 5s. (c) Own Journal. (d) Cannon, London. (e) Central 5427. (f) February, April, July, and November. Principal, Commercial Education Dept., Mr. Robert E. T. Ridout, F.I.S.A., A.C.P., Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C. 4.

London Head Teachers' Association.

1,546. £I IS. (c) The Pamphlet.
(e) Clerkenwell 1730.
(f) November, 1927. Mr. D. H. Cassels, St. John's National
School, New North Road, Hoxton, N. 1.

London Parochial Charities (Central Fund).

Income is spent mainly in furtherance of technical education.
Mr. Ernald R. Warre, 3 Temple Gardens, E.C. 4.

London Teachers Association (County Association of N.U.T. for

15,000. £I IIS. (c) London Teacher. (e) Central 0896 and 0897. (f) February. Mr. W. J. Pincombe, J.P., 11 Pilgrim Street, E.C. 4.

Mary Ward Settlement.

Provides training in practical work for students preparing for public and voluntary social and civic service, and residence for social workers. (e) Museum 337. (f) March, 1927. The Warden, 36-37 Tavistock Place, W.C. 1.

Mathematical Association.

Members and Associates, 1,680. 15s. (Life subscription, 10 guineas.) (c) Mathematical Gazette. (e) Chiswick 0361. (f) January, 1928. Mr. C. Pendlebury, 39 Burlington Road, Chiswick, London, W. 4; and Miss M. Punnett, London Day Training College, Southampton Row, London, W.C. 1.

Mathematical Society, London.

400. £2 25. (c) Own Proceedings and Journal. (f) November
10, 1927. Prof. G. N. Watson, and Mr. F. P. White,
Burlington House, W. 1.

Matriculation Board, Joint. (The Universities of Manchester,
Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, and Birmingham.)
(d) Diploma, Manchester. (e) Ardwick, 2821. Mr. J. M.
Crofts, M.A., D.Sc., 315 Oxford Road, Manchester.

Medical Education and Registration, General Council of.

(d) Genmedicum, Eusroad, London. (e) Langham 2500. (f) May, at Office. Mr. Norman C. King, 44 Hallam Street, W. 1.

Medical Officers of Schools, Association of.

Mutual assistance in providing School Hygiere. 155. (c)
Own, Transactions. (f) London, January, 1928. Dr.
G. Chaikin, Dr. J. Lambert and Dr. E. J. Boome, II
Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W. 1.

Mental Welfare, Central Association for.

To assist in specialized training of medical officers, teachers, social workers and others concerned with the care and training of defectives. 276. 5s. upwards. (c) Mental Welfare. (e) Victoria 7875. (f) July 11, 1927, Caxton Hall. Miss Evelyn Fox, 24 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. 1.

Mind Association.


IOS. (c) Mind. (f) June or July, 1927, London. Mr. G. R. G. Mure, Merton College, Oxford.

Ministry of Education for Northern Ireland.

(d) Education, Belfast. (e) Belfast 5161. Mr. Lewis McQuibban, C.B.E., Parliament Buildings, Belfast.

Miniature Rifle Clubs, Society of,

Promotes competition between Secondary School Rifle
Clubs. Life subscription, ₤I IS.
Secretary, S.M.R.C.,
15 Arundel Street, London, W.C. 2.

Modern Humanities Research Association.

For Graduates of recognized universities. 800. 75. 6d. (c) Modern Language Review. Prof. E. Allison Peers, The University, Liverpool.

Modern Language Association.

1,250. 155. (c) Modern Languages. (e) Kensington 9411. (f) January, 1928, London. Mr. F. Renfield, M.A., LL.M., 3 Cromwell Gardens, S.W. 7.

[blocks in formation]

Music Teachers Association.

1,700. £1 Is. or 12s. 6d. (c) Music Teacher. (e) Hampstead 1651. (f) October 22, 1927, Court House Restaurant, Marylebone Lane, W. 1. Mr. Russell E. Chester, B.A., A.R.A.M., 2 Mount Vernon Cottages, Hampstead, N.W. 3.

National Education Association.

To promote and defend the principles of national education, efficient, progressive, free, unsectarian, and under popular control. 5s. (d) Anew, Parl., London. Mr. A. J. Mundella, Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. I.

[blocks in formation]

Organists, Royal College of.

[Fellow, F.R.C.O.; Associate, A.R.C.O.) Kensington Gore, S.W. 7.

Oversea Settlement of British Women, Society for the.

(c) Imperial Colonist. (d) Mitigator Parl. (e) Victoria 8540. (f) May 18, 1927. Miss A. C. Franklin, Caxton House West, Tothill Street, London, S.W. 1.

Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board.

Mr. T. G. Bedford, M.A., 61a St. Andrew's Street, Cambridge.
Mr. C. H. Wilkinson, M.A., Examination Schools, Oxford.

Oxford Local Examinations.

(d) Locals, Oxford. Secretary of Local Examinations, Merton Street, Oxford.

Parents' National Educational Union.

(e) Victoria 0479.

4,000. 15s. 6d. (c) Parents' Review. (f) June 30, London. Miss Whyte, 26 Victoria Street, S. W. 1. Phonetique Internationale, Association.

To promote the study of phonetics. Membre adhérent, 8s.; membre actif, 12s. Le Maître Phonétique. Prof. Daniel Jones, University College, London, W.C. 1.

Physical Education Association, Secondary Schoolmasters'.

130. 5s. (c) Pamphlet. (f) Conference, June, 1927. Mr. F. H. Jenner, Boys' Secondary School, Eastbourne. Physical Education. National Association of Organizers of.

130. £I IS. Own Pamphlet. (e) Sheffield Central 5065. (f) February 24 and 25, 1928. Mr. Henry A. Cole, Saxonholme, Clarkson Street, Sheffield.

Physical Education (Women), Scottish League for.

210. IOS. (c) Journal of School Hygiene and Physical Education. (f) April 13-16, 1927, College of Hygiene and Physical Training, Dunfermline. Miss Jean C. Milligan, 19 Rosslyn Terrace, Glasgow.

Physical Training, British Association for, The Incorporated. [Member, M.B.A.P.T.] (c) Physical Education. (f) January, 1928. Mr. T. Williams, 25 Chalcroft Road, Lee, S.E. 13.

Physics, Institute of.

Exemption from the qualifying examination may be granted to holders of alternative qualifications. [Fellow, F.Inst.P. ; Associate, A.Inst.P.] Fellows, 310, £2 25.; Associates, 150, ₤I IS. (e) Kensington 2180. (f) May, 1927, at Offices. Mr. Thomas Martin, M.Sc., I Lowther Gardens, Exhibition Road, London, S.W. 7.

Playing Fields Association, The National.

General Kentish, C.M.G., 199 Piccadilly, W. 1. Freparatory Schools, Incorporated Association of.

To draw together Headmasters of Preparatory Schools, to organize opinion, and to act as a channel of communication with other educational bodies, the Public Schools and Government Departments. Members must possess a degree or registration, and be heads of schools containing no boys

over the age of fifteen. 600. £155.; entrance fee, £2 25. (c) Preparatory Schools Review. (e) Beaconsfield 79. (f) December, 1927. Mr. Hugh C. King, Byeways, Beaconsfield, Bucks.

Private Schools Association, Incorporated.

To protect the interests of efficient schools under private management. 1,000. £I IS. (c) Secondary Education. (e) South 1574. (f) January, 1928. University College, London. Rev. C. Whitfield, M.A., St. Hilda's, Moseley, Birmingham.

Professeurs de Français en Angleterre, Société Nationale des. 250. Ios. 6d. (c) Le Français. (f) January 28, 1928. Monsieur de Parrel, 7 Red Lion Square, W.C. 1.

Protestant Schools in Ireland, The Incorporated Society for Promoting.

(e) Dublin 62530. (f) May 16, 1927. Rev. W. J. Mayne, M.A., 48 Kildare Street, Dublin.

Psychological Society, British; Education Section.

400. £I IS. to B.P.S.; 5s. to Education Section. (c) British Journal of Psychology. Miss Barbara Low, Β.Α., 121A

Gloucester Road, S.W. 7.

Public Schools Employment Bureau.

Assistance in obtaining employment at Home or Overseas for boys of 17-19 years of age and educated at a school, represented at the Headmasters' Conference, or other secondary schools. (e) Central 0251. Mr. W. BulkeleyEvans, C.B.E., M.A., 5 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. 4. Recognized Private Schools Association of Headmistresses of. 100. I IS. (f) May 28, 1927. Miss H. M. Stranger, Gunnerside School, Plymouth.

Representative Managers, The, of London Elementary Schools. Mr. J. N. Duddington,

350. 45. (c) School Child. 745 Finchley Road, N.W. II.

[blocks in formation]

15s. (c) Modern Languages. Boys: Miss King, 17 Park Crescent, Oxford. Girls: Mr. F. Renfield, M.A., LL.M., 3 Cromwell Gardens, S.W. 7.

School Attendance Officers' National Association.

Mr. E. Winfield, 37 Hulton Street, Alexandra Park, Manchester.

Schoolmasters' Association (Ireland).

90. IOS. (e) Dublin 51954. (f) October, 1927, Dublin. Mr. J. Thompson, M.A., The High School, Dublin.

Schoolmasters, National Association of.

All schoolmasters recognized by the Board of Education who are not members of an Association of Teachers that has adopted the principle of "equal pay," or is opposed to the policy of separate consideration, are eligible for membership. 6,500. 18s. plus local fee. (c) The New Schoolmaster. (e) Museum 8088. (f) Easter, 1927, Bristol. Mr. A. E. Warren, 59 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

[blocks in formation]

1,190. IOS. (c) School Science Review. (f) January 3-6, London. Mr. W. H. Barrett, Brickfields, Harrow-on-the-Hill (correspondence). Mr. I. M. Bankes-Williams (annual meeting and membership), Lincoln House, London Road, Harrow. Science and Specialist Teaching, Association for the Provision of. (d) Scienteach: Westcent: London. (e) Museum 0658. Miss J. Shaw, 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.

Science Teachers, Women, Association of. 465.

IOS. (c) School Science Review. (f) February, 1928. London. Miss M. E. Birt, St. Paul's Girls' School, Brook Green, W. 6.

Scientific Workers, National Union of.

To promote the cause of science and to improve the status of the scientific worker. 1,000. 30s. (c) The Scientific Worker. (e) Vict. 5803. (f) July, 1927, London. Mr. A. G. Church, D.S.O., M.C., B.Sc., F.R.G.S., 25 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.

Scottish Education Department.

Sir George Macdonald, K.C.B., F.B.A., D.Litt., LL.D.,
Dover House, Whitehall, S.W. I; and at 14 Queen Street,

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