Rural Science. By J. MASON and J. A. Dow. (2s. McDougall.) SCIENCE An inexpensive little book, carefully written and well adapted to its purpose, which is to provide a three years' course in rural science for schools. The scheme of the book is in accordance with that issued by the Edinburgh and East of Scotland College of Agriculture. This scheme, for which one of the present authors was partly responsible, is of course primarily applicable to Scottish schools, but for the most part is equally suited to those in England. Messrs. Mason and Dow have interpreted the scheme very well and the course they give is clearly the work of experienced teachers who have learnt their pupils' difficulties and how to overcome them. Murby's Sets of Minerals and Rocks. Messrs. Thomas Murby & Co. have two sets worthy of the attention of teachers of geography. (1) A set of thirty Economic Minerals and Rocks; (2) a set of thirty Common RocksIgneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic, &c. These have been selected by Dr. L. Dudley Stamp, Sir Ernest Cassel Reader in Economic Geography in the University of London, who has compiled a booklet of useful notes on each. The sets can be obtained in two forms. One in which the specimens are of specially large size and are thus well adapted for class demonstration; (1) in this form costs £3 7s. 6d.; (2) costs £2 18s. 6d. A set of smaller pieces for pupils' use costs (1) £1 5s.; (2) £1 35. The complete collection should prove of real utility and the enterprise of the publishers deserves high commendation. New Conceptions in Colloidal Chemistry. By Prof. H. FREUND LICH. (os. net. Methuen.) Colloidal chemistry is advancing so rapidly that it is difficult for any one but the specialist to keep abreast of the latest developments. Prof. Freundlich, whose large work on Colloid and Capillary Chemistry was recently reviewed in these columns, is not only one of the chief authorities on the subject, but has a marked capacity of clear exposition. We can heartily recommend this book to those teachers of physics or chemistry who realize the importance of colloid chemistry but have allowed themselves to become rusty. Compulsory Teaching of Chemistry in Schools. By M KOSTER. (Is. net. Bale.) A forceful exposition of the view that, since chemistry plays such a vital part in modern civilization, every boy or girl should be taught something of it at school. Whether Mr. Koster will carry conviction or not is another matter; it seems to us that he bases his arguments far too much on the material side of the problem, forgetting that the prime object of teaching science in schools is education in its widest sense. However, the little pamphlet is well worth reading and is likely to provoke a good deal of discussion. Practical Physics. By T. G. BEDFORD. (10s. 6d. net. Longmans.) The course described in this volume is based upon the set of experiments which have been provided in recent years for the students, mostly in their first year at the university, who have attended the author's classes at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. An important feature is the explanatory matter, on the theory of the practical work, which has been added in all cases where this might be found useful. For the most part, the apparatus described is simple, and not beyond the resources of the average laboratory. The volume can be recommended as a most useful guide, both to teachers and to students. Forest, Steppe, and Tundra: Studies in Animal Environment. By MAUD D. HAVILAND (Mrs. H. H. BRINDLEY). (12s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) To appreciate these ecological essays a considerable knowledge of zoology and a modicum of botany are essential. The reader thus equipped will find in these pages a host of good things bearing on adaptation to environment, and on other matters of general biological interest. Mrs. Brindley has woven her own observations with those of previous workers in these strikingly diverse regions; and gives a full bibliography for each. Her book is more suitable to post-graduate than to school days. Health: A Textbook for Schools. By M. AVERY. (6s. Methuen.) Within recent years resolutions in favour of hygiene finding a place in the curriculum have been passed by the Headmasters' Conference, and by the Conference of Headmistresses. This book is a level-headed presentment of the need for public and for personal hygiene, and of the steps and conduct necessary to secure them. It is suitable for use in upper forms of secondary and public schools, but should be read by every one who wishes to know what has been achieved in the past, what still requires to be done for the sake of humanity, and the part that he (or she) should play in the hygienic fight. The Home Preservation of Fruit and Vegetables. By MARGARET J. M. WATSON. (6s. net. Oxford University Press.) We should like to see this book in the hands of, and its methods adopted by every fruit-grower and market-gardener in this country. Much of the deplorable loss and wastage that occurs in a "good" year for any given crop could be avoided if these methods of preservation were adopted. The book is based on courses given by the authoress at the Campden Research Station, and is primarily intended for students of domestic science, horticulture, &c., but any whose gardens ever produce more than is at the moment necessary for the household will find it invaluable for every kind of preservable produce. The Birds of the British Isles. Third Series: Comprising their Migration and Habits, and Observations on our Rarer Visitants. By T. A. COWARD. (IOS. 6d. net. Warne.) Interest in bird-migration is so widespread that this handy volume will be welcomed by a large circle of readers to whom the extensive literature on the subject has been hitherto inaccessible. Mr. Coward, than whom there is no higher authority, here first gives us an epitome of the observed facts, and a most valuable expression of his own considered opinion regarding them, and then deals with all the birds on the British list, treating them in families, and stating when they appear in Britain, whence they come, and frequently their courtship and other habits. The illustrations, both coloured and photographic, are excellent; the former being by Archibald Thorburn, or reproduced from Lord Lilford's great work. Elementary Botany: an Introduction to the Study of Plant Life. By Dr. W. WATSON. (6s. 6d. Arnold.) This pleasantly-written book is serviceable both in school (class-room and laboratory) and in the field, and is successful in correlating the two types of work. A good feature is the association of plant physiology with morphological features as these come under observation, instead of devoting any chapters exclusively to physiology. It is certainly right to combine the study of structure with function; though in practice it is not always easy. Collected Papers of Sir James Dewar, Fellow of Peterhouse and Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Cambridge, 1875-1923, Fullerian Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1877–1923. Edited by Lady DEWAR, with the assistance of J. D. H. DICKSON, H. M. Ross, and Dr. E. C. S. DICKSON. With two Supplementary Papers not heretofore published, and an Appendix and Indexes. 2 Vols. (84s. net. Cambridge University Press.) The Gardener's Year Book, 1927. (3s. 6d. Williams & Norgate.) One Touch of Nature: A Literary Nature Study Reader for Boys and Girls. Arranged by Dr. F. W. TICKNER. (2s. 6d. University of London Press.) History of the Sciences in Greco-Roman Antiquity. By Prof. A. REYMOND. Translated by RUTH GHEURY DE BRAY. (7s. 6d. net. Methuen.) Microbe Hunters. By P. DE KRUIF. (12s. 6d. net. Cape.) Elementary Practical Chemistry: For Students Preparing for the School Certificate and Matriculation Examinations. By E. J. HOLMYARD. (2s. Bell.) Electricity and Magnetism. By A. PRATT. (3s. 6d. Christophers.) The Groundwork of Modern Science. I. A Two-Year Course of Experimental General Science. By J. M. MOIR. (3s. 6d. Longmans.) An Introduction to the Theory of Perception. By Sir J. H. PARSONS. (18s. net. Cambridge University Press.) Quantitative Analysis. By D. B. BRIGGS. (3s. 6d. Sidgwick & Jackson.) The Elements of General Zoology: A Guide to the Study of Animal Elementary Electricity. By J. NICOL. Part I. (Is. Selwyn & Treatise on Thermodynamics. By Prof. M. PLANCK. Translated MISCELLANEOUS Practical Social Science : A Laboratory Text-book. By Dr. J. A. LAPP. (7s. net. New York: Macmillan.) A book of this kind brings home to English readers the difference between American and English secondary schools. It is a text-book for the use of boys and girls, giving the essential data of social science in the concrete," together with a very large number of problems which can be solved by the correct handling and interpreting of the data. The aim of the writer is to train the students for intelligent citizenship, as well as to prepare them for more advanced work in sociology. The subjects are grouped under four main heads, The Citizen and Society, Production, Social Welfare, Community Work, and are in every case amply illustrated by charts and tables, taken from official publications. A The Saint-Simonian Religion in Germany : A very readable, as well as scholarly, contribution to the history of Saint-Simonism. The Book of the Aeroplane. By Captain J. L. PRITCHARD, (7s. 6d. net. Longmans.) The author of this very readable volume is a well-known writer on aeronautical topics. Within the compass of 255 pages we are led through a popular survey of all that is interesting and important in this latest of technical developments. Beginning with an historical introduction-with a reminder that it was Wilbur Wright's dictum that "the bird which talks most is the parrot, and is the bird which flies least '"-we are taken successively through chapters on why an aeroplane flies, famous flights, races, and records, ground organization, safety problems, aeroplane types, construction problems, and aeroplane engines. Finally we have a survey of the aeroplane in war and the problems of the future. The book is well illustrated with plates and diagrams, and we recommend it to all school libraries. Stability and Seaworthiness of Ships: A Text-book for Officers of the Mercantile Marine and for all Concerned with the Loading of Ships. By Prof. T. B. ABELL. (18s. net. University Press of Liverpool. Hodder & Stoughton.) Both the Univ University of Liverpool Press and Prof. Abell are to be congratulated on this excellent volume, which fittingly emanates from a "sea-board" university. The work is clearly written, well-produced, and sufficiently elementary in its mathematical treatment to enable it to be studied with advantage by the various classes of readers for whom it is mainly intendedthose who have to prepare a ship at its loading port, those who have to navigate it, and the marine engineer officers who have charge of the appliances for securing stability. Pros and Cons: a Newspaper Reader's and Debater's Guide to the leading Controversies of the Day (Political, Social, etc.). Seventh Edition. By H. CoUSENS. (2s. 6d. net. Routledge.) There is a marked tendency in these times to forswear permanent labels, political or other, and to consider public questions on their merits, as they arise. To this tendency, which one can scarcely help approving, this small volume will minister. It ranges over a very wide field, from total abstinence to coeducation, and from direct action to the sterilization of the unfit. Some one has said that a man is well educated when he cannot be humbugged by a newspaper. If that is so, this book will help on the cause of education. (1) Metal-Work. By H. M. ADAM and J. H. EVANS. (6s. 6d. net. Arnold.) (2) Printing and Book Crafts for Schools. By F. Goodyear. (Ios. 6d. net. Harrap.) (3) Pictorial House Modelling: a Practical Manual Explaining how to make Models of Buildings. By E. W. HOBBS. (6s. net. Lockwood.) (1) This is a new edition of a book well known to manual training instructors and, while it is impossible to treat metal work adequately in some 270 pages, the authors have collected here most of the information necessary for elementary classes. We are glad to see that the formal course of exercises and suggestions for models have been omitted from this edition, for, in our opinion, anything which would tend to stereotype a set of models and exercises is educationally wrong. The instructor must be free to invent, to modify, and, wherever possible, to allow full scope to his pupils' ideas. (2) Printing and bookbinding are comparatively new in junior handicraft schools, but are very valuable in developing manual dexterity and skill and in affording scope for really useful occupations which are well suited to those who find woodwork and metalwork too difficult. PUBLICATIONS Mr. Goodyear has treated the elementary parts of his subject admirably, and any handicraft instructor who is seeking new worlds to conquer will be well advised to add this little book to his library. Some of the illustrations are inartistic and might well be replaced by others in future editions, but technically the book is quite satisfactory and contains under one cover much information otherwise difficult to obtain. (3) Some of the suggestions in this book will be found useful for pupils who are well advanced in cardboard modelling, but the scheme is too haphazard and the details too elaborate for school work. Letters of George Gissing to Members of his Family. Collected and Arranged by ALGERnon and Ellen Gissing. (185. Readers who belong to Gissing's generation will turn the pages of this book with pathetic interest. They will remember him as the scholarly recluse, who scorned the opinions of the multitude, lived hard, wrote hard, and died young. During the brief three and twenty years of his literary life, he produced nearly as many novels, at least half of which are of a kind which the educated world will not willingly let die. These letters help very materially to fill out the picture of Gissing that his admirers had so far been able to form, and help also to relieve the sombreness of that picture by showing us Gissing as the affectionate son and brother. Little Mothers and Big Sisters. By HILDA M. HALLIDAY (Is. 3d. Oxford University Press.) Apella; or, The Future of the Jews. By A Quarterly Reviewer. (2s. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.) Games for Every Day. By GABRIELLE ELLIOT and A. R. The Writers' and Artists' Year Book, 1927: A Directory for Glimpses of Animal Life. By Various Authors. (Is. 9d. Murray.) The Dance of Civa: Life's Unity and Rhythm. By COLLUM. (2s. 6d. net. Kegan Paul.) Swimming Chart No. I. Breast Stroke. Prepared by ELIZABETH C. TERRY. (Stout Paper, with Metal Rims top and bottom, 2s. 6d. net. Mounted on Calico, rollers, and varnished. 4s. 6d. net. Brown.) Skipping Manual. By OLIVE M. NEWMARCH. (2s. 8d. net. Brown.) Things Seen in Shakespeare's Country: A Description of Stratford-on-Aron and the Beautiful Countrysiae with which the Great Poet was so Closely Associated, and from whose Charms and Historic Interest He Derived not a little of his Inspiration. By C. HOLLAND. (3s. 6d. net. Seeley, Service.) The Right to be Happy. By DORA RUSSELL. (5s. net. Routledge.) Manual of Modern Cookery. BY JESSIE LINDSAY and Prof. V. H. MOTTRAM. (4s. 6d. University of London Press.) The South and East African Year Book and Guide, with Atlas and Diagrams. Edited by A. S. BROWN and G. G. BROWN. 33rd Edition, 1927. (Sampson Low.) Third Congress of the Universities of the Empire, 1926: Report of Proceedings. Edited by Dr. A. HILL. (21s. net. Bell.) Professional Schools, Post-Graduation Courses, Specialist Studies fessional in the Universities and University Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland. Session 1926-27. (Universities Bureau of the British Empire.) Students from other Countries in the Universities and University Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland in October, 1926. (Is. Universities Bureau of the British Empire.) The Problem for 1927: Being the Annual Report of the National Education Association Presented to the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1926. (3d. Ν.Ε.Α.) Education (Scotland): Return Showing (I) Grant-Earning Day Schools and Institutions, and (II) Continuation Classes and Central Institutions, with Statistics relating thereto, for 1924-25. (5s. net. H.M.S.O.) The ‘“ Chelsea" Form Register. (Is. 4d. net. Philip & Tacey.) (Continued on page 190) SPECIAL VALUE IN ARTISTIC SCHOOL STATIONERY Exercise Book CATALOGUES A most comprehensive series of separate Catalogues issued Stationery, Text-Books, Library Books, Reward Books, Furniture, Handwork, Kindergarten, Chemicals and Chemical Apparatus-any of which will be forwarded Free to Principals. EXERCISE BOOKS Foolscap Quarto, size 8 inches by 61⁄2 inches. HESE books can be supplied to order in seven distinct extra cost. All the Stationery sold by the E.S.A. is made of high-grade materials in their own works at High Holborn, and is guaranteed. Every kind of Stationery IS IN STOCK, AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE REQUIREMENTS A NEW CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL STATIONERY just issued which will be gladly forwarded on request. SCHOOL FURNITURE HIGHEST GRADE MODERATE PRICES STANTON DESK THE STAΝΤΟΝ ALL-WOOD SLIDING LOCKER DESK SUPPLIED IN SIX DIFFERENT PATTERNS Also Dual Desks, Table Desks, Folding Desks, DESK WITH CHAIR Factory. Large stocks of Essential School Furniture are kept available for immediate requirements. Estimates and expert advice will be gladly supplied, whether for a single article or for the complete equipment of a Technical School or College. THE E.S.A. ARE EXPERTS IN EVERYTHING and will gladly send an Illustrated Catalogue on receipt of particulars. The Educational Supply Association, Ltd. London and National Society for Women's Service. Annual Report, 1926. Presented at the Annual General Meeting held at Women's Service House, Westminster, November 18, 1926. Pitman's Textile Educator. No. I. Edited by L. J. MILLS. (IS. 3d. Pitman.) Bulletin XXXI. Adult Education in Holland, the People's University of Rotterdam, the American Association, Expansion of the World Association, &c. (IS. World Association for Adult Education.) University of London. Institute of Historical Research. Fifth Annual Report, 1925-26. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church Accord ing to the Use of the Church of England, together with the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecration of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons: The Book of 1662, with Permissive Additions and Deviations Approved in 1927. (2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press. Cambridge University Press. Eyre & Spottiswoode.) Church Assembly. Prayer Book Measure, 1927: Provisional Draft-subject to further Revision by the House of Bishops. (Issued February 7, 1927.) (3d. net. Church Assembly. S.P.C.K.) The Praver Book Measure: Speeches delivered by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Convocations at the Church House, Westminster, Monday, February 7, 1927. (6d. net. Oxford University Press. Cambridge University Press. Eyre & Spottiswoode.) Plymouth Education Authority. Examination Successes Obtained by Students in Higher Schools under the Authority for the School Year ended July 31, 1926. (Education Offices, Plymouth.) Recent Developments in Atomic Theory: Being the Twentyeighth Robert Boyle Lecture, Delivered before the Junior Scientific Club of the University of Oxford on June 4, 1926. By Prof. C. G. DARWIN. (Is. net. Oxford University Press.) Per Ardua ad Astra: Showing the Relationship between School Training and Future Careers of Pupils. By W. J. STAINER. (Brighton Municipal Secondary School for Boys.) The Child-Study Society, London. Journal of Proceedings. Vol. VI. 1926. (25.) Report of the Committee on Education and Industry (England and Wales). First Part. (1s. 6d. net. H.M.S.O.) The Writers' and Artists' Year Book, 1927: A Directory for Writers, Artists, and Photographers. Edited by AGNES HERBERT. (3s. 6d. net. Black.) Board of Education. Examinations in Art, Rules and Syllabuses for 1927. Rules IIO. (4d. net. H.M.S.O.) The British Science Guild. The Norman Lockyer Lecture, 1926. Biology and Human Life. By Prof. J. S. HUXLEY. (IS. B.S.G.) The Optical Convention, 1926. Catalogue of Optical and General Scientific Instruments. (6s. net. Optical Convention.) Proceedings of the Optical Convention, 1926. Parts I and II. (£3 net. Optical Convention.) Bureau of Education, India. Occasional Reports, No. 13. Bilingualism (with special reference to Bengal). By M. WEST. (RS. 2-4 or 4s. Calcutta: Government of India, Central Publication Branch.) International Education in the Schools of Wales and Monmouthshire, 1922-1926. By the Rev. G. DAVIES. (Wrexham : Hughes.) University of London. University College Union Society. These Hundred Years" The Oration Delivered by Sir Gregory Foster during the Thirtieth Foundation Week on Thursday, March 25, 1926. (Is. net. University of London Press.) Board of Education. Report of the Consultative Committee on the Education of the Adolescent. (Paper, 2s. net. Cloth, 3s. net. H.M.S.O.) The British Academy. Warton Lecture on English Poetry. XIII. Chaucer and the Rhetoricians. By Prof. J. M. MANLY. (Is. net. Oxford University Press.) Guide to Library Facilities and Printed Sources of Bibliographical Information. (3d. National Union of Students.) Board of Education. Educational Pamphlets, No. 49. Survey of Technical and Further Education in England and Wales. (Is. net. H.M.S.O.) Pictorial Education. Vol. I. No. 1. (IS. Evans.) Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Humanidades: Publicación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación Dirigida por R. LEVENE. Tomo XIII. Filosofia y Educación. BLACKIE & SON'S LIST SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TWO IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS THE ABSOLUTE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS (Calculus of Tensors) By TULLIO LEVI-CIVITA Professor of Rational Mechanics in the University of Rome, Fellow of the Authorized Translation by Miss M. LONG, late Scholar of This book contains a concise and lucid account of the Calculus of Tensors by the eminent Italian mathematician who, with Ricci, discovered the method, and to whom many of its most powerful developments are solely due. SPACE AND TIME By ÉMILE BOREL, Honorary Director of L'École Normale Supérieure; Professor of Mathematical Physics in the Faculty of Sciences of Paris; Member of the Institute. Price 7s. 6d. net. A semi-popular account of the Theory of Relativity by one of the most distinguished of living French mathematicians. BUILDING DRAWING with Notes on BUILDING CONSTRUCTION A Complete First Year's Course By W. ABBOTT, B.Sc. (Lond.), A.M.I.Mech.E., Author of "An Introduction to Technical Drawing," and W. MILLAR, Principal Lecturer in Building Construction, Lauder Technical School, Dunfermline. Cloth boards, 3s. May also be had in limp cloth covers. 3s. PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY For Students of Pharmacy and Medicine By I. VANCE HOPPER, Ph.D., A.R.C.S.I., F.I.C., and WILLIAM M. CUMMING, D.Sc., F.I.C., Lecturers on Organic Chemistry, Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Cloth boards, 4s. net. THE FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMICAL THEORY The Elements of Physical and General Chemistry Professor of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. Royal Technical THE WRITING OF A Book for Students of Science and Technology Formerly one of H.M. Inspectors of Secondary Schools. Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Books on Application. BLACKIE & SON, LTD., 50 Old Bailey, London, E.C. 4 4, 5 & 6 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W.1 A & C.BLACK I HISTORY CITIES AND THEIR STORIES An Introduction to the Study of European History By EILEEN POWER, M.A., D.Litt., and RHODA POWER Crown 8vo. Cloth. With 12 illustrations and 5 maps. Price 3s. 6d. This book, which has been written for boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 14, is intended to form a background to the study of European history. It tells, in simple language, the story of twelve famous cities from their foundation up to the present day. Each narrative is told round the main historical events in which the city played a part. There is a useful appendix of exercises and questions on each chapter. BLACK'S HISTORY PICTURES In special detachable file portfolios. Each set contains about 75 pictures in black and white. Price, each set, 1s.6d. Our Early History (from Earliest Times-1066). The Middle Ages (1066-1485). SPECIAL FEATURES The Early Georges (1714-1815). The Royal Navy. Ancient World Empires. i. Questions and Exercises are provided. ii. Explanatory Notes draw attention to the chief features of the pictures and add interesting information relative to them. iii. Maps are included in order to assist in the study of the events under discussion. iv. Pictures are filed in a SPECIAL FILE, so that each can be A complete list giving contents of each file, will be sent on application. FOR OUR NEW 1927 LTD 4, 5 & 6 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W.1 A FIRST HISTORY OF ENGLAND By M. W. KEATINGE, M.A., D.Sc. Third and Revised Edition, in which the narrative has been continued up to 1926. Demy 8vo. Limp cloth. 133 illustrations. Price 2s. 6d. This book is suitable for children of 9-12 years of age. The main features are the large number of pictures, upon which to a great extent the narrative is based, the attention paid to social and industrial history, exercises on the pictures, and references for the teacher or the pupil to illustrative material for each episode. Summaries are included. WHITELANDS COLLEGE, CHELSEA, S.W.3 PRINCIPAL: Miss W. MERCIER, M.A. Two Year Courses for students desiring to be teachers in Elementary Schools, including Infant Schools and Schools where advanced instruction is organized for children over fourteen. Third Year Courses-leading to the London University Diplomas in English, Geography, History, or Divinity; and special courses in Art, Music, or Needlework, &c. One Year Courses-open to Graduates and Certificated Teachers. One Term Refresher Courses. TRADE MARK ST REGISTEREO NOW READY NEW VOLUME of MARLBOROUGH'S SELF-TAUGHT SERIES CZECH SELF-TAUGHT By P. SELVER, B.A. Hons. (Lond.) For learning the language by the Natural Method, with Phonetic Pronunciation. Containing Alphabet and Pronunciation. Classified Vocabularies. Conversational Phrases and Sentences, Travel Talk for Railway and Steamboat, General Expressions, Hotel and Rooms, Commercial, Military and Naval Terms, Amusements, Photography, Outline of Grammar, Money, Weights and Measures, &c., &c. NEW Cr. 8vo. Red Cloth, 4/- net; Blue Wrapper, 3/- net BOOK DANISH AND ENGLISH COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE (MARLBOROUGH'S Series of ENGLISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE) By JETHRO BITHELL, M.A., and J. H. HELWEG, Cand. Mag. Containing Phrases and Letters, Opening Phrases, Closing Phrases, Enquiries relating to Goods, Offers of Goods, Orders and their Execution. Shipping Correspondence. Agencies, Situations, Insurance, Finance, Market Reports, Announcements, Letters of Introduction, Complaints and Claims. Commercial Terms--Danish-English, English-Danish. Commercial Abbreviations, Money, Weights and Measures. Demy 8vo. Fawn Cloth, 3/- net. Fawn Wrapper, 2/- net Write for Prospectus of the language required and our New Catalogue of Language, No. 27. LONDON: E. MARLBOROUGH & CO., LTD., PUBLISHERS, 51 OLD BAILEY, E.C.4 |