ENGLISH, POETRY AND DRAMA Everybody's Pepys: The Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1660-1669. Abridged from the Complete Copyright Text and Edited by O. F. MORSHEAD. (IOS. 6d. net. Bell.) Beauty and utility are well met in this edition of Pepys. With its excellent print, wide margins, and delightfully alive illustrations, the book, simply as a book, invites reading. The map of London in the sixteen-sixties, a map which “continueth at the booke's end," is useful, and gives a real habitation to Mr. Pepys' doings. The foot-notes are enough to help understanding, and not enough to be distracting. The fact of abridgment is not obvious, so that one is not provoked by the omissions. With a popular play on the subject of Pepys now running in London, the appearance of this charming edition is most timely. Letty: A Study of a Child. By ROSE FYLEMAN. (6s. net. Methuen.) Miss Fyleman has taken the grown-ups into her confidence this time. Letty's early life is recorded with a clear remembrance of the perplexities and joys of childhood. The scissor-cut illustrations are particularly charming and appropriate. Children's Interests in Reading. By Prof. A. M. JORDAN. (7s. net. University of North Carolina Press. London: Oxford University Press.) Painstaking and thorough was the inquiry undertaken by an American professor into the reading chosen by boys and girls of school age, and illuminating is the result. Though questionnaires were used, the surest method seems to have been that of observation of children in their selection of books in public libraries and reading-rooms. As might be imagined, fiction stands highest in the list at all ages, but, whereas boys prefer fiction of adventure, girls are more interested in tales of sentiment and emotion, and they agree in eschewing poetry. That unique magazine, the National Geographic, appeals equally to both. The last chapter offers an interpretation and attempted explanation of children's interests at different ages. Adventures Among Words. By Dr. H. BRIERLEY. (Is. 6d. Methuen.) It is doubtful whether derivation will ever be a popular subject with the young, but if anything could make it so, it would be a work like the present, which is on quite unconventional lines and not devoid of fun. Though limited in scope, it contains a large number of words in every-day use by boys and girls in their school, in games, at parties, and so on. should certainly be added to each class room bookshelf. Essays of To-day and Yesterday. Stacy Aumonier. It J. B. Priestley. Edward Thomas. (Is. net each. Harrap.) The happy idea of publishing, in this neat and attractive form, essays of contemporary writers that, from the circumstances of their publication, are apt to become fliegende Blätter, is one that the reading public are sure to appreciate. Fourteen volumes of the series have preceded the above, and others are promised -a sure sign of success. F. H. P's brief prefatory notes are admirably fitted to introduce the reader to the essayist. Being the lyric of prose, the essay properly reveals the idiosyncrasies of the author, and appreciation by readers will vary with their individual predilections. But, whatever one's taste, there are abundant materials in these volumes for all to enjoy. They slip easily into the pocket and will please at least a passing mood. Handbook of English Intonation. By LILIAS E. ARMSTRONG and IDA C. WARD. (5s. net. Cambridge: Heffer. Leipzig: Teubner.) This carefully compiled handbook deals with stress, intonation, and rhythm, qualities of speech that are more baffling to foreign learners of English (for whom the book is chiefly intended) than such matters as vocabulary, grammar, and speech sounds. Phonetic symbols are used throughout, and simple signs indicate intonation. Gramophone records (obtainable from the publishers) have been made to illustrate the principles set forth. Students who are careful to study and practise these principles should come to know what English essentially is. A Relation of the Holy War Concerning the City or Town of Mansoul, Besieged by Diabolus, and its Final Recovery by Emmanuel. By JOHN BUNYAN. Abridged, with an Introduction, by H. W. DRAPER. (3s. 6d. net. S.P.C.K.) The laudable purpose of this edition is to abridge the original work without tampering with Bunyan's language, and at the same time to aid the reader by breaking up the matter into chapters or sections. This shortening of the text brings the end more quickly into sight, and so sustains the interest. Dramatic as is this work of Bunyan's, it undoubtedly lacks the individual human interest of "The Pilgrim's Progress," which has rendered that work immortal. This edition is, however, calculated to popularize a book which is a good second to its great predecessor. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. XII. Collected by J. BUCHAN. (7s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) The twelfth budget of English Association "Essays and Studies" maintains the high standard of its predecessors in interest and literary importance. Two of the best are Mr. H. C. Notcutt's reasoned defence of the "Faerie Queene" against the charges of looseness and incoherence brought against it by so many authorities, and Mr. Alexander Keith's argument that Scottish ballads are not communal in origin, but the work of individual poets. Mr. Herbert Wright contributes a delightful paper on the associations of T. L. Peacock with Wales, and Mr. R. W. Chapman some valuable notes on the textual criticism of Johnson's letters. English Prose and Poetry. Selected and Annotated by Prof. J. M. MANLY. Revised Edition. (15s. net. Ginn.) A wonderful collection of famous passages of prose and verse from Beowulf (in translation) to the present day. There are 882 double-columned pages, but the print is clear, and the use of thin but opaque paper prevents the book from being cumbrous. The editor's choice shows wide knowledge and good judgment. Harmer John: An Unworldly Story. By H. WALPOLE. (7s. 6d. net. Macmillan.) The "unworldly story" is of a tall, blue-eyed Swede, who settles in the cathedral town of Polchester as an instructor in gymnastics, and makes a prodigious success till he offends some owners of property, including certain of the cathedral circle, by plain speaking about the scandal of Polchester's slum-quarter. He is slandered and brutally attacked, and perishes in a riot. Afterwards the slum is cleared away and a tablet is erected to his memory as a friend of the town. It is the old story of stoning the prophet and building his sepulchre. But it is invested with fresh local colour and with a beauty and pathos. that Mr. Walpole has not attained in any of his previous novels. Besides the hero, several of the characters in the book, notably Mrs. Penethen and her two daughters, and the worldly Mrs. Bond, live in the memory as real creations. For Weal of All. Ten Addresses given at Bedales School by G. CRUMP. (4s. 6d. net. Heffer.) Sometimes," writes an educationist, "the cry comes to us teachers, 'We established you at first to make our children wiser; we want you now for a profounder service. Can you not unite moral with intellectual culture?''" Whether or not such a petition has reached Bedales School, the Sunday evening addresses delivered there by members of the staff to the boys and girls, judging by those of Mr. Crump, would form an admirable response to an appeal of the kind. The inculcation of dogma being sensibly banned, the sincere yet modest presentations by a trusted and esteemed teacher of such high themes as unselfishness, responsibility, reliability, conscience, true happiness, and the direction and control of desire, are well fitted to lend genuine interest to a Sunday evening service, and make it an occasion eagerly anticipated. Without incurring the slightest risk of impairing his position and authority in everyday school life, Mr. Crump can "lend glamour to Sunday's vision and insure as far as may be its persistence amid " Monday's duties." We heartily agree with Mr. Badley in thinking these addresses worthy of a permanent form. They should prove an incentive to other schools as well as to a thoughtful public. " After Many Years: a Tale of Experiences and Impressions Gathered in the Course of an Obscure Life. By W. E. Heitland. (7s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) From the point of view of a man of the world, Mr. Heitland may be justified in describing his life as obscure. Fortunately, however, the interest and value of a book of reminiscences does not depend upon whether the writer had a newspaper reputation. Anyhow, Mr. Heitland's book has absorbed our interest from start to finish. His early life in Norfolk, his preparatory school in Essex, and the removal of his parents to Tenby, all provide him with opportunities of giving us first-hand glimpses into the social life of England in the middle of last century. Especially interesting, however, is his account of the Shrewsbury of the 1860's, of his school life in Kennedy's time, and of the changes he witnessed during his long residence at Cambridge. Saint Joan of Orleans: Scenes from the Fifteenth Century Mystère du Siège d'Orléans. Selected and Translated by JOAN EVANS. The Text Edited by Prof. P. STUDER. (7s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) In this edition the original French script is given side by side with the English translation, and the whole forms a valuable source book for students of the drama or of medieval French. It will also appeal to those of the general public who have been interested in the recent interpretations of the story of Joan of Arc and who may be surprised to find that within very few years of her death the citizens of Orleans celebrated the end of the siege by an annual procession. Out of this developed the ancient chroncile play describing the deliverance of the city from its enemies and giving the story of Joan as it appeared to her contemporaries. The Oxford Book of Eighteenth Century Verse. Chosen by D. N. SMITH. (8s. 6d. net. India Paper, Ios. net. Clarendon Press.) The Poets' Commonwealth: A Junior Anthology for Australian A Book of Christmas Verse. Selected by H. C. BEECHING. Second Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Edited by Е. С. A Short View of the English Stage, 1900-1926. By J. AGATE. (2s. 6d. net. Jenkins.) John Galsworthy as a Dramatic Artist. By R. H. COATS. (6s. net. Duckworth.) Plays from History. Book III. Written and Presented by J. R. (Is. 9d. Nelson.) Nine Modern Plays. Selected and Edited by J. HAMPDEN. (IS. 9d. Nelson.) Little Plays from Shakespeare. First Series. Edited and Arranged for Acting by EVELYN SMITH. (Is. 9d. Nelson.) Milestones. By ARNOLD BENNETT and E. KNOBLOCK. The Great Adventure. By ARNOLD BENNETT. (Is. 6d. Methuen.) The First Part of Henry the Fourth. Edited by G. B. HARRISON and F. H. PRITCHARD. (Is. Harrap.) Early Tudor Drama: Medwall, The Rostells, Heywood, and the More Circle. By Dr. A. W. REED. (IOS. 6d. net. Methuen.) Little Gem Poetry Books. Edited by R. K. and M. I. R. POLKINGHORNE. (Books I, II, and III, 6d. each. Book IV, 8d. Bell.) Poems of the Welsh Border. By J. WILLWYN. (Is. net. Oswestry. Owen.) Carducci: The Taylorian Lecture, 1926. By J. BAILEY. (2s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) A New Theory of Dante's Matelda. By RACHEL B. HARROWER. (2s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) GEOGRAPHY (1) A Complete School Geography. By E. G. R. TAYLOR. In Two volumes. Vol. I. The World: Its Physical Geography, Peoples, and Products. (5s. Methuen.) (2) A Junior Reader in Economic Geography. By V. C. Spary. (2s. University of London Press.) (1) The first twelve chapters of (1) deal particularly with the terrestrial sphere, climate, and natural vegetation of the world, and the remaining chapters with the physical conditions and natural products of the continental regions. The lessons, full of detailed information and up-to-date facts, provide a satisfactory two years' course of study for all examinations of matriculation standard. At the end of the book are some useful hints which will help the student to use the book in the most effective way. (2) Intended as an introduction to the study of economic geography, this attractive reader will undoubtedly fulfil its purpose. The most striking features of the book are its interesting descriptions, clearly printed text, and good picture illustrations. (1) Philips' Synthetic Maps. By E. G. R. TAYLOR. Series 3, Europe. Series 6, North America. Series 9, Indian Empire. (IS. each set. Philip.) (1) Philips' British Empire Calendar, 1927. (Is. Philip.) (3) Philips' Visual Contour Atlas. Northampton Edition. (IS. 4d. Philip.) (1) In each set of this series, are (a) two coloured foundation maps showing respectively the relief of the land and density of population and vegetable products; (b) eight transparencies, showing political divisions, temperature, communication, etc. In using these sets, the various transparent maps must be imposed on the foundation maps in order to emphasize the geographical relationships and to illustrate the cause and effect of the given phenomena. Although not new, this method of teaching is a good one, and with the help of the teacher the intelligent pupil should benefit greatly by using these maps. (2) and (3). From the same firm come (a) The British Empire Calendar for 1927" containing much useful information as in previous years, and (b) another issue of the well-known contour atlases, with five special maps of Northampton. (1) The Land of Magellan. By W. S. BARCLAY. (125. 6d. net. Methuen.) (2) Adventures of Exploration. Book V. Australia and New Zealand. By Sir J. S. KELTIE and S. C. GILMOUR. (2s. 3d. Philip.) (1) Having travelled extensively in South America, Mr. Barclay writes as an authority on the geography, history, and development of the continent. In this volume, he has compiled a most interesting and instructive account of the southern extremity of the continent and he has obtained materials for the work partly from his own experiences in the country and partly from original records. After describing Magellan's passage through the strait which bears his name, he proceeds to show the importance of Drake's discovery of Cape Horn; Cavendish's expedition among the islands; the voyage of the Beagle. He also deals with the acquisition of the western part of Tierra del Fuego by Chile, and of Patagonia by the Argentine. (2) As in the other books of this useful series, the adventures of pioneers and explorers are well described. Book V on Australia and New Zealand provides a course of reading lessons which will rouse the interest of the dullest pupil in a class. Geography from the Air: An Introduction to General Geography for Junior Pupils. By Dr. E. M. SANDERS. (2s. 6d. Nelson.) Nelson's Geography Practice: A Graduated Course of Geography, combining the Features of Text-books, Map-books, and Exercise-books, for Individual Work. Edited by Dr. J. GUNN. America. (Is. 6d. Nelson,) Australia and New Zealand. By J. BRUCE. (IS. 6d. Nisbet.) The Oxford Picture Geographies. By H. MCKAY. Text-book IV. Communications. Text-book V. Climate. Text-book VI. Towns and Industries. (25. 6d. net each. Pupil's Books IV, V, VI, Paper, 6d. each; Limp Cloth, 8d. each. Oxford University Press.) The Valley of Arno: A Study of its Geography, History, and Works of Art. By E. HUTTON. (21s. net. Constable.) The Highways of the World: A Geographical Reading Book for Use in Schools. By A. E. MCKILLIAM. Revised and Enlarged Edition. (2s. 6d. Bell.) HISTORY (1) State and Commons: An Introductory History of the British Commonwealth. Vol. III. 1832-1921. By S. S. CAMERON. (2s. 3d. Bell.) (2) A New History of Great Britain. By R. B. MOWAT. Part III. From the Treaty of Vienna to the Present Day. (4s. Oxford University Press.) (3) Makers of British History. Book III. 1793-1914. By R. B. MOWAT. (2s. 6d. Arnold.) These three text-books all deal with Britain in the nineteenth century. (1) Mr. Cameron's sketch of the period, 1832-1921 is simple and elementary. Its main characteristic is that it attempts to combine political with social and economic history, presenting each critical event from two aspects, viz., from the point of view of the Government and from the point of view of the governed. The method is novel and stimulating. (2) Mr. Mowat concludes his workmanlike New History in three Parts with a capable and interesting survey of the period, 18151926. In this volume, as in its predecessors, the outstanding feature is the magnificent series of illustrations. In these the Oxford University Press is setting a standard which is at present unrivalled. (3) The same indefatigable Mr. Mowat presents in his Makers of British History," Vol. III, a collection of a dozen brief biographies, beginning with Nelson and ending with Lord Roberts. Each sketch is illustrated. A chronological table links the subjects together. The American Civil War: A Brief Sketch. By D. KNOWLES. (7s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) This brief, but lucid and interesting, essay is one of the first fruits of the establishment at Oxford of the Harmsworth Chair of American History. Under the direction of Prof. S. E. Morison, the author has studied the immense literature of the American Civil War, and with skill and impartiality has examined the causes of the great conflict, has traced its course, and estimated its consequences. Six maps are included. Economic History of England. By M. BRIGGS. Second Edition. (8s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) This useful summary of economic history has deservedly reached a second edition. A large number of minor corrections and additions have been made, and a new chapter has been inserted in order to bring the narrative up to date. Rome the Law-Giver. By Prof. J. DECLAREUIL. Kegan Paul.) (16s. net. Primitive Italy and the Beginnings of Roman Imperialism. By Prof. L. НоMO. (16s. net. Kegan Paul.) Epochs of American History. Expansion and Reform, 1889-1926. By Prof. J. S. BASSETT. (6s. Longmans.) Our Nation's History. By T. YOUNG. (3s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd.) From Constantine to Bismarck: An Introductory Course of European and General History for Middle Forms. By A. B. ARCHER. (4S. Cambridge University Press.) Black's Illustrated History Note-Books. By G. H. REED. Book V. The Early Georges, 1714-1820. Book VI. Modern Times. (6d. each. Black.) British History, 1603-1660. By G. B. SMITH. (25. Bell.) Social and Industrial History of Britain. By Dr. A. A. W. RAMSAY. (3s. Chambers.) Greece. By M. A. HAMILTON. (4s. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) Britannia's Childhood and Growth: An Historical Geography of the British Isles. By A. J. BERRY. (2s. 9d. Pitman.) An Economic History of Modern Britain: The Early Railway Age, 1820-1850. By Dr. J. H. CLAPHAM. (255. net. Cambridge University Press.) A First History of England. By Dr. M. W. KEATINGE. Third Edition. (2s. 6d. limp cloth. Black.) Our Early Ancestors: An Introductory Study of Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Copper Age Cultures in Europe and Adjacent Regions. By M. C. BURKITT. (7s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) A History of Ireland and Her People to the Close of the Tudor Period. By ELFANOR HULL. (18s. net. Harrap.) English Women in Life and Letters. By M. PHILLIPS and W. S. TOMKINSON. (IOS. net. Oxford University Press.) Everyday Life in Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Norman Times. Written and Illustrated by MARJORIE and C. H. B. QUENNELL. (5S. net. Batsford.) The Legacy of the Middle Ages. Edited by C. G. CRUMP and E. F. JACOB. (10s. net. Clarendon Press.) History of the People of England: From the Earliest Times to 1066. By ADELINE I. RUSSELL. (25. 6d. Sheldon Press.) MODERN LANGUAGES A New History of Spanish Literature. By J. FITZMAURICE-KELLY. (12s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) In 1898 James Fitzmaurice-Kelly published "A History of Spanish Literature" which became the standard work on the subject, and, translated into Spanish, was considered by eminent authorities in Spain to be the best treatment of Spanish literary history which had ever been penned. The original work was good, but this new history is even better. Revision, correction, and emendation over a period of twenty-six years have produced in this volume an exceptionally fine piece of writing. Prof. Fitzmaurice-Kelly had his favourite periods and authors, but he has not allowed his personal predilections to overweight the plan of the history. Each period is given full appreciation, and a very complete bibliography will be found to be most useful to the student. If anything were needed to perpetuate the memory of this great scholar, this present volume would fulfil most adequately that need. Chrestomathie Française: Morceaux Choisis de Prose et de Poésie, avec Prononciation Figurée à l'Usage des Étrangers, Précédés d'une Introduction sur la Méthode Phonétique. Par J. PASSY et A. RAMBEAU. Cinquième Edition Revue et Corrigée. (6s. 6d. net. Harrap.) " The "Chrestomathie" by Jean Passy and Paul Rambeau, first issued in 1897, is familiar to phoneticians, who will be glad to know that the fifth edition has now appeared, revised and corrected by Paul Passy - for both of the authors have now passed away. The introduction deals at some length with the principles of the direct method as formulated by the I.P.A.; it is followed by "notions de phonétique française and a bibliography which is not quite up to date. There are about 120 pages of phonetic transcription, with the ordinary spelling on opposite pages. The texts represent a very wide range of reading matter, from modern conversational French to la Fontaine and Molière; most of the pieces are nineteenth century prose and lyric verse. Ehrke's Guide to Advanced German Prose Composition: a New Edition Prepared by H. F. EGGELING and Prof. K. WILDHAGEN. (3S. 6d. net. Clarendon Press.) D. This book, first published twenty-five years ago, has been thoroughly overhauled by Mr. Eggeling and Prof. Wildhagen, and the changes they have made have greatly enhanced the value of the book. The spelling has been modernized, and the grammatical introduction has been modified by the addition of certain points connected with syntax. The number of passages dealing with military and historical subjects has been reduced, while extracts of a conversational and of a scientific character have been added. As there is rather a shortage of good books for the teaching of German composition, the appearance of this book in its revised form is to be welcomed. Le Grand Savant. Adapté par E. J. A. GROVES. Le Chapeau Enchanté et Autres Fantaisies. Par A. S. SACK. (6d. each. Blackie.) French Practice for General School Examinations. By R. G. CATHELIN. (2s. 9d. Blackie.) Le Français pour les Jeunes. By G. G. SOLOMON. Book I. La Vie de Madame Souris. (Is.) Book II. La Vie de Madame Lapine. (IS. 4d.) Book III. Les Lapins et les Souris. (Is. Ed. Dent.) Preliminary French Course. Third Edition. (2s. University Tutorial Press.) Contes du Moyen Age. F. Strowski Le Porteur du Rouleau des Morts. Mme. de Witt. Charlemagne et le Serpent. Jules Lemaître. Le Voeu de Vivien; Le Renégat. Edited by Prof. T. B. RUDMOSE-BROWN. (IS. 3d. Clarendon Press.) A Book of French Verse. Collected by St. J. LUCAS. New and Enlarged Edition. (4s. net. Clarendon Press.) Vom deutschen Geist der Neuzeit: Eine Einführung und Eine Auswahl. Outlines of Modern German Thought, with Illustrative Specimens of German Prose. Selected by Dr. W. R. SCHWEIZER. (4s. 6d. Cambridge University Press.) MUSIC The English Ayre. By P. WARLOCK. (3s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) In his book of the great musicians, Mr. Scholes has included a little dictionary of British composers of our own times, and among them is Philip Heseltine. "When he writes about music he uses his own name," says the author; "and when he writes music he calls himself 'Peter Warlock.'" And now comes this little book, which is certainly about music to confound the critics further! Starting with John Dowland, Peter Warlock traces the history and development of the English Ayre with great skill and insight. Many of the composers mentioned will be unfamiliar names to the ordinary reader, such as John Danyel (who is not even mentioned in Groves Dictionary), Robert Jones (not to be confounded with his namesake, the pre-Reformation composer of Church music), the unfortunate Captain Tobias Hume, Alfonso Ferrabosco the younger, and others, whose claims to our notice as having contributed something to our national heritage of "Tune" Mr. Warlock so ably champions. Indeed, the author's careful research into the most celebrated period of English musical development, viz., the Elizabethan, has resulted in a work most interesting and instructive. Madrigal singers especially, in the chapters on Some Technical Considerations," will find some valuable hints on rhythm and metre, and the author's hints to editors to transcribe the accompaniments originally designed for the lute and viol without any alteration of notes whatever-we heartily endorse. " " Tune Book for the Little Children's Hymnal. Compiled by S. E. GADSBY and D. S. KIRKNESS. (5s. net. Harrap.) This collection of hymns for children seems to fulfil all that the compilers claim for it. One thing only strikes us, the lay-out" of the harmonies for the accompanist. The average pianist in the preparatory department of secondary schools is not often a very resourceful performer, and as we conclude these hymns are to be sung in unison by the children with an accompaniment on the piano or the "monium" as the case may be, why not write the tune on a separate stave and arrange the accompaniments in such a manner that (without offence) any fool could play them! The Complete Book of the Great Musicians: A Course in Appreciation for Young Readers. By P. A. SCHOLES. (12s. 6d. Oxford University Press.) The first, second, and third books of the Great Musicians have already received notice in these columns. The complete work, now in its sixth edition, should find its way into every school library, for not only will it be found helpful as a basis for a talk on appreciation, but filled as it is with excellent illustrations, musical examples, charts, and diagrams on form, &c., the personal possession and reading of the book will convey vivid impressions which should stimulate the most languid mind to take a real and living interest in music. Musical Games for Little Ones. Collected by E. C. GRIFFITHS. (3s. 6d. net. Evans.) The Listener's History of Music: A Book for any Concert-goer, Pianolist, Gramophonist, or Radio Listener, Providing also a Course of Study for Adult Classes in the Appreciation of Music. By P. A. SCHOLES. With Incidental Notes by Sir W. H. HADOW, Sir R. R. Terry, and Dr. E. Walker. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. To Beethoven. Second Edition. (6s. Oxford University Press.) Sweet Winter: A Fantasy Operetta for Children. Words by R. BENNETT. Music by G. WILLIAMS. (3s. 6d. Curwen.) Music in the Intermediate Forms. By Prof. LILIAN E. BUCKEΕ. (3s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.) Don'ts for Choirboys. By J. NEWTON. (6d. net. Heffer.) A First School Music Course. By W. J. R. GIBBS. (Teachers' Book, 6s. Pupils' Book, IS. Cambridge University Press.) Twelve Songs from "Playtime and Company." Verses by E. V. LUCAS. Music by H. FINCK. (7s. 6d. net. Methuen. Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew.) PSYCHOLOGY AND Individual Differences in the Intelligence of School Children. By Prof. MARY M. WENTWORTH. (8s. 6d. net. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. London: Oxford University Press.) 112 The investigation recorded in this book is based upon an examination of 1,001 school children covering a period of two The last and most interesting chapter deals with school years. individual case studies," including 16 pairs of twins, II superior children, groups of neurotic and mentally deficient children, 10 children with special abilities and disabilities, 10 children of average intelligence, some family case studies, and 12 Italians. The author is specially on her guard against attaching too much importance to intelligence tests, which need to be accompanied by an individual study of the child from all angles, and to be interpreted qualitatively as well as quantitatively. The investigation strikes us as an exceptionally careful piece of work. Elements of Psychology. By MARGARET DRUMMOND and Dr. S. H. MELLONE. Sixth Edition, Revised. (Ios. 6d. net. Blackwood.) A book which has reached its sixth edition has obviously found favour in the eyes of a certain kind of reader. The main lines of treatment are adhered to. The amount of physiological matter has, wisely we think, been reduced. The authors have essayed the difficult task of incorporating in their treatment some account of psycho-analysis. Here they seem to us likely to please nobody. Some will regard their account as too meagre to be really helpful, and others will think that so controversial a subject should not yet find a place in an elementary textbook. We observe that in several places the treatment amounts to little more than a directory to the literature of the subject. Perhaps the best thing we can say about the book is that it should prove useful to candidates for examinations. Practical Psychology: Human Nature in Everyday Life. By Prof. E. S. ROBINSON. (7s. 6d. New York: Macmillan.) Prof. Robinson has succeeded in writing a book on "Human Nature in Everyday Life" without any discussion of the instincts as the main drives of human behaviour, or of purpose, or temperament, or the sentiments. He is a Behaviourist, to whom the nature of an individual is merely the sum of his habits. There are useful chapters on the Nervous System and PHILOSOPHY the Operation of Habits-in each case illustrated by very clear diagrams-but as an introduction to the most human of the sciences, it is singularly inadequate. A First Laboratory Guide in Psychology. By Dr. MARY COLLINS and Dr. J. DREVER. (5s. net. Methuen.) A thoroughly practical and useful laboratory guide for firstyear students of psychology. Most of the experiments are arranged for students working in pairs, and acting alternately as experimenter and subject. Full directions are given as to the apparatus, the procedure, and the keeping of records. Psychoanalysis Explained and Criticised. By A. E. BAKER. (Cloth, 3s. 6d. Paper, 2s. 6d. Sheldon Press.) This little book fulfils the author's claims for it unlike most books on the subject, it is simple, critical, free from nastiness, and cheap. On the whole, Mr. Baker treats Freud fairly, but passes too lightly over Jung and Adler. His final conclusion is that psychoanalysis contains much plausible speculation, many interesting and amusing assumptions, but is as yet not proven. The Child in the Changing Home. By Dr. C. W. KIMMINS. (2s. 6d. net. Jenkins.) The Mind and the Film: A Treatise on the Psychological Factors in the Film. By G. F. ВисKLE. (5s. net. Routledge.) Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture. By Prof. L. S. HOLLINGWORTH. (8s. 6d. New York: Macmillan.) Essentials of Logic. By Prof. A. WOLF. (5s. 6d. net. Allen & Unwin.) Dr. Wolf has added another useful text-book to his series on logic and scientific method. This one, like the others, can be heartily recommended for the use of beginners. It is a simple, clear, and straightforward presentation of the essentials of the subject, ignoring all confusing discussions on moot points, and also all the philosophical problems which arise out of the study of logic. The author promises a later book to deal with these omissions. The Saint-Simonian Religion in Germany: A Study of the Young German Movement. By E. M. BUTLER. (21S. net. Cam bridge University Press.) SCIENCE The Functions of the Body: An Outline of Physiology. By Prof. V. H. MOTTRAM. (7s. 6d. net. Nisbet.) This outline is intended to serve as an introduction to physiology for students of nursing, domestic science, teaching, &c., and for the intelligent general public, as well as for medical students. It has the great merit of presenting the modern views of physiologists in less technical form (and at a far less expenditure of money and time) than do the advanced treatises. Let no reader be discouraged by the difficulty of the first three chapters-they are not arm-chair reading; the other eight are plain sailing, and render easier the first three on revision. Winter Blossoms from the Outdoor Garden: A Descriptive List of Exotic Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants that Flower in the Outdoor Garden in the British Isles during the Months of December, January, and February, for the Use of Amateur Gardeners. Alphabetically Arranged. By A. W. DARNALL. (215. net. Reeve.) A most welcome book for all garden-lovers, and one that will tempt many to find a few shillings from the pocket and a few square feet in the garden for colour and perfume during the winter months. The cultural directions for the several species are just those that the amateur needs. Test Papers in Botany: For the Use of Candidates Preparing for School Certificates, Matriculation, Oxford Locals, College of Preceptors, and Similar Examinations. By Dr. E. DRABBLE. (2s. Pitman.) Teachers and candidates alike will find these hundred test papers most helpful. The collective syllabuses of the examination are covered thoroughly and with good judgment. The preface contains valuable hints on the construction of diagrams -obviously the outcome of experience of the common faults and failings of examinees. British Birds. Written and Illustrated by A. THORBURN. In Four Volumes. Vol. IV. New Edition. (16s. net. Longmans.) With this volume the new edition of Mr. Thorburn's admirable work is completed. It is a veritable masterpiece of bird portraiture, whether viewed by the artist or the ornithologist. This final volume gives us the Limicolae (snipe, &c.), Gaviae (gulls, &c.), Alcae (guillemots, &c.), Divers and Grebes, and the Tubinares (petrels, &c.). General Incrganic Chemistry. By Prof. M. C. SNEED. (125. 6d. net. Ginn.) Prof. Sneed has attempted in the present book to prepare students for the further study of chemistry and related sciences, and at the same time to make the treatment broad enough to meet the needs of the large numbers whose major interests lie in other fields. He has therefore tried to reach a proper balance between descriptive and theoretical matter, and has certainly succeeded in writing a book which will hold the reader's interest and also give him an insight into the problems and methods of the science. The general presentation and arrangement are those characteristic of America, and English teachers who are attracted by them will find Prof. Sneed very much to their taste. Those, however, who are nauseated by "sulphur spelled with an "f," and by other Americanisms, are warned that the book has patent signs of a Transatlantic origin. Practical Colloid Chemistry. By Prof. W. OSTWALD. With the Collaboration of Dr. P. WOLSKI and Dr. A. KUHN. Translated by Dr. I. N. KUGELMASS and Dr. T. K. CLEVELAND. (7s. 6d. net. Methuen.) In This is the fourth edition of this well-known book, so that we need say little in commendation of it; most teachers of chemistry already know its value and have used it in their classes. the present edition, fifteen entirely new experiments have been added, and the others have been thoroughly tested again and revised where they could be improved. In case there should be any who have not yet made the acquaintance of this fascinating and useful manual, we would draw the attention of science teachers in schools to the fact that many of the experiments described can easily be carried out in the school laboratory and with a minimum of apparatus. The book is excellently printed and very well produced. Chemistry Questions for Rapid Revision (First Series). By W. H. CRABB. (6d. Oxford. The Holywell Press.) Mr. Crabb's questions are of the usual type, such as are set by every teacher of chemistry to his elementary sets. To have them in printed form is convenient, and will be useful to the young teacher who has not yet acquired experience of the A specialized little book, in which the application of the electronic theory is made to common oxidizing and reducing reactions. The author claims that this method of teaching has been very successful with elementary university students, but it seems to us that the time is not yet ripe for its adoption in the schools of this country. Indeed, frankness compels us to admit that we regard it more as a fad than as a useful contribution to methods of teaching chemistry. A Junior Inorganic Chemistry. By R. H. SPEAR. Second Edition. (6s. 6d. net. Churchill.) Mr. Spear has evidently found the usual difficulty in selecting the best order of treatment of the facts of elementary chemistry. He has made some alterations in the present, second, edition of his Junior Inorganic Chemistry and in our opinion has thereby much improved it. The earlier introduction of equations is in accordance with modern methods, and should render his book more acceptable to the average teacher. A good many of the drawings are rather crudely executed, and the paper upon which the book is printed is very poor. In view of the fact that the text and general treatment are both exceedingly good, we feel that Mr. Spear's publishers have scarcely done him justice, and we hope that when the edition reaches its second impression these defects may be rectified. We would suggest, too, that an increase in the amount of historical information-now tested in many elementary examinations-would render the book much more attractive and useful. Classified Problems in Chemistry. By D. B. BRIGGS. (35. 6d. Sidgwick & Jackson.) This little book should prove very useful to teachers of chemistry. It contains a wide and intelligent selection of numerical problems, ranging from the most elementary up to the standard of university scholarships. We have often felt that such a book was badly needed; the preparation or accumulation of numerical problems takes a great deal of time, which a teacher can often ill afford. Here an ample collection is ready to hand, and we think that any one who buys the book will consider his money well spent. Chemistry for Agricultural Students. By R. H. ADIE. (5s. 6d. University Tutorial Press.) Mr. Adie's wide experience of teaching chemistry to agricultural students would lead us to expect a book of unusual merit from his hand, and we are not disappointed. He has endeavoured, with success, not merely to provide the student with the necessary elementary information, but to show him that even the most fundamental facts and inferences of chem istry have at once a bearing on his practical work and observations. In other words, the vital importance of scientific method, which is too easily overlooked in a course of this kind, is here emphasized in a masterly fashion. The general get-up of the book is of that uniformly high standard which we have come to associate with the University Tutorial Press. A Short History of Botany. By Dr. R. J. HARVEY-GIBSON. net. Chapman & Hall.) Members of field clubs and similar societies will find helpful information in these pages regarding the microscopic flora and fauna of ponds, ditches, and other waters likely to claim their attention, and many useful "tips" concerning apparatus and methods of collecting. The literary style leaves a good deal to be desired; but the descriptions and illustrations are generally adequate for the identification of specimens. Popular Education in Public Health. By Dr. W. A. DALEY and HESTER VINEY. (6s. net. Lewis.) Modern Astronomy: Its Rise and Progress. By Dr. H. MACPHERSON. (6s. net. Oxford University Press.) The Groundwork of Economics: For Matriculation and Higher School Certificate Candidates. With Test Questions. By H. A. SILVERMAN. (48. 6d. Pitman.) (Continued on page 114) |