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matics who came under their cognizance. Kindness to the men, but aversion to their principles, as fanatical and dangerous, characterized the whole proceedings. We trust the Scottish people will be preserved from all such delusions. There is a vis inertice' in their character, which, in spite of the many abuses to which it is liable, we cannot help thinking a valuable quality in a nation. There is a slowness and caution in their nature, directly opposite to that hasty and impetuous temper which de cides before evidence, and acts before reflection. Scotch more, perhaps, than any other people, pursue knowledge in the true spirit of the Baconian philosophy. In proof of this remark, we may here appeal to the textbook at present used in the University of Edinburgh, and which, we are firmly convinced, none but a Scotchman could write. It is indeed a massive kind of theological lore. There is such a dignified spirit of calm and sound discrimination manifested throughout, that the student cannot rise from its perusal without much improvement to his head and his heart. We defy the most acute critic to place his finger on any dispute or knotty point in theology in this book, which does not exhibit the utmost candour in the statement of every objection, and the removal of every difficulty. We appeal for proof to the chapter where the sublime doctrine of the Trinity and the Calvinistic scheme are discussed with a felicity of language and a power of argument seldom before equalled, and never surpassed. Would that the author of this invaluable work had exhibited more of the power of religion, and exchanged the repellant frigidity of moderatism for the devotedness of one who was determined to know no. thing among men, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

It must be acknowledged. that the Scottish Church is almost wholly deficient in those tomes of massive erudition which make the fathers of the English church to be looked upon in modern times as the giants of other days. This is certainly a loss; for theology disdains not the aid and ornament of human learning; but we question much whether an exchange could be advantageously made be tween the cumbrous, though splendid literature of England, and the humbler, yet more practical and useful divinity of Scotland. We think the English theology often wants Scripture stamina. In the academic bowers of Oxford and Cambridge there is too much of classics and

mathematics, and too little of the pure and simple Gospel of Jesus Christ. There may no doubt be a close union between philosophy and religion. Such a combination would exhibit a church clothed in complete panoply, and able to resist the attacks of all adversaries. It is desirable that the Minister of the truth should be master of all lawful weapons; but then he should never sacrifice "the wisdom which cometh down from above" to the paltry parade of human literature. Let Scotland hold by her theology. She has stood up for it in dark and turbulous times, she has hitherto been faithful unto the death, let her not now quail either before the enemy without or the enemy within. It has been foretold, "That there shall come in the last day scoffers walking after their own lusts." The cloud of witnesses, that noble army of martyrs, are looking down on their children. Let them follow in their steps, and in due time they shall gain their reward.

We, too, are the descendants of those patriarchs, whom the red hand of persecution drove from their father-land to these shores. Similar trials may await us. The days are evil and ominous. The powers of darkness seem to be mustering all their forces for one combined effort against the truth. Let us therefore put on the whole armour of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.-Eph. vi. 11.


D. G. B.



UPON this subject there has been much scepticism amongst European Christians, arising, chiefly, from the circumstance that such revivals are unknown, in latter days, in this country; and, partly, from a partial and unfavourable account of them being furnished by those who are afraid of any thing out of the old beaten track, or by those who love not our Lord Jesus Christ.

Whilst it is our duty carefully to examine the evidence of statements that are brought before us, so far as we have the means of doing so; it is a possible case that we may be found fighting against God, and depriving ourselves of rich blessings, by refusing to receive and give thanks for the tidings of the Lord's glorious working in a distant land, and setting ourselves to seek for similar blessings at home.

Having been permitted lately to visit upwards of sixty cities, towns, and villages of America, lying between New Orleans (and Quebec, and been in the midst of many of the revivals, I gladly comply with a request made of me to give a brief statement of my views of American revivals, and to point out some of the means by which a revival of the Lord's work might be promoted amongst ourselves.

I consider what I saw to be the work of God. Because, first, I conversed with many, who, a few weeks or months before, were ranked amongst Infidels, Deists, Universalists, the immoral, the proud moralist-now sitting at the feet of Jesus-talking the language of Zion, and giving satisfactory evidence that they had passed from death to life. Second-Because the united testimony of Ministers and private Christians of sound judgment and discretion throughout the country, was, that where due care was taken in the reception of members to the churches, in seasons of special influence, the number of those added to the churches at such periods, who fell back from a credible profession of faith, was smaller than amongst those who were received on ordinary times. ThirdBecause I found those who had been added to the churches, at such seasons, in general more alive to the glory of God and the salvation of a dying world, than other Christians in that country, or nine-tenths of Professors in Britain.

It was estimated, that, in about one thousand cities, towns, and villages, that had been specially visited by the Holy Ghost, during the fif teen months which I spent in the country, about sixty thousand souls had been hopefully converted. Of these, about one thousand were young men in colleges, for whose conversion Christians had been specially pleading every Sabbath morning. Many children, and some of these very young, gave pleasing evidence of a change of heart. Persons of all

ranks in society, and who had been of all descriptions of character, were amongst the converts. I met with many slaves who had been liberated by him who came to set the captive free. I was told by a pious chaplain in one of the States prisons, that from sixty to seventy of the prisoners had been hopefully converted to God, and continued to give satisfactory evidence of the reality of the change.

The instrument employed in effecting this change, I found to be the truth of God, accompanied by the demonstration of the Spirit.

Do we want to see God glorified in the salvation of sinners, and in the holy lives of Professors. Let us attend to the following:

First--Let Christians humble themselves before God, and confess their deadness to spiritual and heavenly things-their carnality of mind-their love of the world-their sins of omission and commission-their love of sects their want of entire consecration of heart and life to God. Let them join together in these confessions, and wrestle with God in fervent, persevering prayer for the revival of his work in their own souls, and for the salvation of sinners. Let them meet one hour daily for these purposes. Let them carefully avoid those things in their spirit and deportment that would grieve the Holy Spirit. Let them unite in systematic efforts, as the disciples of Jesus, for the spread of the truth amongst all around them. Let their hearts be set on the salvation of souls from hell,, and, the promotion of holiness amongst Christians. Let them rejoice, not in the increase of their sects, but in that which causes joy amongst the angels in heaven. Let them remember that it is the will of God that the Gospel should be preached to every creature; and, as they cannot do this in person, they are bound, by the love of Jesus, to send out and support those who are competent to do so. Let them remember that they are not proprietors, but stewards, of what has been entrusted to their care-that an account must be rendered, and that the steward is required to be faithful. His Lord's work is to be done, not by miracles, but by human instrumentality.

Above all things let the Christian pray in faith, believing that God is faithful, who has promised that he will give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him that according to our faith it will be done to us-that he will open the windows of heaven, and pour us out a blessing until there shall not be room enough to receive it. Let him open his mouth wide, that the Lord may fill it. Let him seek to see the glory of God now, not at some future and indefinite period. Let him expect and patiently wait for the the salvation of the Lord, like Jacob, determined not to let him go until he gave the blessing. Whilst he prays, let him remember that souls are dropping into hell. When he speaks, let him speak as becomes the oracles of God. Let him tell his dying fellow man that now is the accepted time, and now is the day of salvation-that the intimation is today, if he will hear God's voice. Let him not harden his heart-let him urge sinners to immediate repentance, to immediate submission to God. To immediate faith in the finished work of Christ, and to a hearty acceptance of a full and free pardon. Let him know that submission or damnation are the alternatives. Lull him not to sleep, by setting the sinner to the making use of means with God; this night his soul may be required of him.

Second.-Let Ministers be determined to know nothing amongst their people, but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Let their study be not to please the ear but to reach the hearts of their people. Let them not be satisfied with the orthodoxy or extent of the creed of their hearers. Let them make character their study. And so to set the truth of God. before every man, that he may see that it is him and not another that the Spirit of God addresses. I am, &c. D. N.


THIS place of worship was opened upon Sunday, the 15th of April, by the Rev. Henry Grey, of St. Mary's, Edinburgh. His text was from Heb. xiii. 13. The Sermon commenced by contrasting the different effects of public opinion, and force, in operating upon the minds of men, and the great superiority of the former; showing, however, that it was not always to be depended on, and instancing, in a very forcible manner, the case of the Jews, who refused to receive the Gospel Mission of our Saviour, though it was transmitted directly from God, and had been foretold by the Prophets and inspired messengers of old. He explained, with great power and energy, the meaning of the latter part of the text, 'bearing his reproach," and pointed out the many modes in which the Christian suffered persecution, not only from the sceptic and the infidel, but also from those who, professing to follow Christ, were yet but nominal believers in his word. He enlarged, in a very happy and striking manner, upon the various attacks which the Christian must undergo in his earthly pilgrimage, and mentioned under this head the charges brought against him of singularity, illiberality, hypocrisy, presumption, licentious principles and immoral practices. In concluding this part of the subject, he exhorted his hearers not to be overcome by such vain and frivolous clamour, against which even the Son of God had not been exempt, but to proceed steadily onward in the race which they had to run, in order that, when their Saviour should appear in his glory and majesty, they might, like good and faithful servants, be found watching.

Of Mr. Grey's sermon we feel pleasure to say, that it was eloquent, sound, faithful, uncompromising: a noble delineation of "the truth as it is in Jesus."

We heartily congratulate Dr. Hanna and his large and respectable congregation on the event. The house is finished in a style decidedly superior to any Presbyterian place of worship with which we are acquainted. We question if even the Castle Chapel in Dublin, which has hitherto been considered the most elegant ecclesiastical building in the kingdom, be at all superior, either in taste or execution.


We are happy to learn that the Rev. William Kennedy M'Kay, of Portglenone, has now in the press a work on the government of the church of Christ, with a view to establish and illustrate the scripturality and apostolic origin of Presbyterianism. Mr. M'Kay, though a young Minister of the Synod of Ulster, is yet distinguished by deep study and extensive reading:-and we look forward with pleasure to the appearance of his work, from which we promise ourselves and our readers a rich feast of instruction.


Resolutions of the Belfast Presbytery, in connexion with the Secession Church.

[We publish the following resolutions, because we wish to preserve, as far as we can, a faithful record of the great question of National Education; and because we feel it a duty to offer a few remarks upon their contents.-EDIT.]

RESOLVED That while we are anxious that some modifications and improvements be introduced into the system of education, proposed as an experiment by the Government, yet we feel persuaded that the most false and calumnious charges of an attempt to rob the people of the Bible, and to mutilate the Scriptures, have been brought against the Government by political partizans, who have employed these charges for the purpose of overturning the present Ministry, and perpetuating Church and State abuses.

Resolved-That we give public expression of our sentiments respecting the new system of education, first stating the principles and regulations of which we approve; and secondly, stating the chief modifications by which we would desire that the Government should improve the proposed system.

I.-Resolved--That we cordially acquiesce in the following principles and regulations :

1. A combined system of education, by which the children of the poor of different denominations may be instructed together in the elements of useful knowledge, free from religious dissensions, and underhand proselytizing intrusion.

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