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The following Copy of the very interesting Letter left at New Zealand by the City of Edinburgh, and transmitted by Captain Swain, by the way of Norfolk Island, contains the original Account of the fate of the Boyd; some parti culars of which we have already had the melancholy occasion to detail:

ALL masters of ships frequenting New Zealand, are directed to be careful in not admitting many natives on board, as they may be cut off in a moment by surprize.

'These are to certify, that during our stay in this harbour, we had fre quent reports of a ship being taken by the natives in the neighbouring harbour of Wangarooa; aud that the ship's crew were killed and eaten. In order to ascertain the truth of this report, as well as to rescue a few people who were said to be spared from the general massacre, Mr. Berry, accompanied by Mr. Russel, and Matengaro (a principal chief of the Bay of Islands, who volunteered his service) set out for Wangarooa with three armed boats on Sunday, the 31st of December, 1809; and upon their arrival found the miserable remains of the ship Boyd, Captain John Thompson, which the natives (after stripping of every thing of value) kad burnt down to the water's edge. From the handsome conduct of Matengaro they were able to rescue a boy, woman, and two children, the only survivors of the shocking event; which, according to the most satisfactory information, was perpetrated entirely under the direction of that old rascal Tippahee, who has been so much, and so undeservedly, caressed at Port Jackson. This unfortunate vessel (intending to load with spars) was taken three days after her arrival. The ralives informed the master on the second day, that they would shew the spars next day. In the morning Tippahee arrived from Tippuna, and went on board; he staid only a few minutes, and then went into his canoe, but remained alongside the vessel, which was surrounded with a number of canoes that appeared collected for the. purpose of trading; and a considerable number of the natives gradually istruding into the ship, sat down upon the deck. After breakfast, the mas ter left the ship with two boats, to look for spars, and Tippahee wailing a convenient time, now gave the signal for massacre. lu an instant, the savages, who appeared sitting peaceably on the deck, rushed on the unarmed crew, who were dispersed about the ship at their various emplogments. The greater part were massacred in a moment; and were no sooner knocked down than cut to pieces while still alive. Five or six of the hands escaped up the rigging. Tippahee now having possession of the ship, hailed them with a speaking trumpet, and ordered them to unbead their sails and cut away the rigging, and that they should not be hurts they complied with his commands, and came down; - he then took then ashore in a canoe, and immediately killed them. The master went on shore without arms, and was, of course, easily dispatched. The names of the few survivors are, Mrs. Morley and child, another, a girl, and Thomas Davis (boy). The natives of the spar district in this harbour have behaved well, even beyond expectation; and seem much concerned on account of this unfortunate event; and dreading the displeasure of King George, have requested certificates of their good conduct, in order to exempt them from his vengeance; - but let no man after this trust a New Zealander. We further certify, that we gave Terra, the bearer of this, a small flat-bottomed boat, as a reward for his good conduct, and the assistance of getting us a cargo of spars.

Given on board the ship City of Edinburgh, Captain Simeon Patti-
SOD, Bay of Islands, January 6, 1810.

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'A. BERRY, Supercargo, J. RUSSELL, Male,' Terra behaved very well, and all his tribe; for that reason I gave bim several gallons of oil. I came in January 17th, and sailed the 28th, 1810. W. SWAIN, Ship Cumberland.?


The expected Journal of the Missionaries having not yet come to hand, we copy from the Sydney Gazette some Particulars respecting the War in Otaheite.

The cause of Pomarre's dethronement appears to have been the imperfection of his policy in governing, and his imposing upon his people the most grievous burdens. Without any regular mode of levying contributions by a fair and equal taxation, the disposal of all property was vested solely in his own arbitrary will; as he could, with or without the plea of emergency, and without any formality of procedure, seize upon the property of any of his subjects, whether chief or commoner, without offering any reason whatever: and, as it mostly happens, the persons delegated to execute his oppressive mandates, instead of inflicting the unmerited penalties of sequestration with delicacy or reluctance, generally evinced their obedience by unnecessary brutality and insult. Under this system of government, the body of the people were kept for ever in a state of miserable penury; and from which they could never hope to emerge as long as the system itself continued; for, independent of the miseries entailed on particular families by every such act of confiscation, a still greater calamity was inflicted upon the general body, by the total extinction of that industry, on which the happiness of every nation so much depends.

After the first general engagement, Pomarre and his mother Edea continued to reside in the island about seven months, without any apprehension of attack from the rebels, who shewed a disposition rather to avoid than to come to an action, as most of the muskets were then in the king's possession; but many of these were unfortunately lost iu a subsequent engagement, and by which he is rendered (almost) hopeless of ever regaining the island. In the last action, he was assisted by the chief of Huaheine, with an armament consisting of twelve double canoes, capable of containing 60 or 70 men each. This army shared the fate of Pomarre's own, and the chief himself narrowly escaped.

• Pomarre did not command in person, it being contrary to their usage for the king to expose himself to personal danger; and to his absence from the field of battle, the defeat was in a great measure attributed.

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The chiefs of Ulitea and Bolabola were latterly preparing to assist him with their whole force, to which they were stimulated less by any wish to serve Pomarre than to check a system which may extend itself throughout the islands, and overthrow their own governments: but as the insurrection was general, much doubt was entertained whether any aid they could afford would render probable a successful issue.

In the last encounter, Pomarre is said to have brought into the field between three and four hundred men, besides dependents, who accompany the army chiefly for the sake of plunder.

The schooner Venus, belonging to Sydney, calling at Otaheite for pork, and not suspecting that the rebels had possessed themselves of the government, was unexpectedly attacked, and taken by the natives as soon as she came to an anchor in the Matavai Bay. This outrage they endeavoured to justify on the plea of necessity, as they were in want of ammunition. The captured vessel was dragged ashore into one of their Morais, or sacred places, with an intent to be plundered, and afterwards demolished, in honour of their deities.

• On the arrival of Captain Campbell, in the brig Hibernia *, he received

It was by this vessel that the Missionaries left Huaheine, and were conveyed, by the way of the Fejee Islands, to Port Jackson. By the Sydney Gazette, of Feb. 24, we learn that a vessel had just arrived from Otaheite, which brought further accounts of the anarchy which prevailed in that island, in consequence of Pomarre's expulsion; which, it is added, is the more to be regretted, as he had ever evinced an inviolable attachment to the British interests. So far from relinquishing his claim to the sovereignty of the island, however, his exertion to

a letter informing him of what had happened; but, previously to this, he was suspicious of something amiss, from the appearance of the place, the Missionaries being absent, and their houses burnt. The natives went on board, and appeared as friendly as usual, with a view to capture his vessel also by surprize and treachery; but Captain Campbell's caution and firmness were superior to their designs, so that be not only saved his own ship, but succeeded in recapturing the Venus, which he afterwards repaired and got off.' Sydney Gazette, Feb. 17, 1810.

In confirmation of the melancholy account received from Captain Chace, of the King George, of the capture of the Boyd, at the Bay of Islands, and the atrocities attending that melancholy event, Capt. Wilkinson states, that he was under repeated apprehension of attack from the natives at Mercury Bay; from whence he went for the Bay of Islands, in hopes of finding protection from Tippahee; from whose conduct it was no less observable that hostility was intended. A watering party from the ship was once entirely surrounded by armed natives, who endeavoured to get possession of the arms in the boat; from which they were, however, prevented by the precautions that were observed.'

ARABIA-The Weehabites, to the number of 120,000 men, advanced during the month of June last to Bussora, on the Persian Gulf. The Pacha of Bagdad, at the head of 40,000 men, is said to have repuised them, and driven them back to Arabia. Nevertheless, they still retain possession of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, which they have pillaged. When the Turks shall be relieved from the pressure of the war against Russia, the most vigor ous measures are intended to be taken against thefe enemies of the Mahometan faith.

During the last five years, the caravans of pilgrims to the holy cities have entirely ceased..


Extract of a Letter from a Genile-
man in Coacord, Vermont, to his
Friend in New York, dated 11th
January, 1810.

Ir is with much satisfaction I have to inform you, that your prayers have not only been heard, but have been answered beyond our expectations, in crowning the work the Lord has begun in this town *. A considerable number of persons have come forward and joined the Church here: last Sabbath week,

Sydney Gazette, March 31, 1810.

there were nearly forty at the communion, and a number of persons are propounded; indeed, the im-. pression is general. Our minister is truly faithful. We have service in the foreroon, afternoon, and evening, on Sabbath; and conferences, two, three, and four evenings in the week, in different parts of the town. There are, however, as may be expected some opposers; but some of these, it is believed, are struck with conviction.

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I have also to inform you, that much greater work has taken place in the town of Guildhall, about twenty-five miles from here. minister was settled there about a year ago, be had formerly been a Methodist, but is now a Congregationalist. When he was first settled, he had but one person that came forward in assisting him; but there has been, within a few weeks back, an astonishing revival. 42 new com

municants were admitted at the last, and 13 at the preceding communion; and it is said, there is scarcely a person in the town who is not under deep concern. There are two judges and two attornies in the place, who have come forward in the cause; and, at the conference meetings which are held there, it is said they plead more powerfully for the cause of Christ

regain it were indefatigable; and his expectations were considerably heightened by the hope of eventually deriving effectual assistance from our adventurers, as faith! ul allies, bound by the ties of friendship and reciprocal esteem.'

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* A place where, not long ago, the Sabbath was hardly known.
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than ever they did at the bar. They have all joined the church, except one of the attornies and his wife, who will join it at the next communion.'

Account of the late Revival in Middlebury, [Extracted from the Vermont Evangelical Magazine for March, 1810.] On the 26th of October, 1809, a day which will long be memor. able in Middlebury, a large party of young people was formed in the village for the purpose of a ride, to visit one of their friends a few miles distant, and spend a joyful evening. The occurrence foreboded evil, but was overruled for good. Though most of the party felt no unusual impressions, some individuals, sensible that the event was not calculated to make a thoughtful person more serious, experienced such secret reproaches of conscience, that, could they have been exonerated from obligations of previous engagement, they would rather have spent the time with their Bibles in their closets. One young lady resolved, -a resolution worthy of perpetual and universal observance, to say

singularity of the place, at which it was proposed. They, however, mostly, if not all, consented to attend. Though to appearance there was not any very extraordinary impressions on the minds of this party, daring the evening, several returned with wounded spirits, and most of them are Eow members of the church, or contemplate a union.

At a conference, October 31, a gentleman was present, who had been formerly excommunicated from a neighbouring Church, for embracing corrupt sentiments and disre garding religious institutions. On the preceding Sabbath, he had exhi bited to that Church a satisfactory confession, and been restored to a regular standing. His offence having been notorious, he proposed, unsoli cited, to read his confession at the conference. As he had formerly been a preacher of the Gospel, he very familiarly, while reading his confession, interspersed such remarks as were calculated to excite the Christian to watchfulness, and to alarm the secure sinner. Save the occurrence of the preceding week, perhaps no event has been instrumental in the conviction of more persons than the exhibition of this nothing for which she expected to confession. confession. From about this time be sorry;' and that, on arriving the revival progressed in the village at the destined place, • she would with a rapidity which is almost withjutroduce the subject of religion to out a parallel. Never before had I the first person who should take a witnessed such solemnity as appear seat by her. She made the latter ed in the countenances of the assemresolution with trembling anxiety, hly on the following Sabbath, Nos. and many suspicions of her own 5. A spectator would scarcely be firmness; but God enabled her to lieve it the same congregation which keep her vow. Though she little had met for worship upon precedsuspected it, the person to whom ing Sabbaths. How difficult to conshe addressed herself, was predis ceive the impression which was posed to hear and to converse; and made by reading, at the opening of secretly resolved never again to re- the morning service, the second tire to rest till he had implored the chapter of Acts! It appeared as if Author of his existence to have indeed it were the day of Pentecost! mercy on him. In such a manner, as if, during the exercises of the day, as not to attract the attention of the every person put himself into a poscompany, the young lady proposed ture to hear, nor changed his attito several female friends to visit her tude, save at the close of the paraon a certain afternoon of the next graph. For a number of weeks week, with the view of having a subsequent to this period, religious party, in which no conversation meetings were frequently attended, should be introduced but on religi-nuch througed, and generally blesscus subjects. Some of her friends were thunderstruck, not only at the novelty of the meeting, but at the

ed. The revival has continued to progress till the present time, and stili prevails in some parts of the


town; but in the village, few new cases of conviction have occurred since the commencement of January. Ou reviewing God's providential dealings with this town, for five months past, many scenes present themselves, which are calculated to awaken the liveliest sentiments of gratitude and praise. Sacramental Sabbaths have been peculiarly interesting, particularly Lord's Day Jan. 7. Though the travelling was very unpleasant, never before had such a numerous congregation assembled in town on the Sabbath. At the close of the afternoon sermon, 43 persons, of whom 34 were young people, mostly between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one, presented themselves in the centre aisle, for admission into the church.

Respecting the number who have already been the happy subjects of the present revival, man cannot speak with precision: God only can distinguish the wheat from the chaff. I should, however, compute the number who habitually attend on the meetings of the congregational society, at upwards of one hundred. About thirty of this number are members of College. Besides these, twenty of the students are professors of religion; so that about 50 young men of religious character, in the eye of Charity, are now acquiring an education in this town.

During the revival, an unusual disposition to attend religious meetings, chastened by a strict regard to proper hours, has prevailed; and, as always heretofore, there has been in all respects, that pleasing regularity, without affectation, which, it is thought, ever accompanies just conceptions of the great doctrines of the Gospel, and humbling views of the majesty, purity, and universal providence of God.

The subjects of the work were mostly young, between the ages of 14 and 25. Very few had advanced as far as 40. The greater proportion had experienced the advantage of religious instruction in youth; been dedicated to God in baptism; generally attended public worship on Sabbath; were persons of regular habits; and respected religion and its ordinances. God, however,

to show his sovereignty, has taken some who were stout-hearted, and far from righteousness.'

How marvellous have been the dealings of God with this people! How great the change within ten years! The church, then consisting of but a handful of members, is now increased to upwards of 280, with the prospect of shortly being still increased to upwards of 300.

The revival has extended from Midddlebury to the neighbouring towns; and prevails in Shoreham, Cornwall, Salisbury, Orwell, and Whiting. It is understood that, in these five towns, between two and three hundred persons have become subjects of divine grace, within three months.

Provincial Intelligence.

Aug. 30. Rev. John Gleed, from Hoxton Academy, was ordained at Teignmouth. Mr. Pinckback, of Plymouth, began with prayer; Mr. Allen, of Exeter, the introductory address; Mr. Winton, of Exmouth, offered the ordination-prayer; Mr. Mends, of Plymouth, gave charge, from 2 Tim. iv. 1 and 2; Mr. Cobbin, of Crediton, prayed; Mr. Lawrie, of Budleigh, preached from 1 Thess. ii. 19, 20; Mr. Crook, of Newton, concluded. Mr. Windeat, of Totness, preached in the evening.



Sept. 9, the gospel was introduced at Bagnall, a village about three miles from Hanley, Staffordshire, by the Hanley Itinerant Society, established at the Tabernacle. house being too small for the number of people who assembled, the sermon was preached out of doors to a very attentive congregation. This Society commenced its operations by forming a Library of Tracts and Religious Books, to be lent from house to house in the neighbouring villages. The books are left at farm houses and cottages for a month; at the expiration of which, they are exchanged for others.. The result of this novel plan of doing good has exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the Members of this Institution; for, besides the congregations raised at Bagnall, an

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