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BEOWULF (c. 700)*


Lo, we have heard of the fame in old time
of the great kings of the Spear-Danes,
how these princes valor displayed.
Oft Scyld, Scef's son, from robber-bands,
from many tribes, their mead-seats took,
filled earls with fear, since first he was
found all forlorn. Howe 'er, he won comfort,
waxed great 'neath the welkin, in dignities

until every one of those dwelling near
over the whale-road, was bound to obey him
and pay him tribute: that was a good king.
To him a son was afterward born,

a child in his courts whom God sent


to comfort the people; He felt the dire need
they erst had suffered, how they had princeless
been a long while. Therefore the Lord of Life, |
Glory-prince, gave to him worldly honor.
Renowned was Beowulf, widely the glory

of Scyld's offspring in the Scanian lands.
So shall a prudent man do good works
with bountiful gifts in his father's hall,
that in his old age still may surround him
willing companions, and when war comes
the people may follow him. By praiseworthy

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the land's loved chief that long had possessed it.

There at the hithe stood the ring-prowed ship, icy and eager, the prince's vessel.

Then they laid down the beloved chief,

the dispenser of rings, on the ship's bosom,— by the mast laid him. There were treasures many

from far ways, ornaments brought.

I have heard of no comelier keel adorned
with weapons of war and martial weeds,
with glaves and byrnies. On his bosom lay 40
many treasures which were to go with him,
far depart into the flood's possession.
Not less with gifts, with lordly treasures,
did they provide him, than did those others
who at the beginning sent him forth
alone o'er the wave, a little child.

20 They set moreover a golden ensign
high o'er his head; let the sea bear him,
gave him to ocean. Their mind was sad,
mournful their mood. No man of men,
counsellors in hall, heroes 'neath heaven,
can say for sooth who that lading received.

Of the three large sections into which the story of Beowulf falls the fight with Grendel in Denmark, the fight with Grendel's mother, and the subsequent deeds of Beowulf in Geatland (Sweden)-the first is here given practically entire, and the second in part. It should be noted that the Beowulf mentioned in the opening canto is a Scylding, or Dane; Beowulf the Geat, or Weder-Geat, for whom the poem is named, is not introduced until the fourth canto. The translation is virtually the literal one of Benjamin Thorpe (1855), relieved of some of its harsher inversions and obscurities and made more consistently rhythmical, also occasionally altered to conform to a more


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II. THE BUILDING OF HEOROT Then in the towns was Beowulf, the Scyldings'

beloved sovereign, for a long time

famed among nations (his father had passed


the prince from his dwelling), till from him in turn sprang

the lofty Healfdene. He ruled while he lived, old and war-fierce, the glad Scyldings. From him four children, numbered forth, sprang in the world, from the head of hosts: 60 Heorogar and Hrothgar and Halga the good;

and I have heard that Elan1 was wife of Ongentheow the Heathoscylfing.

Then was to Hrothgar war-prowess given, martial glory, that his dear kinsmen gladly obeyed him, till his young warriors grew, a great train of kinsfolk. It ran thro' his mind that he would give orders for men to make a hall-building, a mighty mead-house, which the sons of men should ever hear of; and therewithin to deal out freely


to young and to old, whatever God gave him, save the freeman's share and the lives of men. Then heard I that widely the work was proclaimed

to many a tribe thro' this mid-earth

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to perpetrate crime, a fiend in hell. Grendel was the grim guest called, great mark-steppers that held the moors, the fen and fastness. The sea-monsters' dwelling

the unblest man abode in awhile, after the Creator had proscribed him.* On Cain's race the eternal Lord that death avenged, the slaying of Abel; the Creator joyed not in that feud, but banished him far from men for his crime.

Thence monstrous births all woke into being, jotuns, and elves, and orken-creatures, likewise the giants who for a long space warred against God: He gave them requital.

III. THE GRIM GUEST OF HEOROT When night had come he went to visit the lofty house, to see how the Ring-Danes

that a folk-stead was building. Befel him in after their beer-feast might be faring.


soon among men, that it was all ready,

He found therein a band of nobles
asleep after feasting; sorrow they knew not,

of hall-houses greatest; and he, whose word was misery of men, aught of unhappiness.
law far and wide, named it Heorot.*

He belied not his promise, bracelets distri

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Grim and greedy, he was soon ready, rugged and fierce, and in their rest took thirty thanes; and thence departed, in his prey exulting, to his home to go, with the slaughtered corpses, his quarters to visit.

Then in the morning, at early day, was Grendel's war-craft manifest: after that repast was a wail upraised, a great morning cry. The mighty prince, the excellent noble, unblithe sat;

loud in the hall. There was sound of the the strong thane suffered, sorrow endured, harp,

when they beheld the foeman's traces,


loud song of the gleeman. The scôp, who the accursed sprite's. That strife was too could

the origin of men from far back relate, told how the Almighty wrought the earth,

1 Perhaps the fourth child. 2 so that


"The Hart"-probably so named from gable decorations resembling a deer's horns. Hrothgar's son-in-law. Ingeld. tried to avenge apon him the death of his father, and it may have been he who gave the hall to "hostile flame."


loathsome and tedious. It was no longer than after one night, again he perpetrated greater mischief, and scrupled not

at feud and crime; he was too set on them. Then were those easily found who elsewhere sought their rest in places of safety,

3 roamer of the marches, or land-bounds That is, Grendel is of the monstrous brood of Cain. The passage is one of the Christian ad-ditions to a legend wholly pagan in origin.


on beds in the bowers, when it was shown them,

truly declared by a manifest token,


the hall-thane's hate; held themselves after farther and faster who the fiend escaped. So Grendel ruled, and warred against right, alone against all, until empty stood that best of houses. Great was the while, twelve winters' tide, the Scyldings' friend endured his rage, every woe, ample sorrow. Whence it became openly known to the children of men, sadly in songs, that Grendel warred awhile against Hrothgar, enmity waged, crime and feud for many years, strife incessant; peace would not have with any man of the Danish power, nor remit for a fee the baleful levy; nor any wight might hold a hope


for a glorious satisfaction at the murderer's

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because of the Lord, nor knew His design.
'Twas great distress to the Scyldings' friend,
grief of spirit; often the wise men
sat in assembly; counsel devised they
what for strong-souled men it were best
to do against the perilous horrors.
Sometimes they promised idolatrous honors
at the temples, prayed in words
that the spirit-slayer aid would afford
against their afflictions.

Such was their custom,
the heathen's hope; hell they remembered,
but the Creator, the Judge of deeds,




So Healfdene's son on sorrow brooded; for all his wisdom the hero could not avert the evil; that strife was too strong, loathsome and tedious, that came on the people, malice-brought misery, greatest of night-woes. Then Hygelac's thane,* a Geatman good, heard from his home of Grendel's deeds; he of mankind was strongest in power in that day of this life, noble and vigorous. He bade for himself a good wave-rider to be prepared; said he would go over the swan-road to seek the war-king, the prince renowned, since men he had need of. Dear though he was, his prudent liegemen little blamed him for that voyage, whetted him rather, and noted the omen.

Then the good chief chose him champions of the Geat-folk, whomso bravest he could find, and, fourteen with him, sought the vessel. Then the hero, the sea-crafty man, led the way to the shore. Time passed; the floater was on the waves, the boat 'neath the hill; the ready warriors stepped on the prow; the streams surged the sea 'gainst the sand; the warriors bare into the bark's bosom bright arms,

a rich war-array. The men shoved out on the welcome voyage the wooden bark.




Most like to a bird the foamy-necked floater, impelled by the wind, then flew o'er the waves till about the same time on the second day the twisted prow had sailed so far that the voyagers land descried, shining ocean-shores, mountains steep, spacious sea-nesses. Then was the floater at the end of its voyage. Up thence quickly the Weders' people stept on the plain; the sea-wood tied; their mail-shirts shook, their martial weeds; thanked God that to them the paths of the waves had been made easy. When from the wall the Scyldings' warder, who the sea-shores had to keep,

saw bright shields borne over the gunwale, war-gear ready, wonder arose

they knew not-knew not the Lord God, knew within his mind what those men were.


how to praise the heavens' Protector, Glory's Ruler. Woe to him who thro' cruel malice shall thrust his soul in the fire's embrace; let him expect not comfort to find. Well unto him who after his death-day may seek the Lord, and win to peace in his Father's bosom.

1 Apartments used mainly by the women.

Hrothgar's thane then went to the shore, on his horse riding, stoutly shook


the stave in his hands, and formally asked them:

"What are ye of arm-bearing men,


with byrnies protected, who thus come leading a surgy keel over the water-street, here o'er the seas? I for this, placed at the land's end, have kept sea-ward, Beowulf. Hygelac was his uncle, and king of the Geats, or Weder-Geats, who lived in Sweden.

that no enemies on the Danes' land

with a ship-force might do injury.

Never more openly hither to come

'gainst every foe, your new-tarred ship,

your bark on the sand, till back o'er the water the vessel with twisted neck shall bear

have shield-men attempted; nay, and ye knew to the Weder-march the man beloved.

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V. THE MISSION OF THE GEATS Him the chief of them answered then, the band's war-leader his word-hoard unlocked: "We are of race of the Geats' nation, and hearth-enjoyers of Hygelac. Well known to nations was my father, a noble chieftain, Ecgtheow named; abode many winters ere he departed old from his courts; nigh every sage thro' the wide earth remembers him well. We in kindness of feeling have come to seek thy lord, the son of Healfdene, the folk-defender. Be a kind informant. We have a great errand to the illustrious lord of the Danes. Naught shall be secret whereof my thought is. Thou knowest whether it be in sooth as we have heard say, that with the Scyldings I know not what wretch,


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if relief from evil should ever come and that care-welling calmer grow. Else he ever after oppression will suffer, a time of trouble, while standeth there in its high place the noblest of houses."' Then spake the warder, astride of his horse, the officer fearless: "Between these two should a sharp shield-warrior who thinketh well the difference know-'tween words and works. This band, I hear, is a friendly one 290 to the Scyldings' lord. Pass ye on with weapons and weeds, I will direct you. Likewise will I give to my fellowliegemen orders in honor to keep.

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the light of it shone over many lands. To them then the warrior pointed out clearly the proud one's court, that they might thither take their way; then did the warrior turn his steed and speak these words:

"Tis time for me to go on my way. May the all-ruling Father with honor hold you safe in your fortunes. I will back to the sea, ward to keep against hostile bands."


The street was stone-paved, the path gav guidance


to the men in a body; the war-byrnie shone, hard, hand-locked; the ringed iron bright sang in their gear, as they to the hall in their arms terrific came striding on. Their ample shields, their flint-hard bucklers, the sea-weary set 'gainst the mansion's wall, then stooped to the benches; their byrnies rang, the war-gear of men. In a sheaf together the javelins stood, the seamen's arms, ash-wood, grey-tipped. These ironclad men were weaponed well.


Then a proud chief asked these sons of conflict concerning their lineage: "Whence do ye bear your plated shields and grey sarks hither, your visor-helms and heap of war-shafts? I am Hrothgar's servant and messenger. Never saw I strangers so many and proud. I ween that ye out of pride, of greatness of soul, and not for exile, have sought Hrothgar." Him then answered the famed for valor; the Weders' proud lord, bold 'neath his helmet, spake words afterward: "We are Hygelac's table-enjoyers-my name, Beowulf.

I my errand will relate

Boar-images surmounted the helmets.


to the great lord, son of Healfdene, to thy prince, if he will grant us graciously to greet him here.

[ocr errors]

Wulfgar spake (he was lord of the Wendels; known to many was his spirit,

his valor and wisdom): "I will therefore ask the Danes' friend, lord of the Scyldings, mighty prince and ring-distributor, about thy voyage, as thou requestest, and make quickly known the answer that the prince thinks fit to give me.

He then went quickly where Hrothgar sat, old and gray, among his earls;

the brave chief stood before the shoulders
of the Danes' lord-he knew court-usage.
Wulfgar spake to his friendly lord:
"Hither are borne, come from afar
o'er ocean's course, people of the Geats.
Beowulf these sons of conflict

name their chief. They make petition
that they may hold with thee, my lord,
words of converse. Decree not, Hrothgar,
denial of the boon of answer.

Worthy seem they, in their war-gear,
of earls' esteem-at least the chieftain
who has led the warriors hither."


Hrothgar spake, the Scyldings' shield: "Lo, I knew him when he was a boy. His old father was named Ecgtheow, to whom in his home gave Hrethel the Geat his only daughter. Now his offspring bold comes hither, has sought a kind friend. For sea-farers-they who bore gift-treasures unto the Geats gratuitously

were wont to say of him, the war-famed, that he the might of thirty men

has in his hand-grip. Holy God hath in his mercies sent him to us,

to the West Danes, as I hope,

'gainst Grendel's horror. For his daring,
to the good chief gifts I'll offer.
Be thou speedy, bid these kinsmen,
assembled together, come in to see me.
Say moreover they are welcome

guests to the Danes. [Then to the hall-door
Wulfgar went.] He announced the words:
"My victor-lord, O prince of the East Danes,
bids me tell you he knows your nobleness;
that, boldly striving over the sea-billows,
ye come to him hither welcome guests.
Now ye may go in your war-accoutrements,
'neath martial helm, Hrothgar to see.
Let your battle-boards, spears, and shafts,
here await the council of words."


Arose then the chief, his many men around


a brave band of thanes. Some remained there, 400

held the war-weeds, as the bold one bade them. They hastened together where the warrior directed,

under Heorot's, roof; the valiant one went, bold 'neath his helmet, till he stood on the dais. Beowulf spake; his byrnie shone on him, his war-net sewed by the smith's devices:

"Hail to thee, Hrothgar; I am Hygelac's kinsman and war-fellow; many great deeds in my youth have I ventured. To me on my native turf


360 Grendel's doings became clearly known. Sea-farers say that this most excellent house doth stand, for every warrior, useless and void when the evening light under heaven's serenity is concealed. Then, prince Hrothgar, did my people, the most excellent men, sagacious, counsel me that I should seek thee, because they knew the might of my craft. Themselves beheld-when I came from their




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the jotun-race ravaged, and slew on the billows nickers by night; distress I suffered, avenged the Weders (they had had misery), crushed the fell foe. And now against Grendel, that miserable being, will I held council, alone with the giant.

"Of thee now, therefore, lord of the bright Danes, Scyldings' protector, will I make this one petition:

now that I come so far, deny not,

O patron of warriors, friend of people, that I alone with my band of earls, with this bold company, may purge Heorot. I have learned this, that the demon-like being in his heedlessness recketh not of weapons. I then will disdain (so may Hygelac, my liege lord, be to me gracious of mood) to bear a sword or round yellow shield into the battle; but shall with the enemy grip and grapple, and for life contend, foe against foe. And he whom death taketh there shall trust in the doom of the Lord. "I ween that he, if he may prevail, will fearlessly eat, in the martial hall, the Geat's people, as oft he has done the Hrethmen 's1 forces. Thou wilt not need to shroud my head, for he will have me, stained with gore, if death shall take me;

1 the Danes



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