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volume for the history of the Islamic World from the points where the sixth volume of the History of the Peace Conference of Paris leaves off, and for the history of the Far East and the Pacific from the close of the Washington Conference, which was the terminal point of the Survey for 1920-3 in this field.

The writer has to acknowledge, for this as well as for the preceding volume, his deep obligation and his equally profound gratitude to the members and the staff of the British Institute of International Affairs. Once again a number of members have generously given him the benefit of their special knowledge in various fields; and once again the staff have collaborated at every stage in the production of the work with unfailing zeal and efficiency. But for this assistance, the writer's task would have been impossible.

He has also acknowledgements to make for the permission courteously given to him to reproduce from elsewhere five of the maps which accompany this volume. The two maps of the U.S.S.R. are reproduced by the courtesy of Russian Information and Review; the map of Jubaland by the courtesy of The Times; and the two maps of Fiume by the courtesy of Signor G. Benedetti the author and Signor N. Zanichelli (Bologna) the publisher of La Pace di Fiume.

A. J. T.

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