Imágenes de página

** In order to facilitate reference to the Routes, most of
them are repeated in the Index twice: - thus, GENEVA
to Chamouny, is also mentioned under the head Cha-
mouny to Geneva; such reversed Routes are marked
in the Index with an asterisk to distinguish them.


AAR, river. 114. 126.

-, falls of. 116.

Alpbach. 113.
Alpenstock. 153.
ils uses xli.

Alpine horn. 110.

-river, junction of, with Limmat Alpulila, Julia. 164

and Reuss. 20.

[blocks in formation]

-Byron's lines on. 164
Alpnacht. 79.

- slide of. 79.

[blocks in formation]

Aimaville. 376. Roman acque- Andelfingen. 32

Aime (Axuma). 442.

Airolo. 137. 139-143.

Aix les Bains 435. Mineral and

other springs of. 435.

Alagna 330

Albenga 494.

Albens. 435-437.

An der Lenk. 151.

Andermatt. 130.

-or Urseren. 136.

-*to Coire by the Oberalp. 276.
Anet or Ins. 166.

Angrona, valley of. 476.
Annecy. 431-434.

- le Vieux. 434.

Albert, emperor of Austria, mur- Annemasse 396.

dered 21.

Albinen, village of. 149.

Albis Wirthshaus. 48.

-hill. 48.

Albula pass. 280.

Alby, 435.

Algaby. 225.

Allée Blanche 426.
Allenlüften. 162.
Almengal. 342.

Antigorio, val. 122.

Anzasca. val. 333-336 Beanly of
its scenery, and superior con-
dition of its peasantry. 336-

AOSTA, VAL D'. 348-357.
-* to Turin. 356.

*to Martigny and the Great St.
Bernard. 368.

*to St Branchier

[blocks in formation]

to Varallo. 320.

Arpenaz, Nant d'. 399.
Arih. 47-56.

Arve,junction with the Rhone193.
source of the. 421.


Arveyron, source of. 414.


[ocr errors]


from Xci. Varieties of. cx.

[ocr errors]

Catastrophes arisig from. xci.
Wind of. xciii.

Avenches. 163.

Aventicum. 163.

Aufnau, isle of. 41.
Augst. 10.

Attinghausen, the birth place of

Walter Fürst 132.

Aubonne. 180.

Auxonne. 181.
Ayent. 152.


Bachalp. 110.
Baden baths. 23.
Bagnes, valley and inundation.
369. Mode of preventing a si-
milar catastrophe, 372.

Bakewell's Tour in the Taren-
taise," extract from. 433.
Ballsthal. 12.

Balmat, Jacques. 409.

Balme, Col de. 420.

Balme, Grotte de. 399.
Balsille. 474.

Barcelonnette. 486.
Bard, fort. 350.

Barrás, M., prior of the hospice
of the Simplon. 224.

BASLE, 1. Cathedral, 1. Council
of, 2. Public library, 2. Collec
tion of the works of Holbein, 3.
University, 3. Dance of Death,
3. Political dissensions, 5. Pub-
lic conveyances, 6.

to Bienne, by the Münster
Thal. 6.

to Schaffhausen. 10.

-to Soleure, by the Ober Hauen-
stein. 11.

[ocr errors]

to Lucerne by the Unter
Hauenstein. 16.

- to Aarau. 19.
-to Zurich. 20.

Basle Campagne. 6-11.
BATHS of Baden. 23.
Gais. 249.

[ocr errors]

Grange (Grenchen). 16.
Heinrichsbad. 252.
Leuk. 147.

Loèche. 147.
Pfeffers. 239.
Rosenlaui. 111.
Schintznach. 23.
Stachel berg. 256.
Weissbad. 250
Batterkinden. 87.
Batz, value of. xiv.
Baveno. 228.

to Varallo. 325.
Bedretto, val. 139–143.
hamlet of. 143.
Bears of Berne. 92.
Beatus, cave of. 98.
Beaufort, Maxime de. 429.
Beauvoisin, Pont. 454.
Bellagio. 314.

Bellegarde. 195.
Belgirate. 230.
Bellenz. 304.

Bellinzona, 304. Castles. 304.
to Magadino and Locarno. 305.
to Lugano, by Mont Cenere.
-* to Splügen and Coire, by the
pass of the Bernardin. 305.
Beresal, 223.

Bergamasque shepherds. 282.
Bergell, 299.
Bergun. 281.

Bernardin pass. 300. Village. 302.
BERNE. 88. Clock-tower; fonn-
tains. 89. Bernese Alps. 90.
Minster. 90. Museum. 90.

BERNE: The Bærengraben. 92. Cha-
ritable institutions. 92. Prome-
nades. 93. History of. 94.
BERNE to Thun. 96.
-to Lausanne, by Freyburg.

-to Lausanne, by Morat. 162.
-to Neufchâtel. 165.
Bernina pass. 285.
Bersesio. 485.

Bertha, queen of Burgundy. 161.
Saddle of. 161.
Berthollet, the chemist, birth-
place of 434.
Bessans. 445.

Bex. 211. Sall mines and works.

-to Sion, by the Diablerets. 217.
Biasca. 142. Church of. 142.
Biberegg. 267. Cradle of the Re-
dings. 267.

Biel. 9.

Boetzlingen. 312

- parliament of. 132.
Bourg d'Oysans 467
-S. Maurice. 390. 424. 443.
Bourget Laide. 435.
Bovaret. 216.
Bozel. 447.

Bramegg, ascent of. 85.
Branchier, St. 358.
Bregaglia, val. 298.
Brennet, lake. 179.
Brennieres. 444.
Brenva, glacier. 428.
Breven. 413.
Breuil. 347.
Briançon, 470.

-to Susa, by the pass of the Mont
Genèvre. 471-472.
Brida. 447.
Brieg. 220.

Brienz. 114.

- lake of. 115.

Biella. 328. Notre Dame d'Oropa. Brienzergrat. 114.


[blocks in formation]

Bionnassi, glacier of. 422.

Bristenstock. 133.

Brockedon, Wm., quotations.
from, 335-425.

Broye. valley of. 162.
Bruck. 20.

Brünig. the pass of, 78.1
Brunnen. 75.

Brugg. 20.

Brussone 332.

Birs. valley of the. 6. Source of. 7. Bürglen. 258.

Bivio Stalla 279.

Blakenstock. 127.

Blegno, val. 142-276.

Blistered feet, to cure. xxxviii.

Blümlis alp. 145.

Bobbio. 477.

Boden See. 232.

Boghy, gorge of. 127.

Boleta or Boletone. 317.
Boltingen. 154.
Bon-homme. Col de. 422.
Bonneville. 397-429.
Bonivard,the Prisoner of Chillon.

Bonstetten. 48.
Borgomaniera. 320.
Borromean islands. 228.
Borromeo, San Carlo. 138. Sta-
tue. 230.
Bossons, glacier. 406,
Bötzberg. 20.

Bussingen. 66.

Buet. 402.

Buffalora pass. 284.

Bulach. 33.

Bulle. 156.

Buntschi. 153.

Buonaparte at Fort Bard. 350.
at the Great St. Bernard. 358
Bürglen. 132.
Buttisholz. 18.
BYRON, LORD, his description of
the Alps as seen from the Jura,
xliv. Scenery of his drama of
Manfred. 196. His Swiss tour.
196. Description of the Staub-
bach. 102. Of the Wengern Alp,
and its avalanches. 106. Lines
on the ossuary of Morat 162.
On Lake Leman, in a calm. 196.
In a storm. 197. Clarens. 206
Chillon. 209.

[blocks in formation]

Carignano 488.

Bon-homme and the Col de la
Seigne. 422-428.

Champ Fleuri glacier. 152.
Champignol. 153.
Chapeau. 415.
Chapiu. 422.
Char-à-banc. XXVI.

Charles the Bold of Burgundy. 173
Charmontane glacier. 373.
Chasseral. 172.

--mont. 9.

Chat, Mont du. 449.

Château d'Oex. 155.

Château Duing. 433.

Caroline, queen of England. 315. de Queiras. 478.

Carouge. 162

Casaccia. 299.

Castasegna. 299.

Castella, terrace of, 474.

Castello. 141. Church of San. 141.
Castels. 277.

Ceard, engineer of the Simplon.

Cenis, mont. 460. Little. 462.
Centron, village of. 442.
Ceresol. 383.

Cerisio, Lago. 313.
Cernetz. 284.

CERVIN, Mont. 346. Pass of. 344

Cesanne to Pignerol, by the Col
de Sestrières. 473.
Chaffe-Quarré. 424.
Chaille, La. 454.

Chaine, La. 177.

Chaises à porteurs.


Chalets and pasturages. LXXV.
Chambave wine. 352.
Chambery. 436. 456.
Chambery to Geneva, 436.
-Pont, Beauvoisin. 454.


- to Lanslebourg, by the Col
d'Iseran. 438-445.
CHAMOUNY. 406. Origin of the

Châtel St. Denis. 156.
Chatillon. 348.

- to Visp, by the pass of mont
Cervin, 348.


*to Aosta. 352.
Chaux de Fonds, La. 175.
Chaux de Milieu. 176.
Cheeses, Swiss. LXXVI. 256.
Chede, cascade and lake. 401.
Chiavenna. 296.
-to Como. 297.

*to Splügen. 296.

-to St. Mauritz, by the pass of
the Maloja. 298.
Chillon, castle of 209.
Ciamot. 275.

Cima de Jazi 342.
Cime du Fours. 425.
Clairée, Col. 463.

Clarens. 206. Byron's description.


Clariden alps. 257.
Cleven. 296.

Cluse, La, pass of. 176.
Clusette, la, défilé. 178.
Clusone, valley of the. 473.
Cluzes. 398.

COGNE, val de. 376. Iron mines.

name. 407. Guides. 408. Excur-village of. 378 Glacier of. 379.
sion around. 409. Montanvert. -fenêtre de. 379.
409. Jardin. 411. Fiegère 412.
Breven. 413 Source of Arvey-
ron. 414. Chapeau. 415. Ascent
of Mont Blanc. 416.
-to Geneva. 406.

CHAMOUNY to Martigny by the.
Tête Noire. 418.
-the Col de Balme. 420.

-the Col de Bon-homme. 422.
-to Cormayeur, by the Col de

COIRE. 244. Church of St. Lu-
cius. 244. Bishop's palace. 244
Post-horses. 245. Money. 245.
Romansch tongue. 245. Go-
vernment of the Grisons. 246.
to Pfeffer's baths. 244.
to Constance. 244.
to Zurich. 244.

*to Schaffhausen through Tog-
genburg. 254.

COIRE to Andermatt by the Vor- | Conto Monte. 299.

der Rheinthal. 272.
-to St. Mauritz by the Julier.

-to Ponte in the Engadine,
by the Albula. 280.
-to Splügen, by the Via Mala.

-to Bellinzona, by the Ber-
nardin. 286. 300.
-to Chiavenna, by the Splü-
gen. 286. 293.
Columbus, birthplace of. 495.
Col d'Anterne. 403.
-de Balme 420.
-de Bon-homme. 424.
-de Colma. 327.
-de Gauche. 424.
-de Lautaret. 445.
--du Mont. 389.
-de la Seigne. 425.
-de Tende. 489.

[blocks in formation]

Coppet. 200.
Coquempin wine. 219.
Cormayeur. 356.
* to Turin. 356.


to Martigny, by the col de
Ferret. 375.

-to St. Maurice, by the Little
St. Bernard. 390.
-* to Chamouny, by the Allie
Blanche. 428.
Cornice. 490.
Cortaillod. 173.
Cossonex. 480.
Courrendelin. 8.

Coucy, Ingelram de, defeat of.


Couvrecle. 411.

Coverdale, Miles, prints the
first English Bible at Zurich,

Cramer's "Dissertation on the
Passage of Hannibal,” ex-
tract from. 450.

Cramment, mont. 390. View
from. 391.

Cran. 434.
Credo. 123.

Crenone, val. 142.

Cretinism. xcvi.

Creux de Vent mountain, 177.
-echo of. 178.

Crissolo, villages of. 482.
Croix, Col de. 477.

Croix de Nivolet, col. 386.
Cromwell (Oliver), embank-
ment at Bobbio built by.

Cruseilles. 431.
Culm Haus inn. 67.

Curaglia. 276.

Custom-house, Sardinian.477,

-to St. Gall. 233.

CONSTANCE to Coire. 232-237.

Contamines. 422.


Dachsfelden. 8.

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