Imágenes de página

qualifications requisite to a traveller
through this country, 466
Itinerancy among the clergy, the spirit of,
severely animadverted on by Dr. Law,
bishop of Chester, 587

Ivory, on the grounds of Laplace's me-
thod for computing the attractions of
spheroids of every description, 383

on the attraction of an extensive
elass of spheroids, 383

James's, (Major) new and enlarged mi-
litary dictionary, 98, et seq.; speci-
mens of accurate translation and de-
finition, ib. et seq.

Japan, see Langsdorff's voyages and tra-
vels, 135, et seq.

Jaqueline, a tale, 395-8; its character

aud merit, 399; extract, ib. et seq.
Juggernaut, his car seized, broken, and sold,
by order of a collector under the Madras
presidency, 530-1

Junius, inquiry concerning the author

of the letters of, with reference to the
Memoirs of a celebrated literary cha-
racter, 278, et seq.; mystery, its e-
fects on the mind, 279; Mr. Glover,
the supposed author of the letters,
280; presumptive proofs, ib.; a diffi-
culty stated and examined, 282; a se.
cond difficulty in regard to the hand-
writing; memoir, valuable, as an
historical record, 284; political in-
tegrity of Glover, 285; extracts, iv.

Kendal, Robert, see Davies's 'brand
plucked out of the fire'

Kett's Flowers of wit, 184, et seq.; ex-
tracts, 185

Kidd's sermons for the use of villages

and families, 389, et seq.; favourable
character of the discourses, 390; ex-
tracts, ib. et seq.

Knight on the attraction of such solids as
are terminated by planes, and on so-
lids of greatest attraction, 385

on the penetration of a hemise
phere by an indefinite number of
equal and similar cylinders, 386

on the motions of the tendrils of
plants, 600

Lacey's discourses for domestic use, 498,

et seq.; difficulty of selecting sermons
for publication, b.; character of the
sermons, 500; calmness of mind arising
from confidence in God, 500-1; the
good man's prospect after death, 501-2
Lancasterian schools, unjustifiable charge
against them in regard to religion, by the
Bishop of Chester, 587

Langsdorff's voyages and travels in va-
rious parts of the world, 133, et seq.;
probability that the Sandwich Islands
have been reduced under the sole au-
thority of Tamahama, ib.; great in-
tellectual capabilities of islanders, ib.
134; Mowna Roa, its height, &c. ib.;
inaccuracy of our charts of the Japan
Islands, 136; arrival at Mangasaki,ib.;
their reception, 137; the Opperban-
jos, ib.; Pussians required to surren-
der their cannon, powder, &c. 138;
rigorously restricted to their vessel,
139, et seq.; desperate subordination
of the people, 142; presents for the
Emperor, 143; ambassador's residence
described, 144; procession to the house
of the governor, 148-9; the presents
refused, with the alleged cause, 150;
instance of matchless subordination, 154;
Captain sails northward to St. Peter
and St. Paul, 155; Sachalin, a penin-
sula, 156; jealousy of the Chinese
court more unreasonable than that of
Japan, 157

Laplace's theory of probabilities, 562,
et seq.; continued, ib. et seq.; princi-
ples of his theory, 565; mode of apply-
ing them, ib.; on the probability of
error in the mean results of numerous
observations, 567, et seq.; application
of the theory to the investigation of va-
rious phenomena, 568

Lara, a tale, 393, el seq.; extract, 395;
liable in some instances to the charge
of impiety, 398.

Law's, (Dr.) charge to the clergy of the
diocese of Chester, 578, et seq.; visi-
tation charges ordinarily of a repul-
sive nature, 579; philanthropy of the
dissenters and methodists a great na-
tional benefit, 580; Dr. L.'s remarks
on the constitution and object of the Bible
Society, 581; luminous illustration of
h's argument, 582; examined and ex-
posed, ib. et seq.; real cause of the
opposition to the Bible Society, 584;
alleged cause of the clergy tor with-
holding their co-operation, 585; ex-
amined and confuted, ib.; unjustifiable
charge against the Lancasterian Schools,
587; his lordship's severe animadversions
on the spirit of itinerancy in regard to the
clergy, ib.; his generous feelings in
regard to the salaries of stipendiary
curates, 589

Lauderdale's, Earl of, letter on the corn
laws, 1, et seq.; leading features of the
work described, 11, 16.

Life, different views arising from the consi-

deration of it in its earlier and later stages,
Life, Hunter's theory of, see Hunter
its low estimate among the Hin-
doos, 636

of the soul, extracted from Kidd's
sermon on the way of life, 390
Lindsey, the late Rev. Theoph., sce
Belsham's memoirs, 113

Lion hunt in the forest of Durlee, near
Cambay, 644

Lofft's Laura, or anthology of sonnets,

502, et seq; Gray's sonnet to the memory
of West, with critical remarks, 502-3;
sonnet from the Italian of G. Colla, 504;
from Shakspeare, 505; construction of
the sonnet, ib.; author's fanciful ana-
logy of the sonnet and the tones of a mu-
sical octave, &c., 507; sonnet in France,
Germany, &c., 509; extracts, 510,

et seq.

Lord's Prayer, Mann's short discourses
on, 6.30

Mahratta army described, 457-8

Mann's short discourses on the Lord's

Prayer, 630, extract, ib.

Malthus's observations on the effects of
the corn laws, 1; his reasoning in-
conclusive, 16

Maude's Kingdom of God, a sermon,

Meadley's memoirs of Algernon Sydney,
256, et seq.; his situation and circum-
stances the develop-
ment of his character, 257; probable
cause of the high estimation in which
his name is held, 258; sketch of his
life, ib. et seq; noble conduct of one
of Cromwell's soldiers, 259; Sydney
approves of the sentence against
Charles I. ib.; preserves the life of the
prince of Wales, (Charles II.) ib.; re-
tires to the continent, il.; his character
of the French court, ib. et seq.; singular
instance of his haughty independence,
262; picture of France under Louis XIV.
263; revisits England, 264; M. Baril-
lon, 265; arrest and condemnation
of Sydney, 266; his intrepid reply to
the executioner, 267
Mease's picture of Philadelphia, 302,
et seq.; defective nature of our inform-
ation respecting the character, habits,
&c. of the Anglo-Americans, 302;
public opinion in Britain greatly ad-
vanced before policy and law, 303;
the national character not to be esti-
mated by the conduct of the governors,
304; remarks on national prejudice,
b.; Philadelphia built by Penn after

the model of Babylon, 306; substratum
of the city, ib; progressive population
of the city and Ilberties, 308; contrast
between American and London porter,
309; American press, &c. 310; state of
periodical literature, ib.; circuit court
of Philadelphia, ib.; Penn on capital
punishment, 312; management of crimi-
mals, 313; religious societies, 314;
charitable institutions, ib.; pecu.
liarities attending the formation of the
national character of the Anglo-Aine-
ricans, 315

Memoirs of the Queen of Etruria, writ-
ten by herself, 590, et seq.; prince of
Parma appointed to the throne of
Tuscany, 590; state of the palace at
Florence, 592; queen appointed re-
gent on the demise of the king, ab.;
dethroned by order of Buonaparte,
ib.; imprisoned on account of an at-
tempt to escape to England, 593;
her harsh treatment from Gen. Miallis,
her jailor, 593; liberated, ib.; estimate
of her intellectual character, 595;
seizure of the Pope, 596-7; enthusi-
astic attachment of the French to the
Pope, in his progress towards Paris, 598;
alarm of Buonaparte, and return of the
Pope, ib.

Memoirs of a celebrated literary and
political character, see Junins
Merivale's Orlando in Roncesvalles, a
poem, 227, et seq; works of the poet
most interesting, as forming faithful
and lively records of nat onal charac-
ter and manners, ib.; favourable esti-
mate of the author's taste and judge-
ment, 229; analysis of the poem, aud
extracts, 229, et seg.

Miaco, the residence of the Daïri, the

ecclesiastical sovereign of Japan, 146
Military Dictionary, by Major James,

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Paulinus's Epistle to Celantia, 382
Peace of mind arising from confidence in
the care of God, 500-1

Persecution, Chandler's history of, by
Mr. Atinore, 237, et sey.
Petrarcha's villa described, 476-7
Phædo, a dialogue on the immortality

of the soul, translated from the Greek
of Plato, 79, et seg, frivolous argu-
ments advanced by Socrates, 80;
Wollaston's argument examined, 30,
et seq.; Butler's argument stated, 82;
distinctness of the soul and body, 83-4
Philadelphia, Mease's picture of, 302,

et seq.; built by Penn after the model of
Babylon, 306. Sec Mease
Philanthropy of the dissenters and me-

thodists a great national benefit, 580
Philosophical transactions of the royal

society of London, for 1812, part I.
244, et seq.; peculiarities in the struc-
ture of the organ of hearing in the
Balæna Mysticetus, 246; chemical
researches on the blood, and some
other animal fluids, 247; gaseous
compound of carbonic oxide and
chlorine, 249; eruption of a volcano'

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in the sea, 250; primitive crystals.of
carbonate of lime, bitter spar, and
iron spar, 251; progressive motion
of snakes performed by means of the
ribs, ib.; combinations of different
metals and chlorine, ib; on the ac,
tion of poisons on the animal system,
253. Part II. Additional experiments
on the muriatic and oxymuriatic acids,
599; on the motion's of the tendrils of
plants, 600; account of some expe-
riments on different combinations of
fluoric acid, 601-2; experiments on
the influence of the brain on the gene-
ration of animal heat, 603; on the
structures, &c. of the solvent glands,
in the digestive organs of birds, &c.
604; on the combinations of phos-
phorus and sulphur, ib. Mathematical
papers. On the grounds of Laplace's
n.ethod for computing the attractions
of spheroids of every description, 383;
on the attraction of an extensive class
of spheroids, ib.; Dr. Herschel's ob-
servations on two comets which ap-
peared in 1811, 1812, 385; on the
attraction of such solids as are termi-
nated by planes, and on solids of
greatest attraction, ib.; on the pene-
tration of a hemisphere by an indefi-
nite number of equal and similar cy-
linders, 386; observations on the
measurement of three degrees of the
meridian, ib.; on a periscopic came-
ra obscura and microscope, 388
Pinkerton on the present state of the

Greek Church in Russia. See Platon
Platon's present state of the Greek
Church in Russia, translated by Pin-
kerton, 429, el seq.; Russian empire,
our notions of its religion, &c. incor-
rect, ib.; grounds for anticipating its
rapid improvement, 430-1; supersti-
tion of the Greek Church not so great
as generally supposed, ib; Mr. Pin-
kerton's qualifications for, and object
in writing, 432; on the reverencing of
pictures, with remarks, ib.; religious
sentiments of the metropolitan, 435;
sketch of the work, ib.; Platon on the
present state of man, and the sacrifice of
Christ, 436; probability that the Rus-
sian Church will speedily become
more scriptural in its forms of devo-
tion, 437, et seq.

Plato's dialogue on the immortality of
the soul, see Phædo.

Poet, his works peculiarly interesting
as forming faithful and lively records
of national character and manners,


Poet and Painter seldom united in one
poem, 187

Poisons, observations on their action
on the animal system, 253
Pope, his seizure by order of Buona-
parte, 596; enthusiastic behaviour of
the French during his journey to Paris,
598; alarm of Buonaparte, and order
for the Pope's return, ib.

Popery, remarks on, in the Velvet Cushion,

Portfolio, 286

Portúgal, its subjects busied in enslav-

ing the Africans, 198

Prayer, Dissenters accused of underva-
luing its importance, 356-7; prayer,
the employment of angels, 357
Predestined Thief, or a dialogue be-
tween a Calvinistic teacher and a con-
demned thief; translated from the
Latin of Archbishop Sancroft, with
an Application to the recent case of
Robert Kendal, by the Editor, 213,
et seq.; offensive tendency of the work,
ib.; author's design in publishing it,
214; accordance of parts of the dia-
logue with some of the Articles of the
Church, 215; tendency of Calvinistic
principles examined, 216, et seq.;
Appendix, and Mr. Davies's Brief Ac-
count, 219; principles of Calvinism
inapplicable to Kendal's case, ib.;
glaring mistatement of the editor, ib. ;
unwarrantable declarations of Mr.
Davies respecting the conversion,
&c. of Kendal, 220-1; cautions to
ministers who visit condemned crimi-
nals, 221; objectionable nature of
the accounts of converted malefac-
tors,' 222, et seq.; late conversions,
224 penitent thief,' peculiarities of
his case, 225.

Priestley, Dr. bis admissions that we

know nothing of the nature of God,614
Probabilities, Laplace's theory of, 562,

[blocks in formation]

the Royal Society, 292; Charles the
Second's waggish test of their philosophi-
cal qualifications, 292; Bishop Sprat's
unchristianizing political spirit, 293;
melancholy complexion of the literary
history of Warburton, and extract, ib.
Queen of Etruria, memoirs of, written
by herself, 690, et seq.; Gen. Miollis's
harsh treatment of her during her capti-
vity, 593

Rebellion against Charles I. unjustly charged
upon the Puritans by the Velvet Cushion,
344; its sources, as given by Lord
Clarendon, Bishop Burnet, and Dr.
Moulin, 344, et seq.; unconstitutional
application of the term rebellion, 347
Reflections of a French constitutional
royalist, 624

Reformation preachers, their excellencies,

Religious seminaries, necessity for elevating

their intellectual and literary, as well as
moral character, 414

Repentance explained and enforced, by
J. Thornton, 294-5

Report of the committee of the Church
missionary society, 526

Residence in a Pagan country usually inju-
rious to the moral and religious character,


Reverencing of pictures in the Greek Church,

Platon's remarks on, 434

Reynolds, Shee's commemoration of,
see Shee

Rhelians, their amiable character, 471
Robinson's Plea for the Divinity of

Christ, Archdeacon Blackburne's opi-
nion of it, 124-5

Rodriguez's observations on the mea-
surement of three degrees of the me-
ridian, conducted in England by Lt.
Col. Mudge, 386

Rome and Jerusalem, their tendency to
excite classical recollections and devo-
tional sentiments, 541, et seq.
Rome, most interesting as the subject of
prophecy, 545; view of ancient and
modern, from the tower of the capitol,


Rose's, Rt. Hon. G. speech on the corn
laws, 1

Rouse's doctrine of chances, or theory
of gaming, 562, et seq.; design and
contents of the work, 563

Sachalin united to Tartary by sand hills,
probably formed by the Amour, 156-

[blocks in formation]


Sandwich Islands probably form one
sovereignty, 133; intellectual powers
of the natives, ib. et seq.
Scott's light shining out of darkness, a
sermon on the late peace, 421; ex-
tract, 422

Scripture prints, the old masters, hav-
ing belonged to the Church of Rome,
were ill acquainted with their sub-
jects, 192; absurd representations, ib.
Sellon's Individuality, a poem, 513; ex-
tract, 514

Sermons for domestic reading, by the

Rev. J. Evans, 295, el seq.; their cha-
racter, 296; extracts illustrative of
their spirit and manner, 298, el seq.

for the use of villages and fami-
lies, by Thornhill Kidd, 389, et seq.
on the occasion of the late
peace, 419, et seq.
Shark's fins, a valuable article of trade to
China, 445

Shee's commemoration of Reynolds,

186; features of resemblance between
the painter and the poet, ib.; not
mere copyists of, ib.; should seize the
imagination of the spectator or reader,
187; objections to West's large histo-
rical pieces, ib.; difference between
their modes of attaining their objects,
186; the two characters seldom
united, 187

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Simpson's plea for the Deity of Jesus,
and the doctrine of the Trinity, 606,
et seq.; his entrance into life, 606;
persuaded by Mr. Lindsey to study
the Bible, and purchases one in conse-
quence, i.; becomes curate of Rams-
den, in Essex, 607; Bishop of Lin-
coln's testimony to his good conduct,
ib.; Bishop of Chester silences him on
the plea of methodism, 607; restored
to his former situation at Macclesfield,
608; second attempt to get him si-
lenced, and another church built for
him, 609; his intention to quit the
church prevented by his death, ib.;
his liberal opinions concerning the right
of private judgement in religious maiters,
610; analysis of the work, 611; its
character, ib.; Unitarians blind to
the doctrines of the ancient Church,
612; doctrines of the New Testa-
ment not calculated to leave a Unita-
rian impression on the mind, 643;
admissions of Dr. Priestley that we
know nothing of the nature of God,
614; Socinians cannot know what
cap or cannot consist with the unity
of God, 615

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Sketch from nature, a moral poem, 300-
1; extracts, ib.

Smith's French dictionary, 494
Snakes appointed guardians to conceal-
ed treasures among the Hindoos, 641-

Home's observations on the
progressive motions of, 251
Socinianism on the decline in England,
119, et seq.; ill founded representa-
tions of its rapid conversions apolo-
gized for by Mr. Belsham, 122
Socinians cannot know what can or
cannot consist with the Unity of God,

Socinus, the character of his system,

Solfatara, description of the plain, 558
Sonnets, anthology of, or Lofft's Laura,
502, et seq.

Southey's congratulatory odes, 179, et
seq.; extracts, ib.

South's, Dr. sarcastic remark on the
members of the Royal Society, 292
Southwark Auxiliary Bible Society, se
cond annual report of it, 178
Sprat, Bishop, his violent political pre-
judices induce him to unchristianize
Milton, 293

Steady Resolution exem kified in the conduct
of the three Hebrew truths; from Kidd's-
sermons, 392

Stipendiary curates, Dr. Law's generous

feeling in respect to their salaries, $89
Strutt's Rape of Proserpine, translated
from Claudian, 363, et seq.; inquiry
concerning the declension of taste
among the Romans, ib. et seq.; eha-
racter of Claudian as a poet, 366; his
manner not happily caught by his trans-
lator, instances, ib. et seq.; extract, 367;
on the choice of language, as connect-
ed with poetical composition, 369;
extracts illustrative of the work, and
of the translator's poetical qualifica-
tions, 373
Sunderbunds described, 448; wretched

condition of the Molungies or salt-
boilers in those districts, 448
Sunderland, Dr. Armstrong's successful

treatment of the puerperal fever there,
and in its neighburhood, 400, et seq.
Sutcliffe, Mr. extract from the obituary
of, 361

Sydney, Algernon, Meadley's memoirs
of, 256, el seq. ; instance of his haughty
independence, 262; his intrepid reply to
the executioner, 267
Teak tree, its durability, 442

Termites, or white ants, their destructive
nature, 445

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