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Hood (hud), Edward Paxton.

Hood, Thomas.

Hood, Thomas, 2.

Hooft (höft), Pieter Corneliszoon.

Hook (hük), Theodore Edward.

Hooker (hük'er or hök'er), Joseph Dal


Hooker, Richard.

Hooker, Thomas.

Hooker, Worthington.

Hooper (húp'ér or höp'er), Lucy.

Hooper, Lucy Hamilton.

Hope (hōp), Anthony. See Hawkins,
Anthony Hope.
Hope, Thomas.

Hopkins (hop'kinz), John Henry.
Hopkins, Mark.

Hopkinson (hop'kin son), Francis.
Hopkinson, Joseph.

Horace (horas), Quintus Horatius Flac


Horne (hôrn), George.
Horne, Richard Hengist.
Horne, Thomas Hartwell.
Horsley (hôrsli), Samuel.

Houghton (hou'ton), Lord. See Milnes,
Richard Monckton.
Houssaye (ö sä'), Arsène.

Howard (hou'ärd), Henry, Earl of Sur-
rey. See Surrey, Earl of.
Howe (hou), John.

Howe, Julia Ward.
Howe, Samuel Gridley.
Howell (hou'el), Elizabeth Lloyd.
Howells (hou'elz), William Dean.
Howitt (hou it), Anna Mary.
Howitt, William and Mary.
Howson (hou'son), John Saul.
Hrotsvitha (hrots'vè tä).
Huber (ü bär'), François.

Huber, Pierre.

Huc (ük), Evariste Régis.

Hudson (hud'son), Henry Norman.
Hughes (hüz), Thomas.

Hugo (hü'go; Fr. pron. u go), Victor

Humboldt (hum'bōlt), Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von.

Humboldt, Wilhelm Karl von.
Hume (hum), David.

Hunt (hunt), James Henry Leigh.
Hunt, Thomas Sterry.

Hunter (hun'tér), William Wilson.
Hurlburt (hérl'bért), William Henry.
Hurst (herst), John Fletcher.

Hutson (hut'son), Charles Woodward.
Hutten (höt'ten), Ulrich von.
Hutton (hut'n), Laurence.

Huxley (huks'li), Thomas Henry.
Huyghens (hi'genz), Constantine.
Huysmans (his'mans), Joris Karl.

Ian Mac Laren (e'an ma klar'en). See Watson, John Mac Laren.

Ibsen (ib'sen), Henrik.

Ibn, Sina (ibn-sena). See Avicenna.
Ignatius (ig nä'shi us), Saint.

Ik Marvel (ik mär'vel). See Mitchell,
Donald Grant.

Imlah (im'lä), John.

Immermann (im'mer män), Karl Lebrecht.

Ingelend (ing'el end), Thomas.

Ingelow (in'je lō), Jean.

Ingemann (ing'e män), Bernhard Severin.

Ingersoll, Robert Green.

Irenæus (i re në'us), Bishop of Lyons. Irving (ér'ving), Edward.

Irving, Theodore.

Irving, Washington.

Isaacs (i'zaks), Jorge.

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HOOD, EDWIN PAXTON, an English clergyman and biographer, born in 1820; died in 1885. He was the son of a sailor, who served under Nelson in the Téméraire. For many years he was pastor of an Independent Chapel in London. He was also a popular lecturer on literary and social subjects. He edited the Eclectic Review for years, and afterward the Preacher's Lantern. Among his works are Wordsworth, a Biography; The Age and Its Architects; A Life of Swedenborg; The Peerage of Poverty; Dream Land and Ghost Land; Genius and Industry; Mental and Moral Philosophy of Laughter; The Uses of Biography, Romantic, Philosophic, and Didactic; Lamps, Pitchers, and Trumpets, lectures on the preacher's vocation; Blind Amos; Life of the Rev. Thomas Binney; Oliver Cromwell: his Life, Times, Battle-fields, and Contemporaries (1882); Scottish Characteristics (1883), and an Exposition of the Life and Genius of Thomas Carlyle. He also edited The World of Anecdote, and The World of Religious Anecdote.

Hood was throughout life a prolific writer of popular books. As an illustration of the vagaries of criticism, we may mention that his biography of Wordsworth, which Leslie Stephen's Dictionary of National Biography says was "in its day the best book on Wordsworth," was, upon its appearance in 1856, almost hissed off the literary stage by no less an authority than the London Athenæum.

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