Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Volumen 103W. Bowyer and J. Nichols for Lockyer Davis, printer to the Royal Society, 1813 |
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acid gas afforded alcohol of sulphur ammonia angle animal appears ascertain azote Barom barytes bronchial glands carbonic acid Cassegrainian cavity charcoal chlorine colour combination compound contained convex crystals decomposed dilatation dissolved distance distilled experiments feet fluate fluid fluoric acid gas fluoric principle grains Gregorian Telescope Hazy heat Humphry Davy hydrogen inflammable intestines July June lime liquid fluoric acid lungs matter MDCCCXIII Mean of 20 mercury metallic METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL mixture muriatic acid nitric acid observations obtained oxyd oxygen particles Plate platina port wine portion potash potassium precipitate produced proportion quantity Rain this Month refraction shew sight sightedness silicated fluoric acid silver solstice solution specific gravity stomach substance sulphuret of carbon sulphuric acid surface SW 1 Cloudy telescope Therm tube tusk ulmin urine valve vapour vessel W 1 Cloudy wine wire
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Página 90 - ... and essential peculiarities of both. Frequent instances have happened where common ewes have had twins by Ancon rams, when one exhibited the complete marks and features of the ewe, the other of the ram. The contrast has been rendered singularly striking, when one short-legged and one long-legged lamb, produced at a birth, have been seen sucking the dam at the same iirae."—Philosophical Transactions, 1813, Pt.
Página 90 - The increase of a common ewe, impregnated by an ancon lara, follows entirely the one or the other, without blending any of the distinguishing and essential peculiarities of both. " Frequent instances have happened where common ewes have had twins by ancon rams, when one exhibited the complete marks and features of the ewe ; the other of the ram. The contrast has been rendered singularly striking when one s.hortlegged and one long-legged lamb, produced at a birth,, have been seen sucking the dam at...
Página 280 - From the general tenour of the results that I have stated, it appears reasonable to conclude that there exists in the fluoric compounds a peculiar substance, possessed of strong attractions for metallic bodies and hydrogen...
Página 74 - ... the water in the other ball, though at the distance of two or three feet, will be frozen solid in the course of a very few minutes. The vapour contained in the empty ball is condensed by the common operation of cold, and the vacuum produced by this condensation gives opportunity for a fresh quantity to arise from the opposite ball, with proportional reduction of its temperature.
Página 272 - the experiment of electrising pure liquid fluoric acid with considerable interest, as it seemed to offer the most probable method of ascertaining its real nature; but considerable difficulties occurred in executing the process. The liquid fluoric acid immediately destroys glass, and all animal and vo'.retable substances; it acts on all bodies containing metallic oxides; and I know of no substances which are not rapidly dissolved or decomposed by it, except metals, charcoal, phosphorus, sulphur,...
Página 50 - That instances are not uncommon in which persons far advanced in life (viz. between eighty and ninety), whose eyes have been accustomed for a long time to the use of deeply convex glasses, when they have read or written, have ceased to derive benefit from these glasses, and they have become able, without any assistance, to see both near and distant objects almost as well as when they were young. Although it be not easy to ascertain the cause of this amended vision, it seems not improbable that it...
Página 90 - Ancon sheep of quite modern origin have been observed to keep together, separating themselves from the rest of the flock when put into enclosures with other sheep.
Página 54 - When a number of similar balls are pressed together in the same plane, they form equilateral triangles with each other; and if balls so placed were cemented together and afterwards broken asunder, the straight lines in which they would be disposed to separate, would form angles of 60° with each other.
Página 110 - All this is exactly true, and to be accounted for by one single circumstance; namely, the habit of looking at near objects. Children born with eyes which are capable of adjusting themselves to the most distant objects, gradually lose that power soon after they begin to read and write; those who are most addicted to study become...
Página 89 - Colonel Humphreys' statements are exceedingly explicit on this point : — "When an Ancon ewe is impregnated by a common ram, the increase resembles wholly either the ewe or the ram. The increase of the common ewe impregnated by an Ancon ram follows entirely the one or the other, without blending any of the distinguishing and essential peculiarities of both. Frequent instances have happened where common ewes have had twins by Ancon rams, when one exhibited the complete marks and features of the...