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XI. What is above agreed upon fhall immediately take place, as often as the requesting power fhall demand fuccours for any offenfive or defenfive enterprize, either by land or fea, and must be understood in fuch cafe, that the fhips and frigates of the requested power fhall be collected in fome port of its dominions, fince it fhall then be fufficient, that the land and fea forces are in readiness in thofe ports of their kingdoms, which fhall be appointed by, the requesting power, as moft convenient to its in


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XII, The demand which one of the two fovereigns fhall make of the other, for the fuccours ftipulated by the prefent treaty, fhall be fufficient to conftitute the neceffity of one party, and the obligation of the other to furnish the faid fuccours, without being obliged to enter into any explication whatever, nor under any pretence, to elude the most speedy and perfect execution of this engagement.

XIII. In confequence of the preceding article, no dif euffion of the offenfive or defenfive cafe fhall take place, with refpect to furnishing the twelve fhips, the fix frigates, and the land troops, fince thofe forces are to be confider ed, in all points, three months after the requifition, as properly belonging to the power that fhall requeft them.:

XIV. The power that fhall furnish thefe fuccours, whether in fhips and frigates, or in troops, fhall pay them wherever its ally fhall call them to act, as if those forces were directly employed in their own fervice; and the requefting power fhall be obliged, whether the faid hips, frigates, or troops, remain a fhort or long time in their ports, to fupply them with every thing neceffary, at the fame price as if they properly belonged to them, and ta allow them the fame prerogatives and privileges as their own troops enjoy. It is agreed that, in no cafe, the faid ships or troops fhall be at the expence of the power to whom they are fent, and that they shall be at their difpo fition during the war in which they fhall be employed.

XV. Their Moft Chriftian and Catholick Majefties oblige themselves to keep complete and well-armed the fhips, frigates, and troops, which their Majefties fhall recipro cally furnish, fo that, as foon as the power requested shall furnish

furnish the fuccours ftipulated by the fifth and fixth articles of the prefent treaty, fuch power fhall arm in its ports a number of fhips, fufficient immediately to replace fuch as may be loft by the events of war or the dangers of the fea; the fame power fhall be equally prepared to recruit and make the neceffary reparations in the land troops it fhall furnish.

XVI. The fuccours ftipulated in the preceding articles, according to the time and manner specified, fhould be confidered as an obligation of the ties of blood and friendship, and as an intimate union, which the two contracting Monarchs defire to perpetuate among their defcendants; and thefe ftipulated fuccours fhall be the leaft which the power requested fhall give to the other in cafe of neceffity:, but as the intention of the two kings is, that a war, beginning by or against one of the two crowns, ought to intereft the other, it is agreed, that when the two kings fhall find themselves engaged in a war against the fame enemy or enemies, the obligation of the faid ftipulated fuccours fhall ceafe, and instead thereof the two crowns oblige themselves to make war conjointly, and to employ all their forces therein; and for this purpose, the two high contracting parties will then enter into particular agreements, relative to the circumftances of the war, in which they fhall find themfelves engaged; they will reciprocally join in their efforts and refpective advantages, as alfo in their plans and military and political operations; and, these agreements, being made, the two Kings will conjointly execute them with one common and perfect accord.


XVII. Their Moft Chriftian and Catholick Majefties engage and promife, in cafe they. fhall find themfelves engaged in a war, neither to liften to nor make any propofitions of peace, neither to treat nor conclude any thing with their enemy or enemies, but by mutual and common consent and agreement, and reciprocally to communicate every thing that fhall come to their knowledge, interefting to the two crowns, and in particular on the terms of peace; fo that in war as in peace, each of the two crowns fhall regard as his own intereft that of his ally Amort eɔtfig, lâ do it was



XVIII. In conformity to this principle, and the engaement contracted in confequence thereof, their Moft Christian and Catholick Majefties have agreed, that when they fhall terminate by peace the war they fhall have fupported in common, they will balance the advantages, which one of the two powers may have received, against the loffes of the other; fo that, on the conditions of peace, as in the operations of war, the two Monarchs of France and Spain, throughout the extent of their Empire, fhall be confidered, and will act, as if they formed but one and the fame power...

XIX. The King of the Two Sicilies, having the fame ties of blood and friendship, and the fame interefts, which intimately unite their Moft Chriftian and Catholick Majefties, his Catholick Majefty ftipulates for the King of the Two Sicilies, his fon, and obliges himself to make him ratify, as well for himself as his defcendants for ever, all the articles of the prefent treaty; and, as to what regards the proportion of fuccours to be furnished by his Sicilian Majefty, they fhall be fettled in his act of acceffion to the faid treaty, according to the extent of his power,

XX. Their Moft Chriftian, Catholick, and Sicilian Majefties, engage not only to concur in the maintenance and fplendor of their kingdoms, in their prefent state, but alfo to fupport on every occafion whatever, the dignity and rights of their houses; fo that each Prince, who shall have the honour to defcend from the fame blood, may be affured, at all times, of the protection and affiftance of three Crowns,

XXI. The prefent treaty being to be confidered, as hath been already announced in the preamble, as a Family Compact between all the branches of the auguft House of Bourbon, no other power, but those of that House, can be invited or admitted to accede thereto.

XXII. The strict friendship which unites the contracting monarchs, and the engagements they take by this treaty, determine them alfo to ftipulate, that their dominions and respective subjects fhall partake of the advantages, and of the union established between thofe Sovereigns; and their Majesties promife not to fuffer, in any


cafe, nor under any pretence whatever, their faid subjects to do, or undertake, any thing contrary to that perfect correfpondence, which ought inviolably to fubfift between the three Crowns.

XXIII. The more effectually to preferve this harmony, and thefe reciprocal advantages between the fubjects of the two crowns, it is agreed, that the Spaniards fhall no longer be confidered as foreigners in France, and confequently his Moft Chriftian Majefty engages to abolish, in their favour, the right of efcheatage, fo that they may difpofe, by will, donations, or otherwife, of all their effects, without exception, of what nature foever, which they poffefs in his kingdom, and which their heirs, Tubjects of his Catholick Majefty, refident in France or elfewhere, fhall have power to receive their inheritance, even where no will is made, either by themselves, their attornies, or particular order, (though they may not have obtained letters of naturalization) and convey them out of his Moft Chriftian Majefty's dominions, notwithstanding all the laws, edicts, ftatutes, customs, or rights, to the contrary, which his Moft Chriftian Majefty hereby annuls as far as is neceffary. His Catholick Majefty engages, on his part, to grant the fame privileges, and in the fame manner, in every part of his dominions in Europe, to all the French fubjects of his Moft Chriftian Majefty, with refpect to the free difpofal of the effects they fhall poffefs in any part of the Spanish monarchy; fo that the fubjects of the two crowns fhall be generally treated, (in what regards this article) in both dominions, as the proper and natural fubjects of the power in whofe territories they refide. Every thing above said, refpecting the abolition of the right of efcheatage, and the advantages which the French are to enjoy in the Spanish dominions in Europe, and the Spaniards in France, is granted to the fubjects of the King of the Two Sicilies, who fhall be comprifed under the fame condition in this article; and the fubjects of their Moft Chriftian and Catholick Majefties fhall reciprocally enjoy the fame exemption and advantages in the dominions of his Sicilian Majefty.

XXIV. The fubjects of the high contracting parties fhall be treated, with refpect to commerce and duties in


each of the two kingdoms in Europe, as the proper fubjects of the country in which they live or refort to; fo that the Spanish flag fhall enjoy in France the fame rights and prerogatives as the French flag; and, in like manner, the French flag fhall be treated in Spain with the fame favour as the Spanish flag. The fubjects of the two monarchies, in declaring their merchandizes, fhall pay . the fame duties as fhall be paid by the natives. The importation and exportation fhall be equally free to them as to the natural fubjects; neither fhall they pay any other duty than what fhall be received from the natural fubjects of the Sovereign, nor any goods be liable to confifcation, but fuch as are prohibited to the natives themfelyes; and as to what concerns thefe objects, all interior treaties, conventions, or engagements, between the two monarchies, are hereby abolished. And farther, that no other foreign power hall enjoy in Spain, any more than in France, any privileges more advantageous than thofe of the two nations; the fame rules fhall be obferved in both France and Spain, with regard to the flag and subjects of the King of the Two Sicilies; and his Silician Majefty fhall reciprocally caufe to be obferved the fame, with refpect to the flag and subjects of the crown of France and Spain.

XXV. If the high contracting parties fhall hereafter conclude a treaty of commerce with other powers, and grant them, or have already granted them in their ports or dominions, the treatment granted to the most favourite nation, notice fhall be given to the faid powers, that the treatment of Spaniards in France, and in the Two Sicilies, of Frenchmen in Spain, and in like manner in the Two Sicilies, and of Neapolitans and Sicilians in France and Spain, upon the fame footing, is excepted, in that refpect, and ought not to be quoted, or ferve as an example, their Moft Chriftian, Catholick, and Sicilian Majefties, being unwilling that any other nation fhould partake of thofe privileges, which they judged convenient for the reciprocal enjoyment of their refpective fubjects. XXVI. The high contracting parties will reciprocally confide in all the alliances which they fhall hereafter form, and the negociations they fhall engage in, especially fuch


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