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not be understood to extend to the Auftrian Low Coun tries and their dependencies, which ought not to be confidered as comprised in the prefent convention of neutrality, under any pretext whatsoever the rather, as his Majefty the King of Pruffia hath not, in the eighth article the peace of of;


Drufarantied to her Majesty the

Emprefs Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, any thing but the dominions which the poffeffes in Germany.

This fecret and feparate article fhall have the fame force as if it had been inferted, word for word, in the prefent convention of neutrality figned this day; and the ratifications of it fhall be exchanged at the fame time with thofe of the faid convention,

In witness whereof, we the under-figned, furnished with the full powers of their Majefties the Kings of Great Britain and Pruffia, have, in their names, figned the prefent fecret and feparate article, and thereto fer our feals. Done at Weftminster, the fixteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord 1756.


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Norder to prevent any difputes that might arife between their Pruffian and Britannick Majefties, it is hereby declared, that as foon as his Pruffian Majefty fhall have taken off the attachment laid upon the Silefia debt, and caufed to be paid to his Britannick Majefty's fubjects what remains due to them of that debt, as well intereft as principal, according to the original contract; his Britannick Majefty promifes and engages, on his part, to caufe to be paid to his Pruffian Majefty the fum of twenty thousand pounds fterling, in full fatisfaction of every claim which his faid Majefty or his fubjects may have againft

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against his Britannick Majefty, under any pretext what foever.

Done at Westminster, the fixteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord 1756.


Treaty between his Majefty and the King of Pruffia,
April 11th, 1758.-


'AUTANT que le feizième jour de Janvier, 1756, il fut conclu et figné entre leurs Majeftés Britannnique et Pruffienne un traité, dont les ftipulations tendoient à conferver la paix générale de l'Europe, et celle de l'Allemagne en particulier ; et comme depuis cette période, la France a, non feulement envahi l'empire avec des armées nombreufes, et attaqué leurs fufdites Majeftés et leurs alliés, mais a auffi fufcité d'autres puiffances à en agir de même; et qu'il eft notoire, que les efforts extraordinaires faits par fa Majefté Pruffienne pour fe défendre contre le nombre d'ennemis qui l'ont affailli de tant de côtes à lá fois, ont occafionné de fraix extrêmement onéreux, pendant que, de l'autre côté, fes revenus ont été fort diminués dans les parties de fes étas qui ont été le fiège de la guerre er leurs Majeftés ayant réfolu mutuellement à continuer leurs efforts pour leur défenfe et fureté réciproques, pour le recouvrement de leurs poffeffions, pour la protection de leurs alliés, et pour le maintien des libertés du corps Ger manique: Sa Majefté Britannique s'eft déterminée en conféquence de ces confidérations à donner un fecours immé diat, en argent, à fa Majefté Pruffienne, comme le plus prompt et le plus efficace, et leurs fufdites Majeftés ont jugé convenable qu'il fût fait là deffus une convention qui déclarat et fixat leurs intentions réciproques à cet égard: pour cet effet, elles ont nommé et autorifé leurs minifters respectifs, savoir, au nom et de la part de fa Majefté Britannique, fes confeillers privés, le Chevalier Robert Henley, fon gard du grand fçeau de la Grande Bretagne, Jean Comte de Granville, Préfident de fon Confeil; Thomas Holles Duc de Newcastle, premier Commiffaire


de fa Trésorerie; Robert Comte de Holderneffe, l'un des fes principaux Secretaires d'Etat; Philippe Comte do? Hardwicke; et Guillaume Pitt, un autre de fes principaux Secretaires d'Etat et au nom et de la part de fa Majefté Pruffienne, les Sieurs Dodo Henry Baron Knyphaufen, fon Confeiller privé d'ambaffade, et fon Miniftre plénipotentiaire à la cour de fa Majefté Britannique; et Louis Michell, fon Chargé d'affaires à la dite cour; lef quels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs refpectifs, font convenus des articles fuivans.

I. Sa Majesté le Roi de la Grande Bretagne s'engage de faire payer dans la ville de Londres, entre les mains de la perfonne ou des perfonnes qui feront autorifées à cet effet par fa Majefté le Roi de Pruffe, la fomme de quatre millions d'écus d'Allemagne, montant à fix cent foixante et dix mille livres fterling, laquelle fomme fera payée en entier, et en un feul terme, immédiatement après l'é change des ratifications, à la requifition de fa Majefté Pruffienne.

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II. Sa Majefté le Roi de Pruffe s'engage, de fon côté d'employer la dite fomme pour la maintien et l'augmentation de fes forces, lefquelles agiront de la maniere la plus utile à la caufe commune, et au but propofé par leurs dites Majeftés de défenfe réciproque, et de fûreté mutuelle.

III. S'engageant, en outre, les hauts contractans, favoir, d'un côte, la Majefté Britannique tant comme Roi que comme Electeur, et de l'autre fa Majefté Pruffienne, de ne conclurre aucun traité de paix, de tréve ou de neutralité, ni autre convention ou accord que ce foit, avec les puiffances qui ont pris parti à la préfente guerre, que de concert et par un accord mutuel, et en s'y comprenant



IV. Cette convention fera ratifiée, et les ratifications échangées de part et d'autre, dans le terme de fix femaines à compter de la date de la fignature de la préfente convention ou plutot fi faire fe pourra.

En foy de quoi nous fouffignés Miniftres de fa Majefté le Roi de la Grande Bretagne, et de fa Majefté le Roi de Pruffe, en vertu de nos pleins pouvoirs, avons figné la préfente convention, et y avons appofé les cachets de nos


armes. Fait à Londres le onzieme jour d'Avril, l'an de

Grace, 1758.


...... (L.S.) GRANVILLE, P.

quel mod var(L. S.) HOLLES NEWCASTLE.





S on the fixteenth day of January, 1756, there was concluded and figned, between their, Britannick and Pruffian Majefties, a treaty, the purport of which was to preferve the peace of Europe in general, and that of Germany in particular; and whereas, fince that period, France hath not only invaded the empire with numerous armies, and attacked their forefaid Majefties and their allies, but hath alfo excited other powers to do the fame: and whereas if is notorious, that the extraordinary efforts made by his Pruffian Majefty to defend himself againft the numerous enemies, who have affailed him on fo many fides at once, have occafioned very heavy expences, whilft, on the other hand, his revenues have been confiderably diminished in those parts of his dominions which have been the feat of war; and their Majefties having jointly refolved to continue their efforts for their mutual defence and fecurity, for recovering their dominions, pro recting their allies, and maintaining the liberties of the Germanick body; his Britannick Majesty is determined, in confequence of these confiderations, to give an imme diate fupply, in money, to his Pruffian Majefty, as being the most speedy and effectual; and their aforefaid Majefties have thought proper that, upon this head, there should be concluded a convention, declaring and fixing their mutual intentions in this particular: For this purpose, they have named and authorised their respective Minifters, viz. in the name, and on the part of his Britannick Ma, jefty, his Privy Counsellors, Sir Robert Henley, Keeper of the great Seal of Great Britain; John Earl of Granville, Prefident of the Council; Thomas Holles, Duke of Newcastle

Newcastle, firft Commiffioner of the Treafury; Robert Earl of Holderneffe, one of the principal Secretaries of State; Philip Earl of Hardwicke; and William Pitt, another of the principal Secretaries of State; and in the name, and on the part of his Pruffian Majefty, Dodo Henry, Baron Knyphauffen, his Privy Counsellor of Embaffy, and his Minifter Plenipotentiary at the Court of his Britannick Majefty, and Louis Michell, his chargé d'affaires at the faid Court, who after having communicated to each other their refpective full powers, have agreed upon the following articles:


I. His Majefty the King of Great Britain engages to cause to be paid, in the city of London, into the hands of fuch perfon or perfons as fhall be authorised for that pofe by his Majefty the King of Pruffia, the fum of four millions of German crowns, amounting to fix hundred and feventy thousand pounds fterling; which fum fhall be paid in whole, and at one fingle term, immediately after the exchange of the ratifications, at the requifition of his Pruffian Majefty.

II. His Majefty the King of Pruffia engages, on the other hand, to employ the faid fum in maintaining and augmenting his forces, which fhall act in the manner moft advantageous to the common caufe, and the most conducive to the end propofed by their said Majesties, of reciprocal defence, and mutual fecurity."

III. The high contracting parties, moreover, engage, viz. on the one fide, his Britannick Majefty, as well King as Elector, and, on the other, his Pruffian Majefty, not to conclude any treaty of peace, truce, or neutrality, or other convention of agreement whatever, with the powers who have taken part in the prefent war, but in concert and by mutual agreement, and by comprehending each other by name.

IV. This convention fhall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged on both fides, in the fpace of fix weeks, reckoning from the date of figning the prefent conven tion, or fooner if poffible.

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In witness whereof, we the under-figned Minifters of his Majefty the King of Great Britain, and of his Majefty the King of Pruffia, in virtue of our full powers,

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