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tion to march, for the fervice of his Britannick Majefty, two months after the requifition fhall have been made for that purpose, or fooner if poffible, especially if it fhould. be for the immediate defence of the kingdoms, or electoral dominions, of his Majefty, or of the Low Coun tries; in which cafe the faid infantry fhall march immediately after requifition made; which requifition, however, is not to be made feparately for the infantry, but for the whole corps together; and as the moft Serene Landgrave shall not be obliged to remount the cavalry or dragoons: before this requifition fhall have been made to him, the term of fix months has been agreed upon, at the end of which, the faid cavalry or dragoons fhall be in a condition to march likewife, and fhall then forthwith join the infantry, which compofe this corps; which faid corps fhall not be feparated, unless reafons of war require it, but fhall always remain together, under the orders of the Heffian General, who fhall command it; and the faid troops fhall take the oath of fidelity to his Britannick Majefty, immediately upon their being firft mustered by an English commiffary, without prejudice, nevertheless, to the oath which they have taken to his most Serene Highnefs the Landgrave: His faid Highnefs referving, befides, the difpofal of all employments which fhall come to be vacant therein; the administration of justice being also reserved to him..

IV. Each battalion of infantry of this corps fhall be provided with two pieces of field artillery; with the officers, gunners, and other perfons, and the train thereunto belonging.

V. Towards defraying the expences, to which the most Serene Landgrave will be engaged, to remount and equip the faid corps of 8000 men, his Majefty the King of Great Britain promiles to pay to his moft Serene Highnefs for every trooper or dragoon duly armed and mount ed, 80 crowns, and for every foot foldier 30 crowns, Banco, in manner following; that is to fay, the moiety of the levy money, for the infantry, and artillery, amounting to ninety-nine thousand crowns, Banco, fhall be paid at the exchange of the ratifications; and the remainder for the infantry and artillery, when they fhall march: And

with regard to the cavalry, one moiety of the remount money fhall be paid, when the requifition fhall be made to put the faid corps of 8000 men in a condition to march; and the other moiety, when the faid cavalry shall actually march.

VI. Befides what is ftipulated in the preceding article, his Majesty the King of Great Britain engages to pay to the most Serene Landgrave, during the time that this treaty fhall laft, an annual fubfidy, in the manner and proportion following; that is to fay, this fubfidy fhall com mence from the day of the figning of this treaty; and for the time, which fhall elapfe from that day, to the time of the requifition to put them in a condition to march, fhall be paid at the rate of 150,000 crowns, Banco, per annum, the crown reckoned at 53 fols of Holland, or at four fhillings and 9d. English money; from the said time of making the requifition, to the day, when the whole body, as well cavalry as infantry, fhall be in the pay of the Crown of Great Britain, the fubfidy shall be augmented and paid at the rate of 300,000 crowns aforefaid; and during the whole time that the faid corps fhall be actually in the pay of his Majefty, the most Serene Landgrave fhall enjoy an annual fubfidy of 150,000 crowns aforefaid. When the faid troops fhall be fent back by his Britannick Majefty; from the day of their return into the territories of his moft Serene Highness, until the expiration of the Treaty, the fubfidy fhall be again raised and continued on the foot of 300,000 crowns aforefaid per annum; and the payment of this refpective fubfidy fhall be made regularly, without diminution, and quarterly, in the city of Caffell, into the military cheft of the moft Serene Landgrave, authorised for the receipt thereof.

VII. With regard to the pay, and treatment, as well ordinary as extraordinary, of the faid troops whilft they fhall be actually in the pay of Great Britain: It is agreed, that, as long as they serve in the empire, they fhall enjoy the fame advantages and emoluments, in every thing, as his Majefty allows to his German troops, according to the effective ftate in which the faid body of troops fhall be delivered; which fhall be afcertained by a Tabelle figned


by the respective minifters of the high-contracting parties, which fhall have the fame force, as if it was inferted, word for word, in the present treaty. Whilft they fhall be employed in the Low Countries, they fhall be treated in the faid refpect, on the foot of the Dutch troops: And if it fhould happen that they were to be employed in Great Britain or Ireland, from the time of the notification which fhall be thereof made, in that cafe, to the most Serene Lvndgrave, they fhall be put on the fame foot, in all respects, with the national British troops; which feveral pays and treatments fhall be paid into the military cheft of his moft Serene Highness, without any deduction or diminution, in order to the making a diftribution: thereof.

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VIII. If it should happen unfortunately, that any regiments or companies of the above-mentioned corps fhould be ruined and destroyed, in the whole or in part; or that.. the pieces of cannon with which they fhall be furnished should be taken by the enemy; his Majesty the King of Great Britain fhall cause to be paid the expences of the neceffary recruiting and remounting them, as alfo the value of the faid field pieces; in order forthwith to reinftate the artillery, and the faid regiments and companies: And the faid recruiting and remounting fhall be regulated, likewife, on the foot of what was furnished to the Heffian of ficers by virtue of the treaty of 1702, article V. to the end that this corps may be always preferved and fent back, one day, in as good a ftate as it was delivered in.

IX. His Britannick Majefty, fhall be at liberty to keep this body of troops, in his fervice the whole time of the: duration of this treaty, and to employ it wherefoever he fhall have occafion for it, provided it be not on board the fleet, or beyond the fea, when once it has departed out of the territories of the moft Serene Landgrave; excepting, always, for the defence of Great Britain and Ireland; in which cafe, these troops fhall enjoy, fully, and without any restriction whatfoever, the fame pay and emoluments: as the English troops enjoy, as has been faid above. And 1 when his Majefty, the King of Great Britain fhall think fit to fend back the faid troops, he shall give notice thereof to his moft Serene Highnefs three months beforehand,


and shall cause to be paid to them one month's pay for their return, and furnish them, gratis, the neceffary tranf port veffels.

X. In cafe the moft Serene Landgrave fhould be attacked or disturbed' in the poffeffion of his ftates; his Britannick Majefty promises and engages to fend back to him, fpeedily, the faid body of troops, not only paying them a month's pay, but alfo furnishing them, gratis, the tranfport veffels requifite for their return; and to give, moreover, to his moft Serene Highnefs all the fuccour of troops which the cafe fhall require; which fuccour fhall be continued to him until he fhall have obtained an entire fecurity and juft indemnification. And the moft Serene Landgrave promifes, in like manner, on his part, that in cafe his Majefty the King of Great Britain is attacked or disturbed in his dominions, eftates, lands, provinces, or towns, he will alfo yield him all the fuccour that it fhall be in his power to give him; which fuccour fhall, in like manner, be continued to him until he fhall have obtained a good and advantageous peace.

XI. In order to render this alliance and union the more perfect, and to leave no doubt with the parties about the certainty of the fuccour which they may expect by virtue of this treaty; it is expreffly agreed, that, to judge for the future, whether the cafe of this alliance and fuc cour exifts or not, it fhall fuffice, that either of the parties are actually attacked by force of arms, without his having first used open force against him who attacks him.

XII. His moft Serene Highnefs, to give the fuller proof that he is defirous to attach himself entirely to the interefts of his Britannick Majefty, and to advance them with all his power, engages, moreover, to augment the faid corps with 4000 men more, viz. 7oo horfe or dra goons, and 3300 foot; each regiment of infantry provided with two field pieces; and confequently to raise the faid corps to the number of 12,000 men, as foon as his Majefty the King of Great Britain fhall judge it neceffary or advantageous for his fervice; the whole on the fame conditions, in proportion, as have been ftipulated in the preceding articles of this treaty, for the body of 8000 men; and thefe 4000 men fhall be put in a condition, to


be delivered, and to join the first body of 8000, within the fpace of fix months after the demand of them, which fhall be made to him: his faid Majefty promifing, on his part, to make good, for thefe 4000 men, not only the remount and recruit money, after the rate of 80 crowns, Banco, for each trooper or dragoon, and of 30 crowns, Banco, for each foot foldier; but also to raise the subfidy for this body of 12,000 men, from the day, when his moft Serene Highnefs fhall be required to keep them in readiness, to the fum of 450,000 crowns, Banco, per an num, fo long as they fhall be at the charge of the finances of his moft Serene Highness; and to the fum of 225,000 crowns, Banco, annually, fo long as they fhall be in the pay of his Britannick Majefty; the pay and treatment, as well ordinary as extraordinary, as alfo all the emoluments for this corps of 12,000 men, being to be regulated on the fame foot as is fixed, by this treaty, for the corps of the first 800o men.

XIII. This treaty fhall fubfift for the term of four years, to be reckoned from the day of the fingnature: and if his Britannick Majefty, and the moft Serene Landgrave, fhould think proper to continue, prolong, or change it, they fhall treat thereupon three months before its expiration, according to the exigence of the cafe.

XV. The ratifications of this treaty fhall be exchanged at Hanover, within the space of fix weeks after the fignature, or fooner if it can be done. In witnefs whereof, we the underwritten, furnifhed with the full powers of his Britannick Majefty, and of the moft Serene Landgrave of Heffe Caffell, have figned the prefent treaty, and have caufed the feals of our arms to be put thereto. Done at Hanover, the 18th of June, 1755

(L. S.) Holdernese.


(L. S.)

7. H. Alt.

(L. S.)



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